Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1612 Mo Tuo Reappears

The leader of the God Killing Guild listened quietly to Mosti's report. It could be seen from the faint smile on his face that he was obviously very satisfied with the subordinate who had just walked out of the Hell Department in front of him.

"Now that the specific location of the Immortal Heritage of the Nine Netherworlds of Mahayana has been confirmed, I wonder if you have a detailed response plan?!" After listening to Mosti's report, the leader of the God Killing Club asked calmly.

"Report to the Lord God! Not long after the Immortal Heritage of the Nine Netherworlds of the Mahayana appeared in the world, the number of strong people in the Eastern and Western Heavenly Emperor Realm who have entered it to practice is very small, and there is not even a true peak Heavenly Emperor Realm strongman!"

"Therefore, my subordinates believe that this is a great opportunity to kill Du Long and prevent him from successfully accepting the immortal inheritance of the Nine Netherworlds of Mahayana. If he misses this opportunity, he may become...the second Guan Zizai!" Mo Mo Steve's expression became extremely serious.

"I understand all of this, I just want to know if you have any detailed response plan?!" the leader of the God Killing Guild continued to repeat.

"My lord God must also know that Du Long's strength is no longer what it used to be, and has almost reached the true peak of the Heavenly Emperor level. Therefore, the only way to deal with him is to dispatch the true peak paladin!" Mosti obviously said It's exposing your own difficulties.

"Hmm! The Intelligence Department cannot mobilize even ordinary peak paladins, let alone real peak paladins. Even I have to think carefully before deploying a truly supreme peak paladin!" The leader of the God Killing Association was considerate of his difficulties.

"In the opinion of my subordinates, we can either send the most powerful peak paladin to kill Du Long in the bud, or we can send some ordinary peak paladin, as long as we can interfere with him and prevent him from realizing the immortal inheritance of the Nine Netherworlds of Mahayana. Yes!" Mosti revealed all his thoughts.

As he said, it would be better not to send some so-called peak paladins who are not guaranteed to kill Du Long!

Don't let the person be killed when the time comes, but instead become the whetstone for the other person's growth, then it will really be like stealing the chicken but losing the rice!

If you want to kill, you must send out a real master, preferably one who can kill with one hit!

Otherwise, as long as it can interfere with the opponent's ability to realize the immortal inheritance of the Nine Netherworlds of Mahayana with peace of mind, Mosti can be regarded as indirectly providing the leader of the God Killing Guild with two options. As for what to do in the end, it depends on him. chosen!

"Well! I know what to do. You should go back and make more preparations first! I will contact you after I have dispatched the manpower!" The leader of the God Killing Guild quickly made a decision.

"I obey my command!" Mosti bowed his hands, and then couldn't help but add again: "Please also ask the Lord God to contact the manpower as soon as possible. It is impossible to fly in the air in the inheritance tower mountain. Once Du Long gets on the higher ground, Ladder, I’m afraid it will be difficult to even interfere with the other party!”

"I understand!"

Watching Mosti striding away, the leader of the God Killing Guild tapped the desk with his right middle finger habitually, as if he was concentrating on something. He was obviously thinking about how to dispatch the truly powerful peak paladin. Get out there and do this mission!

You know, as the leader of the God Killing Guild, he himself has only reached the strength of the most powerful peak paladin. It is really not an easy task to command the strong men of the same level to go into battle!

"No! It seems that we have to ask Lord Demon Lord for instructions on this matter!" After thinking for a while, he immediately made a decision.

Since I can't command the most powerful peak paladins at will, I might as well throw the ball to the Dark Lord. As long as he is willing to speak, who among the most powerful peak paladins of the dark lineage will dare to disobey? Respect? !

In order to facilitate this matter as quickly as possible, he did not waste time and disappeared without a trace. He had already personally rushed to the retreat of the Dark Lord!

"God Kill! Why did you come here?!" A low and hoarse voice rolled from the boundless darkness.

"Lord Demon Lord Qi..." Standing outside the forbidden area, the leader of the God Killing Guild respectfully explained the purpose of his visit.

"Oh?!" The Dark Lord replied in a deep voice: "Isn't Du Long, the successor of Xuantian Jue who was accepted by Sakyamuni as his direct disciple, still dead?!"

Although the leader of the God Killing Guild secretly complained in his heart, he still showed a respectful look on the surface and said: "I forgive my subordinates for their incompetence. Although they sent assassination teams several times in succession, they all failed without exception! And it also led to His strength has grown to reach the peak of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"The peak level of the Emperor of Heaven?! How is this possible?!" The Dark Lord said in disbelief: "I remember that the last time I saw him in the Hunyuan level competition, he was just a little baby of the Hunyuan level! This time How long has it been?!”

"Yes!" The leader of the God Killing Guild nodded solemnly and replied: "It is precisely because that boy is so evil that my subordinates believe that he must be killed before he can grow into a truly powerful peak Heavenly Emperor. eradicate!"


The Dark Demon Lord responded casually, and then seemed to be thinking about something. The leader of the God Killing Guild did not say anything more at this time.

