Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 177 Red Flame Form One

"Mother! The child is busy today, let's talk about it later! Don't send it off!"

As the sound spread into the dining hall, a long tail sound could be clearly felt. Obviously, Du Long, Xia Qinglian and Du Caini had already ridden on the big lion Xiaolie, and they ran away in an instant.

At the gate of the South City, Princess Huofeng had been waiting for a long time. When she saw the big fiery red lion approaching with lightning, she immediately jumped up excitedly. It was no problem for three or four people to sit on the back of the two-meter-tall lion.

"You all go back! You don't need to follow us!" Princess Huofeng shouted loudly to several guards waiting at the side.

Almost without staying too long, the big lion directly carried Du Long and the others towards the south gate, and the dozen or so guards who escorted Princess Huofeng out of the palace turned around and retreated.

After handing Princess Huofeng into the hands of the son-in-law, they will no longer be responsible for her safety!

"Husband! I couldn't sleep last night, what do you think should I do?" Sitting in front of Du Long, Princess Huofeng turned around and said coquettishly with resentment.

"What's the matter? You're not thinking about the ten million gold coins, are you?" Du Long was extorted one after another, and now he is very sensitive to this issue. As soon as Huofeng opened his mouth, he thought about it.

"Hmm! I was thinking, do you want to share some with others?" Huofeng finally said what was in his heart. Yesterday, he was not ashamed to say it. He endured it for a long time and ended up with insomnia. For tonight No more insomnia, she has already risked it.

"Hey!" Du Long sighed depressingly: "Don't mention it! Last night when I went home, my parents and grandpa blackmailed a total of four million yuan. It's not like you don't know that there are a lot of things that cost money in our territory! Time! It's urgent, we must go all out!"

"Oh! People are just talking!" Huofeng pouted.

"Hehe! Speaking of which, isn't my money the money of you and Qinglian? In short, if there is anything you want to buy, if you don't have enough money, just ask. Come on, let's give each of you 100,000 pocket money first!" Du Long took out three golden tickets and distributed one to each of them.

"Wow! I also have a share? Brat, you still have a little conscience! Sister, I have loved you for nothing for so many years!" Du Caini exclaimed on the spot after accepting a golden ticket worth a hundred thousand dollars in disbelief. speak out.

"Young master! I haven't spent all my pocket money yet! You should spend the money on the territory!" Xia Qinglian postponed in a gentle voice.

"Qinglian, hurry up and accept it! We are not short of the one hundred and eighty thousand pocket money!" Princess Huofeng persuaded after accepting the one hundred thousand pocket money carelessly.

"Xiaofeng is right! Qinglian, if I give you pocket money, I will take it. If you want to buy anything, just buy it. Don't let yourself be wronged!" Du Long also persuaded, and Xia Qinglian was moved. The golden ticket was collected.

After the Royal Academy put Du Caini down, Du Long rushed to the back mountain of the academy non-stop. He had to hurry up and practice. The newly obtained Chiyan Zhan needed to work hard to practice the attack method.

In an inaccessible valley, Du Long began to patiently teach Princess Huofeng a mouth art, which is the fire art that absorbs and refines Zi Yanzhu!

After confirming that she had fully grasped it, he turned his hand and took out a purple flame bead and said: "Xiaofeng! This is a purple flame bead! Don't ask how it came from. Anyway, according to the method I just taught, put the purple flame bead as soon as possible." This purple flame bead has been absorbed and refined!"

"Wow! Husband, you are so kind to Xiaofeng!" Huofeng took the Ziyan Pearl excitedly, then hugged Du Long and kissed him fiercely, then ran aside impatiently and began to absorb the refining essence. A purple flame bead.

"Qinglian! You have a rare congenital Xuanyin constitution, so these fire attribute purple flame beads are useless to you at all! You can continue to practice as usual!" Du Long smiled and said to Xia Qinglian.

