Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1437 Putuo Mountain View

Datang Palace, on the teleportation platform dedicated to the royal family!

Du Long stared quietly at Princess Qingcheng who was bidding farewell to a group of relatives and elders beside her. She had just experienced the parting of a group of relatives in the Zhou Palace, and now she was going to experience it again in the palace!

"Prince Zhou! When I go to the Daleiyin Temple on Mount Sumi to see Buddha Sakyamuni, please send my greetings to Lord Buddha!" ​​After chatting with Qingcheng for a few words, Emperor Tang Li Shimin smiled and looked at Du Dragon Road.

"Okay!" Du Long nodded slightly and said, "Du Long will definitely convey His Majesty's greetings to Master's ears!"

"Hehe!" Li Shimin smiled happily: "Presumably King Zhou will stay there to practice for a long period of time during his trip to Mount Sumeru. The Buddhist cultivators have a lot of supernatural powers. Now you have only learned one of the supernatural powers with three heads and six arms. There are still many supernatural powers for you to practice and learn later!"

"Du Long will definitely work hard so that he can master the various supernatural powers of the Buddhist cultivator as soon as possible!" Du Long said confidently, and then changed the topic: "This long journey will take a long time, and the Palace of Zhou will have to trouble Your Majesty a lot." Take care of one or two!"

"It's natural! You can rest assured!"

"Du Long's virtuous son-in-law!" Prince Jing interrupted half-jokingly, "You must pay attention to the combination of work and rest in practice, and you must not neglect your newlywed wife when you are practicing!"

"Definitely!" Du Long could only answer with shame, making the scene laugh continuously, and alleviating Qingcheng's sorrow of parting a lot.

To be honest, although the God Realm is vast and boundless, it is very convenient to come and go because of the existence of the teleportation array, so there is really no need to worry too much!

After some courtesies, Du Long and Princess Qingcheng disappeared without a trace as the golden light flashed across the circles under the watchful eyes of many elders in the royal family!

South Africa!

On the Putuo Fairy Mountain, where the fairy mist in the South China Sea was misty, Guan Zizai, dressed in white and snowy, stood beside the teleportation platform. With the sea breeze blowing, her white skirt fluttered wantonly in the wind!


With the flashing of golden light formations, Guan Zizai's lowered eyes raised up, and with a smile on his face, he saw two figures appearing on the teleportation formation hand in hand, and it was Du Long who she took the initiative to meet this time. Out with Princess Allure!

"Hehe! Junior Brother Du Long, Princess Qingcheng! You are finally here!" Guan Zizai greeted Du Long and his wife with a smile on their face, "It really is a newlywed couple, and they have to walk hand in hand everywhere! "

Du Long blushed, took Qingcheng's hand and flew to Guan Zizai respectfully: "Du Long and Qingcheng have met Senior Sister Guan Zizai! I kept Senior Sister waiting for a long time!"

"Hehe! It's okay! Senior sister has just arrived, let's go! This is the first time I visit the site of senior sister Putuo Mountain, and I will let senior sister lead the way in person, and take you husband and wife to have a good look at the beautiful scenery of Mount Putuo!" Guan Zizai stretched out his hand to pretense After making a gesture of invitation, he led Du Long and the two slowly flew towards the depths of Mount Putuo.

This Putuo Mountain is not small, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, if you use the way of walking to drive, I am afraid that it will take a year and a half to get a general idea, at least to say the least? !

A group of three people, under the eager attention of countless disciples of Mount Putuo, sent the array along the seaside all the way deep into the mountains.

The entire Putuo Mountains are full of fairy mist, exotic flowers and plants all over the place, and you will always see temples hidden in the dense forest at a certain distance, and you can hear the voices of Buddhist disciples doing morning meditation and chanting sutras. The incense in the temple is also extremely prosperous!

"Look, that is the Jinchan Bieyuan. The Minghui you met in Shambhala before is the direct disciple of the abbot of this Bieyuan!"

"Looking at that place again, it is the other courtyard of Kongchan. Nephew Mingming followed the abbot Sixth Patriarch Huineng to practice in it. It is the best choice for the disciples of Mount Putuo's Buddha cultivating Tianjiao!"

"Mingzhi is practicing in this other courtyard?!" Du Long's eyes lit up suddenly. He didn't feel the slightest when he heard Minghui's dharma name before, but he was immediately moved when he heard Minghui's dharma name.

Since Zhizhi is a disciple of Buddhism and needs to abstain from alcohol and meat, he only went to the banquet on the day of Du Long's wedding, and returned to Mount Putuo with Guan Zizai and others on that day, and did not participate in the subsequent reception banquet.

"Hehe!" Of course Guan Zizai understood that Du Long and Zhizhi were relatively close, so he chuckled lightly, and then yelled in the direction of Kongchan Bieyuan: "Zhizhi! Your little uncle Du Long came to Mount Putuo for the first time, and he didn't Come out for a while?!"

It seemed to be shouting directly, but in fact, Guan Zizi's voice had already passed through the powerful soul power and spread far into the mind of Ming Zhi who was doing morning class in the Kongchan Bieyuan!

Soon, Zhi Zhi and another eminent monk flew out of the other courtyard and flew towards Du Long.

"Amitabha!" The eminent monk clasped his hands together and said, "Senior Sister! This is the legendary Junior Brother Du Long who was recognized by the Bodhi Tree and won the first place in the Hunyuan True God Competition?!"

