Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1411 Incarnation of Lightning

Swish, Swish. . .

On the fighting stage, a dark golden figure was covered with electric snakes and flashed, moving irregularly back and forth on the stage with the flashing of the electric snake, the speed was amazing!

The reason why it is said that his moving trajectory is irregular is actually very simple, that is, when this figure moves, sometimes it is as fast as lightning, sometimes it stays in place and fails to move, sometimes it flies far away, and sometimes It only moved a short distance, because it failed to dodge to a safe area, and was finally slashed by the sky blade shadow!

And this dark golden figure wrapped in the power of lightning is not someone else, it is the player Du Long who is participating in the final eight, the guy who transformed into a dark golden dragon man!


With a muffled sound, the shadow of the blade all over the sky slashed at Du Long who failed to move again, and directly sent him flying!

'Depend on! "While flying backwards, feeling the pain from his body, Du Long couldn't help cursing secretly: "It's really not easy to integrate the power of thunder and lightning into the five-element lost track footwork ah! '

'whee! ’ At the right time, Jie Lingling’er’s charming laughter sounded in his mind: ‘You idiot, why do you have to combine the power of thunder and lightning with the five-element lost-track footwork? ! You know, fusion is always infinitely more difficult than performing it alone! '

'Single cast? ! A flash of light came to Du Long's mind, he muttered to himself and chose to follow suit without hesitation. He no longer deliberately performed the Five Elements Lost Footwork on the soles of his feet. Run at high speed on the stage!

In this way, the previous mistakes were reduced a lot in an instant. With the help of the power of thunder and lightning, he felt like a fish in the water, and he could run to the position he wanted to reach at high speed!

Chi Shua, Chi Shua, Chi Shua. . .

On the fighting platform, Du Long's self-created movement became smoother and smoother, and he gradually began to have the leisure to integrate his own secrets of thunder and lightning into this movement movement as much as possible!

Everyone knows that thunder and lightning is the law of heaven with the most terrifying speed. Surrounded by the power of thunder and lightning, Du Long seems to be transformed into a son of thunder and lightning, running and flashing at high speed on this fighting platform with a radius of several miles, The entire fighting platform is completely occupied by the phantom trajectory formed by the power of thunder and lightning!

Xiuyue, who had an absolute advantage before, was a little dumbfounded at the moment. She had used the shadow body technique to the extreme. Although she was able to transform into six clones to fight the enemy, she still had no way to deal with this figure transformed into a lightning trajectory. In vain, he could only launch a full-strength attack on the thunder and lightning tracks, in order to give Du Long another fatal blow when he made a mistake!

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is often cruel!

After no longer intentionally combining the power of thunder and lightning with the five-element lost track step, the chance of Du Long making mistakes has dropped to the extreme. Even if she makes a mistake, she may not be able to seize the opportunity to cut at the key point!

However, Du Long himself has not fully mastered this movement method that combines the power of lightning, so he is not in a hurry to win, but wants to use this free opponent in front of him to hone this self-created movement method!

Time passed slowly, and as Du Long became more and more familiar with this moving method integrated into the power of thunder and lightning, his movement became more and more smooth, and he gradually moved to the state of moving with his heart!

"Wow! This kid named Du Long is worthy of being an evildoer who can be recognized by the Bodhi Dao Tree. He can actually create his own body method of turning into lightning in such a predicament?!"

"Who said it wasn't?! This kid's understanding is absolutely extraordinary, and in time he will surely shine brightly!"

"It's really a rare talent to be able to create such an amazing movement technique at the Hunyuan level!"

"You're mistaken... What kind of strength is he at the Hunyuan level?! This kid's current soul state is only at the level of perfection in the late stage of the gods! Tsk tsk, this is the real evildoer!"


In Wudou Square, there are still many discerning people among the countless audiences. Naturally, they can analyze the real situation from Du Long's performance when he performs this movement technique, and they are all admiring his monstrous understanding!

"It's amazing! It's amazing!" On the referee's seat, the host Xiao Li shook his head and said with emotion: "Incarnation of the power of thunder and lightning, another monster with the fastest speed below the Emperor of Heaven has appeared!"

