Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1532 Substituting one thing for another


Linda Teng, who was on the side, covered her forehead with her hands. She was obviously knocked down by her very face-loving uncle. This guy was already a prisoner. How could he still find such a high-sounding excuse to save his face? !

Du Long smiled slightly and said: 'That. . . Just before I came in, I went to the main cave hall to explore and saw eight strong Demon Emperors sitting there. The strongest among them had already reached the late stage of Demon Emperor. If that guy had fought alone with Uncle Tengchong, , what chance does Uncle Tengchong have of winning? ! ’

'Well! Tengchong was dumbfounded on the spot. He thought that Du Long had sneaked in all the way and had never seen the powerful Demon Emperor in the cave. He never thought that he had actually personally investigated the opponent's true and false status, and had not been exposed. Discover.

Next to her, Linda Teng didn't even take off her right hand from covering her forehead. She felt really embarrassed for her face-loving uncle, and she was the kind of person who was thrown into her grandma's house!

'hehe! Du Long laughed dryly and said: "Many times, although relying on brute force can solve most problems, it cannot solve all problems. Presumably Uncle Tengchong is also desperate to save Sister Linda." If you want to force your way into the Nine Yin Cave, you will be captured by those powerful demon emperors, right? ! ’

After slapping him in the face, Du Long knew how to find a way out. After all, he was Sister Linda's biological uncle, and after all, he was half his elder. Don't let this person's face be beaten to death!

'Yep! Knowing that the hateful little guy in front of him was trying to step down for him, Tengchong could only nod his head fiercely and said: "Uncle Tengchong was also eager to save his niece, so he didn't understand the powerful strength of this group of demon emperors. He rushed into Jiuyin Cave rashly and ended up in a trapped situation! ’

Seeing that Tengchong, who was so domineering just now and liked to use his seniority to suppress himself, immediately became much more well-behaved, Du Long nodded with satisfaction and continued: 'That. . . This place is not a good place for small talk. We should find a way to leave here as soon as possible and talk in detail later! ’

‘Leave this place? ! ’ Tengchong asked in surprise, then looked around before continuing: ‘How many powerful Heavenly Emperor realms did you bring with you this time? ! Don't tell Uncle Tengchong that you alone want to rescue us two? ! ’

'hey-hey! ’ Du Long laughed dryly and said: ‘To be honest, Du Long was accompanied by two Heavenly Emperor Realm experts! ’

'oh? ! ’ Teng Chong’s eyes suddenly lit up and he said: ‘Which stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm are they strong men at? ! But are they all elite disciples of your Xumi Mountain Buddhist lineage? ! ’

‘This. . . Du Long scratched his head out of habit. Now he was still looking like an insect, which seemed a little funny. He stretched out his right forelimb and scratched the insect's head and said: "One of them is in the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the other is at the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm." One has perfect strength in the early stage, and they are not even considered elite Bodhisattva realm disciples of Mount Xumi. They are all companions that Du Long met by chance outside, and then formed a team to enter the God Realm together! ’

'What? ! ’ Tengchong exclaimed on the spot: ‘We don’t even have the strength of a late-stage Heavenly Emperor, but there is actually a guy with early-stage Heavenly Emperor strength among them. Two people like this still want to rescue us? ! ’

Du Long rolled his eyes speechlessly and said: 'It's not like we have to fight to the death with those strong monsters, it's just about rescuing people. Of course there are ways! ’

‘Don’t you have any good ideas? ! ’ Tengchong rolled his eyes, and then he realized what he was doing and immediately asked excitedly.

‘There’s a way. . . ’ Du Long pondered undecidedly and said, ‘First of all, we have to see how Uncle Tengchong’s transformation magic is going. ! Can some relatively simple people or things be transformed? ! ’

‘Transformation spell? ! ’ Tengchong was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and replied with a slight embarrassment: ‘I have practiced in the God Realm Alliance before, that’s all. . . I have only cultivated to the second level of eighteen general changes. At most, I can only change into something slightly larger, and it can't be too complicated! ’

‘Then if I transform into the monsters guarding the prison cave outside, I wonder if Uncle Tengchong can do it? ! ’ Du Long asked again.

'That's not a problem, it's just. . . Although the appearance after the transformation is similar, the soul breath cannot be changed! ’ Tengchong continued to murmur with a red face.

It seems that it is really difficult for him to admit in front of a junior that he is a powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor realm, but he is not even as good as the other person in the magical power of transformation!

‘This is not a big problem! Come, lend this willow leaf to Uncle Tengchong for a while. Just wait and see what happens. Remember the appearance, expressions, movements, and habits of the monster you want to change, and try to become as similar as possible! ’ Du Long immediately sent a message and explained.

‘Willow leaves? ! Could it be the willow leaves from the jade vase of Master Guanzizai in Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea? ! Ha ha! If I have this wonderful treasure, then whose soul breath I want to imitate is not a trivial matter. ! ’ Tengchong immediately laughed excitedly.

Du Long rolled his eyes, but without saying any more nonsense, he directly took action to destroy the Sleeping God Chains on the Teng family's uncle and nephew. On the surface, it seemed that they were still hanging on them, but in fact, their strength had already been reduced. Back to normal!