"You mean... this kid is currently in the Immortal Heritage Space of the Nine Netherworlds of Mahayana?! Tell me the details quickly!" After pondering for a while, the voice of the Dark Lord sounded again.

Therefore, the leader of the God Killing Society described in detail the method newly invented by Mosti to communicate with the cave world, as well as its application to the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Inheritance Space and the information transmitted from it.

"This Mosti is a talented person. He can even think of such a communication method. It is very worthy of being secretly promoted. By then, secret communication can be carried out through this method in any space or on any plane!"

The Dark Lord actually did not express his opinion on Du Long's matter first, but instead praised Mosti's innovative contact method.

In the eyes of these powerful men, those gods-level beings are almost the same as ants. As for how many gods will be killed by this method, it is as insignificant as how many ants are killed!

"What Lord Demon Lord said is true, and my subordinates also specially praised that boy for it!" A faint smile appeared on the face of the leader of the God Killing Guild.

"Hmm!" The Dark Lord replied casually: "It just so happens that the boy will be released from seclusion in the next two days. At that time, I will ask him to bring two peak paladins to find you. I hope that this time I can completely defeat Du Long. Stifled in the final stage of growth!”

"That's very good! Then my subordinate will return to the headquarters of the Godslayer to wait for the peak paladin dispatched by the Lord!" the leader of the Godslayer replied excitedly.


After the figure of the God Killer Guild Master disappeared without a trace, the voice of the Dark Lord sounded again in the darkness: "I thought that the kid's growth rate in the devil's cave would be extremely amazing, but I never thought... he would be free outside. The grown-up Du Long... doesn't seem to be any weaker than him!"

"I hope that through this battle, you can kill your inner demons and prove my dark and powerful demonic way! Whether it is success or failure, everything depends on your own destiny!"

On the Mahayana Nine Nether Inheritance Pagoda Mountain, Du Long is still standing on the first step, working hard to understand and practice. Mysterious energy fluctuations are flowing in his body, constantly strengthening his body!

This feeling is as if there are countless ants crawling back and forth in the body. It makes people feel itchy and uncomfortable, but it also gives people a very comfortable and contradictory feeling!

Du Long never thought that in this cave world isolated from the outside world, there would be a communication method similar to Morse code!

Every move of the people in this secret realm of inheritance was secretly leaked by the man in black not far away!

All I can say is that he has never been ruthless or strong enough!

Otherwise, with his strength, he is fully capable of strangling all the strangers with the strength of the Heavenly Emperor, and there is no need to share the Mahayana Nine Nether Immortal Inheritance Techniques with them!

However, everyone has a bottom line of principle in their heart, and Du Long's bottom line of principle is that if others don't offend me, I won't offend others!

Time passes day by day, but the Mahayana Nine Nethers inheritance space is peaceful and quiet. A few dozen people stand in a corner of the first step, silently comprehending and practicing!

As time went by, two more adventure teams came in, and each of them was extremely excited at the beginning!

Immediately afterwards, he quickly devoted himself to the practice of the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Techniques!

These people have never practiced the Nine Netherworld Immortal Body Refining Techniques of the Upper and Lower Vehicles, and jumped directly to the Nine Netherworld Immortal Body Refining Techniques of the Mahayana. The results will naturally be like swallowing jujubes, and there is no hope at all. The method is to understand the mystery of each step from a deep level!

But even so, through that kind of vague practice, people can still get certain benefits from it, that is, strengthening their bodies! !

About three months after Du Long climbed the first step, a man in black, wrapped up tightly, came to the foot of the inheritance tower. With the arrival of this man, the temperature of the scene seemed to change. It's like solidified!

An extremely cold murderous intention spread around the inheritance tower mountain. Everyone who was practicing hard on the first step was alarmed. They stopped practicing and turned to look at the source of this murderous intention.

As a result, apart from the darkness, all that could be seen was the opponent's exposed blood-colored pupils, which seemed to be staring closely at Du Long. The terrifying murderous intent was obviously directed at him!

Du Long frowned and stared at the man in black robes in front of him. His soul aura and appearance were all covered up, making it impossible to detect, but it still gave him an extremely familiar feeling!

"Du Long!"

Just when he felt confused, the other party finally spoke, with a strange vibrato like the sound of sand and gravel grinding together, which made people feel a chill rushing out of their hearts.

Knowing that the other party was coming for him, Du Long had no intention of continuing to practice, so he could only duck and jump down from the first step.

"Who are you?! Could it be that...you came to this cave world not to practice the inheritance of the Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Kung Fu?! But did you come here specifically to cause trouble for me?!"

"Quack, quack, quack..."

Amidst bursts of weird laughter, the man in black robe continued to speak in that strange tone: "You are really a noble person who forgets things! How many years has it been since we said goodbye in the Hunyuan Competition?! You can't even hear my voice! Can’t you hear it?!”

"Oh no!" The man in black robe immediately shook his head nervously and said, "Now, not only is my body not my own, but this voice is no longer my own!"

"Hunyuan Competition?! The body is not my own?! Are you...Kongyun?!" In a moment, Du Long remembered the possible origin of the other party! (To be continued)

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