Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1529 Breaking through again

In the flying boat, everyone stared at Du Long with extremely strange eyes, until his old face turned slightly red, he touched his nose helplessly and said with a dry smile: 'Hehe! Why are everyone looking at me like this? ! Could it be that flowers are growing on my face? ! ';


Du Long's half-joking words immediately made everyone burst out laughing, even Lin Mo, who had always been less talkative. Her rare and pure smile bloomed in the wind like a flawless magnolia flower. It made several great men secretly lose their minds over it!

'Dulong! '; After Huang Tianhua stopped laughing, he immediately asked: 'What should we do now? ! Do you want me to continue driving the flying boat? ! ';

'Um! '; Du Long nodded directly and responded: 'You have the strongest basic combat power in our team, the fastest speed to control the flying boat, and the widest range of spiritual consciousness. It is best for you to control it before we are out of danger. Feizhou is better! ';

'OK! '; Huang Tianhua nodded simply and continued: 'Then which direction should we go next? ! ';

'Keep going full speed in the direction you are heading! ';Du Long responded in a deep voice: 'This direction is exactly the opposite direction of the route that the flame beast wanted to drive us away from before. It must be in the direction away from the center of the lava sea! ';

'Understood! ';Huang Tianhua stopped talking nonsense, responded, and began to drive the flying boat with all his strength, heading straight ahead and shooting away at full speed!

'Tianhua! In the process of driving at full speed, the pictures detected by the spiritual consciousness must be transmitted to us virtually at all times. Before we are out of trouble, we must always remain vigilant! '; Du Long conveyed his message again.

'clear! ';

In this way, the gleaming flying boat continued to advance at high speed over the lava ocean, and encountered several swarms of flaming beasts during the period. However, what surprised Du Long and others was that the number and strength of the flaming beasts were obvious. is falling.

This seemed to mean that my group seemed to be going in the right direction, and seemed to be rushing towards safe land at full speed. Everyone who made this discovery breathed a secret sigh of relief, and they could not hide the joy on their faces!

'Huh? ! ';Just when everyone was in a good mood, Huang Tianhua, who was driving the flying boat with all his strength, suddenly let out a light sigh: 'The fire fog in front seems to be gradually fading a little? ! ';

'That's really the case! '; Tengchong followed closely and said excitedly: 'The mist of fire is beginning to fade. Does it mean that we are about to escape from the damn dangerous situation of the lava sea? ! ';

'hehe! Mo Gang responded with a buzzing smile: "Logically speaking, this should be the case, right?" ! The thinning of the fire mist is a prelude to dissipation, and the fire mist usually becomes lighter the closer it is to the land! ';

'Ha ha! So good! '; Tengchong laughed excitedly and said, 'It seems like our luck is pretty good! Thanks to Du Long's vigilant reminder, otherwise we might have been herded like ducks into the extremely dangerous central area of ​​the lava sea! ';

'not good! ';

Just when everyone felt that the situation was getting better and better, Huang Tianhua's shouts resounded in everyone's minds, making their hearts suddenly jump, and a bad premonition came to their minds!

Almost at the same time that Huang Tianhua's shout fell, the virtual scene in everyone's mind changed. Scatters of red dots suddenly appeared in front of the flying boat, and they were clearly flame beasts!

It can be seen that these flame beasts extend in a fan shape, almost infinite and endless, with no end visible at a glance. Such a terrifying number makes the hearts of everyone in the airship instantly rise to their throats.

'Tianhua! ';While everyone was panicking, Du Long still maintained a calm mind and shouted: 'Don't tell me that these are all flame beasts with the strength of the Emperor of Heaven? ! ';

'no no! ';Huang Tianhua woke up from the shock state in an instant, and immediately shook his head and denied: 'It seems that only a small part of them have reached the Heavenly Emperor level, and the vast majority are existences with Hunyuan level strength! ';

'How about this! Du Long only pondered for a moment and then spoke again: "You use big red dots to display the flame beasts with perfect combat power in the late stage of the Emperor of Heaven, use fire red dots for other Heavenly Emperor realms, and use white circles for everything below the Hunyuan level. Click to show it! ';

'clear! ';As Huang Tianhua finished speaking, the picture that appeared in everyone's minds changed and turned into a pattern with dots of three different colors.

Du Long only glanced at it and discovered that there seemed to be a lot of Heavenly Emperor realm flame beasts right in front of him. There were probably hundreds of them. Although they were scattered among a relatively wide wave of flame beasts, it was not that easy to defeat them. He rushed out!

'Tianhua! Leave control of the flying boat to me for now! '; Du Long immediately made a new decision, and Huang Tianhua did it without hesitation. After regaining control of the flying boat, Du Long immediately changed the flying boat's direction and turned to the right.

He controlled the light boat in this way, and with the help of Huang Tianhua's spiritual consciousness, he circled along the edge of the fire beast tide in front. As he flew forward, Du Long discovered that the fan-shaped beast tide surrounded it extremely wide, giving him a An illusion that seems to be surrounded by the entire lava sea!

