Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1582 Rejection of Transaction

'not good! ’

These two words popped up in the hearts of all the members of the entire Westward Journey team. Seeing Huang Tianhua instantly being caught by the giant golden net, it looked like it would be extremely difficult to break free!


In desperation, Du Long could only use the new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork. He stepped out in one step and instantly rushed towards the leader of the bandits who was at the peak of the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

However, what made him feel a little depressed was that the other party actually turned his hand and took out a golden mesh magic weapon, and then cast the net towards him without hesitation!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

After three quick dodges in succession, he was able to avoid the scope of the giant golden net. Du Long had no intention of retreating and just turned a corner and circled towards his opponent again!

"It seems to be quite fast?!"

Then the leader of the peak Heavenly Emperor realm thief and bandits muttered lightly, and then he suddenly used his magic skills. The giant net that had been avoided by Du Long unexpectedly turned around again, and flew towards him again with bared teeth and claws. !

"Wow! What kind of weird net is this?! Is it so evil?!" Du Long shouted angrily and hurriedly dodged again.

The bandit leader didn't seem to be in a hurry to deal with him. Instead, he surrounded himself with the giant net, blocking all possible attack routes for Du Long. Then, in front of all the members of the New Journey to the West team, he began to slowly Clean up Huang Tianhua who was caught in a net!

First, a trapped god chain was added to his body, and after completely trapping his cultivation, he waved his hand and took the prisoner into the cave world!

Outside the golden net, Du Long and others could only watch helplessly as the other party captured Huang Tianhua in one fell swoop, but there was absolutely no way to rescue him.

Du Long had already tried his best just now, but what's the use of going faster? No matter how fast you go, you can't get through that giant net!

"What kind of situation is this?! The battle is just about to start, and Brother Tianhua is captured alive?!" Teng Chong muttered in confusion.

"Du Long! What should we do?! What kind of magic weapon is the golden giant net in the hands of the bandits?!" Lin Mo was also a little anxious.

Since the journey to the west, this is the first time that a team member has been captured alive by the enemy, and everyone is a little panicked.

"The thieves on the other side!" Du Long did not answer Lin Mo's question, but shouted to the thieves with a serious face.

"The man you captured earlier was Huang Tianhua, a direct disciple of True Monarch Daode of Qingfeng Mountain in the Kunlun Holy Land! If you dare to hurt him even a hair, be prepared to face the wrath of the Kunlun Taoist cultivators!"

"What about the disciples of Kunlun?! It was you who stole my wife uninvited. I have the right to act without fear of anyone in the world!" The leader of the thieves was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled with some sternness.

"Shit is justified all over the world. You gang of thieves have caused trouble around Bihai Lake for countless years and committed numerous murders. Today, you even kidnapped the princess of Bisi Kingdom to be the wife of the stronghold. You actually dare to keep claiming that you are your own wife. He is innocent? He is really a bastard!" Du Long retorted loudly.

"Hmph!" the bandit leader snorted angrily.

"We are just a group of like-minded brothers gathered in Qiandao Mountain. We have always been good people who obey the law and abide by the law. You don't want to smear people's innocence. Is there any evidence for the so-called numerous murders?!"


Du Long really didn't have any evidence that the other party committed the crime. He asked him to get it from somewhere, and he could only reluctantly respond: "Don't think that you just cleaned up the traces after committing the crime. In short, people are doing it. God is watching! There will be retribution for what you have done!"

"Whether there will be retribution or not is our own business. There is no need for you, a dirty kid, to meddle in our own business!" The bandit leader retorted directly: "Boy! How about we make a deal?!"

"Deal?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right! Why don't you return the Princess of Bisi to us, and then we will return this Kunlun disciple to you. How about we all stay the same from now on?!" The bandit leader directly stated the purpose of the transaction.

"Impossible!" Du Long waved his hand and refused.

"If we haven't rescued people before, then that's fine. I, Du Long, have never had the habit of using innocent people to make deals with thieves!"

"Hmph!" the bandit leader snorted coldly: "So, would you rather save Princess Bisi than care about the life and death of this Kunlun disciple?!"

"Haha! We want to take the princess away, and we also want to rescue brother Tianhua. I'm sorry you don't dare to touch him. I'll go and get the reinforcements for the time being. If you don't want to bring disaster to yourselves, Just hand him over obediently!" Du Long said with an obvious threat.

"Don't use the tiger skin as a banner! I haven't heard of any big talk. If you have the guts, go and bring in the reinforcements. We'll just wait here to see which reinforcement dares to come to Qiandao Mountain to die?!"

"Brothers! It seems that we can't drink this wedding wine. Let's go back and steam the guy we just captured and bring it to drink!"

As the bandit leader's words fell, bursts of cheers came from the scene, and many bandits joined in, and then they swaggered back to the Thousand Saint Cave surrounded by the bandit leader.

"Brother Du Long! What should we do?! How about we hand over that irrelevant princess?" Mo Gang shouted anxiously.

"No!" Du Long waved his hand directly.

