Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1239 Low-key Ascension

"Daddy! My child is willing to stay in this fairy world. I am afraid that only the entire Du family can distract the attention of outsiders by staying here!!" In the core forbidden garden of Du Wangfu, Du Fengyang, the head of the Du family, resounded sonorously. sound.

Just now, Du Long suddenly held a core clan meeting, announcing that he would ascend to the God Realm tomorrow, and discussed how to arrange personnel to stay. As a result, Du Fengyang, the current Patriarch, stood up!

Qin Huofeng, who was sitting at the lower left of Du Long, opened her mouth, but didn't say the last word. She knew very well why her own son made such a decision. He clearly used himself as a bait, and was willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of his father!

"Fengyang... Daddy's ascension to the God Realm this time, I am afraid that there will not be more than 100,000 years, and he will never be able to return to this fairy world... Therefore! You must stay and take responsibility for the Du clan's legacy in this fairy world. Is the safety of the tribe important?!" Du Long glanced at his beloved wife Qin Huofeng beside him, and then asked his son.

Due to his cultivation talent, Du Long still looks like a young man at the moment. On the contrary, his son Du Fengyang has a beard and looks like a middle-aged man!

In the mortal world, anyone would switch the identities of their father and son, but the reality is just the opposite. This situation really makes many people feel a little uncomfortable!

"Daddy! My son has made up his mind!" Du Fengyang said resolutely: "It has been ten thousand years since my son came to the fairy world, but he only broke through to reach the six-star level of strength. Now he will ascend to the God Realm with his father. I can hide in the cave world now!"

"Secondly, as the contemporary patriarch of the Du clan, Hai'er has the responsibility and obligation to shoulder the important task of the family's rise and fall, and I hope my father will be successful!"

From the beginning to the end, Du Fengyang did not say a word that he wanted to fulfill his parents and elders' safe ascension to the God Realm. Instead, he put a high hat on himself, which made everyone at the scene admire the contemporary patriarch of the Du family!

As the saying goes, take responsibility with your own body, Du Fengyang interpreted this sentence very well, Qin Huofeng is the lord of the Dulong Palace, and he is also the eldest son of the Du family, what he does is flawless!

"Huofeng... What do you have to say about Fengyang's decision?!" Du Long did not agree to the elder son's request on the spot, but turned around and asked Qin Huofeng very gently.

"I have no objection!" Although Qin Huofeng was reluctant, he still nodded his head and said: "Fengyang, as the eldest son, should devote himself to the Du clan, and as the current patriarch of the Du clan, he must take responsibility for himself!"

"Xiaofeng!" Du Long pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "No matter how many difficulties and obstacles I have encountered in my life, Du Long, I have not been reduced to relying on my son to tide over the difficulties. This trip to the God Realm is definitely not a millennium. Ten thousand years of time can return to this place, you don't need to have any psychological burden, just boldly say what you want in your heart!"

"Husband!" Qin Huofeng said with slightly red eyes, "If she hadn't been able to tie the knot with her husband back then, Xiaofeng would probably be an ordinary person, who would have been trapped in an unknown reincarnation long ago, and could be with her husband and children for tens of thousands of years. Years, this life has no regrets!"

"Auntie, Daddy! It's better to let the child stay! Eldest brother is the patriarch of the Du clan, so he shouldn't be left alone in this fairy world!"

"Daddy! The child is willing to stay for Brother Fengyang..."


Du Feng, Du Lingbao and other sons and daughters of Du Long asked for help, wanting to replace Du Fengyang and stay in this fairy world!

"Hehe! Brothers and sisters, don't fight with Brother Wei!" Du Fengyang said with a smile: "The significance of staying on the giant blue planet this time is to protect the news of Daddy's ascension to the God Realm! Brother Wei could have given up here to follow Daddy Ascending to the God Realm, the purpose is to attract the attention of those who are interested, and make them mistakenly think that Daddy has not ascended to the God Realm yet!"

"Therefore, among us brothers and sisters, only brother Wei, the patriarch of the Du family, will be more convincing if he appears in front of outsiders, and will not arouse the suspicion of those who are interested!"

In the hall, a group of Du Long's sons and daughters had no choice but to bow their heads. They knew that the patriarch Du Fengyang was right. Only when he, the patriarch, appeared in front of the public could he attract the attention of those people!

"Forget it! If that's the case, then stay in Fengyang and continue to preside over the affairs of the Du family!" Du Long is not a person who is indecisive, so he immediately made a decision: "In order to protect the blood of the Du family in this fairy world from Foreign enemies are threatening, so I will leave the two Celestial Legions led by Fang Shen and Ao Lei behind!"

"Father must not!" Du Fengyang hurriedly waved his hands and refused: "Father's going to the God Realm is also full of dangers, and a large number of helpers are needed to help! We must not leave all the strong gods behind!"

