Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1512: Losing money and eliminating disaster

Baishi Fishing Village!

The old village chief led many villagers to stand at the entrance of the village, watching as the golden light boat accelerated slowly and finally disappeared into the morning mist of the vast East China Sea!

Early the next morning, Du Long used the excuse of going out to sea to look for the legendary Mazu, and drove his light boat out of this peaceful fishing village.

"Alas!" After the Liuguang Boat disappeared from everyone's sight for a long time, the old village chief sighed softly: "I don't know whether the arrival of this son is a blessing or a curse for Baishi Village?! Ordinary people's numerology Some of the changes will appear on his face, but he...can't see through it at all!"

"Old village chief! What do you mean by your old words?!" Immediately, a villager standing by asked curiously: "Could it be that this young man named Du Long will bring some disaster to our village? !”

"No, no!" The old village chief waved his hands and said: "It's not a disaster, it's just... I'm afraid some small troubles can't be avoided! Look! The trouble has already come to your door!"

The old village chief, who was mid-sentence, saw several figures appearing in the sky outside the village from a distance. He immediately shook his head and sighed: "Alas! What is supposed to come, I can't escape from now on!"

Everyone followed his gaze and saw several figures approaching with lightning speed. Although their speed was not as fast as the Liuguang Boat, compared to the ordinary villagers in Baishi Village who had not reached the Hunyuan level yet, Those are all immortal-level figures!

After suppressing the abnormal expression on his face, the old village chief squeezed out a smile and stepped forward to meet those figures. Naturally, he could not easily offend these people with strength above the Hunyuan level!

"Dear guests from far away, don't you know why you came to our Baishi Fishing Village?!" The old village chief once again greeted the figures flying in the air in a calm and humble manner.

"Old man!" This group of people was obviously not as polite as Du Long. When they saw that there was no one with Hunyuan level strength in this village, they immediately shouted arrogantly: "Have you ever had three rides in your village? The men and women in the golden flying boat?! Among them was a strong man and a young couple?!"

"Haha!" The other party's rudeness did not affect the old village chief's mood at all, and he replied with a smile: "It's a bad time for you guys to come! Those three people just took a golden flying boat and flew towards the vast East China Sea. !”

"What?!" The guy who just spoke immediately exclaimed: "Which direction are they going to?! Didn't I tell you what they were going to do in the open sea?!"

"I only heard that the young man among them once said that he wanted to go to the sea to visit the surrounding fairy islands! As for other aspects, I have never heard of it!" Facing the rude guy, the old village chief didn't bother to tell them about Du Long in detail. Where are the three of them going?

"Let's go! Their light boat is too fast. We have to catch up quickly. Otherwise, if it's 1:30 at night, we may not even be able to drink the soup!" Soon the group of people followed the old village. He shot away in the direction of the long guide, not even bothering to say a polite word.

"Old village chief! It seems a little inappropriate for us to leak the whereabouts of Du Long and the others like this?!" Another villager said doubtfully from the side.

"What's wrong with this?! The three guests last night all said that if other adventurers come, it's okay for us to truthfully inform them of their whereabouts. The safety of Baishi Village is our top priority! "The old village chief waved his hand indifferently.

"Oh, okay!"

Just as the villagers were about to turn around and return to the village, dozens of figures appeared one after another in the northwest direction. Among them, three figures were the fastest. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as fast as lightning!

"Oh! This is really a lot of trouble!" The old village chief shook his head with a headache, then squeezed out a fake smile again, and simply stood there and waited for the arrival of those people.

"Guests who have come from far away, I don't know why you came all the way to this remote place like ours?!" Seeing those three extremely fast figures appearing in front of him in an instant, the old village chief was frightened. While jumping, his tone didn't sound very friendly.

"This old man is so polite! May I ask if your village received three men and women driving golden flying boats last night? One of them..." Old Kane gave an extremely gentlemanly salute and began to ask about Du Long and others. Where to go.

"Well! It is true that there were three people who stayed in Baishi Village last night. As for other issues... Please wait for a moment. After all those people have arrived, I will explain it together again to save you people the trouble. If they appear again and again, I will tell the same thing again!" The old village chief waved his hand, seemingly not paying attention to the three blond Westerners in front of him.

This is the Dongyang Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou. No matter how barbaric and powerful they Westerners are, they would not dare to make trouble in the Eastern world. If they do something, it may lead to a war between countries!

"Okay! I'll thank you, old gentleman!" Old Kane didn't seem to be angry. Instead, he bowed his hands in Eastern etiquette extremely politely, and then stood there without saying another word, waiting for the distant sky to continue. Figures came one after another.

Soon, several groups of people arrived at Baishi Fishing Village one after another. The old village chief re-explained his previous words under the watchful eyes of everyone. After his explanation, several groups of people immediately left and went straight to the village. Du Long and others shot away in the direction they left.

On the contrary, the three brothers, Old Kane, were not in a hurry. They saw a thick smile on Old Kane's face and asked, "May I ask the old village chief, what are the three men and women driving the golden flying boat like?" What do they look like?! Do you know the identities and origins of the three of them?!"

