Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1319 Five Elements Divine Fist

The Great Tang Heavenly Kingdom covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles around the inner courtyard of the imperial palace!

All the maids and guards in the inner courtyard of the palace knew that a certain area in the northwest corner of the palace definitely belonged to a forbidden garden that no one could easily approach. Anyone who trespassed without permission would have to die!

At this moment, in a certain hall in this forbidden garden, more than a dozen Heavenly Emperor powerhouses, including the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, are all sitting cross-legged on more than a dozen futons in the hall, watching a certain person in the hall. A huge video screen!

What is presented in the screen is the challenge between Du Long and the little princess Changle. As the top decision-makers of the Tang Dynasty, these emperor-level decision makers have full authority to directly watch the events taking place throughout the Tang Dynasty through the spirit array. Everything that happened in the capital of the kingdom of heaven!

Of course, Yuxuan Garden, the royal garden of the Great Tang Heavenly Kingdom, is naturally under its absolute control!

"Shimin! Still haven't found any information about Zhou Hao?!" In the main hall, an old man in yellow robes with full strength in the late stage of the Heavenly Emperor asked solemnly.

"Back to uncle!" Tang Emperor Li Shimin bowed to the old man respectfully and said, "This kid seems to have popped out of Daxiangguo Temple suddenly. Before that, there was no information about him to explore!"

"Hmm!" The old man in yellow robe nodded lightly and said, "Having such an astonishing talent and strength, it is impossible for him to be able to achieve this level of cultivation without caring about world affairs as he said. Walking, where is there a person who does not encounter any contradictions and struggles?!"

"What uncle said is very true!" Li Shimin replied deeply: "From the performance of this son at the Changle birthday banquet, he is definitely not the kind of person who can swallow his anger when he encounters provocations. And never fought with anyone!"

"Shimin's analysis is very reasonable!" Another gray-robed old man sitting on the futon nodded in agreement: "This son is obviously hiding his true identity, since he first appeared in front of people in our royal palace. Xiangguo Temple, why don't you find the abbot and ask about the situation?!"

"What Acer said is true!" The yellow-robed old man nodded slightly and said, "Presumably the Daxiangguo Temple should know some of the true origin of this son after fulfilling his wish?!"

"Back to Uncle and Uncle! Shimin did know about this from the abbot, but..." Li Shimin was a little hesitant at the end of his speech. Seeing this, the old man in yellow robe immediately urged: "There are no outsiders here, no matter what. If you have any thoughts, just say it, so that everyone can take a closer look at it!"

In fact, Li Shimin didn't dare to show off in front of the elders, so he immediately expressed the doubts in his heart: "According to what I said on the surface, he didn't know Zhou Hao, but the abbot added something inexplicably." , that is to let the members of our royal family try to befriend Zhou Hao as much as possible, and don't offend him! If conditions permit, we will try our best to help Zhou Hao as much as possible, and it will be beneficial to our Li family without any harm !"

"Oh?!" The old man in yellow robe who has always been quiet in Gujing couldn't help being moved: "It seems that I should know some secrets about Zhou Hao, but due to some reasons we don't know, he can't tell the truth. Is your identity leaked out?!"

"What uncle said is very true!" Li Shimin said with deep empathy, "As the abbot of the royal monastery, even we have to hide the secret, how many forces in the world can make him do this?!"

"Western Heaven and Great Leiyin Temple?!"

In the main hall, several exclamations sounded at the same time, and several powerful men at the level of Heavenly Emperor reported the same name one after another, and then looked at each other one by one, seeing a trace of solemnity from the bottom of their eyes!

It was also because of Li Shimin's analysis that the real core executives of the Great Tang Heavenly Kingdom fell silent for a short while, each of them staring thoughtfully at the figure on the screen who was fighting the little prince Changle!

"Gentlemen and uncles! As far as the people of the world know, a few days ago a master named Kongjian came to the Xiaoleiyin Temple in the King Kong City of the Western Heaven. It is said that he came to our Datang Heavenly Kingdom to do some business, so he went to the Daxiangguo Temple to hang up. According to the wish, Master Kongjian has left the Daxiangguo Temple and disappeared, Shimin wonders if this matter has something to do with Zhou Hao?!" Li Shimin pondered for a while and expressed his guess again.

