Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1598 Six-Pointed Star Array

Puff puff!

Accompanied by the muffled sound of sword rays penetrating into flesh, several sword flowers sank into the abdomen of the Water Ape Demon Emperor one after another. As for the other two sword rays that stabbed at the vital parts of the head, they deflected and missed the vital points!

In an instant, the Water Ape Demon Emperor in the first cave of Sanfeng Mountain was completely destroyed. If the Poisonous Scorpion Girl hadn't begged loudly, he would have been killed on the spot!

Since the time limit for the second transformation has expired, there is only one outcome for failing to defeat the target within the time limit, and that is because the body is rapidly weakened and the only outcome is to be slaughtered by others!


The Water Ape Demon Emperor, whose cultivation had been deprived of, fell downwards in free fall. Seeing this scene from a distance, the poisonous scorpion woman came over with lightning and caught him in mid-air!

"Brother Water Ape! I'm sorry! It's all because of my sister's fault. As a result, my brother was seriously injured..." The poisonous scorpion girl caught the Water Ape Demon Emperor and dropped it on the hillside of the third hole, crying with tears streaming down her face. road.

"Alas!" The Water Monkey Demon Emperor said with a depressed expression: "Today, who can be blamed?! If we are to blame, we can only blame us for causing too many troubles in the Sanfeng Mountain area. Today, we finally got retribution!"

In mid-air, Huang Tianhua felt guilty towards the Poisonous Scorpion Girl, so he once again gave her a favor and spared the life of the Water Ape Demon Emperor. Then he turned around and looked at the battlefield where Du Long was!

"Brother Du Long! Just leave this poisonous snake demon to me to deal with! You go and help other teammates!" Huang Tianhua flashed towards the battlefield where Du Long was in high spirits.

"Okay! Brother Tianhua, please be careful of the venom of this poisonous snake demon. Don't let it get on you!" Du Long confessed and handed the poisonous snake demon emperor to Huang Tianhua.

Then he flashed towards the battlefield where the other three teammates were, but with a burst of space creeping, a black shadow instantly appeared not far from him!

'not good! ’

Du Long's heart tightened secretly, knowing that the guy who had been using his spiritual sense to explore this place finally couldn't help but show up. As the man in black appeared, eight more figures immediately appeared next to him!

Swish, swish!

Two of the figures shot toward him in an instant, while the other figures spread out, seemingly intending to surround them!

This guy just showed up and immediately headed straight for Du Long. The purpose of this team's coming is self-evident!

Bang, bang!

Du Long sneered in his heart, and instead of retreating in a hurry, he swung his sword and struck at the incoming person with electricity. He only used the twenty-seven-star combat power bonus, so it was not a good opportunity to reveal his strength yet!

As two huge forces came from the blade, Du Long instantly tested that the opponent's combat power was at least twenty-eight stars. The huge repulsive force made him fly backwards!


Before Du Long could take action, a transparent and glowing energy ball appeared out of thin air. It was a bright energy trap!

"Hmph! I didn't expect him to be the pinnacle paladin from the Temple of Light in the West! He came all the way to hunt us down in the Eastern World. Do you really think that the Eastern World is a place where you can go in and out to kill at will?!"

The anger in Du Long's voice ignited. Although he had expected that the Western camp would not let him go so easily, when he actually faced their continuous assassinations, the anger in his heart would be ignited uncontrollably!

"Hehe! Brat! Don't talk so much nonsense. You must die here today. As for other nonsense, just wait until you die before going to the Eastern God of Hell, King Yama, to complain!"

One of the peak paladin sneered, and immediately waved the long sword in his hand and struck out with all his strength. The other peak paladin who was partnering with him also took action in tacit cooperation!

Two huge lightsabers struck at Du Long fiercely. It seemed that they both knew that the target's movement speed was too fast and weird, so they simply forced him to fight head-on with the two of them!

"Hmph! You two losers want to kill me?!" Du Long easily dodged the two sword lights, and then snorted disdainfully: "I just killed two or three people not long ago. A so-called peak paladin, if you had a longer memory, you shouldn't just send two people to surround me!"

"Haha! If that's the case, then it's as you said! Come out! Archangels!"

As one of the peak paladin's words fell, six white figures suddenly appeared within the area covered by the bright light energy ball, with five pairs of ten white wings growing behind each one!

"The Archangel of the Temple of Light?! Hum! Are you, the Temple of Light in the West, declaring war on Buddhism and Taoism in the East?! How dare even the Archangel dare to send out to assassinate my disciples in the East?!"

Not far away, Huang Tianhua, who was entangled with the Venomous Snake Demon Emperor, roared angrily at the group of guys surrounding Du Long.

"Declaration of war?! No, no, we will not declare war on the Eastern camp. As long as there are no survivors in the entire Sanfeng Mountain today, there will be no so-called incidents of Western angels coming to the East to kill people!"

One of the archangels waved his hand and explained patiently. The meaning of his words was very obvious, that is, he was not planning to leave anyone alive!

