Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1624 The bereaved dog

The bright battle formation was breached, and chaos ensued in the battle circle surrounding Du Long!

A golden stream of light rushed back and forth among the crowd. In this chaotic environment, the sound of breaking wind could hardly be heard. This shows how terrifying the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork has become after the Five Elements Elemental Path merged with the Wind and Thunder Paths!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

The golden figure moved left and right, fast and weird to the extreme. Du Long's whole body was like a stick stirring the pool, making the water turbid!

Swords of light flashed one after another, and in conjunction with the terrifying speed of movement, they attacked continuously. In just a moment, they killed many shadow clones and light paladins!

Du Long's strategy is very clear, that is, his opponents will never be allowed to restart the battle formation of light. Those ordinary light paladins have also become his key targets!

In an instant, there were only four light paladins left on the scene, and no new light paladins were released to join the battle circle. It seems that there is no inventory in the cave space that the opponent carries with him!

On the side of the dark lineage, except for the shadow clones of Resa and Kong Yun, all the shadow clones and true bodies of everyone else were wiped out by Du Long!

'not good! The opponent's speed is too fast, and his combat power is also terrifying. If we can't work together, let alone kill the opponent, we may not be able to protect ourselves! ’ Kaidi, the most powerful light paladin, secretly sent a message to Resa and Kongyun with an ugly expression.

‘That’s right! ’ Kong Yun nodded and said in agreement: ‘Only by working together can we have a chance to kill this bastard, otherwise we will most likely all die here! ’

'I have no opinion! All previous conflicts must be put aside and the perverted monster in front of you must be dealt with first! ’ Although he was still furious in his heart, Resa also understood the importance of it.

In this way, the three peak experts secretly formed a consensus, and their defense circle became tacit and efficient!

Although Du Long didn't know what they had communicated secretly, he guessed a rough idea from the defense circle where his opponents gradually became more tacit and understanding, and the corners of his mouth could not help but tilt upward in a playful arc!

No matter how well his opponent cooperates, he just attacks according to his own ideas. He first cleans out the weaker fish one by one, and then slowly solves the three more difficult bones!

It has to be said that this new set of Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork is extremely abnormal. While the speed is extremely fast, the air resistance has dropped to almost zero!

With the support of terrifying speed, Du Long relied on his own basic combat power and the blessing of super artifact energy to constantly disrupt the opponent's defense circle, killing the last three weaker Paladins of Light one after another. !

It wasn't until this moment that he turned his attention to Kong Yun, Resa and Kaidi, the three truly powerful opponents!

‘Although all five elements and elements have been cultivated to perfection, the basic combat power can still only reach 90% of the basic combat power when using the Thousand Hands Magical Power! ’

‘Ninety percent of the basic combat power. . . In addition to the thirty-one star level combat power bonus, the total combat power output is still inferior to Reza, the strongest paladin! ’

‘Looks like it. . . We still have to start with the weaker Kong Yun first! ’

In the blink of an eye, Du Long made a decision and rushed towards Kong Yun's twenty-seven shadow clones!

Motuo Kongyun's heart trembled slightly, and a bad premonition came to his heart. He knew that he was being targeted by Du Long, and he might be in danger this time!

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Before he could think too much, golden streams of light appeared one after another next to his shadow clone. Each appearance was always accompanied by several terrifying swords, light and electricity!

Kong Yun hurriedly retracted his formation. How dare he care about the lives of other teammates? He just thought about how to save his own life which was the most important thing!

As a result, the newly formed defensive tacit understanding was instantly disrupted!

How could Du Long not seize such an excellent opportunity and appear next to the last Paladin of Light, Kaidi, in a flash.


Like a white cat whose tail was stepped on, Kaidi hurriedly swung the Holy Sword of Light and slashed at Du Long. A huge energy lightsaber then appeared and slashed at Du Long's head!


With a slight dodge, Du Long easily dodged this powerful and heavy blow. After stepping diagonally a few meters to the left, the Yanwu Saber and the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash were slashed out with electricity.

Even the Holy Sword of Light in the hands of ordinary Holy Knights of Light could not stop cutting. He did not hold out any hope of cutting off Kaidi's weapon. He directly dodged to avoid the attack and at the same time, struck out two fatal blows from an unpredictable angle. !

Kaidi, who was attacking with all his strength, couldn't draw his sword to block it. He could only barely duck to one side to avoid Du Long's two sword strikes!

Unfortunately, he was still a beat too late. Although he avoided the vital point, he was still slashed by Du Long on the ribs and right arm with two consecutive knives!

Pah, pah!

With the soft sound of the sword entering the flesh, a blood-stained right arm flew away!

His ribs were covered by bright armor. The bright armor was shattered on the spot by the full blow of the super artifact Extreme Soul Devouring Slash. The light of the sword fiercely cut a scar deep enough to see the bones in his ribs!


Amid screams of shock and anger, Kaidi frantically tried to hide among the many shadow clones nearby!

It's a pity that Du Long couldn't let go of this opportunity to beat the drowned dog. He took three steps in succession, avoided the encirclement of several shadow clones, and appeared next to Kaidi in an instant!