Of course, he knew very well in his heart that no matter how many flame beasts there were in the lava sea, they would not be able to surround the entire lava sea. Moreover, even if their number was large enough, it would not be possible to mobilize all the flame beasts to surround the lava sea. What can be done in such a short time!

'Dulong! What do you mean by walking around the outer circle of the beast tide now? ! Are we going to be forced back to the center of the lava sea again? ! '; Huang Tianhua couldn't help but ask.

'A good horse never turns back. Knowing that there is a dead end behind it, it is naturally impossible to rush towards the dead end and die! Du Long shook his head and denied: "There were at least hundreds of Heavenly Emperor realm flame beasts directly in front of us just now. Presumably that direction should be the correct direction to escape from the lava sea. Unfortunately, because that direction is heavily defended, we can't force our way through, so we The only option is to go around and break through! ';

'I don't believe that the number of their Heavenly Emperor-level flame beasts can be endless. As long as they avoid the gathering areas of these Heavenly Emperor-level flame beasts, they will naturally be able to easily break out of the encirclement of these Hunyuan-level flame beasts! ';

'Well! '; Only then did Huang Tianhua suddenly understand his true intention, and nodded slightly to express his agreement with his response method.

After the Flowing Light Boat circled around for a long time, and after seeing that the number of Heavenly Emperor Realm flame beasts in the flame beast tide became extremely rare, he finally sent a message and shouted: 'Heavenly Transformation! You will control the flying boat and rush out of the beast tide from this direction. I will be responsible for intercepting those flame beasts with the power of the Emperor of Heaven! ';

'OK! ';

As Huang Tianhua finished speaking, he took over the control of the flying boat again and began to drive the flying boat straight towards the direction of Du Long's finger!

Du Long was not in a hurry to leave the flying boat, but observed the virtual image in his mind with a solemn expression, always ready to rush out when necessary!

Oh ho, oh ho. . .

As the light boat appeared within the sight of the flame beast, a series of slightly urgent beast roars resounded throughout the world. The wave of flame beasts that had been quietly staying in place exploded like a hornet's nest that had been poked. !

'According to the original plan, I will drag the flame beasts blocking the way, and you guys rush out at full speed! If there are some Hunyuan-level flame beasts blocking the way, you can clear them out as quickly as possible. Remember not to stop fighting and keep up with the Flowing Light Boat as soon as possible. Don't fall behind! '; Du Longlin still did not forget to send a message to everyone in the team to explain before taking action.

'clear! '; Tengchong and others responded one after another.


Du Long just dodged and got out of the flying boat, and then used various magical powers to directly enter the transformation state with the strongest combat power. Then he took a step forward, and instantly came to a flame of the Emperor of Heaven blocking the way of the flying boat. Beside the beast!

Demonic sword lights appeared one after another, and the whirlwind of sword lights bloomed out of thin air with thousands of brilliance, mercilessly slashing down the flame beast blocking the way with all its strength!

In just one encounter, the flame beast, which had only reached the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor's perfect strength, was cut into pieces by him on the spot. Du Long, who had no time to slowly search for the Fire Spirit Crystal, simply waved his hand and collected all the corpse fragments into the Nine Nether Cave Heaven World. Go, then continue to step in the other direction and shoot away like lightning!

In this way, Du Long restrained the limited number of Heavenly Emperor level flame beasts, and Tengchong and others took action from time to time to kill the Hunyuan level flame beasts blocking the way of the flying boat. The flowing light boat rushed forward at high speed like this!

Oh ho, oh ho, oh ho. . .

As the light boat continued to rush outside, the roars of the array beasts became more and more urgent, and more and more flame beasts could be seen from the virtual screen rushing towards the breakout area at full speed!

'Break through the encirclement at full speed, don't be reluctant to fight, let alone fall behind! '; Huang Tianhua drove the flying boat at full speed and shouted anxiously to everyone's spiritual consciousness.

It seems that he has detected the strange movements of the flame beasts through his spiritual consciousness, and naturally knows clearly that if he is trapped in the tide of flame beasts, his group will probably have no hope of survival!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Among the waves of flame beasts, Du Long was also anxious to use his new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork, and his whole body transformed into golden streams of light that rushed left and right around the light boat!

Facing the flame beasts with full strength in the early and middle stages of the Heavenly Emperor realm, he tried to kill them as quickly as possible. Facing the full strength flame beasts in the late stage of the Heavenly Emperor realm, he immediately diverted his attention to deal with them after injuring the target. Another goal!

In short, everything focuses on the breakthrough of the Flowing Light Boat, killing the flame beast is not the most important goal!

In this way, with the full cooperation of the five members of the Westward Journey team, a group of people escorted the Flowing Light Boat out of the encirclement at full speed. Then everyone returned to the Flowing Light Boat, and Huang Tianhua began to drive the flying boat forward at full speed in a straight line! (To be continued)

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