Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1483 The Name of Sun Tao

Nine Nether God Realm!

Du Long, in his ultimate transformation state, blinked his dark golden pupils and stared at the only entrance door in front of him. He was ecstatic to see that the four simple characters of Jiuyou Divine Realm were engraved on the top of the door.

"It is indeed the Nine Nether Realm! It's just different from the Nine Nether Realm in the Immortal World. This is the Nine Nether Realm!" After a long silence, he finally murmured softly.

Then, he no longer hesitated and strode directly into the gate of the Nine Nether God Realm, then walked along a wide main road and headed straight for the huge tower mountain with lightning!

In just a moment, Du Long was already standing at the foot of the huge pagoda mountain. Looking around, he saw that the pagoda mountain had nine floors, with 999 steps separating each floor!

At this moment, on the huge triangular pagoda mountain, there are thousands of figures climbing up the steps on every facet. These people are basically standing on a certain step for a long time without moving, and they all seem to be closing their eyes. My eyes are trying hard to understand what I am practicing!

ah! !

With a scream, a climber was seen trying to lift his feet to step up to the next step, but as if encountering a huge repulsive force, the whole person was thrown directly into the air, and finally rolled down to the foot of the tower mountain. Not to mention how miserable he looked!

Under normal circumstances, the strength of those who can come in is at least the Hunyuan True God level, and they should be able to fly in the air. Unfortunately, it seems that this tower mountain has a terrifying energy constraint, which makes the existence of the Hunyuan level unable to fly in the air!

After glancing around, Du Long's eyes finally landed on a stone tablet at the foot of Tashan Mountain. He quickly came to the stone tablet and began to examine the inscription in front of him that was full of words!

‘The superior Nine Nether Tower of Tongtian! This tower records the immortal power of the superior Nine Netherworlds, which must be advanced step by step along the first step of the stone steps by Hunyuan level beings. Only those who can reach the end within ten thousand years can survive, otherwise they will be killed. If you kill him here, your soul will be destroyed and you will never be reincarnated! ’


Du Long took a breath of cold air, but he was not frightened by the inscription he saw in front of him. He thought that when he accidentally entered the Nine Nether Realm in the fairy world and faced the Nine Nether Tower, there was a thousand-year time limit. This aspect did not make him feel it. Any pressure!

Withdrawing his gaze from the inscription, Du Long glanced around before sinking his mind into the Dianhe Cave Heaven World. He soon found a jade pendant placed in it. It was the storage of the Jiuyou Realm Cave Heaven World. Space jade pendant!

When he successfully climbed to the top of the Xiacheng Jiuyou Pagoda, he directly became the master of the cave. He also controlled the Jiuyou Cave as his own and carried it with him.

Since he has been looking forward to meeting the superior Jiuyou inheritance in the God Realm again, in addition to the Dianhe Cave Heaven World, he also brought the Jiuyou Cave Heaven Jade Pendant with him this time!

‘Youbo! Come out quickly and take a look, I have successfully found the superior Nine Netherworld Immortal Heritage! ’ Du Long’s voice echoed next to Jiuyou Jade Pendant.

'oh? ! ’ Soon there was an old and hoarse voice, and it turned out to be Uncle Lingyou of the Nine Nether Cave Heavenly Formation who had not contacted Du Long for many years!

‘The tower of superior Nine Netherworld inheritance? ! Oh my gosh! Little Master Du Long, have you really found this superior Nine Netherworld Immortal Heritage Tower in the vast and boundless God Realm? ! ’ Soon, after seeing clearly the space Du Long was in, Youbo couldn’t calm down anymore.

'Um! Finally found! I wonder if Uncle You has any good advice for me about this? ! In other words, I can just climb the stone steps and start practicing? ! ’ Du Long directly stated his intention to summon You Bo.

Different from the excited guys on the steps, Du Long is not only a being who ascended from the immortal world, but he also has the immortal inheritance of the inferior Nine Netherworlds, and he has the formation spirit Youbo in his hand. With help, naturally there is no rush to start climbing Tashan Mountain to practice!

‘Congratulations, little master! Being able to find the superior Nine Netherworld Immortal Heritage Tower in the God Realm is really a blessing for the little master! As far as I know, in addition to this superior Nine Netherworld Immortal Heritage Tower, there should be a Mahayana Nine Netherworld Immortal Heritage Tower in the God Realm. My little master can first fully master the inheritance here, and then have the opportunity to find that in the future. The Nine Nether Immortal Inheritance Tower of Mahayana! ’ Youbo replied with a slightly trembling voice. He was obviously shocked by the scene he saw in front of him.

‘Then I’ll go up the steps to understand and practice? ! ’ Du Long spoke again to confirm.

'Um! ’ Uncle You nodded and said, ‘Only by fully mastering the entire set of superior Nine Netherworld Immortal inheritance, can the little master obtain a large amount of wealth here, otherwise there will be no need to discuss anything else! ’

Du Long nodded secretly, and without any hesitation, he flashed towards the Tongtian Tower Mountain. Soon he came to the steps on the left side near the Jiuyou Heritage Tower, then took a deep breath and strode up!

