Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1332 The Peak of Longevity

The capital of the Tang Dynasty, on the Longevity Hill behind the Daxiangguo Temple!

Standing on the top of the peak against the wind, Jian Guang suppressed the anger in his heart, staring coldly at the team that was climbing up the stairs. His spiritual sense had already detected Zhou Hao in the soft sedan who was leisurely and contented!

He has been waiting for the whole morning, and he doesn't care about waiting for a moment longer. Anyway, in his heart, he has already sentenced the king of different surnames in the Tang Dynasty to death. up!

With his Jian Guang's status in the Kunlun lineage, he naturally wouldn't be afraid that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty would make trouble for him afterwards. After all, the majesty of the Kunlun Holy Land cannot be desecrated by anyone, and even the mere Great Tang Heavenly Kingdom would not dare to treat the children of the Kunlun Holy Land Pain the killer!

Under the attention of all the people, the team from the Prince Zhou's Mansion finally climbed to the top of the peak, and stopped not far from the group of Kunlun disciples headed by Jian Guang. Du Long waited for the sedan chair to stop before slowly getting out of the soft sedan chair!

"Huh?! Brother Jianguang! Why did you arrive at the top of Longevity Mountain so early?! I feel really sorry for making you, a distinguished guest from afar, wait so long!" Du Long, who had just stepped out of the sedan chair, said He greeted Jian Guang with an exaggerated tone.

Judging from his expression, it was as if he just knew that Jian Guang had been waiting on the top of the mountain for a long time. The anger in Jian Guang's heart began to burn with that look of needing to be beaten, but in order to show his magnanimity in front of others, he I can only forcefully suppress this bad breath!

"Hehe!" Jian Guang gritted his teeth and laughed dryly, staring at Du Long with gloomy eyes and said: "His Royal Highness Zhou Wang said seriously, as long as you don't shrink your head, I can afford to wait for a mere half a day." !"

"Haha!" Du Long pretended to laugh and said, "Zhou Hao is relieved now, otherwise he will really feel uneasy!"

"Where is there!" Jian Guang continued to suppress his temper and pretended to be generous: "After all, I was the first to initiate this martial arts challenge. It is reasonable to wait a little longer! His Royal Highness Zhou Wang does not need to worry too much." , I wonder if His Highness has ever prepared for the combat challenge?! Shall we start the combat challenge immediately?!"

Du Long was not in a hurry to answer his question, but looked around the Longevity Hill pretending to be puzzled, and then said to the left and right: "What a good day today?! I didn't expect that there would be so many people gathered on the Longevity Hill." Too many tourists?!"

"Hehe!" Jian Guang replied with a hurried smile, "King Zhou is thinking too much! These people just heard that we are holding a challenge of fighting here today, and then came to watch the battle after hearing the news. We don't need to pay attention to them. Can!"

Du Long secretly scolded this guy for deliberately leaking the news in order to pretend to be in front of others, but on the surface he nodded slightly calmly and said: "I see! That's all right! Just listen to Brother Jianguang's arrangement, our fight Let’s start the challenge as soon as possible! To save time, the longer you delay, the more people will gather, so there’s no need for that!”

"It's so good!" Jian Guang was worried from the beginning to the end that there would be no more troubles in the middle, so he naturally hoped to quickly challenge the fight, so that he could finish this guy who dared to covet Qingcheng in public!

Ever since, under the attention of all the people, these two legendary opponents who have squeezed into the top five faced each other at the summit of longevity before the start of the competition!

In the Forbidden Garden of the Datang Palace, almost all the heavenly emperors who represent the true core and high-level of the Datang Heavenly Kingdom are present, looking up at the picture of the top of Longevity Mountain that appears in the palace. !

"Shimin!" The gray-robed old man, who is the most respected and respected member of the Tang royal family, said worriedly: "According to legend, this Kunlun disciple, Jian Guang, has killed his competitors several times for the sake of Qingcheng. If something goes wrong with us, how should we explain it to Xitian Little Leiyin Temple?!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Huang!" Li Shimin said confidently, "Regardless of the final outcome of this combat challenge, if something like what you worry about happens, it's no big deal. Zhou was the one who agreed to be invited to join the battle first Hao himself, we have no right to interfere! Secondly, we don't know Zhou Hao's true identity, as the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent..."

"Haha! Brother Huang's words are reasonable. Regardless of the outcome of this matter, it will have no effect on our Tang Dynasty. On the contrary, we can use this matter to force out the power behind Zhou Hao. Then we won't have to be blind. I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south!" Li Shifeng, who presided over the martial arts competition at Changle's birthday banquet before, laughed loudly.

"Well! Let's do it this way! But we should also help Zhou Hao when necessary, and getting more kindness is much more effective than other small favors!" The gray-robed old man set his tone again.

"Yes! Shimin knows!"

"Also! I don't think Qingcheng's lifelong event should be delayed any longer. If Zhou Hao wins this battle, then let her go! Just relying on the title of King Zhou, he can only keep his people , but can’t keep his heart! Only marriage is the best choice, Prince Jing! What do you think?!” The gray-robed old man spoke again, but his eyes turned to Prince Jing who was sitting beside Li Shifeng!

King Jing is also a strong man in the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, and at the same time the father of Princess Qingcheng, the gray-robed old man naturally wants to seek his father's opinion!

