Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1614 Wang Ba Dao of Sword

In front of the triangular inheritance tower mountain, on the small square!

Clang, clang, clang. . .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing resounded through the sky, and more than thirty shadow clones began to frantically besiege the golden figure with three heads and forty-eight arms, as if they had been injected with chicken blood!

‘Wow! This girl was clearly showing weakness just now. Will she finally reveal her true strength? ! ’ Du Long let out a strange cry secretly, and had to desperately block the opponent’s fierce attacks again and again.

‘It seems that people have known for a long time that you rely on the energy blessing of super artifacts to possess the perfect basic combat power of the late Emperor of Heaven. They are preparing to consume all your energy! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er reminded in a deep voice.

'Well! ’ Du Long nodded secretly and said: ‘Since you want to go crazy, then I will accompany you to go crazy! ’

Facing the mad advance of Motuo Kongyun, he did not passively choose to retreat and parry, but launched an all-out counterattack even crazier than his opponent!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Golden figures were running back and forth like phantoms. As the sword light flashed one after another, a shocking fighting spirit was brewing and taking shape!

‘The swordsman is the king of all weapons! ’

‘Swords and swords, the sword is in front and the sword is in the back. It seems like a coincidence, but in fact, there are differences and theorems before and after it appears! ’

‘Therefore, if the sword is said to be the way of chivalry, then the sword can be called the way of kings! ’

‘The way of the sword, the way of the king! You must be arrogant and despise everything, you must crush all evil ways, until you achieve the battle of kings and tyrants, and the way of fighting with swords! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

While using all his strength to fight Kong Yun with his fighting swordsmanship, Du Long discarded the pressure caused by his opponent's crazy attack.

At such a critical juncture of the battle, he still had the heart to fight and realize the way of fighting swordsmanship!

In his heart, a Wang Ba Dou Zhan Dao is taking shape!

This also made him gradually ignore the pressure from his opponents, and instead wanted to use his domineering sword technique to crush his opponents!

'No! This is impossible. . . It was only with the help of Lord Demon Lord that I successfully took over this demon body and was able to have the fighting power I have now, but he. . . ’

Feeling the momentum of his opponent who is not weak but strong, and the attack power that is gradually increasing with each attack, Moduo Kongyun finally can no longer remain calm!

Not far away, the members of the New Journey to the West team standing under the inheritance tower mountain also breathed a sigh of relief. They were just thinking about whether to help Du Long!

Clang, clang, clang. . .

In the small square, the sound of gold and iron clashing continued to resound throughout the world. Du Long was immersed in that extremely mysterious state of fighting comprehension, and his whole body revealed a shocking kingly fighting spirit!

'this. . . Could it be. . . The deep enlightenment state of Dou Zhan Dao? ! ’ As a strong man with a fighting heart, Huang Tianhua was the first to discover Du Long’s abnormal state at this moment.

'This guy. . . Are you already so evil that there is no limit to it? ! How could any random battle inspire his fighting spirit so easily? ! Can it bring him into such a mysterious and deep state of enlightenment? ! ’

No matter how shocked Huang Tianhua was, the battle in front of him became more and more intense.

When Motuo Kongyun faced Du Long's terrifying kingly momentum, not only did he not choose to bow his head, but he chose to fight even more crazily and fiercely!

"No matter how evil your talent is! No matter how fast your strength improves!!"

"Relying on the blessing of external forces can never last forever. I, Kong Yun, want to see today how far you, the boy, can improve your strength in the limited time when your energy is exhausted?!"

Thirty-six shadow clones advanced instead of retreating, attacking the golden figure extremely crazily. Every time they attack, they must go all out!

Kong Yun's goal is simple, that is to consume Du Long's energy as quickly as possible. Once the energy contained in the super artifact is exhausted, he will be able to easily kill it!

Just as he thought, Du Long, who had fallen into a deep state of enlightenment, was increasing crazily in strength, but the energy inside the super artifact was also being consumed crazily!


As a sword light consumed all the energy contained in the inner space of the Flame Dragon Slayer, Du Long finally woke up from the state of enlightenment.

However, he did not completely break away from the state of enlightenment, but continued to maintain a semi-awake state, sinking a trace of his mind into the two super artifacts of Yanwu and Fire Cloud Cauldron.

As the master of these two super artifacts, he instantly understood the internal energy consumption. Due to the different energy locations called each time, the energy inside these two super artifacts was not exhausted, but there was very little left. Got it!

‘Looks like it. . . There is no way to continue to fully comprehend the Dou Zhan Dao. . . Dou Zhan Dao said. . . ’

‘No matter how the sword is, it’s all sharp gold. . . ’

‘Sharp gold is based on the metal element. . . That's right! Gold Bank. . . Sharp gold. . . Fight. . . Ha ha! All three actually have something in common! ’


With a flash of realization in his heart, Du Long finally succeeded in penetrating the bottleneck of the Golden Elemental Path after many years, and finally achieved perfection, breaking through the middle-to-perfect state of the Golden Elemental Path!