The old village chief raised his brows slightly and replied in a funny way: "Aren't you guys too funny?! You've traveled thousands of miles to come here to look for someone, but you don't even know their true identity and origin? That's still a long way away! What are you doing here looking for someone?!"

"Haha!" Faced with the questioning of an old man with the strength of a god, Old Kane showed no sign of anger. Instead, he said with a sincere smile: "Well... we three brothers have different goals from the others. We just... . I was just asked to rush over to protect that young couple!"

"I don't care whether you want to protect others or want to kill each other! In short, it is all a grudge between the two of you. As long as it doesn't involve our fishing village!" The old village chief waved his hand. He replied unceremoniously.

"As for the identities and origins of those three people... I only know that the young man's surname is Du Minglong, and he is a direct disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha on Mount Sumeru. As for the other woman, she is his wife, and A big man looks like the bodyguard of the couple! Well, that’s all I know, you three can go ahead and do whatever you need to do!”

Compared with the good courtesy he received from Du Long and his party before, the old village chief's attitude towards these people was a bit unflattering. It was obvious that they were not on the same level!

"Du Long?! A direct disciple of Buddha Sakyamuni in the Holy Land of Sumeru Mountain in Nanfangbu Continent?!" Old Kane showed a rare expression of shock and joy, and at the same time, he suddenly understood why the God Killer would do that. Zazai himself didn't dare to take action, but he actually forced his three brothers to the forefront of the conflict between the big forces in a roundabout way.

"Hahaha!" Old Kane suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. It could be seen from the tears falling from the corners of his eyes that he was clearly crying with joy: "Old gentleman! Thank you for clearing up our three brothers' doubts. Don’t take it personally if you’re careful!”

After laughing, Old Kane thanked the old village chief with a very solemn expression, and then took out a space ring and forced it into his hand.

The old village chief was ready to refuse at first, but old Kane seemed not to give him a chance to refuse. After leaving the space ring behind, he took the two brothers and disappeared without a trace!

"Tsk tsk! Even the strong men at the level of the Holy Knights of the West have been alarmed. As expected, he is worthy of being a monster who cannot detect changes in numerology. His words and deeds will surely stir up the storm in the entire God Realm!" The old village chief said tsk-tsk. He exclaimed in admiration, and then began to explore the space ring in his hand in front of other villagers.


When he saw the terrifying wealth inside the ring, he froze in place. This shows that the amount of wealth inside the space ring must be quite astonishing!

"Alas! Do these three Westerners want to spend money to eliminate disasters?! It's a pity that the disasters on you are not so easy to eliminate!" The old village chief sighed after being silent for a while.

"But...with this wealth, it will be enough for the villagers of Baishi Village to have food and clothing for a lifetime! As expected, one drink and one drink has its own destiny. With the arrival of Du Long, it will be difficult for the villagers of Baishi Village to He went out to fish again, but among the people attracted by him, there were still people who were determined to fight to the death. That Western gentleman must have felt that his future was bleak, so he extended favors to build good relationships, right?!"

On the shores of the vast East China Sea, Du Long personally drove the streamer boat quickly forward in a general direction. The terrifying speed caused huge wind pressure, all of which was blocked by the radiant golden energy shield. The energy shield was in contact with the atmosphere. After the fierce friction, an extremely hot fiery red light burst out and shone in the sky!

"Husband! If we enter the East China Sea like this, aren't we afraid that we will get lost in the boundless ocean, let alone find the legendary Mazu in this vast East China Sea!" Hua Xiang'er frowned and said softly. He asked.

"Haha!" Du Long reached out and rubbed her forehead lovingly, and then replied with a smile: "Everything has its own destiny! As long as we move forward in the set direction, we will definitely encounter the target we should encounter!"

"Okay then!" Hua Xiang'er nodded helplessly: "In that case, Xiang'er should just think that this trip is really a sightseeing trip!"

"It should be like this! Madam, you don't have to worry about other things, your husband is here for everything!" Du Long said, half jokingly, patting his chest.


In this way, Hua Xiang'er no longer paid attention to the specific matters of the journey to the West, but stayed with Du Long with peace of mind. No matter whether it was heaven or hell ahead, we had to face it together!

Just as the couple were chatting in the airship, Mo Gang suddenly said in a buzzing voice: "Well... there is a group of fishing boats in the front right that seems to be a little bad. They are being attacked by a large number of sea beasts. If there are no outsiders, If we provide support, I’m afraid no one will be able to go back alive!”

"Front right?!" Du Long thought in his mind and immediately drove the airship to turn slightly, and shot straight to the right front. It seemed that in order to rush to save people, he instantly increased the speed of the airship to the extreme!

Soon, a battlefield on the sea appeared in front of Du Long and the others. Huge sea monsters stirred up the huge waves and were constantly besieging five or six fishing boats on the sea. Those fishing boats were like leaves on the water. Like duckweed, it was ups and downs in the terrifying wind and waves!

On the sea, there was only one figure of the perfect late-stage Hunyuan True God struggling to support himself. Dozens of sea beasts that were not weaker than the late-stage Hunyuan True God made him so overwhelmed that he could not spare any effort to help those on other fishing boats. Villagers!

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