‘Uncle Tengchong, quickly collect the willow leaves and figure out how to use them, and then we can proceed to the next step! ’ Du Long then handed the willow leaves to Tengchong, and then quietly waited for him to master the use of the leaves as soon as possible.

'okay! ’ About half an hour later, Tengchong finally slowly opened his eyes and said excitedly: ‘I already know how to control the different soul breaths of this willow leaf! ’

Du Long nodded slightly and said: 'Sister Linda! You can find any excuse to call a jailer over, and then I'll take it down! ’

'that. . . Dulong! I don’t know how to change magical powers! Stay for a while. . . ’ Linda Teng did not immediately carry out Du Long’s instructions, but rather embarrassedly brought up her difficulties.

'hehe! ’ Du Long chuckled and said, ‘It doesn’t matter, you just need to enter my cave world for a while! ’

'ah? ! ’ Linda Teng said in surprise: ‘Since there is such a simple method, why not just bring Uncle Tengchong into the cave world without causing so much trouble? ! ’

'Well! ’ Du Long touched his nose helplessly and said, ‘That’s it. . . Due to some reasons, Uncle Tengchong cannot enter my cave world. As for the reason behind it, don’t ask, I can’t tell you two yet! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Teng's uncle and nephew were speechless, but they did not embarrass Du Long, but began to implement it according to his arrangement.

First, Linda Teng stood up and came to the fence, shouting to a jailer guard in the distance: "That jailer brother! Can you take a step to speak?!"

Faced with the invitation of the graceful beauty, the jailer naturally had no reason to refuse. After hesitating for less than half a second, he raised his feet and walked towards the entrance of the hole. Soon he came to the outside of the fence and said in a pretentious manner. : "I wonder what this girl is doing here?!"

"Can you please ask the jailer brother to come into the cell to talk?! I and my uncle have something to talk to you in private!" Linda Teng immediately lowered her voice and asked the jailer outside.

"Go in and have a secret conversation?!" The jailer's face suddenly became serious and said, "What's going on?! Do you want to seduce me with the benefits of the Teng clan?! This is simply impossible. Even if I am willing to save you, but There is absolutely no way to escape from this cave, and I won’t do anything that costs my life and money!”


Unexpectedly, an ordinary monster jailer would have such a mind, and he directly rejected Teng Linda's request before she could speak. It really opened the eyes of the three people in the cell!

Just when Linda Tenn was about to speak and continue to say something, she saw the jailer suddenly rolled his eyes and lay down limply. A figure flashed next to him, and it turned out to be an insect. Du Long is in human form!

Du Long directly pulled the monster jailer who was lying limply on the ground into the cave, and then transformed into the jailer's appearance. He reached out and took out a token on the other person's body, and immediately put it on his waist.

Du Long then waved his hand towards the monster on the ground. The guy who originally looked like a monster instantly turned into a figure exactly like Teng Linda, and then sat cross-legged on the ground under Du Long's fiddling, as if he was comprehending and practicing!

‘It’s done! ’ After finishing all this, Du Long clapped his hands and said: ‘A dead person has no soul aura leaked at all. Outsiders thought he had hidden his soul aura, and it happened that his identity would not be exposed so quickly! ’

‘Tsk! Boy! You are really insidious! Can you think of this trick? ! ’ Tengchong said in a loud voice. I really don’t know whether he was praising or sarcastic!

Du Long rolled his eyes again, but he didn't say much nonsense and went straight to the topic: 'I will go out and hook up another jailer, and then Uncle Tengchong will transform into his appearance! alright! Sister Linda, you can enter the cave world! ’

‘Du Long! Remember to turn on the outside world screen, I want to watch how you escape! ’ Linda Teng asked via voice message with excitement on her face.

'no problem! ’ Du Long agreed without hesitation, and then put the real Teng Linda into the cave world with a wave of his hand, leaving only a fake in the cave with no soul breath leaked at all!

After finishing all this, Du Long didn't talk nonsense to Tengchong, and walked out of the cell hole directly, and then walked slowly towards a jailer further away. Because the distance between the two ends was far away, and there were some corners in the middle, what was happening here just now The abnormal situation that occurred has not been exposed!

"Brother!" Du Long came to another jailer and said to him with a smile: "Um... there is a small situation happening over there. Can you follow me and take a look to see if you need to report it? !”

"What's going on over there, kid?!" the monster jailer asked, half puzzled and half dissatisfied.

"It's better to invite brothers to come and take a look together. I really don't know how to describe it!" Du Long shook his head pretending to be helpless.

"Okay then!" After a little hesitation, the monster finally agreed to Du Long's request, and then led by him excitedly to the entrance of Tengchong's cell very quickly.

"It's normal here..." The monster jailer looked at the situation in the cave. He just said half a sentence when he was killed by Du Long.

Facing these beings who have only reached the early stage of Hunyuan, with Du Long's current strength in the Heavenly Emperor realm, there will naturally be countless ways to kill the opponent silently if he can do it from behind!

Ever since, inside the cell, Tengchong began to work nervously, first transforming into the appearance of the monster, and then simulating his soul aura. After he finished his work, Du Long also successfully transformed the monster into Tengchong. His appearance was like lying on a stone bed and sleeping with his eyes closed!

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