Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1504 Golden Winged Dapeng

It's late autumn, and Mount Sumeru is covered by a large protective formation. Although it can be described as spring-like all year round, it still can't change some of the habits of the trees in adapting to the changes in solar terms!

Beside the tree-lined road, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow gradually in accordance with the solar terms. Under the light of Mount Xumi Buddha, they shone with golden brilliance!

After walking along the tree-lined road for a long time, Du Long finally came to a huge cliff. Looking up, a shining golden cave appeared in the middle of Thousand Blades Cliff!

Golden Light Cave!

Three gleaming golden characters are engraved on the entrance of the cave, which is the name of this cave. Although it is simple, it fits the artistic conception of this cave!

"Stop standing at the entrance of the cave in a daze! Why don't you come into the cave quickly?!" As if Du Long was a little impatient with his grinding, the noise of the broken gong urged him again.


Du Long didn't dare to keep his seniors waiting any longer, so he hurriedly shot lightning toward the cave in the middle of the cliff, and then his body flashed away and disappeared directly into the entrance of the cave!

Walking along the cave all the way to the inside, almost everything you can see is golden cave walls, and even the steps on the ground have a golden luster. This shows how much the owner of this cave really likes this color!

This cave is not very deep. After only a few hundred meters deep, Du Long came to a huge cave. Facing the entrance was a huge golden circular stone platform. At this moment, the stone platform was at the top. Sitting there was a slightly thin figure wearing a golden jersey!

It seemed that they were sizing each other up like Du Long. The thin figure's gaze fell on Du Long as sharply as a knife. This gaze gave people a terrifying feeling of being locked by an eagle's eye and being hunted by the opponent at any time!

"Tsk, tsk!" After the eagle-eyed man looked up and down for a long time, he sighed loudly and praised: "Only when I got closer did I realize that you, a little kid, are actually the heirs of Xuantian Jue Kung Fu. The secrets of this body can be almost used It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as endless. I really don’t know what kind of bad luck that boy Shakya had to find such a good disciple like you?!”

"Junior Du Long! Greetings...senior!" Du Long flashed to the platform and then respectfully bowed his hands to the man in front of him who couldn't see his level of strength at all. Because he didn't know his name. , we can only refer to each other as senior for the time being.

"Well!" The thin eagle-eyed man waved his hands slightly impatiently and said: "I hate these red tapes the most. You little kid, you'd better take your seat quickly! By the way! You can call me when no outsiders are present. Just say Brother Peng!"

"Brother Peng!" Since the other party didn't like red tape, Du Long stopped being pretentious and called him again, and sat on the only guest futon at the scene.

"Haha! You are a guest at first, come! Little brother, it's not too late for us to have a drink first and then chat slowly!" The eagle-eyed man seemed to like Du Long's character very much, and he immediately picked up the big wine glass in front of him and suggested with a smile.

"Then Du Long will borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and give Brother Peng a drink!" Du Long naturally would not brush the other person's face, but directly picked up the wine glass on the counter in front of him and drank it first as a token of respect.

After finishing a glass of wine, the eagle-eyed man immediately began to ask questions about how Du Long was able to practice such a perverted magical power as the Eye of Thunder by chance!

As a result, Du Long told him that he had been deceived by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and that in order not to waste the 10 million points that had been redeemed, he had to grit his teeth and persist in cultivating the Eye of Brilliant Thunder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

After listening to his story, the eagle-eyed man burst into laughter on the spot. The laughter was so unpleasant that I couldn't praise him. However, due to Du Long's strong body, he was shocked to the point where his eardrums kept buzzing. What if a weaker being was killed on the spot? !

"You little kid must have been deceived by Guan Zizai's hypocritical smile early on?! Ever since this girl became a disciple of Amitabha, I have witnessed with my own eyes that she always likes to behave in a way that is harmless to both humans and animals. His smile has caused many people to be deceived without knowing it! Hahaha!" the eagle-eyed man said while laughing out of breath.


Du Long was speechless for a long time, and then he murmured: "Well... Even though Senior Sister Guan Zizai deceived Du Long, she didn't force me to practice the Eye of Brilliant Thunder?! All this is my own. At best, my choice can only be regarded as senior sister concealing certain facts, and it is all for Du Long's good, and she has no intention of harming me!"

"Wow quack quack..."

As Du Long opened his mouth to explain for Guan Zizi, the eagle-eyed man not only did not stop laughing, but the laughter became more and more intense. He laughed like this for a long time before he said: "Sure enough, you are worthy of being the little girl I know." , not only did she deceive others quietly, but she always managed to make the deceived not only not hold any grudge against her, but also take the initiative to tell the difference for her!"

The eagle-eyed man seemed to see that Du Long was still a little unconvinced, so he added again: "Don't doubt what I said. That girl is not to mention deceiving you little kids. She is always sure to cheat. Many times she even Your Master Sakyamuni is often deceived by her and has nothing to say! If you don’t believe it, you can ask your master if you have the opportunity in the future!"

