Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1488: Making meritorious deeds

Yufeng Mountain Range, on the branches of towering trees!

The black-clothed masked man stood there steadily, quietly waiting for a reply from Xie Chen, the intelligence chief of the God-killing Society. When the space next to him slightly fluctuated, he immediately looked over there vigilantly!

When he saw the figure that appeared after the space fluctuation, he was dumbfounded on the spot. He just stared at the familiar figure, as if he had realized that he might not be able to escape today!

"Wow!" Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong laughed with a fierce look in his eyes: "You are really brave. You dare to run to my territory to plot against Du Long, a disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha?! In this case, then you will die!"


A golden light instantly enlarged in front of the black-clothed masked man, and then he was smashed into a pulp by a stick without any resistance. Seeing that even his soul was smashed to pieces by the golden hoop, he could not die any more!

In fact, it was not that he did not want to dodge, but the space power of the Fighting Saint Buddha God Realm bound him, and he could not move at all!

'Hehe! I can only hide in the dark during the entire journey to the West. Since I can't destroy all the plans against Du Long in advance, it shouldn't be a violation to get a little interest after the other party's plan fails? ! '; Thinking proudly in his heart, Sun Wukong waved his hand to collect all the spoils.

Then, he even put the black-clothed masked man's body, which had been smashed to pieces, into his own cave world, and threw it directly into a molten sea to burn it, making sure that outsiders could not find any clues of this guy's disappearance!

For those who are sent to the enemy's territory to perform assassination missions, both the enemy and us will always take similar measures. Since you dare to come to our territory to make trouble, unless you are lucky enough not to attract the attention of the powerful, otherwise you will be killed inexplicably!

The Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong used this conventional method to deal with the spy of the God Killing Society who had reached the late stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. As long as he could do it cleanly and not leak the secret of his actions, which would affect the progress of the entire New Journey to the West, then the other powerful people who were concerned about this matter would not say much!

At the headquarters of the God-Killing Society, Xie Chen, who was in a daze, suddenly trembled, and hurriedly took out several pieces of broken soul jade talismans, muttering to himself: "Number One is dead?! Could it be that there is a powerful person behind this incident who is paying attention?! There are probably not many people in the entire Eastern camp who can kill Number One so quickly?!"

"Number Two!" After pondering for a while, Xie Chen immediately regained the calmness unique to the head of the God-Killing Society, and directly issued an order to another backup intelligence officer: "Try your best to investigate the cause of Number One's death. I want to find out which powerful Eastern person killed Number One, and whether the other party killed Number One by accident, or deliberately hid in the dark to protect Du Long and his group. Remember! This matter is quite tricky, and you need to be extra careful!"

"I obey your order!"

After reading the reply from Number Two, Xie Chen stopped talking nonsense, and sat behind the desk quietly thinking about the current situation.

Thinking back to when the leader of the God-Killing Society had warned him through the message array stone, if he could not kill Du Long before he broke through to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he would be sent to the Hell Division to answer for his crime!

Therefore, he now needed to find an excuse as soon as possible to minimize his guilt. He did not want to be the head of the Intelligence Department of the God-Killing Society and be sent to the Hell Division one day. If that happened, he would definitely become a laughing stock in the Western world!

"Right!" Xie Chen's eyes suddenly lit up as if he suddenly remembered something, and he said, "No. 1 had said before that Du Long had broken through to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and had passed the Heavenly Emperor Tribulation when he killed Jerry and the other three Paladins. This time period coincided with the strange phenomena that occurred in the entire God Realm before, so... Haha! In such a short period of time, I have obtained such important information, which should be able to offset my guilt for not killing Du Long, right?!"

Instantly, Xie Chen made a decision. This matter would not be kept secret from the God Killing Association for long. He must report the two pieces of information as soon as possible, otherwise, his contribution would be infinitely reduced, and it would be a result that his contribution could not offset his demerits!

Thinking of this, Xie Chen immediately stood up, and after tidying up his robes habitually, he flashed towards the mysterious forbidden garden where the God Killing Association's leader lived!

As the head of the Intelligence Department of the God Killing Association, there are often some important situations to report, so Xie Chen is one of the few people in the entire God Killing Association who can freely enter and exit the forbidden garden!

"Your Excellency, Lord God! I have very important information to report!" Standing at the gate of a castle in the forbidden garden, Xie Chen shouted with great respect.

"Come in!" In the castle hall, a black figure suddenly appeared on the empty main seat.

After getting permission, Xie Chen pretended to rush into the hall, then knelt down on the ground with a plop facing the main seat: "Your Excellency, Lord God! First of all, I am here to ask for punishment. The Buddhist disciple Du Long has just broken through to the Heavenly Emperor realm not long ago!"

"What?!" The leader of the God Killing Guild was obviously irritated by this information, and said angrily on the spot: "Thank you, Chen! You must know what I reminded you before, right?! It seems that you, the head of the Intelligence Department, are Are you ready to enter the Hell Division and have a taste of it?"

"Lord God! It is Xie Chen's fault and his subordinates must admit their punishment. However, what Du Long practices is the Xuantian Art after all. As long as he breaks through and reaches the Hunyuan level, he is equivalent to possessing the combat power of the Heavenly Emperor. Therefore, although his subordinates tried their best to arrange a sure-kill situation, they never expected that he would break through and reach the level of the Heavenly Emperor in the sure-kill situation! "

Xie Chen hurriedly explained: "Therefore, although this subordinate has an unshirkable responsibility for the failure of this mission, he still has to come to the Lord God to take the blame. At the same time, the subordinate also brought an extremely important piece of information, hoping to make up for it. , so that the subordinates can continue to serve the Lord God without being punished! "

"Oh?! I want to see how important information you have mastered, and you actually want to make up for it?!" The leader of the God Killing Guild said in a low tone. I don't know whether he is happy or angry.