"Venomous snake demon! Aren't you afraid of being silenced by these Westerners?! Why are you still pestering me?!" Huang Tianhua shouted angrily at his opponent.

"Hehe!" The Venomous Snake Demon Emperor sneered and said, "Don't worry! I will lead a group of Sanfeng Mountain's men to defect to the Western Temple of Light, and naturally they will not be silenced!"

"So you have betrayed the Eastern camp and actually chose to go to the West to be the watchdog of the Temple of Light?!" Huang Tianhua suddenly realized it, then turned to the Scorpion Girl and shouted: "Did you two also join the Western camp?! "

"My little sister doesn't know about this! Brother Water Ape! Do you know about this?!" The poisonous scorpion woman hurriedly explained.

"Alas!" The Water Ape Demon Emperor sighed and said: "The second brother has always acted strangely, and he didn't tell me about this matter beforehand. It seems that there is nothing simple behind today's disaster!"

"Haha! You are a waste whose cultivation has been ruined. You have been kept in the dark from the beginning to the end without knowing it... Okay! For the sake of your poor cultivation, I will tell you today. Tell the truth!”

The Snake Demon Emperor laughed triumphantly and said: "Actually! This time Huang Tianhua came to Sanfeng Mountain to cause trouble for us, and I was the one who arranged the final capture!"

I dare say that the publisher behind the orange-red Heavenly Emperor Zhiyuan adventure mission that Huang Tianhua received this time was surprisingly this Snake Lao Er. It was he who issued the mission to deal with the Sanfeng Mountain where he was!

"You bastard! Why did you frame Sanfeng Mountain like this?! What good will this do to you?!" The Water Ape Demon Emperor said angrily.

"Hmph! For many years, I have been with you, an indecisive loser. I have been nagging you endlessly when I wanted to go out and do anything. Especially when I fell in love with the poisonous scorpion girl and wanted to use her to force you, I had to stand in the way! "

"It's finally fine! Just because you pampered her with her bad temper, now even your own cultivation has been ruined, right?! Haha, you are really doing it for yourself! Hahaha..."

The Venomous Snake Demon Emperor looked up to the sky and laughed loudly at the end. He didn't know whether it was because the plan succeeded or for other reasons. In short, it gave people an extremely crazy feeling!

The Water Monkey Demon Emperor and the Poisonous Scorpion Girl looked at each other, and saw a hint of bitterness in their eyes. It was really ridiculous to have been brothers and sisters with such a scumbag for so many years!


It's a long story, but it actually happened in a matter of seconds. Within the transparent energy shield, the six archangels finally took action!

I saw them standing in a hexagonal shape, and a lightsaber in each hand began to bloom with thousands of holy white lights. Six white lights intertwined into a hexagonal star, and then fired fiercely towards Du Long!


Subconsciously, Du Long dodged and moved away. This attack jointly launched by the opponent's six peak archangels made him feel extremely dangerous!

"Hmph! Want to escape?! It's not that easy!" One of the archangels who seemed to be leading the team snorted coldly. The lightsabers in the hands of the six archangels shook, and the six-pointed star array also turned a corner. Continue to pursue Du Long like a shadow!

Chi, chi, chi. . .

Within the six-pointed star array, terrifying sword radiances flashed out, and even the space of the God Realm was rippled by these sword radiances.

If Du Long were to be hit by it, even if Du Long had a physical strength that was not weaker than a top-grade divine weapon, he would be instantly strangled into dust, right? !

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

With no choice but to use all his strength, Du Long used the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork, and his whole body transformed into a twists and turns of golden thunder and lightning in the energy ball, far away from the attack route of the six-pointed star formation!

'Depend on! What the hell is this? ! It’s simply a haunting! ’

After seeing that no matter how quickly he dodged, the six-pointed star array was still chasing him with the smallest movement range, Du Long cursed in his heart.

‘This is the unique six-pointed star array combined attack technique of the Light God Clan. Unless it hits the target, it can almost keep the energy in a state of continuous pursuit! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er’s slightly serious voice then sounded.

'snort! I don't believe it! ’

In a flash of thought, Du Long made a decision. While he quickly dodged the six-pointed star formation, he swung out the Flame Dragon Slaying Slash in his hand!


A huge flaming light blade shot out instantly, and the target was clearly the six-pointed star array that was constantly chasing him. Then he saw the swords in the hands of the six archangels changing several times, and the six-pointed star array collided with the flaming light blade!

The big explosion that was imagined did not appear. The flaming blade disappeared without a trace in an instant like a mud cow entering the sea. On the other hand, the six-pointed star array grew in size, and fired towards Du Long again with even more terrifying power!

‘Wow! Is this okay? ! ’

Amidst the strange screams, Du Long's footwork was magical and he dodged at full speed to avoid the pursuit of the six-pointed star array, and went straight towards one of the peak paladins, lightning flashing away. (To be continued)

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