Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1651 Prepare to return

"Have you all heard?! Our Tang Heavenly Kingdom's Wang Dulong, who has a different surname, has occupied the top spot in the Sumeru Bodhisattva Realm at the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Sumeru?!"

"The top of Sumeru in the Bodhisattva realm?! Are you kidding me?! Isn't it Master Avalokitesvara who has always been at the top of the Bodhisattva realm?!"

"Isn't it?! You don't even know that Master Guan Zizai has broken through and reached the Buddha realm?!"

"Has Master Guan Zizai achieved the breakthrough to the Buddha level?!"

"Nonsense! It is precisely because Master Avalokitesvara successfully broke through and reached the Buddha realm, and Du Long, who has reached the Bodhisattva realm, can suddenly emerge and win the first place in the Bodhisattva realm!"

"Even if Master Guan Zizai successfully breaks through and reaches the Buddha realm, our Tang Dynasty King Dulong, who has a different surname, has only just broken through to reach the Bodhisattva realm. It is impossible to surpass many powerful Bodhisattva realms so quickly and successfully occupy the top spot in Sumeru." position?!"

"Are you not clear about this?! According to the news coming from inside Mount Xumi, our His Highness King Zhou has just concluded a new round of journey to the West..."


All over the God Realm are paying attention to the unusual changes inside the Holy Land of Mount Xumi!

The news that Guan Zizai had broken through to the Buddha realm and that Du Long had not only broken through to reach the strongest Bodhisattva realm in a short period of time, but also quickly occupied the top spot in the Bodhisattva realm and Sumeru, soon spread throughout the God Realm.

Including the Xumi List questioning incident that occurred in Xumi Square, the news that Sakyamuni and Guan Zizi were forced to reveal themselves and swear soul oaths in public to prove Du Long's innocence shocked all parties in the divine world!

On behalf of the Xining royal family, the King of Xining expressed his most sincere apology to Mount Xumi, saying that Na Luo Yu’s remarks could only represent his personal thoughts and had nothing to do with the entire Xining royal family!

For this reason, the Xining royal family also specially held a clan meeting, and finally decided to abolish Luo Yu's status as a royal descendant and leave it to the disposal of the Xumishan Discipline Hall!

In this regard, there was no official response from Mount Sumeru at all, which also made the Xining royal family feel the anger from Mount Sumeru!

On this day, the fighting saint Sun Wukong, who is famous for his bravery and ruthlessness, suddenly visited the Xining Kingdom, and then appeared directly at the Xining Palace without a care in the world.

Sun Wukong first handed Luo Yu, whose cultivation had been abolished, back to the Xining royal family. Luo Jiang, a Buddhist disciple who had already been ordained as a monk, was also sent back.

After handing over two members of the Xining royal family, Sun Wukong beat them hard and immediately rejected the other party's good intention to entertain them, and flew away from the Xining Kingdom in a somersault cloud.

He is using actions to tell the Xining royal family that Luo Yu's behavior this time is very bad, and Mount Xumi is extremely angry. From now on, the Xining Kingdom will no longer be protected by the Buddhist lineage!

This problem is very serious. At the least, it will damage the national strength of the Xining Kingdom. At worst, it will cause them to be cannibalized and divided by surrounding forces. There is a complete possibility of being destroyed!

In the main hall of Xining Palace, a group of high-level core members of the royal family gathered together!

"You treacherous son!!" The king scolded extremely harshly: "Before I sent you to Mount Sumeru, my father repeatedly warned you to keep a low profile on the mountain and never be as arrogant and domineering as you were in the Xining Kingdom. It's better for you. , this is completely intensifying the tragedy of genocide for the entire Xining royal family!!"

"Your Majesty! Yu'er has been ruined by Mount Xumi, and he has already shouldered his responsibilities. Can you please stop reprimanding him?!" Luo Yu's biological mother, the Queen of Xining, had tears on her face. The ground spoke.

"Hmph! Why did Yu'er end up like this because of your usual arrogance?!" The king even complained to the queen on the spot.

"Father! The child thought that he had kept a low profile on Mount Xumi all these years, but since that damn Du Long came back, something happened to the child overnight! Father, Queen! You must make the decision for the child. I must let that Du Long die without a burial place!!"

Until this moment, this second-rate prince of the Xining Kingdom did not know where he was wrong, yet he dared to be so arrogant and domineering in front of a group of royal elders!

His impenitent look fell into the eyes of everyone. Most people shook their heads secretly, but no one said anything at this moment. Everyone was watching how the king was going to deal with this matter!

"Evil obstacle! It's been here, and you still dare to think about doing harm to that Du Long?! You evil obstacle, why don't you go back and face the wall to think about your mistakes!!" Until this moment, the king seemed unwilling to deal with it harshly. This legitimate son that even he loved very much.

"Alas!" Finally, an ancestor of the royal family who had been silent for a long time sighed and said: "Luo Ji! How dare this boy be where he is today? It's not only because of the long-haired woman's overindulgence, but also because of you. The bane of everything!"

