Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1477 Trying to convince

This is an island with beautiful scenery. As soon as I entered it, I discovered that the woman in white actually lived in a cave. Therefore, there seemed to be no building on the entire island!

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the cave where the beauties of overseas fairy islands live in seclusion. The entire cave is decorated with extremely elegant and delicate decorations inside and outside the cave. Various conch shells are inlaid on the walls of the cave, and the roof of the cave is occupied by huge luminous pearls!

In short, it is not an exaggeration to describe the originally extremely ordinary cave mansion as turning decay into magic due to the reasonable arrangement of these undersea decorations!

Stepping into the cave, Du Long was not in a hurry to take his seat, but curiously admired the unique layout in the cave hall, looking at the lotus growing in the clear water inside the huge conch shell, and the lotus standing in the cave hall. A blood-red coral tree in a corner and many sea elements present a breathtaking beauty in this cave!

"Tsk tsk! Senior sister, the layout of this cave is really elegant and beautiful!" After appreciating the layout of the sea elements in the cave, Du Long said in admiration.

"Haha!" The woman in white smiled shyly and said, "It's nothing! I just played around with the gadgets I picked up from the bottom of the sea! I made you laugh!"

"Hehe! Sister, don't be modest! This cave is the most beautiful and elegant of all the caves Xiang'er has ever seen!" Hua Xiang'er also praised it at the right time.

Perhaps because it is always easier for women to communicate with each other, the woman in white is particularly fond of Hua Xiang'er, a lovely beauty who is a flower fairy, and is very willing to sit with her and chat slowly about household matters.

"Haha! Our Xiang'er is the best at lying!" Du Long followed his beloved wife and said with a smile: "By the way! I wonder if you can tell me the identity of this senior sister?! What we heard in Baishi Fishing Village The legend of Mazu, I wonder if the legendary Mazu is you? "

First, he chatted about the layout of the cave from the side to relax the shy woman in front of him, and then slowly transitioned to the main topic. Du Long was getting more and more experienced in dealing with people!

"My surname is Lin Mingmo! She is the daughter of a fisherman's family along the coast of Dongyang Kingdom. Many years ago, her parents went fishing with the villagers and disappeared for a long time. Lin Mo missed his parents who loved him so much that he went to sea alone to search for them. He never thought about giving up. Encountered a terrible storm, causing the ship to crash and the people to fall into the cold ocean, until they woke up and found themselves lying on the beach of this island.

This fisherman from the southeast coast has a simple and straightforward personality. She doesn't seem to know how to hide her secrets in front of outsiders. She actually revealed her true identity and her unknown secret experience in front of Du Long and the others. Tell it in detail.

After her narration, Du Long and the others realized that Lin Mo lived alone on the island after accidentally entering the island. Then he unexpectedly discovered this cave and got a copy of the Buddhist inheritance in the cave. Finally, after she learned a lot, she took control of the entire fairy island, and then left the island to continue looking for her parents who had been missing for many years!

Unfortunately, there is still no trace of her parents, but Lin Mo has not given up. In addition to continuing to live in seclusion on this island to practice, she is also constantly going out to sea to look for traces of her parents.

Hundreds of millions of years passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Mo had unknowingly grown into a perfect middle-level Heavenly Emperor, but she still couldn't find any trace of her parents!

In the long process of searching for her parents, she would not hesitate to show up to rescue fishermen once they were attacked by sea beasts. Over time, she transformed into the image of Mazu in the hearts of fishermen in nearby waters!

"That..." Staring at the woman in white who had grown to the level of the Emperor of Heaven, but actually didn't know much about all the forces in the God Realm, and didn't know how to get along with outsiders, Du Long pondered for a while and finally said: "I wonder which Buddhist master Sister Lin Mo has received the inheritance of her skills?!"

"I don't know either!" Lin Mo replied without any concealment: "The owner of this inheritance does not seem to have left any information about his identity! So..."

"That's it!" Du Long nodded helplessly: "Senior sister! Haven't you seen anyone on this fairy island before?!"

"No!" Lin Mo shook his head and said: "The large formation on this island usually hides the entire island. Usually, it will only be revealed under extremely bad weather conditions! "

"Uh!" Du Long said in surprise: "So, we are really lucky to come to the island this time?! If we miss the bad weather and dare not come in, won't we never be able to find this fairy island? ?!"

"That's right!" Lin Mo explained with a smile: "On weekdays, I am the only one who controls the formation on this island, and can sense the specific location of the fairy island and enter and leave it freely!"

"Okay!" Du Long said speechlessly, "Um...Senior Sister Lin Mo! There is a reason why we went all the way to find you this time!"

"Hmm!" Lin Mo asked with a simple expression: "I was just about to ask you about this! I wonder why the three of you came here to look for Lin Mo?!"

"It's very simple!" Du Long said with a smile: "We would like to invite senior sister to join us to complete an arduous task jointly initiated by Buddhism and Taoism!"

