Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1396 Revealing Your True Face

"Get up!" the Lord of Darkness said in a gloomy voice, and then saw that everyone in the hall stood up, and then continued to say: "The main reason for my appearance this time is to tell you that Kong Yun was personally handed by me. In addition to taking away, I want to tell you one thing!"

The Skeleton Lord Hall seemed a little terrifyingly quiet, including the leader of the God Killing Society, a powerhouse at the peak of the Heavenly Emperor, was restrained like a cicada at the moment, not daring to be rude in the slightest!

The dark eyes of the Lord of Darkness swept across the crowd, and then he nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Actually, the purpose of using the shadow clone transfer technique this time is to see if there is a chance to destroy it. That kid surnamed Du took the opportunity to snatch the Dragon God Ring from him, but he failed in the end!"

"How is this possible?!" In the main hall of the skeleton, all the dark congregation were full of disbelief, but in the end only the leader of the God Killing Society dared to ask: "With the master's shadow clone transfer technique, unless you have a Dzogchen level Otherwise, how can we stop the master from killing a mere Hunyuan rank kid?!"

"En!" The Dark Lord nodded solemnly and replied: "At that time, only Lu Wu and Sun Houzi were present in the entire Liberty City, and the two of them never found the whereabouts of the deity, but the deity still missed in the end. . . ”

"Could it be that other masters made a move?! Could it be Du Long's master Sakyamuni?! How could he have been following Du Long to protect him?! Can you give Du Long a 4D token? Body protection is already great!" The leader of the God Killing Society frowned and analyzed.

"Indeed, a master made a move! What makes me feel unbelievable is that the person who made the move is... the supreme existence above the nine heavens..." There was anger in the words of the Dark Lord, but also a clear meaning of fear.

Obviously, for the so-called supreme existence above the Nine Heavens, even if he is as strong as a god, he can only look up to him, and he can't resist at all!

"How is this possible?! A mere little man of the Hunyuan True God rank, why would the one above the Nine Heavens look at him differently?!" The leader of the God Killing Society exclaimed a little bit unwillingly.

He knew very well in his heart that if the supreme existence above the Nine Heavens wanted to save Du Long, then the entire Darkness wouldn't be able to count on dealing with Du Long!

As long as that person is willing, let alone the God Killing Society under him, even the entire Diablo lineage will collapse in a short time!

"The one who passed on the word!" The Dark Lord added in a dignified voice: "Those who have surpassed a higher level must not attack Du Long, otherwise they will pay for it with their lives!"

"What do you mean?!" The Lord of the God Killing Society's eyes lit up and said: "Then what if it exceeds one or two small ranks?! It is not a violation of the rules to deal with him?!"

"That's right!" The Dark Lord nodded and said, "As long as it doesn't exceed one high level, it's no problem to deal with him within two small levels, of course! He will also have many high-level helpers to help, For example, Lipo Duo and Guan Zizai are strong Bodhisattva peaks!"


The Skeleton Hall became quiet again, and everyone's faces were changing, as if they were thinking about something. In fact, many people in the God Killing Society were secretly deciding that if it was unavoidable, try not to provoke them. This little Hunyuan-rank guy named Du Long is here!

After all, an existence that can be paid attention to by the person above the nine heavens will either achieve amazing achievements in the future, or die halfway through!

In short, no one wants to offend an evildoer who has a great chance of becoming a shocking monster, unless he has a perfect chance of winning!

Dongsheng Shenzhou, in the fairyland of Yaochi in the City of Liberty!

"Sister Qingcheng, take good care of your man. I'm so stunned by the performance of the fairies in Yaochi, and she hasn't blinked for such a long time!" Princess Changle's charming and reproachful voice sounded in the luxurious private room.

At this time, a round of performances on the stage was over. As a woman, Princess Changle naturally woke up immediately. When she saw many men at the scene still looking at the beautiful fairy on the stage with dull eyes, she had no reason in her heart. A little angry, naturally he would not miss this opportunity to attack Du Long!

I really don't know which muscle of this girl is wrong, she always likes to find the shortcomings of Du Long and point them out in public!

"Hahaha!" There were bursts of cheerful laughter immediately in the private room. People were obviously amused by Princess Changle's words. Princess Qingcheng's pretty face had already turned red to the base of her neck, and she pulled at her resentfully. The sleeve of the sleeve said: "Changle! Don't talk nonsense. The performances of the fairies in Yaochi are indeed far-reaching. It is normal for Du Lang to be caught in it!"

"You... haven't even gotten through this yet! Just let him go! Hmph! There will be times when you will cry in the future!" Chang Le was obviously very angry at his sister's way of turning her elbow outward again.