"Hehe!" Guan Zizai said with a calm smile, "Du Long! Come on! Let me introduce you, this is Huineng, the abbot of Kongchan Bieyuan. According to your seniority, you should call him Senior Brother!"

"Du Long has met Senior Brother Huineng!" Du Long didn't care to be courteous to Ming Zhi, and hurriedly bowed his hands to the eminent monk in front of him.

"Haha! Junior Brother Du Long is so polite!" Huineng laughed heartily, "I've heard about the name of Junior Brother for a long time, but when I saw him today, it turns out that he looks very handsome and is definitely not something in the pool! One day, he will spread his wings and soar above the nine heavens." !"

"Senior brother Huineng, thank you!" Du Long responded modestly with a slightly red face.

"Hehe!" Guan Zizai smiled softly and said, "How about this! I think Zhizhi will lead you two around Mount Putuo for the time being. After the tour is almost done, come to the Purple Bamboo Forest to have dinner together! Senior sister and Huineng won't make peace with you young people!"

So, after Du Long continued to talk to Guan Zizai and Huineng, he continued his unfinished trip to Putuo Mountain under his wise guidance!

"Du Long...Little Martial Uncle!" Ming Zhi choked when he called Du Long, obviously depressed by his seniority.

"Don't, don't!" Du Long waved his hand quickly and said, "Let's not talk about seniority in private! It's fine to just call names, so as not to make everyone feel uncomfortable!"

"Haha! Zhizhi has this intention, so please invite Du Long and his younger brother and sister to accompany me around Putuo Mountain! It's rare to come to Putuo Mountain, Zhizhi must do his best to be a landlord!" Zhizhi said. He laughed heartily.

A group of three people continued to head towards the depths of Putuo Mountain. If you want to visit Putuo Mountain in a radius of ten thousand miles, you have to speed up your speed!

In the distance, in Jinchan's other courtyard, a pair of gloomy eyes stared at the three figures that flashed away in mid-air, speechless for a long time!

This guy is the monk Minghui who has always been conceited. In his eyes, he has long regarded Du Long and Zhizhi as imaginary enemies!

Back then, the scene where Du Long was recognized by the Bodhi Dao Tree was still vivid in his mind, and Zhi Zhi defeated himself in the internal qualifiers of Mount Putuo to win the title of Tianjiao Disciple of Mount Putuo. An enemy who took away the light that should have belonged to him!

This kind of thinking is ridiculous and extreme. There are some people in the world who don't like to work hard to improve their own strength, but always want to get a higher status than others. They really don't know it!

"Smart! How many temples are there in the entire Putuo Mountains?! Why do I feel that the layout of those temples is not simple?!" After walking for a long time and listening to Zhizhi's introduction for a long time, Du Long finally Can't help but ask.

"Not much, not much!" Zhizhi frowned slightly, and his gaze at Du Long became much hotter: "There are only one hundred and eight temples and nunneries in total, Zhizhi has to admire Du Long for your vision, that's right! The location of these 108 temples and nunneries is very particular. Once the Putuo Mountain Gate is invaded by foreign enemies, these temples and nunneries will become the eyes of each formation. Break through in a short time!"

"Sure enough!" Du Long suddenly nodded and said, "I'll just say...the Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea where Senior Sister Guan Zizai sits, how could there not be some great formations to protect the mountain?!"

"Hmm!" Ming Zhi felt the same way: "My lineage of Buddhist cultivators controls most of the entire Nanfangbuzhou. Xiu Zongmen, there is Mount Sumeru to the west, and Mount Putuo to the south!"

"So that's it!" Only then did Du Long realize that Ganqing Putuo Mountain's power in the South China Sea still has such important strategic significance!

Chatting and seeing the beautiful scenery of Mount Putuo all the way, the group of three came to the outside of the purple bamboo forest on Luojia Peak and began to walk into the purple bamboo forest.

"Luojia Peak is the most important mountain in the Putuo Mountains, and it is also the core of the entire mountain protection formation. Therefore, this area is completely forbidden to the sky. No one is allowed to fly in and out of the sky except Master Guan Zizai, otherwise they will be protected. Shan Dazhen's attack!" Zhizhi seemed to want to explain the confusion for Du Long and his wife, and directly revealed this secret that was not a secret.

Du Long nodded, but he didn't say much and asked more questions. It's about a sect's core secrets and important affairs.

The three of them walked along the mysterious direction in the purple bamboo forest, advancing and retreating from time to time, repeating this for less than half an hour before they walked out of the area covered by the purple bamboo forest and came to a slightly open area!

Looking around, you can see a lotus blooming pond, planted with many exotic flowers and herbs. The scent of lotus is scattered in the air along with the aroma of herbs, which makes Du Long and others who walked into this area stunned. Feel refreshed, very comfortable!

In this flower-scented garden, there is an elegant and quiet nunnery, which forms an incomparably harmonious natural beauty with the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and there is no trace of artificial modification at all!

"What a beautiful view! It really is the place where Senior Sister Guan Zizai practiced Taoism. It really makes people feel happy to practice in such a fairyland on earth?!" Beauty is a woman's nature. After Princess Qingcheng's eyes widened to see the scenery in front of her, Can't help but whisper softly.

"En! What Qingcheng said is true. There is a cave in the purple bamboo forest, and it is really a paradise!" Du Long also nodded in agreement.

"Hehe!" Just as his husband and wife were expressing emotions, Guan Zizi's quiet laughter sounded in the minds of the three of them: "It's just a small house, the three of you don't feel full of emotion over there!" ! Why don’t you quickly enter the inner hall for dinner?!”

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