Peng! !

The body of the huge sand python demon crashed down on the open space outside the gate of Siluo village, causing dust to fly all over the sky, attracting many villagers in the village!

"Look! It's this damned sand python, it's the one that killed so many people in our village!" A middle-aged man pointed at the sand python outside the village with a trembling voice and roared.

Obviously, he was the witness who witnessed the sand python devouring other villagers, and at this moment, he recognized the sand python outside the village at a glance!

Looking at the six figures standing in mid-air, all the villagers in Siluo Village understood that the sand python demon that had plagued the village for many days was gone, and they could continue to mine ore in the desert again!

Because of the existence of this sand python, they haven't been able to go out to mine for a long time, and they can't continue to supply to outside buyers. If things go on like this, they will only push those merchants to other villages, and the loss is absolutely immeasurable.

"Haha! It's worthy of being a Hunyuan-level adventure team. It's really extraordinary. How long has it been since you successfully completed the task?!" Excitedly complimented Linda's team that was descending slowly.

"The old village head is too good!" Ten Linda cupped her hands and said politely: "Please also check the real body of this monster. If you are sure that it is the monster of the mission we are waiting for this time, then I will trouble you to end the mission card. !"

"Okay! I won't be polite to the old man!" The old village chief nodded, and then began to look at the huge sand python demon politely.

As an existence that has lived in Siluo Village for countless years, he can tell at a glance that this is definitely a sand python monster that has reached the Hunyuan level, and he couldn't help but click his tongue: "It really is a sand python monster at the Hunyuan level. Look at this body shape...and the protrusion on its should be a sand python monster that has reached the initial stage of Hunyuan...strength..."

At the end, he saw his face change slightly, as if thinking of something bad, he hurriedly rushed from the snake head to the snake belly area, and then stretched out his hand and began to grope in a bloody area of ​​the snake belly that had been cut by Du Long.

Seeing this, Teng Linda and the others changed their expressions slightly. They had clearly seen that things might change, but they all resisted the urge to ask questions and waited for the old village chief to give a final answer!

"Sure enough... this is a female sand python... and she is pregnant with Liujia... her own strength seems to have declined... However, according to the analysis of the information obtained by the old man's investigation, it should be the one who caused the disaster in this area. A male sand python is the right one!"

After some inspections, the old village head finally revealed the results of the investigation. Judging by his serious face, it seemed that something bad was about to happen!

"A female sand python pregnant with Liujia?!" Du Long muttered in bewilderment, "It's easy to confirm, but I don't know how the old village chief was sure that it was a male sand python that caused the village's disaster?! "

"Hee hee! Don't you know something?!" Without waiting for others to explain, Kaili, who likes to show her presence, couldn't wait to say: "Usually, when the sand python monster is pregnant They will bury themselves in sand caves, and won't wander around hunting other monsters and humans!"

"What this little girl said is true!" The old village chief stroked his silver-white beard and smiled, "Because of this, the old man can be sure that the sand python that caused trouble in this area was not this one, but another one. There is a real culprit!"

"So..." Captain Teng Linda mused, "The male sand python will follow the breath of the female sand python and track it all the way to Siluo Village?!"

"What Captain Linda said is true!" The old village head said with a serious face: "Usually, those monsters will not easily go to the village where humans live to take risks. However, in some cases, the crazy monsters That's nothing to worry about!"

"Well! There are many villages in the God Realm that have been retaliated and destroyed by monsters. You must not be careless about this!" Tang Gang interjected with a serious face.

"In this case!" Ten Linda made a decisive decision: "Then our team will stay in Siluo Village for a few days, and see if the male sand python will come to the door by itself?!"

"That's great! On behalf of all the villagers in Siluo Village, I would like to welcome all the distinguished guests to stay here!" The old village head burst into a smile. For him, this is undoubtedly the most beneficial situation for Siluo Village.

So, under the warm invitation of many villagers, six members of Linda's Hunyuan team moved into Siluo Village collectively, and many villagers even began to dismember the sand python outside the village under the arrangement of the old village head.

That night, a feast was held in Siluo Village, and the staple food was sand python meat, which could be stewed, steamed, fried, etc., allowing Du Long and others to taste the incomparably delicious meat quality of desert creatures!

At night in the desert, the north wind howls. Compared with the extremely hot day, the night here looks a bit cold!

Sitting alone on the top of a tallest building, Du Long looked at the starry sky with some boredom, secretly feeling a lot of emotion in his heart!

