Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1452 Anniversary of the Era

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a golden figure suddenly appeared in the sky over the wilderness. Then he turned his hand and took out a communication formation stone. After reading the content of the letter, he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile!

The letter writer turned out to be Yi Wang Li Shifeng, and he exclaimed in an extremely exaggerated tone: "Wow! Du Long! Your kid actually came out alive?! Could it be said that you have really accepted what lies behind the Blood Maple Mountain Range?" A secret inheritance?

Du Long touched his nose slightly depressed, and replied speechlessly: "Well! After nine deaths, he finally came out alive! Due to the oath of heaven, Du Long cannot tell the truth about inheritance information for the time being. Please forgive me, Uncle Yi Wang!"

"The oath of heaven?!" King Yi Li Shifeng was stunned for a moment and then continued: "Forget it! In that case, Uncle Wang won't force you to ask questions! In short, you are lucky to be able to come out alive. Seeing that the anniversary of the Era is approaching, we It’s time to rush back to the capital as soon as possible!”

"Well! Uncle Yi Wang! Then we will meet again in the capital of the Tang Dynasty! Du Long is leaving!" Du Long nodded and replied, then put away the communication formation stone, then dodged and disappeared again.


King Yi Li Shifeng looked at the communication formation stone in his hand with some depression. He never expected that Du Long would just leave him and run away. You must know that he had been entrusted by the emperor to come here to look for that boy for thousands of years. years!

"This brat! I don't know if he's afraid that I will get to the bottom of it, or if I'm too slow and my speed will drag him down?!" Li Shifeng muttered with a helpless smile.

As he said, although his strength has reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm, Li Shifeng relies on his early stage Heavenly Emperor Realm strength to teleport only a thousand miles away each time, and his speed is only 100% of Du Long's ability to use Peng Xing Ten Thousand Miles every time. About one!

Although he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he has never practiced Mahayana flying magical powers such as flying thousands of miles and somersaulting clouds. Therefore, facing the speed of Du Long, who can reach hundreds of thousands of miles in one step, he also The only thing you can do is stay behind and out of reach!

In the capital of the Heavenly Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty, the entire city is filled with the joy of the Anniversary Anniversary. Red lanterns are hung high in every household, and the sound of firecrackers set off after worshiping the gods of heaven and earth can be heard from time to time in the streets and alleys. There are carefree children everywhere. Laughter!

"What?! Long'er is coming back soon?!" Du Fengzhong's excited roar suddenly sounded in Prince Zhou's mansion.

This was exactly what the old man suddenly exclaimed after hearing the report from his eldest daughter-in-law Qin Huofeng. His voice also alarmed all the Du family disciples in the palace, including those friends from the immortal world.

In order to ensure safety, those friends from the immortal world have also settled in Prince Zhou's mansion, so that if any sudden danger occurs in the future, everyone can gather as soon as possible and enter several cave worlds to escape together!

Following Mr. Du's loud voice, the entire Zhou Prince's Mansion suddenly started to get busy. Some people were arranging for people to prepare for the banquet, or they were dressing up to welcome their husband with their most beautiful face, just to name a few!

The last time Du Long returned home, he rushed back to perform his mission not long before his beautiful wives even had time to express their feelings to him!

At this moment, Qin Huofeng, as the matron of the Zhou Prince's Mansion, fully demonstrated the demeanor that a matron of a family should have. After allocating the relevant matters, the originally chaotic Prince's Mansion immediately became orderly!

Su Jinbao and others who quickly received the notice took time to rush back from outside. Compared to the Du family and even Du Long's group of friends, the return of Du Long, who had never seen the dragon, to the palace was definitely the biggest problem. It’s over, all social activities outside have to be put to the back of the queue!

Just like that, when Du Long's figure appeared in the sky above Prince Zhou's Mansion a little while later, he saw that the whole palace was filled with a joyful atmosphere of the anniversary celebration. Many relatives and friends, headed by Mr. Du Fengzhong, were all waiting in the main hall of the Prince's Mansion. Outside!

He touched his nose in embarrassment. Because of King Yi Li Shifeng, he knew that his disappearance for thousands of years must have caused great concern to his family, so he stopped on the way and sent a safe letter to his family, and told himself that he would be fine after a while. When I returned home, I never thought that such a message of safety would alarm so many people!