"Okay!" Du Long could only nod in the end and said: "No matter how Senior Sister Guan Zizai deceives Du Long, as long as she doesn't betray me, it's fine. As for some kind words, that's not a big problem!"

"Yeah!" The eagle-eyed man nodded in agreement: "Speaking of which, although Nizi likes to lie to people, she often tells white lies. If she hates someone, she will kill them directly. , and you can only lie to people who are close to you!"

"It's just like the monkey monkey Sun Wukong fell into her trap, causing him to wear that fatal tight hoop during the entire journey to the West. He was once the laughing stock of the entire God Realm because of it!"

"Haha!" Du Long could only give him a dry laugh, and then quickly changed the subject: "Well...Brother Peng! I wonder if you can tell me your name on Mount Xumi?!"

Rather than gossiping about Senior Sister Guan Zizai behind his back, Du Long would rather talk about other topics. Senior Sister Guan Zizai's care for him has been obvious to all for so many years, and he doesn't want to be that kind of ungrateful person!

"You're such a boring kid, aren't you?!" The eagle-eyed man rolled his eyes in displeasure and said, "Can it be said that you really don't know my identity and origin?!"

"I'll tell you the truth, Brother Peng! I really don't know your name, so I'm very curious!" Du Long shook his head without hesitation.

"Hehe! I guess your Master Sakyamuni also has intentions!" To Du Long's surprise, the eagle-eyed man said something incomprehensible instead of answering, and also involved Master Sakyamuni!

"Um..." Du Long was afraid that this mysterious weirdo would say some disrespectful words about Master Sakyamuni again, so he hurriedly waved his hands and said: "If it's not convenient for Brother Peng's name to be disclosed, then don't say it, don't say it. Whatever!"

"Wow!" The eagle-eyed man immediately said rudely: "I won't change my name, I won't change my surname, and I haven't done anything shameful. Why is it inconvenient for me to reveal my true identity?! Are you talking to me? Are you pretending?! I’ve asked you to call me Brother Peng, why can’t you guess my true identity and name?!”

"Uh!" Du Long stared at the hawk-eyed man in front of him with wide eyes in astonishment. A bright light flashed in his mind, and he exclaimed subconsciously: "Oh my God! Are you always that guy?" The legendary Golden Winged Dapeng King Buddha of Mount Sumeru?!"

"Nonsense!" King Golden-winged Dapeng said angrily: "Except for me, who on Mount Sumeru would live outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and who would dare to set up a forbidden area here?!"

"Ah..." Although Du Long already had the answer in his heart, he was still frightened by this incident. He opened his mouth in shock and exclaimed: "Junior Du Long! See you, great uncle!"

The Golden-winged Dapeng King is said to be the uncle of Buddha Sakyamuni and the younger brother of the Ancient Buddha of Lighting Deng. Du Long naturally had to call him uncle to make sense!

"Bah, bah! It's really boring. You are just as boring as other Buddhist disciples. What do you call me master and uncle in private?! Is I that old?! Is it that difficult to get along with?!" Golden-winged Dapeng Wang obviously didn't like the way Du Long became respectful. He immediately spit the drink in his mouth on the ground and cursed angrily with a look of disgrace on his face.

"Hehe! Since my uncle doesn't like to be called that in private, then Du Long can continue to address him as Brother Peng in private!" Du Long understood the point and changed his words directly: "Well... I don't know Master... Brother Peng, as a powerful person in the Buddha realm of Mount Xumi, why does he live alone outside the mountain gate?!"

"Hmph!" King Golden-winged Dapeng grinned and hummed: "I was born on this Mount Sumeru since I was a child. At that time, there were not many ascended people in this God Realm! After careful calculation, at that time, even your Master Sakyamuni hasn’t even been born yet!”

"Uh!" Du Long was dumbfounded again. He never expected that the powerful Buddha-level man in front of him was actually a creature that was born on Mount Sumeru in the original era.

"What's the matter?! You little kid, do you think I'm bragging?!" Seeing Du Long's disbelieving look, King Golden Winged Dapeng immediately glared angrily and said, "I'm the real God Realm." The first batch of powerful creatures to be born, if you don’t believe it, just ask the young monk Sakyamuni!”

"Du Long doesn't dare to doubt Brother Peng's words. It's just that it's only been a few tens of thousands of years since I was born. Compared to the endless primitiveness, wilderness and the first year of the Taichu Era, I'm still as young as a newborn baby. Here!" Du Long hurriedly waved his hand and explained.

"That's natural!" The Golden-winged Dapeng King said with a hint of contentment: "This is also the reason why I called you a little doll from the beginning. There shouldn't be any problem in calling you like this, right?!"

"No problem, absolutely no problem!" Du Long waved his hand again and said: "Well...Brother Peng wouldn't want to say that you grew up in the forest of Mount Xumi since you were a child, right?!"

"That's natural!" King Golden-winged Dapeng said angrily: "It is precisely because of this that when the Buddhist cultivators of Mount Xumi chose to build the Great Thunder Sound Temple, they had to avoid the Golden Light Cave area of ​​this deity!"

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly realized. He never expected that he would get such news inadvertently.

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