Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1659 The Southern Ice Sheet

The cold wind is howling and raging, and there is no light in the sky, earth, sun and moon!

This was Du Long's first impression of the Far South. As he gradually penetrated into the Far South Icefield, the temperature dropped to an extremely terrifying situation!

The strength of his physical body has reached the level of a top-grade artifact, and he has a super strong physique that has cultivated the Five Elements of True Fire. However, Du Long still experiences the bone-chilling feeling like an ordinary person!


He had been rushing forward with the magical power of Peng Xingwanli. After about three or four days of this, Du Long suddenly bumped into a group of space ripples that appeared out of thin air.

His whole body was hit on the spot and his blood was boiling. If his physical body wasn't so incredibly strong, he would have been directly hit and exploded!

"Ahem! Kill me!" As he screamed in pain, Du Long looked at the distant sky with lingering fear.

Space ripples are constantly appearing there. These space ripples are fleeting, and their locations are irregular!

"Is this the space turbulence area deep in the extreme south that Brother Jiang mentioned?! It seems that as long as we continue to go deeper, we can reach the area he mentioned?!"

While muttering softly, Du Long's eyes once again shifted to the spatial ripples that kept popping up.

Deep down in my heart, I muttered to myself in surprise: "What the hell are these space ripples?! Are they really formed because the air temperature is too low, as Brother Jiang said?!"

‘No, no! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er’s voice sounded in his mind at the right time: ‘What Jiang Xu said can only be regarded as one of the reasons. In our God Realm, there are two ice continents in the extreme south and the extreme north! ’

'Because this divine world is so huge, and the mass and density of the stars are so amazing, the two poles will form a terrible magnetic field that far exceeds the poles of ordinary planets, plus the inherently unstable space at terrible low temperatures, the result is Such an abnormal change occurs! ’

"I see!"

Only then did Du Long suddenly realize that Jiang Xuan and himself were just two ascendants. They knew little about the various anecdotes and secrets of the God Realm, and were not as good as the active database of the Ring Spirit Ling'er.

After figuring out the origin of these spatial ripples, Du Long no longer delayed, and began to use the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork, carefully shooting towards the deepest part of the extreme southern ice sheet.

According to Tan Emperor Jiang Xu, the space wormhole leading to the immortal world is located in the deepest part of the Extreme South Ice Sheet. As long as you fly towards the deepest part of the Extreme South Ice Sheet, you can find the ubiquitous space wormhole!


A space ripple appeared out of thin air in front of Du Long's left side, and then almost hit his body. With the strength of his body, he wouldn't die, but it would be very painful!

"Wow!" Du Long was so frightened that he screamed: "These space ripples are too elusive, aren't they?! Wasn't there any abnormal change before they appeared?!"

‘There should be! I can't tell you exactly how to predict it in advance. You can only experience it yourself. . . ’ The Ring Spirit sighed helplessly: ‘As weapon spirit beings, we are powerless in some aspects. For example, we know nothing about understanding the way of heaven! ’

'All right! ’

Du Long could only respond casually, and began to think of ways to find the rules of the fluctuations of the surrounding space ripples. According to Jiang Xuan, this kind of space ripples was only a rudimentary version, and it would not kill anyone even if it was hit!

Then, as we go deeper and deeper into this extreme southern ice sheet, the ripples in the space behind will become more and more terrifying. Once hit, there will definitely be a terrible end of death or disability!

Using both spiritual exploration and visual exploration, Du Long continued on his way and began to work hard to find the pattern of the appearance of those space ripples. He must find the pattern of the appearance of these space ripples before reaching the deepest part of the extreme southern ice sheet!

Whoa, Peng!

Just when he was trying his best to find the pattern, another space ripple suddenly appeared next to him, slashing hard at his right shoulder, instantly knocking him away.

Ahem. . .

Suppressing the churning energy and blood in his body, Du Long muttered somewhat depressedly: "What the hell?! Even my body is injured. If those ordinary emperors were hit, they would suffer heavy casualties?!"

‘It is precisely because the extreme south is full of dangers that most powerful people in the Heavenly Emperor Realm will not easily take risks unless necessary! ’ The ring spirit Ling’er intervened at the right time: ‘Somewhere, there seems to be a powerful being who has set this rule to make it more difficult for the powerful Emperor of Heaven to return to his hometown! ’


Du Long obviously agreed with the Nazgul's statement. He nodded in agreement and began to work hard to find the pattern of the appearance of space ripples again. As he gradually goes deeper into the extreme southern ice sheet, the probability of the appearance of those space ripples is also increasing!

After he was hit by space ripples countless times, he finally said depressedly: "It still doesn't work... It is impossible to find the pattern of space ripples through the naked eye and spiritual consciousness!"

"Space ripples... I wonder what they have to do with the space wave path?! It seems that we have to start from space and find a way to find the rules for the appearance of space ripples..."