"As far as my subordinates know, when Du Long broke through to reach the Heavenly Emperor's combat power, and when he was facing the Heavenly Emperor's thunder tribulation, there happened to be a strange phenomenon in the entire God Realm that could only be seen when a powerful person in the Divine Realm was born. Therefore, my subordinates It is speculated that more than 80% of the changes in the heaven and earth that occurred in the God Realm were caused by Du Long's breakthrough!" Xie Chen immediately expressed his speculation.

"What?!" the leader of the God Killing Guild exclaimed again: "Why do you say that the changes in the sky that happened in various places in the God Realm are related to Du Long's breakthrough to the Heavenly Emperor realm?! You know, that kind of change in the sky The transformation will only appear when someone breaks through and reaches the level of God!"

"First of all, one of the reasons is that the timing of the appearance of the two coincides with each other. The other reason is that Du Long practices Xuantian Jue Kung Fu, a set of supreme Xuan Tianjue techniques created by the supreme being above the nine heavens. When cultivation reaches a certain extreme, it is possible that some unusual changes will occur!" Xie Chen hurriedly expressed his speculations that he had thought about early in the morning.

"Hmm!" The leader of the God Killing Guild subconsciously tapped the handrail on the right and said in deep thought: "This possibility does exist. If the changes in the sky that happened in various places in the God Realm were really caused by Du Long, then this possibility does exist. Zi Duan cannot stay, otherwise it will definitely have a huge impact on our dark lineage in the west! "

"My subordinates also have this intention!" Xie Chen nodded quickly and said: "There is a murderous blood feud between our God Killing Society and Du Long. This hatred cannot be resolved at all. Therefore, the only way to eliminate our God Killing Society is to kill them." A big disaster in the future!"

"Yes!" The leader of the God Killing Guild nodded slightly and said with a solemn expression: "This boy has grown into a terrifying existence in the Heavenly Emperor realm. As a core disciple of the Buddhist lineage, he is no longer an ordinary paladin with his vast magical powers. A being that can be defeated with great strength! Therefore, you must redesign a game to achieve a one-hit kill, even if we have to lose a few core paladin warriors!"

"My subordinates understand! We must do our best to design a sure-fire situation to fulfill the great trust of the Lord of God!" Xie Chen hurriedly accepted the order respectfully.

"Thank you Chen!" The leader of the God Killing Guild's eyes fell on Xie Chen like a sharp knife and said: "For endless years, you have been in charge of the Intelligence Department, and I am very satisfied with every major event you have done. I believe you also know My predecessor was unable to kill the nun Guan Zizai, which caused her to grow into a powerful being that could no longer be easily dealt with, so she is still being punished by the Hell Department. I hope you don’t follow in his footsteps, right? ah!"

"I understand! In order not to follow in the footsteps of my predecessor, I must go all out to kill Du Long and prevent him from growing into a powerful being at the peak of the Emperor of Heaven!" Xie Chen's back was already wet with sweat.

If the leader of the God Killing Guild threatened him before, there was still a chance to get away with it. Now that he has even brought out what happened to his former head of the Intelligence Department this time, I am afraid that if this mission does not succeed again, he will have to die!

"Well! I hope you understand. Go on! You must determine as soon as possible the source of this change in the sky in the God Realm is Du Long, and then set up a sure-fire situation to kill him as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!"

"I obey my orders! Then Xie Chen will no longer disturb the Lord God and will resign!"

Staring at the figure who was bowing and exiting, until his back completely disappeared outside the gate, the leader of the God Killing Guild whispered softly: "It seems that this matter has gotten a little out of control! This matter must be reported Just give it to the Demon Lord, let his old man help with it!"

As the words fell, the figure of the God Killer Guild Master dimmed, and then disappeared out of thin air without causing any spatial fluctuations!

He did not leave through teleportation, but used a high-level shadow movement technique, completely blending into the darkness, and just disappeared without a sound!

Compared with the shadow movement technique of the God Killing Guild Master, the shadow movement technique used by the so-called dark lineage disciples such as An Tian and others are not on the same level at all, and it is not fair to describe it as a thousand miles apart. Got it!

In the Yufeng Mountains, Du Long and his party stayed in the mountains for three days at the strong request of Princess Yufeng. During this period, they naturally received extremely warm hospitality from Princess Yufeng and tasted almost all kinds of local specialties, wines and delicacies!

On the surface, Princess Yufeng said she wanted to thank Du Long and others for their life-saving kindness, but in fact, she was also using the prestige of these Buddhist disciples to intimidate the surrounding Xiaoxiao disciples!

She just wants to use her friendship with Du Long and others to consolidate her dominant position in the Yufeng Mountains. Using Du Long and others in this way is not something done by villains, it is also a normal use of connections!

In short, after three days, while Princess Yufeng gained the friendship of Du Long and others, she also successfully frightened the surrounding forces. The impact of the great loss of strength of the Yufeng Mountains caused by the invasion of the Three Demon Emperors was also minimized!

Du Long and others naturally understand Princess Yufeng's surface enthusiasm and the reasons behind it, but they like Princess Yufeng's character, so naturally they are willing to be used by this friend. We can all be friends from now on! (To be continued)

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