An invisible wave of heaven and earth descends in this cave space. It is the practitioner's achievement in comprehending the avenue of heaven and earth that is recognized by heaven and earth. Heaven will ignore all void separation and directly send down the corresponding different phenomena of heaven and earth!

"Wow!" Tengchong's exclamation sounded not far away: "How could he achieve another breakthrough in such a short period of time?! This time, on which path did Du Long achieve breakthrough?!"

"Seeing that the sky and the earth are quite different, with strong fluctuations of the metal element, it must be that he has made another breakthrough in the metal element, right?!" Huang Tianhua analyzed calmly.

"Is that so?!" Teng Chong said slightly disappointed: "What if just a breakthrough in the elemental path of Jinxing can't bring him much improvement in strength?! It seems that this breakthrough... is a bit useless?!"

"Hmm! There's no improvement in strength. It's really useless. It doesn't really help the whole battle!" Mo Gang also nodded and said angrily.

In the battle circle, Mo Tuo Kongyun was really shocked by Du Long's breakthrough, but he did not find any improvement in his opponent's strength in the next few attacks, which made him secretly relieved!

'no! This kid is too evil. If we can't eradicate him this time, I'm afraid we won't have such a good opportunity again in the future! ’ After personally experiencing Du Long’s evil spirit, Moduo Kongyun no longer remained calm.

So, in order to eradicate this old enemy, in order to kill this inner demon that hinders his growth!

He once again launched a fierce attack with all his strength, aiming to eliminate his opponent as soon as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams!

Clang, clang, clang. . .

Amidst the sounds of gold and iron clashing, Du Long discovered a phenomenon with half surprise and half joy, that is, after his breakthrough, all his strength, including his soul realm, had not improved at all!

However, such a strange phenomenon occurred!

That was the super artifact he used to boost his combat power. Actually, during the different phases of change between heaven and earth just now, the energy that had been exhausted was instantly replenished!


'this. . . What is the situation? ! Doesn't realm breakthrough only improve the realm and strength of the soul? ! When will the energy inside the super artifact be replenished? ! ’

With such a trace of doubt in his heart, Du Long did not continue to think about it.

Since God helped him refill the internal energy of the super artifact, it was equivalent to giving him a short period of time to comprehend and practice. Naturally, he couldn't miss such a good opportunity!

Amidst the crisp sounds of gold and iron clashing, he soon entered the king's state of understanding the way of fighting swordsmanship again. Although he could not enter the deep state of enlightenment like before, it was still an extremely rare state of cultivation!

In his heart, one after another insights about the way of fighting swords came to mind one after another. He also used the head-on confrontation with powerful opponents to revise his own insights and strive to make this perception go on the right path. !

Controlling many shadow clones, Mo Tuo Kongyun was desperately besieging Du Long on the surface, but in fact he had the illusion that he was fighting against thousands of troops!

That's right!

Du Long, who entered the Wang Ba Dou Fighting Sword Path, looked like a king commanding thousands of troops. The aura exuded from his body actually made Mo Tuo Kongyun feel frightened!

This is the domineering momentum of the swordsman, which is a very important momentum in the Dou Zhan Dao of Swordsmanship. It is also a sign that DouZhan Dao Dao has reached the middle level!


Accompanied by a powerful and heavy blow, the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash flashed through a strange colorful brilliance and collided with the opponent's strange-shaped soldiers!

A huge force instantly knocked Kong Yun's shadow clone and flew backwards. After constantly comprehending the Dou Zhan Sword Dao, Du Long finally increased the combat power bonus of the Dou Zhan Dao Dao to a 4-star level!

In other words, he can now finally exert a total of 1-star combat power bonus during the battle!

The 1-star combat power bonus seems to only increase the level by one star, but the total combat power output has doubled before, and this doubling is enough to reverse the situation on the battlefield!

Seeing that he easily defeated his opponent with one blow, Du Long, who was immersed in the state of comprehension and cultivation, subconsciously took advantage of the victory to attack. With the help of the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork, he reached the shadow clone with the door wide open in one step.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Sword lights flashed one after another. Facing this shadow clone with a super artifact and a strange warrior, Du Long mercilessly killed him with all his strength with his sword!

Just behind him, several shadow clones were surrounding him like a shadow, obviously preparing to surround Wei and rescue Zhao. Unfortunately, Du Long was surrounded by dense arms on three sides, giving his opponent no chance to save this shadow clone!


In the midst of a series of head-on fights, a sword flash instantly swiped across the shadow clone's neck, and another sword flash immediately followed, and the one who made the finishing blow was the Extreme Soul Devouring Slash! (To be continued)

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