In the blink of an eye, I have ascended to the God Realm for some time, and I have seen countless beautiful scenery in the God Realm, but I still haven't figured out the difference and connection between this magical world and the fairy world!

The sky was full of stars, and a sickle moon was hanging in the southeast sky. Du Long looked at this sickle moon curiously, imagining in his heart how beautiful the Guanghan Palace inside is!

"It's a pity! Guanghan Palace has a rule that no men are allowed to enter... How can this make all the fairies and beauties in the Moon Palace feel embarrassed?! And how will they spend the long night?!" Looking at the round Lianyue was absent-minded for a long time, and then Du Long came out with such a nonsensical remark out of boredom.


Suddenly there was a soft and crisp laughter beside him, and Du Long looked around, only to see a beautiful girl in fluttering white clothes standing on the edge of the window sill not far away, blinking her big beautiful eyes, I looked at myself curiously!

"Are you a villager in Siluo Village?!" Du Long recognized this beauty in white who had met once before. Will remember each other's soul breath.

"Hmm! Little girl Du Yuexin! I've seen Mrs. Osa!" The woman in white bowed slightly and responded coquettishly.

"Hehe! You didn't rest at home in the middle of the night, why did you come here and blow the northwest wind?!" Du Long was bored anyway, so it didn't hurt to chat with the beauty in white in front of him.

"I'll say others, you didn't rest well in the room, but ran to the roof of the house and looked at the moon with a lot of emotion..." The beauty in white replied unwillingly to be outdone.

When it came to the end, it seemed that something was wrong, and I blushed before I finished speaking!

Well. . .

Du Long scratched his head in embarrassment. It never occurred to him that he would sit on the roof of a higher building and accidentally ran onto the roof of a girl's boudoir.

In this way, doesn't that mean that I have some suspicions of doing it on purpose? !

"Ahem... that... Our team members have to take turns to be on duty, and it happens to be my turn tonight... I just wanted to find a higher position to see farther... I never thought that I would disturb the girl Clear your dream!" Because of embarrassment, Du Long finally couldn't even speak coherently.

"Hehe!" Du Yuexin covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Master Aosha, you don't need to explain, you are all nobles of Siluo Village, and there is a Hunyuan-level sand python waiting for you to deal with it!"

"Haha! Miss Yuexin, you're being polite..." Du Long clasped his hands and said with a smile, "We're all doing what we need for the mission and rewards!"

"Ah!" Du Yuexin sighed leisurely, "I really envy you who have reached the Hunyuan True God level, who can freely accept all kinds of adventurous monster killing tasks, and can freely walk around the God Realm!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows, glanced at her with piercing eyes, nodded immediately and said: "I think Miss Du's cultivation has reached the perfection of the god level, and it's not far from breaking through the true god of Hunyuan, right?!"

Her beautiful eyes lifted slightly, and Du Yuexin's eyes flickered with sadness and she said: "Although it's only a step away, how many people spend their entire lives and can't break through this last hurdle?!"

"Miss Du, don't underestimate yourself!" Du Long hurriedly comforted: "I think the girl is so young that she has achieved today's cultivation. Compared with other people in Siluo Village, she is already a very talented existence! "

"Alas!" Du Yuexin sighed again: "My lord Aosha doesn't know that there are many Siluo villagers who have reached the late stage of the gods and consummated, but there are very few people who have broken through and reached the Hunyuan true god level! Just like my village chief grandfather, The old man has already broken through to reach the consummation of the late stage of the gods, but hundreds of millions of years have passed, but he still stays at this level and has not made any progress!"

"It's a blessing in disguise, how can you know it's not a blessing?!" Du Long said with a smile: "It is precisely because he has not been able to break through to reach the strength of the Hunyuan level, the old village chief does not need to face the monsters of the Hunyuan level directly, so he can survive until now!"

Du Yuexin raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a sad expression: "Lord Aosha's words are reasonable, I think Yuexin's parents... all because of the breakthrough to achieve the strength of the Hunyuan True God level, but in the end they all fell under the endless stream of monsters. Mouth!"

Well. . .

Du Long apparently didn't expect that his comforting words would arouse the sadness of the other party, so he could only report his short story after a moment of hesitation: " fact! The soul realm, but before ascension to the God Realm, I was lucky enough to master the mysteries of high-level space, so I was able to have the ability to fly in the God Realm, and I was lucky enough to join this Hunyuan team!"

"Ah..." Du Yuexin's eyes widened in astonishment, obviously unable to believe what she just heard.

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