"Hehe!" Du Long looked at his son who was more mature than himself with a gratified smile, and said, "This time when he ascended to the God Realm, the help from the powerhouses in the God Realm has been very little! The world is the best stage, so don't be polite to your father!"

"But... Daddy needs to be accompanied by a god-level powerhouse when he goes to the God Realm! Otherwise... the child will feel uneasy!" Du Fengyang said with a rare stubborn expression.

"En! Forget it!" Du Long pondered for a while before nodding his head and said: "In that case, then Dad will bring a team of a hundred people and ascend to the God Realm together!"

. . . . . .

The next day, it was midnight on the giant blue planet!

A figure disappeared without a trace from the forbidden garden of Prince Du's Mansion out of thin air without alarming any outsiders, and reappeared in the outer space of the giant blue planet!

Staring faintly at the very familiar blue planet in front of him, Du Long hasn't left for a long time, and his ever-changing gaze shows that he is extremely restless at the moment!

Through his spiritual consciousness, he could clearly see that in Prince Du's mansion, his precious eldest son, Du Fengyang, was standing in the courtyard where he lived, looking at the starry sky full of reluctance!

Since he only reached the six-star level of immortal strength, it was impossible for him to see Du Long who was already invisible under the probe of soul power, so he could only scan the sky aimlessly at the stars, as if he wanted to find the figure of his departed relatives!

"Fengyang my son!" A voice that he was extremely familiar with and admired sounded in his mind: "I will take a group of relatives with me for my father! Du's clansmen in this fairy world will be entrusted to you to take care of them." Remember one thing, if you encounter a strong enemy, don't be obsessed with fighting, and you must put your life first. Daddy's going to the God Realm may take tens of thousands of years, and it may take tens of millions of years before he can come back... You must live well , and wait to return to this fairy world for my father!"

In the courtyard, Du Fengyang's tiger eyes instantly turned red, and the tears in his eyes reflected his extremely excited mood at the moment!

It seemed that in order to better hide his whereabouts for his parents, he just nodded to show that he had heard Du Long's words, and did not shout a single word into the air!

Seeing this scene, Du Long's heart felt sore for no reason, and then he could only turn around resolutely, and disappeared without a trace without anyone noticing it!

The soul realm has broken through to reach the level of the gods, and he has comprehended the mysteries of high-level space. He can cross half of the Tianque star field with just one teleportation. This is why the Tianque star field is many times vaster than other ordinary star fields!

In the space that is extremely far away from the Tianque star field, because it is a no-man's land among the star fields, this place can only be described as inaccessible!

Similar to this kind of space between interstellar domains, except for those strong men above the level of gods, ordinary immortals exist, and few people dare to easily rely on their own strength to venture into it!

In the pitch-black space, Du Long stood on a meteorite the size of the moon, standing motionless with his hands behind his back!

'now. . . It must have been the daytime of Du Wangfu on the giant blue planet, right? ! ’Looking at the location of the Tianque Starfield, Du Long murmured inwardly.


An invisible power of heaven and earth was born out of thin air. With Du Long as the center, golden lotuses sprouted in an area hundreds of millions of miles away, and the colorful rays of light illuminated the sky and earth, completely illuminating this huge meteor!

Although the radius of hundreds of millions of miles is very large, it is too small compared to Du Long who teleports across half a star field!

Bursts of immortal sounds pierced the heaven and earth, a huge space gate slowly opened hundreds of meters above Du Long's head, an irresistible terrifying attraction acted on him, slowly attracting him towards the space gate !

Du Long's eyes were wide open, and he looked at the door of space that opened out of thin air curiously. Except for the colorful rays of light shining on himself from it, he couldn't see the scene at the other end of the door of space at all!

Feeling that the attraction on him was getting more and more terrifying, Du Long didn't release any power to counteract it. There was no danger in the process of ascension to the God Realm. The real danger was in the God Realm!

With a flash of golden light, Du Long instantly completed the process of ultimate transformation. Immediately afterwards, the dragon scale armor on his body began to change color, turning into an extremely ordinary red dragon armor!

If you don't observe carefully, outsiders will only think that he is a child of the Red Dragon Clan who ascended from a certain Fang Xianfan world, or at most a mutated child of the Red Dragon Clan. They probably won't associate it with Du Long!


The colorful glow suddenly exploded, and the red figure disappeared in a flash, and disappeared inside the colorful space door!

The scene returned to darkness, and all the abnormalities of the heaven and earth disappeared. No one sensed that in the extremely distant space, a very low-key strong man had just ascended to the God Realm!

. . . . . .

It's 4:30 in the morning again, the recent work is so tiring, when will it be the end. . .

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