Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 180 Fake Killing Order

As a result, the four masked men in black subconsciously made the same choice and swung the swords in their hands with all their strength, preparing to receive the flaming blade attack head-on!


The flaming blades were cut open by their weapons easily, and each flaming blade was broken into three pieces. However, the force did not weaken at all, and it slashed across the bodies of the four guys.

After passing through their bodies, the flame blade that was broken into six pieces actually continued to shoot forward, affecting another unlucky team who was stunned. It still passed by in one stroke, and then continued to fly forward. It gradually dissipated after fifty or sixty meters, disappearing into nothingness like fireworks!

There was a crackling sound, and the six guys who had just been scratched by the flame blade turned into a pile of broken limbs, scattered on the ground. There was no blood at all on the scene, and the wounds scratched by the flame blade were scorched black, obviously from the horror. The high temperature instantly scorched it.


After the moment of chaos, there was a terrifying silence. The only sound on the scene was the occasional beeping sound of the charcoal fire, and the sound of many men in black breathing heavily.

Not to mention that the men in black were frightened by the scene in front of them, even the instigator Du Long was no exception. He never expected that the first move of Red Flame Slash would be as terrifying as a human being!

"The idea is too strong, all at once! Use the fastest speed to destroy the target!" The masked man in black who just spoke roared and issued the final general attack order.

Although these masked men in black were frightened, they still ignored the threat of death and launched an all-out attack on Du Long. They were indeed worthy of being dead warriors trained by great forces!

Swish, swish, swish!

The Red Flame Slash was stroked one after another, and the flame blades were like the scythes of death, and they were shot at the masked man in black one after another. The big lion Xiao Lie was not in a hurry to take action. It had already stood up, ready to attack those who rushed past at any time. The master of the man in black with the flaming blade launched a fatal blow!

With the lessons learned from the previous six, these men in black had long been prepared to prevent Du Long from launching a flame blade attack. When five or six flame blades came alternately, all the men in black tried their best to dodge and avoid the attack path of the flame blades.

Unfortunately, due to issues such as speed and angle, five or six weaker guys were unfortunately hit by the flame blade. Three of them were cut into pieces on the spot, two others were seriously injured and disabled, and their hands and feet were cut off, and another one had his hands and feet cut off. He was only slightly injured, with a gash on his body cut by a flame blade.

Of the twenty-three killers, half of them were gone in just two encounters, leaving only twelve black-clad killers still able to fight!

"Get close to him! If he can't take advantage of long-range attacks, we can kill him easily and avenge our dead brothers!" It was the man in black who spoke again to embolden his own people.

If there are no other factors, his words make sense. After all, Du Long is only a cyclone-level being. Once he is approached by this group of masters who are at worst the Qihai level, the result is self-evident!

It's a pity that all of them ignored the existence of the big lion Xiao Lie. In their opinion, a monster that couldn't even see through the Gangdan level was just an ordinary lion monster at most. Could it be that it could also be a spirit level existence?

Many people who want to deal with Du Long have made such a fatal mistake, and they cannot be blamed for this mistake. After all, even the existence of spiritual level strength cannot see through Xiao Lie wearing the spirit beast collar, without causing Misunderstanding is strange!

Du Long wanted this effect, otherwise, how could he pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?


Xiaolie, who had been hiding all this time, finally burst out with a roar. In this roar, he had completely released the power of the fifth-level monster king.

"What kind of monster is this?" The man in black roared in horror as he was startled by the sudden burst of momentum from the big lion Xiao Lie.

It's a pity that no one will answer his questions. Just like what he said to Du Long just now, if you want to know what is going on, just wait until you go to hell to find out the reason yourself!

The big lion Xiao Lie sprayed a mouthful of fiery flames at the leader of the man in black. The fiery flames exploded in the wind and instantly enveloped him and the other two perfect masters of the Qihai level who were always with him.


The three masters in black only had time to let out a scream, and were instantly cremated by Xiao Lie's rare spray of fierce flames. They were directly turned into fly ashes, including their bones!

Killing the three most powerful killers in an instant, Xiaolie turned into a fiery red phantom without any pause. The fifth-level monster was so fast and powerful that even Du Long couldn't see its movement clearly. Only a faint red shadow could be seen flashing.

Faced with such terrifying speed, the remaining nine Qihai-level killers didn't even make a gesture of escaping before they were scratched by Xiaolie's sharp flame claws one by one.

The beauty of the Ring Spirit gave Xiaolie the order to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces. Each claw was equipped with terrifying flames, and the broken corpses were cremated one after another.

"Husband! You are so awesome!" Princess Fire Phoenix, who had long been unable to hold herself any longer, saw all the masked men in black clothes being cleared away, and immediately rushed out of the tent and jumped into Du Long's arms. He praised excitedly.

Turning his hand to put away the Red Flame Slash, Du Long looked at the excited Fire Phoenix Princess. He really didn't know how to answer this fiancée who was afraid of chaos in the world. He could only grin and said: "Now you know what I bought." Is it the reason for the Red Flame Slash?"

"I know, I know!" Huo Feng's little head said in succession: "You can actually cross the level and kill the enemy. Not to mention one million, even ten million is worth it! My husband is really discerning, better than all others. The treasure appraisers at Zhenbaozhai are even more powerful!"

Du Long didn't have time to chat with her. He smiled and nodded to Xia Qinglian who had just left the tent. Then he let go of Bi Ren in his arms and told the big lion: "Xiao Lie! Cremate all the corpses together, and then put the ashes Throw it all into the stream!"

"Yes! Master!" Xiaolie responded, then ducked and collected the remains of the corpses of the men in black killed by Du Long by the stream. Then he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of fierce flames, and in a moment he burned them into ashes. Pile of ashes.

After successfully destroying the corpses and eradicating traces, under the scanning and detection of the Nazgul beauty, it was determined that there was absolutely no human figure within dozens of miles. Du Long and the other three were too lazy to stay in this place full of corpse burning smell, and drove directly Xiaolie, flew towards Fengli County in the southwest direction at full speed.

As the sky brightened, a team of more than a dozen people appeared in a small town a hundred miles away from the assassination site. The leader of the team was none other than Fan Tong, the direct grandson of the Fan family!

In a small town, in a certain courtyard, Fan Tong sat on top of the throne, listening to the report of a shrewd middle-aged man below with a stern expression!

"Reporting to the young master! According to the original plan, the Black Eagle Death Soldiers led by Min Xing should have launched an assassination operation last night. Logically speaking, they should have come back last night to report the results, but they have been nowhere to be seen until now!"

"Min Guo! Didn't you send someone out to investigate the cause?" Fan Tong frowned, obviously this information made him feel the seriousness of the problem.

"We were dispatched early in the morning! The news should come back soon!" Min Guo said nervously.

"Hmph! It's already been three hours a day, and we haven't found out the news yet. It seems that the efficiency of your team is very problematic! Do you and the three Min brothers think that I, Fan Tong, don't have enough weight, and it's better to fool me?" Fan Tong Yin's face was sullen, his gaze falling on Min Guo like a sharp blade.

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