Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1403 One Hit Instant Kill


After Du Long crushed the colored ball, Heilian Eva unceremoniously took and crushed a colored ball without anyone reminding her. After the colored ball was crushed, a huge number 1 appeared On top of her head!

Du Long frowned and looked at the numbers above her head and said, "It's actually the first competition on stage, this..."

"It doesn't matter! As long as the opponent is not you, Eva is not afraid of anyone!" Heilian Eva replied confidently. Compared with her, it was self-confidence, but compared to other contestants, it became provocative.

Of course, only An Tian and Ryan from the western camp would think this way, and the others didn't think there was anything wrong with her words. After all, Eva's performance in the previous games had already proved her extraordinary strength!

"Huh!" Ryan, a disciple of Tianjiao from Guangming's lineage, snorted angrily, then unceremoniously stretched out his hand to take in a colored ball, and then crushed it!


Suddenly, a number 1 appeared above his head, and his pupils shrank involuntarily after seeing this number. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Eva's previous words, he really didn't want to talk to this woman with weird attack methods. That's right!

‘Lian of the Temple of Light? ! ’ Du Long stared at the numbers above Ryan’s head and transmitted to Heilian Eva: ‘It seems that the energy of the light system can somewhat restrain your energy of the dark system! '

'That depends on who is stronger and who is weaker between the two! ’ Hei Lian Eva shook her head and replied: ‘When the energies are mutually restrained, whoever has the stronger energy will naturally be able to restrain the opponent’s energy! '

'Um! Are you sure you can handle this Ryan? ! ’ Du Long was slightly worried.

‘Eighty percent sure if not ninety percent! ’ Heilian Eva replied very simply, and her confident words made Du Long feel relieved: ‘That’s good! be safe! '

'Um! '

Soon, the remaining contestants picked a colored ball and crushed it, and the order of appearance in the four games was determined accordingly: Hei Lian Eva vs. Ryan, Zhao Lingshuang vs. An Tian, ​​Jian Chen vs. Kong Chan, Du Dragon vs. Diablo Xiuyue!

The host Xiao Li announced the order of appearance in the four competitions at the right time, and let the first contestants Heilian Eva and Ryan appear on the stage, ready to start the first semi-finals promotion competition!

"Eva! Be careful!" Seeing that Heilian Eva is about to enter the competition, Du Long reminded subconsciously.

Heilian Eva's figure trembled slightly, and in the end she just turned her head and nodded silently at Du Long, but she didn't say any nonsense, but just dodged and shot towards the fighting platform!

Since the four competitions are held separately, there is only one huge fighting arena left in the entire fighting arena, and everyone's eyes are focused on this fighting arena!

Unlike Heilian Eva who quickly flew to the fighting arena, Ryan, with his right hand behind his back, flew to the fighting arena in a slow manner. Seeing his fluttering white clothes and tall and handsome appearance, he really looks like a B In this way, the voices of countless young women from the Guangming line resounded throughout the fighting square!

On the fighting arena, Heilian Eva held her sword in both hands, staring at this guy from the western camp with ice-cold eyes, seeing his blond and blue-eyed handsome appearance, she couldn't find it pleasing to the eye. Deep down, she always felt that Du Long looked It's the most comfortable!

"Hehe! Lion of the Western Light Temple, I have met Miss Hei Lian Eva!" After finally flying to the martial arts arena, Ryan was not in a hurry to start the match, but put his right hand on his chest, and looked towards Hei Lian very gracefully. Eva bent down and performed a western aristocratic etiquette.


He was answered by the sound of Heilian Eva drawing out her sword. She was holding the long sword in her right hand, pointing the tip of the sword at the ground and said in a cold voice: "Stop talking nonsense! Don't waste any more time, let's start fighting!"


The smile on Ryan's face began to froze. He was always confident in his appearance, but he never expected that the woman in front of him would be so incomprehensible!

From the bottom of my heart, I really want to see what her face hidden behind the black veil looks like, but unfortunately, I have no chance to see her face at all, so I can only secretly slander her in my heart, is the other party too ugly to see people? !

"Oh my god! It really is an evil spirit from the Netherworld, it's so rough?!"