King Luo Ji trembled slightly. He knew very well the profound meaning of the ancestor's words, and could also hear that he was very disappointed with himself!

"Taizu!" Luo Ji was about to speak to defend himself, but was interrupted by a wave of hands: "Don't say anything! The 9th King Luo Ji is no longer suitable to continue to be the king. I declare his removal. Let Luo Gang succeed to the throne as King of Xining!"


Following the words of the ancestor of the Xining royal family, there was an uproar in the hall. There were those who were ecstatically surprised, and there were those who shook their heads in disappointment. Naturally, they were all supporters of the new and old kings.

"Prince Luo Yu! To this day, I still don't know where I went wrong. I abolished his status as the prince of Xining Kingdom, demoted him to a commoner, expelled him from the capital of Xining Kingdom, and went to Fengsha City in the northwest!"

Before the scene calmed down, the ancestor once again announced another punishment decision. Although Luo Yu was not sentenced to death directly, it was many times more serious than the death penalty.

"No! Taizu can't treat Yu'er like this! His cultivation has been ruined, and being sent to Fengsha City in the northwest is worse than killing him. This is unfair!" The queen sobbed loudly.

"Hmph!" The ancestor of the royal family roared angrily: "If you think it would be better to kill him, then execute him immediately!"

"No! Queen Mother! If you don't want to die, go to Fengsha City!" Luo Yu had been frightened for a long time. When he heard that he might be executed immediately, he screamed on the spot.

"You will not live if you do it! Luo Yu, you must pay for the mistakes you have made yourself. Because of your stupid behavior, the entire Xining royal family will face an extremely severe situation, including being exterminated!"

"And Luo Ji! As the king of a country, in addition to learning how to manage state affairs, it is also important to cultivate outstanding children. Luo Yu was originally a good seedling, but look at what he has become like?!"

"In that case, don't blame Taizu for wanting to dethrone you and severely punish Luo Yu to see if he can quell the anger from Mount Xumi!" the ancestor of the royal family sighed earnestly.

At this point, the Xining Kingdom's internal attitude towards handling this matter has basically been determined, and they once again expressed their most sincere apology to Mount Xumi!

Mount Sumeru, Great Leiyin Temple!

"Master! Master's prestige has been damaged because of the disciple's affairs, and the disciple is deeply frightened!" Du Long, who finally learned of the matter, found Sakyamuni alone for the rare occasion.

"Haha!" Sakyamuni smiled calmly and said: "The mirror is originally dust-free, but the dust comes to contaminate the cause and effect. You are not to blame for this, but some people are too ungrateful!"

"No matter what! I also want to thank my master for his help!" Du Long bowed sincerely.

Sakyamuni nodded slightly and responded with a smile: "That's it for now. You will have a longer period of free time, and it's time to go home. When the time is right, I will have another task to give you. You go and do it!”

"Disciple, please obey your master's orders!"

In this way, after Du Long expressed his apology and gratitude, he bid farewell to Sakyamuni and immediately embarked on a journey back to the Tang Paradise!

This new journey to the West has lasted more than 10,000 years in the blink of an eye. After learning that he had finished his journey to the West, his family had already been urging Du Long to go home as soon as possible!


As golden light formations flashed, Du Long returned directly from Mount Xumi to the capital of the Tang Heavenly Kingdom!

"Haha! You're finally back!" Before Du Long could walk out of the teleportation array, Tang Emperor Li Shimin's laughter immediately sounded in his ears: "You go back to reunite with your family first, and take it with you when you have time. Let’s go to the palace together with Qingcheng!”

Du Long had no choice but to convey a few words of courtesy to him, and then he returned to Prince Zhou's mansion with his two beautiful wives, Qingcheng and Hua Xiang'er, covered in dust!

In the Wangfu's home, a large family had already gathered outside the main hall to welcome Du Long, who had been away for many years, back home.

The moment he saw all his relatives, Du Long felt as if he had returned home. He had ascended to the God Realm for many years and had been wandering around the God Realm for many years. That is to say, the capital of the Tang Dynasty Kingdom could give him a feeling of home.

"Husband! You are finally back!" Qin Huofeng stepped forward, while the other wives stared at their man with burning eyes.

"Yes!" Du Long stepped forward and gently held Qin Huofeng's jade hand and responded softly: "My husband is back, and our Feng'er has worked hard these years!"

As the mistress of the house, Qin Huofeng showed a rare shy look and hurriedly changed the subject: "Hurry in! All the elders are waiting for your return!"

A family banquet was quickly held at Prince Zhou's residence. Except for those friends who came from the immortal world with Du Long, friends from other divine realms were too embarrassed to come and disturb them at this time.

After the lively reception banquet, in a heavily defended side hall, the most important first three generations of the Du family gathered together, obviously preparing to talk about some important things that they did not want outsiders to know!

"Get ready secretly! It's time for us to return to the immortal world. The main goal of this trip is to retrieve the giant blue planet to prevent it from falling into the hands of the God Killing Society and becoming a bargaining chip to threaten us!"

In front of everyone, Du Long directly stated the most important issue to be discussed secretly today! (To be continued)

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