Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1271 Secret Investigation

Wild Lion Ridge, Bikong Valley hides a little-known nameless cave!

At this moment, there is a Hunyuan team hidden in the cave, and the team leader is the Hunyuan True God Xie Lingyu from the God Killing Society. It is the woman Du Long accidentally offended just after ascending to the God Realm!

"Linda, the bastard's Hunyuan team finally came to Zhengjiazhuang, and everyone cheered up my aunt! Everything was carried out according to the original plan. If anyone dares to drop me halfway, be careful, I will pick you up." skin!!”

In the cave, Xie Lingyu's incomparably cold and low voice sounded. After squatting in this hole for many days, her long-suppressed anger finally found an explosive point!

"Yes! Miss!"

A group of Hunyuan True Immortals surrendered their hands one after another. Although they are also members of the Hunyuan team, not all captains are as unassuming as Teng Linda.

It's as if the daughter of the Xie family in front of her is not a good stubble. She never regards the members of the Hunyuan team she leads as teammates who can be entrusted with life and death, but as subordinates who can be ordered and driven at will!

On weekdays, she likes the members of the team to call herself Missy, so as to show her superior status, but also to remind the team members that she is the daughter of the Xie family in the Shambhala branch of the God Killing Society!

Looking at the team members who took orders in awe, Xie Lingyu nodded in satisfaction and said: "Continue to wait for the best opportunity to make a move, with Teng Linda's character, she will definitely arrange people to come out to investigate Kuangshiling Yaofengshan. Intelligence, if that brat from the Red Dragon Clan is dispatched at that time, then we will act in advance, otherwise, we will have to wait until the critical moment to act!"

. . . . . .

Kuangshi Ridge, above a certain forest near Yaofeng Mountain!

Two figures flew far away to Yaofeng Mountain, lowered their clouds, and began to approach Yaofeng Mountain on foot. These two figures were Du Long and Guo Jinglin of Linda Hunyuan Team!

Under the arrangement of Captain Teng Linda, Du Long began to follow this relatively taciturn teammate to Yaofeng Mountain to carry out the preliminary investigation mission!

Walking all the way to Yaofeng Mountain, Du Long didn't take the initiative to chat with Guo Jinglin, but quietly followed him, carefully observing how he found and avoided those hidden checkpoints!

In the God Realm, no matter whether it is a human practitioner or a monster, it seems that they all know how to hide their bodies under the detection of spiritual sense!

For example, using some plant leaves that have a shielding effect on the detection of spiritual consciousness to make invisibility cloaks, or hiding in some natural caves that have a shielding effect on the detection of spiritual consciousness, and like the sand python hiding in the sand before. Bottom wait!

Different environments have different shielding effects on the divine sense. Just like the sand python hiding under the sand, although it cannot completely block the divine sense detection, it can also extend the distance of the divine sense detection!

In short, if you want to detect monsters hiding under the sand in the desert, you need to get as close to the target as possible!

As for the forests covered by dense forests like Kuangshi Ridge, the monster sentinels hiding in the dark mostly choose to use some leaves and vines that can shield the detection of the spiritual sense, and make a protection that can be properly invisible under the detection of the spiritual sense. Come!

In this way, relying on the cover of leaves with a certain invisibility effect, these monsters greatly increased the difficulty of being discovered by outsiders!

The reason why Teng Linda asked Du Long and Guo Jinglin to come out to explore Yaofeng Mountain was that Guo Jinglin's rich experience in this kind of jungle exploration happened to allow Du Long to learn more from others!

'Do you see it? ! A few miles away in front of the right, there is a group of country leaves that can shield the detection of the spiritual sense. There is obviously no country tree there, but such a group of country leaves suddenly appears, which clearly hides a secret whistle there! '

'At eleven o'clock on the front left, there is a group of Nether Grass that can shield the detection of the divine sense. There is not even a single Nether Grass in the area for hundreds of meters, but there is a group of Nether Grass that can hide people so suddenly. Nether Grass, you should know what's going on, right? ! '

'Six miles away in front of you, there is a cave that can block the exploration of the spiritual sense, and it is probably also a secret whistle of Yaofeng Mountain. . . '

'. . . . . . '

While leading Du Long to avoid the hidden sentry points along the way, Guo Jinglin explained his experience to Du Long through sound transmission. This taciturn man did not hide his secrets. Definitely a valuable asset!

Guo Jinglin's forest exploration experience is actually very simple. First, learn to identify all the plants in the God Realm that can block the detection of the spiritual sense, and then pay attention to all the caves and other areas that can block the detection of the spiritual sense!

In this way, under the leadership of Guo Jinglin, an expert with rich experience in jungle exploration, Du Long approached the depths of Yaofeng Mountain without any risk while learning from his rich experience!

'Brother Guo! Du Long found a relatively free opportunity to send a voice transmission: "The closer you get to Yaofeng Mountain, the denser the checkpoints hidden in the dark will be, and the greater the chance of us being discovered, if you can't go deep into the demon bandits It doesn't seem to be very meaningful to investigate the outer area like this? ! '

For Du Long, a studious new teammate, Guo Jinglin, who has performed several monster killing missions together, has a very good impression of him, so he is always willing to patiently explain to him when faced with his questions!