Perhaps everyone was seizing the time to practice, so no one noticed the addition of the unfamiliar face Du Long. Because there is a ten thousand year limit, people here are all taking the time to practice hard, so as not to end up failing to accept all the inheritance after exceeding the time limit. Killed on the spot!


As Du Long stepped onto the first step, an unusually familiar energy wave immediately came from under his feet. As someone who had successfully received the Nine Nether inheritance twice, he naturally entered the cultivation state very skillfully!

Feeling the mysterious formations that appeared from time to time under his feet, Du Long began to gradually change the energy in his body according to this fluctuation, and began to enter the state of cultivation of the superior Nine Netherworld Immortal inheritance.

Time passed by minute by second, and after just one month, Du Long successfully mastered all the formation changes on this step. He also completed a body tempering under the conditions of transformation, and could feel his My body, which has not improved in strength for a long time, has become a little stronger again!

The second step took about one and a half months to succeed, and the third step took about two months. As Du Long climbed up one step at a time, the time it took to climb each step gradually increased. On!

The Superior Nine Nether Immortal Heritage Tower is divided into nine floors. Each floor has 999 steps. If Du Long takes too long to complete each step, he may not be able to finish it. The next steps are getting more and more difficult!

Fortunately, as time went by, he gradually mastered the rules of cultivation, and the subsequent steps have been maintained at a relatively stable speed of reaching the first level in about five or six months!

Climbing a step every five or six months, this efficiency is not too outstanding among all the inheritors. It can be seen that there are many people whose climbing speed and efficiency are much higher than him!

However, although those people's speed and efficiency were very fast, they were only shown in the first few floors. As they climbed to higher and higher levels, their speed and efficiency began to drop to the extreme!

The reason is very simple. These people did not fully understand the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Techniques on each step, but after understanding part of it, they relied on their own strength to resist part of the pressure, and then they were able to climb to the next level!

However, Du Long strives to understand the Nine Nether Immortal Supernatural Powers on each step. Otherwise, he will never step onto a higher step, even if he can resist that step with his own strength. Even if he is under pressure, he will not do this kind of thing to encourage the growth of the seedlings!

In the blink of an eye, Du Long has been climbing the Nine Nether Immortal Heritage Tower for more than three thousand years, and he has arrived at the top step area of ​​the fifth floor.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen figures in front of him. These people were already far ahead of most of the people at the scene before he came in. However, Du Long was catching up closer and closer at a relatively stable speed!

On the steps near the top of the sixth floor, there are three figures standing next to each other at the moment. Two of them are on the more than 700 steps on the sixth floor, and the last one is standing on the 800 steps a hundred steps ahead. On the multi-level steps, it seems that after more than a hundred steps, you can enter the platform between the sixth and seventh floors!

The man who climbed to the highest position is a man in black. He should have a magic weapon that hides his aura. It is impossible to detect any of his soul aura. The only face shown to outsiders does not know whether it has changed its appearance!

At this moment, after almost exerting all his strength, he finally succeeded in conquering the steps under his feet. There was a slight sweat on his forehead. He took a few deep breaths and turned around to look down.

Due to the long time in the past, the entire mountaineering team is stretched very long at this moment. Everyone's talent and strength are different, so they are naturally at different levels!

There are three sides to this Jiuyou Heritage Pagoda Mountain. Each side has nearly 9,000 steps, and there are thousands of people distributed among them. On average, there is nearly one climber standing on the nine steps!

Standing at the top of the sixth floor, the man in black glanced at the climbers under his feet. After every step he climbed, he would always stop to observe the situation behind him. He was still willing to take such a short time. wasteful.

Soon, his eyes fell on the golden-armored dragon man. He had always felt that this guy looked familiar, but he never remembered where he had seen this dragon disciple!

What made him feel even more weird was the guy's climbing speed. Most people were fast in the early stage, but got slower and slower in the later stage. But he was better. He was able to maintain an unbelievably stable speed all the way up!

'Depend on! How can that dragon boy maintain such a terrifying speed? ! Can you still maintain the efficiency of a first level for about half a year? ! ’ After calculating Du Long’s efficiency during this period, the man in black couldn’t help but look extremely ugly.

But he was still angry in his heart. After all, the golden dragon man was still climbing on the fifth floor, and there was still a long distance between him and him!

Although there is a threat, it is not that urgent yet. I guess his speed will definitely slow down after reaching the sixth level and above, right? !

Therefore, after cursing secretly in his heart, he once again stepped onto a higher level. After shaking suddenly for a while, he began to devote himself wholeheartedly to enlightenment and cultivation.

Beneath it, hundreds of steps away, another man dressed in black looked at the figure in front of him with envy, and then said proudly to another woman in silver armor beside him: "Did you see that? ?! The person walking at the front is the captain of our adventure team, named Sun Tao! He is our... core disciple within the force. It is said that when he was still at the god level, he had already realized the secrets of the intermediate space. I have reached the perfect state and can fly freely in the God Realm!"

‘Sun Tao? ! ’ A voice sounded in the space of the Dragon Lord Ring on Du Long, but it did not disturb Du Long who was immersed in hard training: ‘That’s not true. . . Does it have the same name as the regiment commander who led the team down to kill Fengyang before? ! ’

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