"En!" Xia Qinglian obediently responded, then dodged to the side of the pile of rocks, and began to practice Fengxing's footwork.

Du Long thought for a while, but still couldn't resist taking out a second-grade spiritual liquid, poured it into his stomach in one gulp, and began to sit cross-legged on the ground to absorb the huge energy in refining this second-grade spiritual liquid. Last night, he absorbed two Zi Yanzhu, his current physique can absorb two parts of the second-grade spiritual liquid without affecting the foundation.

As time went by, a portion of the psychic liquid was quickly absorbed, and Du Long's strength also successfully broke through to the seventh level of the cyclone. According to his patience, he did not continue to take the second-grade psychic liquid, but jumped out to join the devil-style training.

Normally speaking, with his current strength, it would be very difficult for him to reach his physical limit, but with the weight of more than a thousand catties in the weight-bearing vest, and training in high-speed popular footwork, it still consumes a lot of energy.

After half an hour of continuous high-speed Fengxing footwork training, Du Long quickly jumped off the pile of rocks exhausted, and began to sit on the ground to absorb and restore the exhausted energy.

As soon as the energy recovered, he immediately jumped into the water next to him and began to practice the Xuanyang Triple Waves. According to the ring spirit beauty, the cultivation of the Xuanyang sword method is very important, and you must not give up!

As for the attack method mentioned in Chi Yan Zhan, it is no longer an attack method to exert its own strength, but to use the special method inside the artifact to launch a powerful attack.

Although this kind of attack method must be mastered, but after the strength reaches a certain level in the future, these tasteless attack methods will only waste the caster's time.

Standing in the cold water, Du Long practiced the Xuanyang sword technique for a long time, and he passed the whole morning practice like this, but he failed to display the artistic conception of Xuanyang triple waves a few times.

At this time, Princess Huofeng finally absorbed and refined the energy of the Ziyan Pearl after spending three hours, and she stood up refreshed.

"Husband! I have completely absorbed and refined the Ziyan Pearl!" Princess Huofeng looked at Du Long excitedly and said.

"Well! Very good, after lunch later, you can absorb and refine another second-grade spiritual liquid!" Du Long replied with a smile.

"So fast? It hasn't been long since I absorbed the second-grade spirit liquid?" Huofeng hesitated.

"Let me tell you this! For people with acquired Xuanyang physique, every time the fire in their body is doubled, they can take the second-grade spiritual liquid one more time without affecting their foundation!" Du Long patiently explained.

"This...how is this possible? I have never heard of this theory!" Huofeng still couldn't believe it.

"Alas..." Looking at the little princess who is not as well-behaved and obedient as Xia Qinglian, Du Long can only continue to hold his temper and ask: "Then have you ever heard of the so-called Houtian Xuanyang physique? Have you ever seen it?" Does the Cyclone rank possess Ganghuo?"

"Hee hee! Alright! Everything is at the discretion of my husband! Anyway, if you destroy the foundation in the future, you will have to support the family for a lifetime!" Huo Feng half-jokingly said with a smile.

"Don't worry! I don't do things that I'm not sure about!" Du Long shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

At this point, the three of them began to gather together to take out dry food and drink water from the space ring, and began to simply enjoy lunch. After the stomach problem was resolved, they continued to practice.

On the edge of the pool, Du Long was standing 20 meters away from a boulder, holding the newly bought Chi Yan Zhan tightly with both hands, closing his eyes and thinking about the first attack method of Chi Yan Zhan in his mind.

This kind of attack method is very wonderful. With a single slash, the special way of exerting force will trigger a certain formation in the inner space of Chi Yan Zhan, and then gather the flame energy of the lava lake with a radius of nearly a hundred miles on the body of the knife. After hitting it with all its strength, Form a terrifying flame blade!

This formation is very mysterious, depending on the attacker's strength and proficiency in exerting force, it will induce a corresponding amount of flame energy to form a flame blade to launch a fierce attack on the enemy!

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