"Don't listen to the nonsense of that bandit. I'm afraid they don't dare to touch Brother Tianhua! Let's leave first and wait until we find a way to deal with that golden mesh magic weapon before we make a decision!"

In this way, the New Journey to the West team arrived in a hurry and left in a hurry. They originally thought it was just a trial adventure, but in the end, Huang Tianhua was directly captured by the bandits!

Bisi Kingdom, in the royal palace!

"Ugh! Your Majesty! Xiang'er has been missing for two days. She was obviously captured by the thieves from Qiansheng Cave in Bihai Lake. Why don't you quickly find a way to rescue Xiang'er?!" The queen said to her with tears streaming down her face. The king on the side begged.

"Alas!" King Bisi also sighed with a sad look on his face.

"These thieves on the Thousand Saints Island are powerful. With the strength of our Bisi Kingdom at the Heavenly Emperor level, they are not enough to shake the Thousand Saints Island. The top brass of the royal family will not agree to use the strength of the entire clan to die!"

"What should we do?! Are we a kingdom that can't even protect its own princess?! If this matter spreads, how can the Bisi Kingdom have the face to face the surrounding countries?!"

"The surrounding countries have suffered greatly from it, how can they laugh at us?!" The king replied with dissatisfaction: "The True King of Thousand Saints on Thousand Saints Island not only has great magic power, but also has several amazingly powerful magic weapons in his hands. We You really are no match for me!"

"Your Majesty! No matter what, we must find a way to rescue Xiang'er! She is your most beloved Princess Xiangxiang. You can't just die without saving her!" the queen begged again.

"You also know that Xiang'er is my most beloved baby princess?! Do I feel better than you at losing such a well-behaved and smart baby girl?!" The king asked one after another heartbroken.

"Then you have to think of a way! You can't just ignore it, right?!" The queen naturally understood the king's difficulties, and in the end she could only settle for the next best thing.

"Let's do this! I immediately ordered someone to post a royal list to recruit heroes from all over the world. If anyone can rescue Princess Xiangxiang from Thousand Saints Island, I will... recruit him as my consort!" The king hesitated for a moment at the last moment. , such a reward actually appeared.

Obviously, he understood what kind of strong man was needed to rescue his precious daughter. For that kind of strong man, he might not be able to impress the other party even if he had all the wealth in the world, so he decided to recruit a consort after a little hesitation. This thought.

"Forget it! As long as we can rescue Xiangxiang and prevent her from being harmed by the Thousand Saint Cave thieves, everything else is easy to deal with!" The queen obviously agreed with the king's decision.

As a result, all the major cities in Bihai Kingdom were covered with imperial notices!

The king is recruiting heroes from all over the world to go to Qian Sheng Island to rescue Princess Xiangxiang. Whoever can successfully rescue Princess Xiangxiang can marry Princess Xiangxiang and become the consort of the Bisi Kingdom!

For a time, there was a sensation inside and outside the Bisi Kingdom. Countless people gathered in front of the imperial list to discuss the matter. Unfortunately, no one dared to reveal the imperial list!

How can the bandits of Thousand Saint Cave, who even the royal family cowers in fear, are existences that ordinary people can deal with? !

Although Princess Xiangxiang is well-known in many nearby kingdoms, people also know that she is a beautiful princess who combines beauty and wisdom. She has also become a goddess in the hearts of countless people in the surrounding countries!

However, although the goddess is good, she is not as important as her own life. The deterrent power of Qian Sheng Cave in the surrounding countries is absolutely amazing. It is absolutely impossible for the locals to easily reveal the emperor's list!

The local Heavenly Emperor realm warriors did not dare to accept this task, but that did not mean that the foreign Heavenly Emperor warriors did not dare to accept it. Soon, several adventure teams unveiled the imperial list and were warmly invited to enter the Bisi Palace. went.

After the king stated the stakes behind it, one adventure team decided to withdraw. There were still two or three Heavenly Emperor realm adventure teams who decided to continue the mission. Finally, with the king's warm farewell, they began to head towards the Thousand Saint Cave of Bihai Lake. Run away!

Just as these adventure teams were heading to Thousand Saint Island, Du Long's team was flying from Thousand Saint Island to Bisi Kingdom. They were clearly planning to send Princess Bisi back first, and then make other plans!

Outside the gate of Bisi Capital City, when Du Long and his party saw the imperial list posted at the gate, Tengchong immediately laughed and said: "Haha! Du Long, as long as you are willing to directly reveal this imperial list, you can I can become the consort of the Bisi Kingdom again!"

Lin Mo and Mo Gang on the side naturally knew the fact that Du Long already had many wives. He was still the current prince-in-law of the Tang Dynasty. It would be a good thing to become the prince-son-in-law of the Bisi Kingdom again. !

However, Du Long waved his hand and said: "Forget it! Having too many wives is not necessarily a good thing. I, Du Long, have already shouldered enough love debts in this life, and I no longer want to bear more emotional debts!"

In this way, he had no intention of revealing the emperor's list at all, and directly led everyone towards the capital gate. The other teammates looked at each other, and then followed with a smile! (To be continued)

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