Two more sword flashes appeared, with the Yanwu War Sword still in front, followed closely by the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash, slashing hard at Kaidi!

In this pursuit of speed, he did not hesitate to put the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash on the arm behind him to maintain defense, and then used the relatively lighter Yanwu Saber and the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash to quickly kill the enemy!

His right arm was cut off, and Kaidi could only hold the Holy Sword of Light with his left hand. He had no choice but to use his left hand to wave the sword to block the two fatal sword flashes. Unfortunately, everything was in vain!

Bang, poof!

The Yanwu War Sword instantly shook away the opponent's Holy Sword of Light, and the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash followed closely and struck on his head. The Extreme Soul Devouring Sword was activated, swallowing up his soul completely in an instant, and even screamed. It’s too late to send it out!

With one successful blow, Du Long waved his hand and put the people and the trophies into the space of Jiuyou Cave. Then the soles of his feet moved and he dodged to avoid the full siege of several shadow clones.

Regardless of enjoying the pleasure of killing the most powerful light paladin, he used the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork one after another, and while dodging strangely to avoid the opponent's attacks again and again, he was also working hard to find and create opportunities to kill the enemy!

Bang, bang!

Accompanied by two loud sounds of gold and iron clashing, Du Long relied on his huge advantage in total combat power to successfully deflect the weapon of a shadow clone of Kong Yun. Ji Ling Slash followed up and instantly slashed the shadow clone. Soul Eater successfully activated and devoured the soul of this shadow clone!

Amidst bursts of painful wails, Kong Yun frantically wanted to shrink his defensive front to protect himself, but Du Long was unwilling to watch him re-defense, and directly dodged and rushed towards the crack that had just been torn open!

Swords of light appeared all over the sky one after another. Facing Kong Yun, whose combat power bonus was only 30 stars, and whose basic combat power was only 80% after casting Shadow Clone, Du Long's most common attacks were more than twice as powerful as him. !

Feeling the swords and lightning slashes coming one after another that far exceeded his own combat power, Kong Yun could only hold on for less than thirty swords before he could no longer withstand it. The entire defensive circle was torn open by Du Long in an instant!

Now that he has the perfect basic combat power of the Emperor of Heaven in the later period, Du Long is no longer afraid of the energy consumption in the super artifact space being too fast after using his Thousand Hands Magical Power. When facing Kong Yun, he will not stop fighting!

Waves of screams resounded through the sky. Du Long, who successfully entered Kongyun's defense circle, killed his opponent's shadow clones one after another!

Kong Yun, the demon's soul, was killed and devoured one after another, and soon he could no longer maintain his shadow clone state.


The remaining dozen shadow clones collapsed on the spot, and his only true body was instantly revealed at the scene. Moduo Kongyun endured the pain of a splitting headache and fled towards Resa's defense circle at full speed in panic.

"Lesa! Save me! Let go of the defensive circle quickly, and we can resist the opponent's attack together!"

Just when Resa was about to let go of the defensive circle to let him in, he immediately saw Du Long charging towards him at a terrifying speed. Thinking of the ferocious scene where he had just torn apart Kong Yun's defensive circle, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he immediately changed his mind. Have to hesitate.

After just a moment's hesitation, Du Long was already approaching, and the sword light appeared in the sky, strangulating towards Kong Yun fiercely!

"No!! Reza, you bastard! If it's because of you that I fall here, Lord Demon Lord will definitely not let you go!!"

Kong Yun yelled angrily, but he never thought about how he watched another companion die tragically outside his defense circle when he encountered the same predicament before. !


With no choice but to do so, Kong Yun could only transform into twelve shadow clones again, and then go all out to resist Du Long's pursuit!

Facing this opponent whose total combat power was even inferior to his own normal attacks, Du Long had no idea of ​​retreating. The swords in the sky appeared one after another, and he directly strangled Kong Yun with a crushing method!

Clang, clang, clang. . .

As the sound of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the world, the huge impact severely disrupted Kong Yun's extremely fragile defense line. The consequences of a disrupted defense line would be absolutely fatal!

Puff, puff, puff. . .

One after another, the sword light blasted the opponent's shadow clones one after another. In the blink of an eye, Kong Yun's five or six shadow clones were destroyed. Most of the souls could not escape the fate of being killed!

ah! !

Accompanied by a miserable wailing sound, Kong Yun's remaining shadow clone collapsed again. The surviving true body was as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog, and flashed away in the direction of the gate of the Nine Nether God Realm.

"Lesa! You bastard! You actually refused to save me from death. I will definitely accuse you to Lord Demon!!"

While this guy was struggling to escape, he did not forget to threaten Resa loudly. He had no intention of doing anything to others that he did not want to do to others!

Du Long grinned, obviously speechless at this shameless man. He glanced at Resa and saw that he had no intention of attacking him, so he took a step towards Kong Yun's escape direction.

There was almost no sound breaking through the sky, and his whole body instantly turned into a golden thunder and lightning, rushing in front of Kong Yun in the blink of an eye, directly blocking his way to escape! (To be continued)

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