In a flash of thought, he finally began to change his method of looking for patterns in the appearance of ripples in space.

It is hoped that the location of the space ripples can be warned in advance, and at least the space ripples that are about to appear around you must be sensed in advance, and then corresponding evasive measures can be taken.

"The Way of Space Fluctuation... I am only using it for the combat power bonus for the time being... and also for the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Body Refining Technique..."

"Then let's start with the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Body Refining Technique and see if we can predict the upcoming space ripples around our body in advance and make the correct dodge!"

Du Long quickly found a direction and began to follow the energy operation method of the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Eternal Body Refining Technique, allowing the energy in the body to begin to fluctuate and oscillate in a mysterious way!

Then, while maintaining this state, he began to work hard to sense the changes in space fluctuations around him, hoping to sense in advance the violent changes in space fluctuations that were about to appear around him!

Whoa, Peng!

Soon, another space ripple flashed out of thin air beside him, knocking Du Long violently away again.

Feeling the terrible pain coming from his body, Du Long showed an excited smile on his face: "Haha! It seems that I feel something... When space ripples appear around me, more severe space fluctuations will indeed occur in advance!"

Ever since, on this basis, Du Long began to work hard to consolidate the current gains!

Being able to sense changes in spatial ripples can only be regarded as the first step to success. Although Du Long tried his best to dodge the sudden spatial ripples around him, sometimes he would still dodge in the wrong direction, resulting in unexpected results. He would have been hit, but he rushed forward and received a fierce blast!

Therefore, Du Long will work hard to sense the changing patterns of these violent spatial fluctuations and find the correct trajectory of spatial fluctuations to avoid another self-inflicted self-inflicted incident!

Time passed by minute by second. In the process of gradually mastering the correct fluctuation trajectory of space ripples, Du Long suffered several sudden bombs one after another, but he also managed to master the correct law of these space ripple fluctuation trajectories without any danger!

Whoosh, whoosh!

A ripple in space appeared out of thin air next to Du Long, shooting towards him like a bolt of lightning, but because he sensed it in advance, he finally managed to dodge it!

Situations like this keep happening, and Du Long's success rate is almost 100%. Once such efficiency is leaked, it will definitely shock the entire God Realm!

You must know that when other powerful people enter the depths of this extreme southern ice sheet, although they also have their own methods of sensing the appearance of space ripples, they will definitely not be like Du Long who can sense the upcoming events in detail through the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Refining inheritance. Space ripples and trajectory changes!

At best, other people can only sense that space ripples are about to appear around them, and then there will be a larger pattern in which direction to dodge to dodge, but there is no way to clearly sense the correct flash trajectory of space ripples like him!


Directly in front of him, Du Long was startled by the sudden appearance of a terrifying space rift, which caused him to suddenly stop. He carefully sensed the ripple changes in the surrounding space and raised his eyes to carefully observe the space in front of him.


Another terrifying space rift appeared out of thin air among the many space ripples. Du Long instantly saw the terrifying scene as dark as ink deep in the space rift!

This is no longer those ordinary space ripples, it is completely the scene of the divine space being torn apart by the magnetic field. Compared with the space ripples, it is countless times more terrifying and deadly!

"We have finally reached the deepest part of the extreme southern ice sheet. The space ripples ahead will be replaced by these deadly space cracks. If we are accidentally hit next, we will probably end up dead or disabled, right?!"

As he murmured softly, his mind flashed back to the time when Emperor Tan Jiang Xuan told him about the many dangers that he had to be very careful about when returning to the immortal world, he mentioned these terrible space rifts!

According to Jiang Xu, of the five members of their adventure team, only three were left after arriving here. One teammate immediately chose to quit. In the end, only he and another teammate decided to continue the adventure.

In the end, Jiang Huan was seriously injured and on the verge of death but managed to enter the space wormhole. However, the teammate who entered with him died tragically in a huge space crack!

A terrifying scar appeared on Jiang Xu's body in Du Long's mind. According to Jiang Xu, he deliberately left this scar in order to warn future generations not to always think about running away to the immortal world!


After taking a long breath, Du Long completely discarded all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then stepped forward without hesitation!

The cold wind was like a sharp blade cutting through his body. In order to resist the extremely terrifying cold wave between heaven and earth, Du Long had to call out the Five Elements True Fire in the Dantian world to warm his body, and then the biting chill could be dissipated.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, a violent spatial fluctuation appeared.

He immediately took action reflexively, stepping out with the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork, and instantly dodged the spatial rift that suddenly appeared around him!


He felt a rift in space passing behind him at close range. The dark rift was so dark that one could almost get lost in it, which gave him a feeling of trembling with fear!

Just like a tiny ant, facing an unprecedented terrifying danger, a boundless fear instinct will emerge from the bottom of his heart! (To be continued)

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