"I agree with Uncle Huang's opinion very much. Qingcheng has been pampered since she was a child. It's time to put some pressure on her! What's more, I also think that King Zhou is very good. He should be Qingcheng's good son-in-law!"

"Very good! Then this matter is settled! The battle on the top of Longevity Mountain has already begun, let's wait and see!"

On the Longevity Hill, Du Long didn't know that the challenge of fighting with Jian Guang had become a matter of life for him and Princess Qingcheng. He was already fighting Kunlun disciple Jian Guang with all his strength!

The first is to test each other on the speed of movement. On the summit of longevity, the two figures, one white and one black, are as fast as lightning and flint. The speed is so fast that it is impossible to see with the naked eye. People are shocked!

On the surface, the two are on par in terms of body speed, it seems that they are evenly matched!

In fact, one is cultivating the body method that uses the sword to enter the Tao, and the other is the body method that uses the five elements to enter the Tao. They are at the same level in terms of body skills, but in terms of mystery, the Five Elements Lost Footwork is definitely better. Outperformed!

After several rounds of probing, Jian Guang could only accept the reality with a little frustration and unwillingness. In addition to the emotional jealousy towards Zhou Hao in his heart, this would add a bit of jealousy in terms of martial arts talent, which also It deepened his determination to kill his opponent!


With a cold snort, Jian Guang immediately changed the way he tried to compete with Du Long, and sword energy appeared out of thin air, stabbing at Du Long fiercely like a sword swimming dragon!

Depend on!

Seeing so many sword qi shooting towards him, Du Long immediately became a little flustered, and the tacit understanding of not using weapons that was formed at the beginning was disrupted!

In the blink of an eye, a God Empress sword appeared in his hand. Since the opponent took the lead in breaking the tacit understanding of not using weapons, he didn't need to be polite to him anymore!

Jingle. . .

Amidst the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, one after another, the substantial sword energy was cut to pieces by Du's sword, and turned into sword energy scattered all over the sky. Seeing that Du Long still had enough strength, these sword energy were very powerful for him. Did not cause any effective damage at all!

Jian Guang's gaze sank slightly, and as his thoughts flashed, the amount of sword energy in the sky exploded, shooting towards Du Long like raindrops all over the sky!

Facing the sword qi scattered from the sky, Du Long frowned. He could feel that the amount of the sword qi had exceeded the limit he could bear, and he probably couldn't completely resist it!

But no matter what, he couldn't let all these sharp sword qi hit him, so he could only use all his strength to scatter the sword light all over the sky, resisting as much sword qi as possible!

Puff puff. . .

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, sword energy continuously penetrated the sword-light defense net, shot at Du Long one after another, and made a muffled sound like defeating leather!


Among the crowd watching the battle, there were constant gasping sounds, and some powerful beings secretly broke out in a cold sweat for Du Long. The power of the Kunlun Sword Qi is well known to everyone, and being shot at by so much sword energy Definitely not a good thing!

Including Jian Guang, the instigator of the Kunlun sword qi, also showed a look of surprise on his face. In his opinion, Du Long, who was shot by so many Kunlun sword qi, would surely fall to the ground with serious injuries even if he did not die at this moment!

However, something unexpected happened!

Not only did Du Long show no signs of being seriously injured and fell to the ground, but he continued to scatter the sword light like a normal person, twisting pieces of sword energy into pieces!

Looking around, I saw that apart from some holes in his clothes, there was no sign of injury or bleeding at all!

"No, it's absolutely impossible! Could it be that he's still wearing soft body armor?!" While secretly exclaiming in his heart, Jian Guang quickly thought of a certain possibility for Du Long.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that Du Long already had a body that was as strong as a magic soldier at the moment, and it was impossible for some sword energy condensed out of thin air to hurt him at all!

If Jian Guang fully controls a limited number of sword qi, it may still be able to cause damage to Du Long. Like him, in order to pursue the target and control countless sword qi to attack, the attack power of each sword qi is even higher than that of Du Long. Even the defenses of his body can't be broken!

Suddenly, he had an idea. Among the sword qi shot at Du Long all over the sky, several different sword qi suddenly appeared. It can be seen that these sword qi are obviously many times more solid than the others!

Then he tried his best to control these sword qi to avoid the sword light defense net, and went straight to attack and kill Du Long's vital points!

A dangerous aura welled up in his heart, and Du Long quickly discovered the source of the danger under the investigation of his spiritual sense. He hurriedly gave up the defense against those ordinary sword auras, and then shifted all his energy to these few touches of dangerous sword auras !

The Five Elements Lost Footwork was fully deployed, and he tried his best to dodge several dangerous sword qi, but was finally swept across his right arm!

Bursts of severe pain rushed to his heart along his right arm, only then did Du Long realize that it wasn't energy sword energy at all, it was the deadly divine weapon rapier!

"Damn! Shameless guy, there are still a few tiny real swords hidden in the sword energy all over the sky!" Du Long cursed secretly in his heart, expressing the sinister intentions of Jian Guang. Can't he let a sword go through his heart? !

It is another year of the Dragon Boat Festival, and Hailong and \u0026amp;lt;Xuantian Longzun\u0026amp;gt; hereby wish all readers and friends a happy holiday!

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