Du Long, who was secretly chatting with Ji Yueling about the peach feast, was also awakened by Chang Le's coquettish voice. He could only shake his head and smile wryly after hearing the meaning of her words, but he didn't open his mouth to argue for himself. There are some things I'm afraid it will become darker and darker, not explaining is the most correct choice!

The corner of Ji Yueling's mouth twitched, as if she wanted to explain something to Du Long, but was stopped by Du Long's eyes in the end, and she could only keep silent!

'Duron! Everyone else is attracted by the performance of the Yaochi Fairy Band, why do you seem not to be interested? ! How dare you chat with me for so long? ! ’ Ji Yueling then secretly asked Du Long through voice transmission.

'hehe! ’ Du Long shook his head with a light smile and replied, ‘It’s nothing! I once saw the performance of the Guanghanxian Band in the Yaochi Wonderland branch in Shambhala City. Maybe it was because of the comparison that I didn't fall into it? ! '

'oh? ! ’ Ji Yueling was rather curious: ‘Could it be that you think the performance of our Yaochi Immortal Band is not as good as that of Guanghan Immortal Band? ! '

Du Long raised his brows slightly, it's really hard to make a casual evaluation like this kind of comparison, otherwise he will definitely offend this little fairy from Yaochi Fairy Palace in front of him!

'That's not true. . . Between the two, one is cold and aloof, and the other is full of flowers blooming. It should be considered that each has its own merits. There is no comparison between the two performances with very different styles! ’ Du Long could only comment as tactfully as possible.

'That's true! ’ Ji Yueling nodded in satisfaction, then changed the topic: ‘Then which type of performance do you prefer? ! '

Du Long's body froze for a moment, as if the more he was afraid of something, the more it would come. He hesitated for a while before answering: "Du Long felt that the performances of the fairies in Yaochi were too idealistic, and it was full of bloody battles everywhere. It's not peaceful, where can there be that kind of carefree paradise? ! Therefore, I can still accept more performances by the Guanghanxian Band! '

Ji Yueling frowned slightly, but she didn't mean to be angry, but nodded lightly and said: "You are very reasonable, but this kind of performance is just to let many practitioners who have been fighting outside for many years enjoy their leisure time here." In addition, I can let go of the thoughts of fighting in my heart, and enjoy the rare and comfortable artistic conception! '

'hehe! ’ Du Long nodded and smiled lightly: ‘What Fairy Bibo said is true, it seems that Du Long is not suitable for enjoying this kind of fairy music performance! '

When Du Long chatted with Ji Yueling in secret, he found that the black veiled Heilian Eva seemed to be looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, and he could see the confusion and puzzlement flickering in her eyes from time to time, as if she was caught by something. Difficulties give trouble in general.

"Eva...why do you have to cover your face with a black veil that isolates you from the detection of your spiritual sense?! Didn't your master, the god of the underworld, Yi Na, tell you to get along well with us?! If you don't even look like this... There seems to be something that you can't even see..." At this moment, Princess Changle seemed to ask Heilian Eva intentionally or unintentionally.

What she said, Du Long's heart moved slightly. He naturally wanted to see what this mysterious woman who was suspected to be the sister of Master Qinglian looked like. In fact, he had always had a very strange feeling in his heart. Eva felt both familiar and strange!

Chang Le's words attracted the attention of all the people in the private room. Both men and women were curious about what kind of face was behind the black veil!

It stands to reason that people in the God Realm no longer pay much attention to their personal appearance. After all, after reaching the god level, how to change their appearance couldn't be easier!

However, as long as people are curious, they all want to see what some people looked like before they changed easily!

"Eva doesn't know why Master asked me to wear this black veil to cover my face at the beginning of the competition!" Heilian Eva didn't seem to be particularly resistant to the request to take off the veil, but was a little puzzled replied.

"Oh?!" Princess Changle's eyes lit up and she said, "In this case, let's quickly take off the veil! If we want to be good friends in the future, we must show our true colors, otherwise how can we get along with each other? Woolen cloth?!"

Heilian Eva opened her mouth, but finally looked at Du Long, as if she was waiting for him to make the decision for her before she was willing to take off the black veil on her face!

Du Long naturally understood the meaning in her gaze, and without much hesitation, he nodded encouragingly and said, "Eva! Then take off the veil! Everyone here is a good friend who can make friends with each other!"

"Oh!" Heilian Eva just nodded, and obediently stretched out her hand and began to undo the black veil covering most of her face. As her true face was revealed, the scene could not help but gasp for air.

Especially Du Long was stunned, with a look of astonishment and doubt flashing on his face, as if he was confused by Heilian Eva's true face!

Add another chapter when you have time. . .

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