"Why are you all here?!" Du Long, who returned to his normal human form, slowly descended in his purple python king robe and said hello to everyone below.

Ever since Du Long left the immortal world, he had never had this feeling of returning home. This feeling was like a warm current flowing in his heart, making him feel extremely warm and comfortable!

"Haha! It's good to go home, it's good to go home!" Mr. Du said with a smile: "Grandpa thought you, a brat like you, might not be able to come back in time to celebrate the anniversary of the Era! This is the most important thing in the God Realm. It would be a shame to miss this festival!"

"Long'er has made grandpa worried!" Du Long bowed apologetically to the old man: "And grandma, parents and everyone else!"

"You kid!" Du's mother Zhou Ruoxue stepped forward with tears in her eyes and took Du Long's arm. She looked her tall and handsome baby son up and down and said, "We haven't seen each other for thousands of years in the blink of an eye. Why are you kid so busy at home?" Where to live?"

"The child is unfilial! The mother is worried!" Facing this great mother who always puts the greatest love on herself without reservation, Du Long only has endless attachment and guilt in his heart.

As the saying goes, when parents are here, if you don't travel far, you will have a good time!

However, as an unfilial son, I am afraid that I have not been able to fulfill even the most basic filial piety. Not only does my parents and elders worry about my safety, but I am often unable to tell my parents truthfully about my whereabouts because I don’t want to let them know. They know that where they are going is extremely dangerous, and in many cases they may not be able to come back alive!

"Silly boy! It's only natural for a mother to worry about her son traveling thousands of miles away. How long will you be able to stay when you come back this time?!" Although she felt reluctant to leave, Zhou Ruoxue understood very well why her precious son had to fight so desperately. He is wandering outside, so no matter how reluctant he is, he has to hide his thoughts as much as possible. The most he can do is ask him how long he can stay at home.

"The child will not leave again during the period before the Anniversary of the Era. He will definitely stay with his mother at home!" Du Long made his decision without much hesitation.

"That's great!" Zhou Ruoxue's face was filled with excitement. Every time she knew that her precious son could stay at home and spend more time with her, she would be particularly happy: "Look at the beautiful wives you brought back to this big family. You should spend more time with them when you come back this time!"

"My child, please respect your mother's teachings!" Old Du Long's face turned slightly red, but he still bowed respectfully.

Although this return will not last too long, it is still nearly a hundred years away from the anniversary of the era. It is natural to leave such a small amount of time to a group of relatives and friends!

Some people may think that there are still nearly a hundred years until the last day of the first year of this era, but it is a bit too early for people in the God Realm to start preparing for celebrations so far in advance!

However, this is only an idea that ordinary people who can only live for tens or hundreds of years have. Compared with people in the divine world whose life span is almost infinite, a mere hundred years is as different as ten or eight days for ordinary people. Not much!

In this way, Du Long used the excuse of the Anniversary Anniversary to stay in Prince Zhou's Mansion. While reunited with relatives and friends every day, he would also take time to attend some party invitations that could not be postponed!

Even if he no longer likes to attend such gatherings, in order to provide a better development environment for his family and friends in the Tang Dynasty, he still has to reluctantly attend some important gatherings in person. I believe that as long as he comes forward, he will be able to provide Family and friends pave a bright road!

During this period, Du Long was naturally invited by Tang Emperor Li Shimin to attend an ordinary palace banquet at the Tang Palace. It was said to be a palace banquet, but in fact, Tang Emperor Li Shimin had too many questions to ask!

In this regard, Du Long could only say that the news about the inheritance of the superior Nine Netherworlds was brushed aside, and he still refused to reveal what inheritance he had received in the Blood Maple Mountains on the grounds that he was bound by the oath of heaven!

As for Tang Emperor Li Shimin's question about other Hunyuan-level teams that entered the inheritance space, Du Long told him that those people were still accepting the inheritance, and those who had not accepted the inheritance would not be able to leave the inheritance cave world!

In short, Du Long concealed the inheritance information he received and did not tell anyone in the capital of the Tang Dynasty about the Nine Nether Immortal inheritance!

Time passed slowly, and the hundred years were coming to an end in the blink of an eye. The day to celebrate another era had finally arrived, and as Du Long, as the King of Zhou of the Tang Dynasty, he was bound to participate in the grand celebration held in the Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty! (To be continued)

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