Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1551 Retreating to Advance

"Thank you! Is there something big going on with the God Killing Society?! Don't be too tight-lipped. No matter what happens, you must tell the truth! Only in this way can our Xie family find a way to deal with it as soon as possible!" Clan leader Xie Gan He spoke with a serious expression.

Obviously, Xie Chen, who has always acted in a sophisticated manner, would show such an undisguised expression of worry. Such a rare performance is naturally enough for all the Xie clan to take it seriously!

"That..." Xie Chen said solemnly: "The Lord God assigned a task, but unfortunately Xie Chen was unable to complete it. I'm afraid he will soon be sent to the Hell Department for punishment by the Lord God!"

This Xie Chen is worthy of being an old fox of the Intelligence Department. Instead of asking Xie Kun, the family's peak paladin, to help, he told him the warning given to him by the leader of the God Killing Guild!

"What kind of mission is this?! You can't even solve it, and you may be sent to the Hell Department to receive punishment for it?!" Xie Gan asked in shock and anger.

Xie Chen's power within the Intelligence Department of the God Killing Society has brought endless benefits to the Xie family over the years. If something happens to him, the entire Xie family will definitely fall with it, even if it falls from the top family of the dark lineage. It is very possible that he is a second-rate family!

Therefore, how to maintain Xie Chen's position in the Intelligence Department of the God Killing Society is definitely a major matter that the Xie family must pay attention to, and there is absolutely no room for any mistakes!

"Alas!" Xie Chen sighed worriedly again: "This is the cause of the matter..."

So, in front of all the core members of the Xie family, Xie Chen gave a general introduction to Du Long's situation. It was surprising that the leader of the God Killing Guild had long ago told him that he must kill Du Long, and then seize the dragon ring, Many super artifacts and treasures including Xuantian Mirror!

"It turned out to be a mission to kill Du Long?! Didn't this mission begin long before he ascended to the God Realm?! Why haven't he been killed yet?!" Xie Qian asked slightly confused.

"Alas!" Xie Chen sighed again: "Because he could not find that guy before, he quickly gained the recognition of the Bodhi tree after ascending to the divine world, and finally became the direct disciple of Sakyamuni. It is really disappointing. We were caught off guard! Then..."

Xie Chen continued to tell the general story of what happened next. Only then did many Xie clan members understand that it was not that Xie Chen did not send people to surround the target, but that the target had grown into a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor realm in such a short period of time. Moreover, he is the kind of being who can kill even the opponents with perfect strength in the later stage of the Emperor of Heaven!


Xie Qian secretly took a breath and said: "So, that guy relied on the blessing of a super artifact to have a basic combat power that was not weaker than the late perfection level of the Emperor of Heaven in a short period of time?! And because of this, Only then can he successively kill the opponents who have perfected their strength in the later stage of the Emperor of Heaven?!"

"That's right!" Xie Chen shook his head and sighed: "Now, the members of the Divine Killing Society that I can deploy as ordinary paladins in the late stage can no longer kill this son. Only...only the peak level paladins can. Chance can kill it!"

Having said this, Xie Chen subconsciously glanced at Xie Kun, the only peak-level paladin in the family. Although it was just a seemingly casual glance, anyone with a discerning eye already understood why he returned to the family this time!

"No!" The clan leader Xie Gan shook his head suddenly and objected: "Our Xie clan has been able to be included in the top clan precisely because of Xie Kun's existence. It is too risky to let him go to fight. What if... there are three advantages and two disadvantages? , then our Xie family may be in danger!"

In the main hall, the atmosphere seemed extremely solemn. Everyone was thoughtfully considering the current situation, and they all felt that it was too risky to let the family's only peak-level paladin take action!

"Well! I also understand how dangerous this matter is, so I don't expect Xie Kun to take action personally. Let Xie Chen bear this matter alone! I also want to say hello to everyone when I come back. I hope you all have some thoughts. Get ready!" Xie Chen sighed pretending to be helpless.

As expected of a cunning old fox, he never said a word to make Xie Kun take action from the beginning, and now he is even playing hard to get? !

As expected, because of his retreat to advance, the patriarch Xie Qian could not say anything more. The atmosphere at the scene became solemn again, and everyone was thinking about the current crisis the family was facing!

They neither want anything to happen to Xie Kun, nor do they want Xie Chen to lose his position in the Intelligence Department of the God Killing Society. These two people are too important to the entire family, and anything that happens to either person will directly affect the future destiny of the entire family!

"Um...I want to ask cousin Xie Chen a few questions!" Just when everyone in the hall didn't know what to say, a very magnetic bass sounded, and the person who spoke was one of the people involved, Xie Chen. Kun!

"Cousin Xie Kun, if you have any questions, you can ask him face to face. My cousin is willing to swear a soul oath here. I will definitely tell you everything I know. What I say will be detailed and there will never be any deception!" Xie Chen's body shook slightly and he immediately vowed. Di Guan said.

"Yeah!" Xie Kun nodded and said: "Since Du Long teamed up for this trip, cousin, how many assassination teams have you sent out in total?! In addition to the Paladins who died at the hands of Du Long and others, there are also There is no existence that disappeared and fell for no reason?!"

"A total of three assassination teams were dispatched!" Xie Chen nodded without hesitation: "In the second assassination mission, the secret agent responsible for remote observation and supervision of the assassination process disappeared inexplicably. The other two assassination missions were There were no accidental disappearances or deaths, and all the personnel who failed the mission were able to escape unharmed!"