'As the saying goes, only by knowing the enemy can one be victorious in all battles! Guo Jinglin did not relax his vigilance and explained through the sound transmission: "Any monster killing mission is a test of life and death. If you want to complete the monster killing mission as satisfactorily as possible, you must do a good job in the preliminary investigation work, otherwise you will fail." The probability of death will increase accordingly, and the probability of casualties will also increase accordingly! '

Glancing at Du Long, who was still a bit puzzled, Guo Jinglin continued to ponder and added: "Especially similar to this kind of mission against demons and bandits, it is necessary to do a good job in the preliminary investigation work, and the focus of the investigation is to achieve chaos among the demons and bandits." How many Yuan-order existences are there! '

'This is more important than anything else. Once there is a mistake, if you rush into the group of monsters and bandits without enough strength in your hands, you are not performing the task of killing monsters at all, but looking for your own death! '

'I see! ’ Du Long finally realized something and said: ‘It’s just. . . It seems a bit too difficult to find out the number of Hunyuan-level powerhouses in the heavily-defended lair of monsters and bandits, right? ! '

'Man proposes, God disposes! ’ Guo Jinglin nodded and said: ‘In any case, we have to do the preliminary investigation. As for how much useful information can be found, it depends on seven points of experience and three points of luck! '

Well. . .

Du Long's eyes widened in astonishment, and he dared to say for a long time that success or failure depends on luck in the end? !

Just when his face was full of astonishment, Guo Jinglin, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped moving forward, and stood in the forest covered by trees with a dignified expression, as if he was thinking about something!

'Brother Guo! What's the matter? ! Is something wrong? ! ’ Based on his own experience, Du Long didn't find any abnormalities, so he couldn't help asking through sound transmission.

'Sure enough, you got it right! ’ Guo Jinglin replied with a frown: ‘The number of secret whistles in front has increased many times, it’s a bit difficult to go around quietly! '

'Well. . . What can I do? ! ’ Du Long said a little depressed.

'Don't worry, I'm trying my best to calculate the loopholes in their defense and see if there is a way to avoid the eyes of these people. . . ’ Guo Jinglin responded via voice transmission: ‘These damned bandits should know that taking action against human practitioners will definitely cause a lot of trouble, so they will increase a large number of people to take defensive measures! '

Du Long nodded secretly. After following the members of the Hunyuan team for a while, he somewhat understood the situation in the God Realm. He knew that those monsters that had reached the Hunyuan level had wisdom not weaker than ordinary people!

They all know that they must not take action against human practitioners at will, otherwise it is very likely to provoke a large number of strong human practitioners to retaliate, and it is not surprising that they may cause death at that time!

It is precisely because of this that most monsters who have reached the Hunyuan level will not easily attack human practitioners, and they must be prepared for revenge once they attack!

Obviously, the bandit leaders of this Yaofeng Mountain know this truth, so they will strengthen the defense of Yaofeng Mountain!

'Huh? ! There seems to be a defensive loophole in the front right, we should be able to penetrate through this loophole! ’ After a long silence, Guo Jinglin frowned slightly and said: ‘This is also the last chance to sneak into Yaofeng Mountain quietly. If we fail, we have to make preparations to break out with all our strength! '

'Understood! ’ Du Long nodded heavily.

He knew very well that the main reason why Teng Linda was so relieved that the two of them came out to investigate Yaofeng Mountain was because of the existence of the two Hunyuan True God-level combat powers, even if they were found, there was still a chance to escape alive!

After all, as long as they don't go deep into the opponent's lair, the outer defenses are all these god-level shrimp soldiers and crab generals, who can't stop the Hunyuan-level powerhouses who want to escape with all their strength, but they can fly in the air!

Ever since, under the leadership of Guo Jinglin, the two carefully used the dense forest to hide their figures, and quietly penetrated into the depths of Yaofeng Mountain!

call out. . . Rumble. . .

Seeing that the two of them were about to infiltrate into Yaofeng Mountain, they saw a stream of light cut through the sky, and then exploded in the dense forest beside them. The sudden change shocked all the monsters on the mountain on the spot!

'not good! Which bastard deliberately leaked our whereabouts, today's investigation mission failed, retreat quickly! ’ Amidst the exclamation, Guo Jinglin pulled Du Long’s elbow and dodged to shoot in mid-air.

Regarding this, Du Long has no reason to hesitate, he hastily followed behind him and wanted to fly away from this mountain forest full of monsters and bandits at full speed!

Until now, he still hasn't figured out what's going on. It's just that he, who is in the perfect soul state in the early stage of the god, has a limited detection range of his consciousness, and he hasn't detected where the attack just now came from!

He just vaguely saw that the attack was shot from behind the two of them, but he didn't know the exact starting point of the attack!

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