"Who said it wasn't?! Ryan treated her so gentlemanly, but in return she was treated so rudely and barbarously!"

"Oh! The Prince Charming in my heart actually has to face such a rough opponent, it really makes people feel so distressed!"


In Wudou Square, countless western women were discussing there, most of them were fighting for Ryan. The people in Luzhou, Beiju, were basically the children of the light lineage, and they had never treated the dark lineage or even the people in the netherworld. What a good impression, it's no wonder why Heilian Eva will be blamed so one-sidedly!

On the martial stage, after a short period of astonishment, Ryan finally regained his composure, and said with a fake smile: "Well...Since Miss Heilian Eva strongly requested, then Ryan is naturally more respectful than obedient !"

He could hear the coldness revealed at the end of his words, it was obvious that this hypocritical guy was already angry in his heart, and he also had a killing intent towards Heilian Eva!

However, in front of Yina, the god of the underworld, he absolutely did not dare to kill him too blatantly. He could only see if he could find an impeccable opportunity during the game!


An invisible energy shield rose slowly, and soon enveloped the entire fighting arena, and the voice of the spirit of freedom also resounded in the fighting square: "The first match of the eighth round of the semi-finals, now The official start, please prepare for the competition!"


Amidst her snorting, Heilian Eva directly ignored Ryan's pretentious yet polite gesture, and as soon as she tightened her sword in her hand, she stepped on the mysterious footwork to bully her opponent!

Following her movements, a faint dark green energy began to rise on the fighting platform, which seemed to be centered on Heilian Eva, causing the entire space in the fighting platform to become viscous!

Feeling the bondage of this viscous energy on himself, Guang Mingjiao Ryan couldn't help frowning. He knew very well that this was not the bondage of the power of the God's Domain space at all, but the bondage of weak water energy!

That is to say, if you use the power of God's domain space, it won't help at all, and your opponent will definitely use the power of God's domain space to offset it!

I have watched Heilian Eva's game before, and I have also asked the strong man of the Emperor of Light in the Temple of Light. Ryan is also mentally prepared for the shackles of the power of weak water!

With a thought, a dazzling white light erupted from Ryan, who was fluttering in white, as if his whole body was a blazing white sun, and countless bright energies radiated in all directions!

On the fighting stage, after the dark green energy met these bright energies, it gradually melted into the invisible like snowflakes meeting flames. As a result, the energy that bound Ryan before became much weaker!

After feeling that the bondage on his body had weakened many times, Ryan couldn't help showing a confident smile on his face, and thought to himself: "This woman really restrained her opponent with the power of weak water, and then she won so easily." Match after match, it happened that her light-type energy restrained her dark-type weak water power, what else could she rely on? ! '

With this in mind, he no longer hesitated, turned his hand and took out his customary giant sword, and directly slashed Huashan with a force, and saw a giant white sword shadow of virtual energy ruthlessly towards the erratic figure. Heilian Eva fell!


In the Wudou Square, there were bursts of screams again, and those female fans who were proud of the future were all screaming, as if they were shocked by this extremely gorgeous energy sword!

As the party involved, Heilian Eva looked at the heavy blow that fell in the air with disdain, and with a flick of the sword in her hand, her whole body and the sword instantly turned into a dark green light spot and went straight to the giant that fell in the head. The root of the sword shoots away!


The dark green light instantly pierced through this incomparably gorgeous giant sword of virtual energy, and after only a short delay, it quickly shot toward the chest of Ryan, who had just slashed with all his strength. The speed was so fast that this Guys who love to pretend to be B can't react!

Just like that, amidst countless exclamations, the light green light shot through the opponent's chest instantly, and as the green light condensed and appeared, a black veil masked figure appeared behind Guang Mingjiao Ryan!

"Wow! It's actually a quick kill?!" Monk Kong Chan suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed on the spot.

"Fortunately, this sword passed through the chest, otherwise, if it went towards the dantian and the soul space, then this Ryan would already be a dead man!" Jian Chen followed closely and said with emotion.

"Sister Eva is really powerful! Lingshuang thinks she can't take this terrible sword!" Zhao Lingshuang also added in shock.

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