"Oh?!" The yellow-robed old man raised his eyebrows and said, "It just so happened that someone from Xitian Xiaoleiyin Temple came, and Zhou Hao happened to appear in Daxiangguo Temple again, and the wishing monk behaved so mysteriously again. All these coincidences come together Now, it is naturally not a coincidence! Now it is basically certain that Zhou Hao should have a relationship with Xitian Xiaoleiyin Temple. As for the relationship, it remains to be investigated and verified, Shimin! I will leave this matter to you. Remember to do what you wish! We in the Tang royal family will never allow this little Buddha to be offended!"

"The people of the world know! Uncle, just rest assured!"

On the martial stage of Bihai Pavilion, Du Long turned into an afterimage, strangely surrounding the little princess of Changle, and launched an extremely violent attack. The speed was so fast that almost no one on the scene could completely lock his movement trajectory. !

Even an existence as strong as Li Shifeng, who is as strong as the Heavenly Emperor at the initial stage, cannot 100% lock Du Long's real body. This shows how much he has achieved in body skills since he successfully comprehended the Five Elements Lost Footwork amazing!

Everyone in the world knows a truth, that is, in terms of the five elements and elemental paths, everyone will always be more or less inclined to certain elemental paths, while the affinity for the other few elemental paths is extremely weak and lacking!

Even Du Long is the same. In terms of the five elements, he has a higher affinity with the three elements of water, fire, and earth, and his lack of them in the two elements of metal and wood is extremely obvious. The main reason for the enlightenment on the road!

And the reason why he was able to achieve something in the Dao of the Five Elements and Elements is that he entered the Dao with the pattern pattern, and through the connection between the path of the pattern pattern and the Dao of the Five Elements Elements, he verified each other and achieved rapid success. progress!

It can be seen from this that how difficult it is to gain entry into the realm of the five elements and elemental ways at the same time, and because of this, once a breakthrough in a certain realm is achieved, the five-element lost track footwork, which combines all the five elements and elemental ways, will What a tremendous increase in strength has occurred!

Even Li Shifeng, who was as strong as the Emperor of Heaven in the early stage, had great achievements in the Five Elements Dao only in the Golden Element Dao, and in other respects, he had little or no comprehension. The trajectory of the dragon!

"Ling'er! This Princess Changle is like a tortoise. Can you help me?! Otherwise, no matter how mysterious my five-element lost-trace footwork is, it will be difficult for me to break through a team whose total combat power is much larger than mine. Defensive net!" Du Long, unable to attack for a long time, really couldn't think of any good way, so he had to ask the ring spirit for help.

"Hee hee! You finally have another problem and no one can help you?! Jie Linglinger smiled and said: "The star level of the opponent's combat power is one star lower than yours, but unfortunately your basic combat power is one weaker than others The best way to make up for this shortcoming is to increase the speed advantage! However, once you lose your advantage in body speed, you will become as passive as you are now! ""

"Well! Ling'er is right, this is the situation I am in now! Are you talking about any solution?!" Du Longmeng nodded and continued to ask.

"Of course there is a way, but it's not very safe, you need to seize the opportunity yourself!" The ring spirit continued to sell it.

"Good Linger! How about you talk about how to break out of the current predicament?" Du Long could only urge again.

"As far as I know! The little princess of Changle is using the thousand-year bergamot hand of the Li family of the Great Tang Heavenly Kingdom! Just like what you said, she is like a hedgehog with a long body and long hands, so you can't break through her comprehensive power. Defense!" Jie Linglinger then shook her head and explained: "Her method naturally needs to reduce the attack power of each palm, and there is a huge loophole, that is, once the total combat power and movement speed exceed She said that the opponent will be caught blind immediately!"

"I understand!" Du Long's eyes lit up, and then he was a little disappointed and said: "It's just that my total combat power is obviously weaker than others, so what's the use of knowing where her means are weak?"

"Hee hee! I still have something to say! Why are you in a hurry?!" Ringling rolled his eyes cutely and said, "Put it away! This is a boxing technique that matches the Five Elements Lost Footwork! Hurry up! If you practice it well, you will naturally be able to defeat this hedgehog-like difficult target in front of you!"

"Five Elements Divine Fist?!"

Just when Du Long was puzzled, a wave of information flooded into his mind, it was the unique way of imparting skills of Ring Spirit, and a set of mysterious boxing techniques appeared in his mind!

While continuing to fight with the little princess of Changle, he began to examine this set of incomparably mysterious Five Elements Divine Fist, and soon he saw the principle of this set of fists clearly, and also understood why the ring spirits said that if they mastered it, they would have a chance to break through this predicament up:

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