"That's right!" Fairy Yaoji nodded in agreement, "Except for the teleportation ability of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, there are only a handful of people in the entire God Realm who can incarnate the power of lightning!"

"Who said it wasn't?! In the entire God Realm, the only one who can combine the power of thunder and lightning with body skills, and finally reach the ultimate speed is the Golden Winged Peng King of the Great Leiyin Temple in Xitian!" Fairy Chang'e rarely praised others , Her words also made everyone's eyes turn to Li Poduo and Guan Zizai. Who made them the representatives of the Western Paradise Buddhist lineage?

"Don't look at the poor monk, I have already said it just now, Du Long has never been to Lingshan since he became a disciple of the Buddha, and we have not taught him any Buddhist cultivation skills and supernatural powers!" Li Poduo Shaking his head helplessly explained.

"Po Duo is not lying!" Guan Zizai calmly opened his mouth to distinguish for him: "Everyone has also seen that Du Long has been pondering this kind of movement technique alone from the beginning to the end. This set of movement technique of incarnating the power of lightning is calculated. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he created it himself!”

"Zi Zai's words are reasonable. If Du Long had already learned this method of turning into lightning, why would he have to suffer so much in front of his female disciple Xiuyue in the dark?!" Fairy Chang'e agreed again. road.

"Tsk tsk! I created my own skills, and this kind of incarnation of lightning power is really a rare piece of jade!"

"The failure of teleportation to achieve great success always has a fatal weakness. This kind of agility that incarnates the power of lightning is the most effective agility in close combat!"


No matter in the auditorium, in the referee's seat, or the group of god-level superpowers in Liberty City, they were all amazed by Du Long's own Thunder and Lightning Body Technique, and all commented on it on various occasions. Without exception, all praises are added!

On the combat platform, after a period of running-in, Du Long finally successfully integrated himself into the power of thunder and lightning, and was able to use the power of thunder and lightning to move and run at high speed at will!

As a result, he no longer used his opponent as a whetstone. In a flash of thought, his whole body turned into a lightning trail and suddenly appeared next to one of the shadow clones. Electric cut out!


With the muffled sound of the light of the knife entering the flesh, the shadow clone instantly fell apart, and then the other five clones disappeared without a trace, and finally only one of the real bodies appeared before Du Long's eyes!

There was blood stains on the corner of Xiuyue's mouth, and there was a deep bone scar on her right shoulder. Obviously, although Du Long just attacked her avatar just now, he had already injured her main body as well!

"I surrender!"

Just when Du Long was stalking and approaching the target like a shadow, and wanted to give her another heavy blow, Xiuyue from the dark side unexpectedly chose to admit defeat without hesitation, which also made him have to stop, and Some speechlessly looked at the woman in front of him who gave up so simply!

Du Long, who had been brutally tortured before and managed to turn the tide of the battle, was about to get his money back along with his principal and interest. He never thought that he would never be given a chance!

"Because player Xiuyue voluntarily surrendered, Du Long, who made it to the semi-finals, won the match and advanced to the semi-finals!"


As the final result was reported by the Spirit of Liberty, there was an uproar at the scene, and many spectators felt that the game was over. We will have to wait a while longer for the semi-finals and finals!

"You bastard... you don't even know how to pity and cherish jade... you are willing to deal with such a beautiful woman like a flower?!" Ignoring the noise of countless audiences around, Xiuyue covered her wound over his right shoulder, he gave Du Long a resentful look and said.

Du Long also rolled his eyes and said, "What?! Since the start of the competition, how many times have you chopped me off?! I just paid back the knife. How come I don't know how to be sympathetic?!"

"That's all!" Xiuyue waved her hand and said, "It's useless to talk to you, but you really haven't let my sister down! Hehe, don't let it go, we will have a date later, remember the previous appointment to find Here's a chance to have a private chat!"


Du Long stared dumbfoundedly at the figure of the opponent floating away, and was dumbfounded for a moment. He never expected that the opponent would still remember this episode after losing the game!

I forgot the name of the chapter and published it, but it turned out that I couldn’t change it. Xiaoyue has been drunk since the merger. I don’t know which editor to look for, or is there no editor? ! Hehe, let's just wait and see. . .

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