"You want to take me away from this sea area?! No, no!" Lin Mo immediately shook his head and said: "I can't leave this sea area, I still have to find the whereabouts of my parents! I absolutely can't leave this sea area. sea ​​area!"

Du Long rolled his eyes secretly. He really couldn't understand how the kind and simple woman in front of him achieved the strength of the Emperor of Heaven. Why do you seem to be so arrogant? !

"Senior Sister Lin Mo! I wonder how many years have you been searching for your parents in this sea area?!" Du Long asked in the gentlest tone possible.

"It's almost 100 million years old!" Lin Mo replied with a slightly depressed expression.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly and continued: "After so many years, do you think you still have a chance to find your parents?!"

"I don't care!" When talking about the issue of finding his parents, Lin Mo's tone immediately became sharper: "Anyway, I have to find the whereabouts of my father and mother no matter what, whether they are alive or dead. Find them!"

Staring dimly at the innocent and a bit extreme woman in white in front of him, Du Long felt a little pity for her plight in his heart. From her attitude, he could imagine how much his parents would have loved her when they were still alive in the world. Baby girl!

"Senior Sister Lin Mo!" Du Long waited for the other party to calm down a little before he continued to say: "In fact! I came to find you this time not on my own initiative, but because of the instructions of Senior Sister Guan Zizai of Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea. Please tell me that I have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to look for you, Senior Sister!"

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on Mount Putuo in the South China Sea?!" No matter how ignorant Lin Mo was, he had heard of various legends about Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the South China Sea, and his attention was naturally attracted by Du Long.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Senior Sister Guan Zizai told Du Long at that time. She said that as long as Senior Sister Lin Mo is willing to help Du Long, he can complete that extremely difficult task and wait until the task is successfully completed. When you are successful, senior sister will be able to meet the all-knowing Buddha Sakyamuni, and he will figure out the exact location of your parents, even if they have been reincarnated!"

"Ah?!" Lin Mo's eyes widened in surprise. Her reaction was almost the same as Du Long's when he heard that Sakyamuni Buddha had this ability.

At that time, Du Long wanted to give himself a slap in the face. As a direct disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha, he did not know that his master had such extraordinary abilities. If he had known this, he should have asked his master for help for his eldest son Fengyang. We should ask him to help us figure it out!

Guan Zizai seemed to understand what he was thinking, so he took the initiative to tell Du Long that as long as he could successfully complete the mission of this journey to the west, he would definitely get information about Du Fengyang!

In short, it is precisely because of this incident that Du Long is filled with infinite motivation for this new journey to the West. He seems to be eager to complete this extremely arduous task immediately and ask Master Sakyamuni for news about his eldest son Fengyang as soon as possible!

"Du... Junior Brother Du Long! You... Did you really not lie to me?! As long as I help you complete a certain task, you can find your father and mother?!" Lin Mo could hardly believe his own ear.

After years of hard searching, although she knew in her heart that the chance of her parents surviving was extremely slim, she still held a trace of self-deception and continued her almost impossible search journey in this sea area!

In short, the behavior of constantly searching for her parents in this sea area has become a habitual demon that she must do every once in a while. As long as she does not do this for too long, she will not be able to calm down and practice. , and it’s very possible that you might become possessed!

And now, she learned from Du Long that she would have a great possibility of finding the whereabouts of her parents. Even if this possibility was just to find the reincarnated souls of her parents, it would be the only chance to help her escape from the demonic barrier in her heart. Got it!

"Yes!" Du Long nodded heavily and replied: "These words conveyed by Du Long definitely come from the mouth of Senior Sister Guan Zizai, and Du Long also believes that Senior Sister Guan Zizai will definitely not joke with us about this kind of thing. "

"I also believe in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on Mount Putuo in the South China Sea!" Lin Mo nodded heavily and said, "If it is true as Junior Brother Du Long said, then Lin Mo is willing to follow you to complete that mission!"

"Great!" Du Long clapped his thigh excitedly, and then did not forget to remind him: "It is a great thing that Senior Sister Lin Mo can accompany the team to perform this mission! However, Du Long would like to solemnly remind Senior Sister here. , this mission is extremely difficult and dangerous. Not only will the mission be very long, but it will also be accompanied by countless disasters and dangers. We, the people, may die at any time. In this case, is Senior Sister still willing to accompany the team to carry out this mission? Where's the mission?"

"I do!" Lin Mo nodded directly without any hesitation and said: "Compared to never being able to find my father and mother, I am more willing to take all risks just to find their whereabouts!"

Facing the pure and filial magical woman, Du Long vaguely understood why her character could achieve the strength of the Yuan Tian Emperor. Everyone's path of cultivation is different, and the direction of controlling the Taoist heart is also different. This is different from Wan Wan's. The Dharma will eventually become one and the same. As long as the Tao mind can be stable, there will be achievements! (To be continued)

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