"Hmm!" Xie Kun said undecidedly: "It seems that during the second assassination mission, there must be a powerful person hiding in secret to protect Du Long?!"

"I think that possibility is very high!" Xie Chen didn't mean to refute Xie Kun at all, but followed his words and replied: "After all, Du Long had just traveled at that time, and he didn't even have a teammate with the strength of the late Heavenly Emperor Realm. He himself We haven’t broken through to reach the Heavenly Emperor level combat power yet, so it’s not surprising that someone will be secretly protecting you for a period of time!”

"It's just that as more and more members join their team, especially after Huang Tianhua, who has the strength of the late Heavenly Emperor realm, joins them, it is not possible to say that there are powerful and powerful people guarding this team at any time. Not big, after all, every powerful man has his own things to do. He can't always follow a young junior to protect him, right?! Even if Du Long is a direct disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha, I'm afraid he won't. Isn’t it such a big deal?!”

"What cousin Xie Chen said is true!" Xie Kun nodded slightly and replied: "It is said that Du Long traveled this time with the intention of visiting the beautiful scenery of the God Realm?! Moreover, teleportation arrays were rarely used along the way, and they were all passed through The Flowing Light Boat is flying in the air and on its way?!"

"That's right!" Xie Chen nodded and replied.

"Well! That's easy!" Xie Kun said with a smile: "If you want to drive a flying boat to visit the scenery of the God Realm, even if it's just a mere Dongsheng Divine Continent, it will take tens of thousands of years, right?! This is still very conservative in a hurry! It’s estimated! Therefore, the other party will not end this trip in a short time. We must not be anxious. Even if we want to take action, we have to wait until the other party is paralyzed and careless. By then, we must kill with one strike. This is absolutely not allowed. If there are any mistakes, after all, our Xie family simply cannot bear the consequences of failure!"

"I understand!" Xie Chen's eyes lit up and he said, "Then I will inform my cousin of the detailed whereabouts of Du Long and his party at any time. As for when it is appropriate to take action, it is up to my cousin to decide!"

"Okay! Everything is for the benefit of the family!" Xie Kun nodded heavily.

"Everything is for the benefit of the family! Xie Chen will definitely pass on as detailed information as possible to his cousin. If we don't have complete confidence, we would rather not take action!" Xie Chen promised with an extremely serious expression.

In this way, Xie Chen finally won the support of the family's top paladin. He used retreat to advance, and guided everyone step by step to understand what kind of choice was most beneficial to the family, so that he could get what he really wanted. result!

It is precisely the words "everything is for the benefit of the family" that makes the patriarch Xie Qian speechless. He cannot ignore the interests of the whole clan for the sake of the safety of his own brother!

Of course, if this matter hadn't affected Xie Chen's status within the God Killing Society, if any other member of the family had asked for help, he would have refused at all costs and would never have allowed his biological brother to be in danger. In the environment!

You must know that a strong person at the peak level of the Holy Knight is the strongest existence below the divine level. Compared with the reality that most families do not have a strong person at the divine level, the existence of a strong person at the peak level of the Holy Knight is whether a family is strong or not. Guaranteed!

Dongsheng Shenzhou, the coast of the East China Sea!

On that picturesque chain of islands, Du Long and his group of six people comfortably enjoyed the rare island scenery. Inside the chain of islands are a chain of freshwater lakes, and outside the island is the endless saltwater ocean. !

The crystal-clear freshwater lakes are like blue pearls scattered on the island. All kinds of beautiful underwater creatures are scattered in them. Since the lake is not deep, they can see the beautiful underwater scenery directly with the naked eye!

Therefore, the group of people either rested and chatted under the shade of the trees on the lake shore, or dived into the water to search for rare and delicious fish. This kind of life really made people not want to embark on the bloody killing journey of New Journey to the West again!

Of course, apart from the fragrance of flowers, everyone present has no big pursuits. If the rest of the people can achieve today's achievements, their Taoist aspirations will naturally not be so easily corroded by the comfortable life in front of them. This leisurely life is just a combination of work and rest. It’s just a modifier!


With a soft sound of water breaking, the two beauties on the lake shore turned their heads to look, and saw an octopus entangled on Du Long's body. He was also holding some precious fish in his hands, and he turned towards the lake. Lightning strikes the shore!

"Haha! Are the three of them still under the water?! It seems that I am the one who gained the most today! We are going to have another delicious seafood meal!" Du Long rarely showed a sunny smile, which was different from his slaughter. The ferocity of countless demons is almost as if he has changed into a different person.

"Hehe! Husband, please take a short rest and let Xiang'er prepare a delicious meal for you all!" Hua Xiang'er immediately jumped forward to greet him.

Lin Mo smiled and looked at this cheerful young couple, especially staying on Du Long for a moment, feeling as if he felt a little more about the previous insights in his heart!

Many times, people can raise the butcher's knife for the good people in the world, and they can also raise the butcher's knife for their loved ones to live well!

Killing, in many cases, does not necessarily mean evil, but it does mean lack of mercy!

As long as the butcher's knife is pointed at the evil side, mercy will always be directed at good people. Otherwise, talking about mercy with the devil is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger and playing the piano to a cow!

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