Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1229 Crossing Tribulation (2)

The dark clouds in the sky were as thick as ink, and electric snakes flashed from time to time in the dark clouds, bringing some light to this dark world!

With the island of crossing the catastrophe as the center, tens of thousands of children of the Tan people gathered within a radius of a hundred miles, all of them staring at the lonely island with breathless concentration!

Everyone knows that the foreigners who are crossing the catastrophe on that island have not fallen. This can be seen from the fact that the thunder clouds in the sky have not dissipated. According to past experience, once the catastrophe falls, the catastrophe in the sky The thundercloud will gradually dissipate!

Feeling the aura emanating from the thick clouds in the sky became more and more terrifying, some timid children of the Tanren tribe couldn't help but retreated for dozens of miles. They didn't want to encounter any accidents because of watching the catastrophe!

Between heaven and earth, the wind and waves seemed to be high on the surface, but it gave everyone present a weird feeling of incomparable silence. At this moment, time seemed to be passing very slowly, but the seventh divine thunder disaster still hadn't arrived!

Hoo, hoo. . .

All of a sudden, a gust of wind swept across the world, and an extremely strong coercion of the world was born out of thin air. Everyone was subconsciously shocked, and they all stared at everything in front of them, as if they were afraid of missing any details!


The pitch-black clouds above the isolated island suddenly cracked a circular gap, and a ball of lightning and light exuding incomparably mysterious patterns rushed out of the gap, and erratically fell towards the big pit on the isolated island!

In the big pit where gravel and dust piled up, Du Long's whole body was buried in it. In order to use all the available time to heal his injuries, he was not willing to waste even a single bit of time in rushing out of the big pit!

Seeing the lightning ball falling towards him, just as he was about to fight back with all his strength, his eyes were attracted by the incomparably mysterious tattoo on the lightning ball!

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind, reminding him of the scene when he crossed the catastrophe of Ascension to the Immortal World. breakthrough!

'Could it be that. . . The lightning ball in front of him. . . 'Du Long secretly cried out in his heart, trying to catch the bright light that flashed in his mind, but unfortunately, time waited for no one, the ball of thunder and lightning that exuded a destructive aura had already arrived above him and fell down mercilessly !

At the juncture of life and death, he had to temporarily stop his comprehension of the mysterious patterns on the surface of this ball of lightning and light. With a roar, he swung the Extreme Spirit Slash again with all his strength and blasted towards the ball of light and lightning that fell head-on!

Rumble. . .

The ball of lightning light was hit at close range, and suddenly burst open. With a loud noise that shook the sky, not to mention the trembling and shaking of the place that should be robbed, even the entire planet belonging to the Tan people was also shaking. Shaking endlessly!

For a moment, the planet of the Tan people was shaken, and all the creatures living here were terrified!

The creatures who can survive on this extremely attractive and perverted planet of the Tan people are all existences with amazing strength, but they still cannot escape being frightened by this terrifying energy explosion!

The blazing brilliance gradually dissipated, and many children of the Tanren clan were able to open their eyes and look at the isolated island that was already a lot shorter. All of them had their eyesight and soul power fully opened, and they were all trying to find Du Long's figure!

It's a pity that the land of crossing the catastrophe seems to be covered by the power of heaven and earth for several miles, and the soul power can't penetrate into it at all, only the eyes are still a little bit useful!

Under the search of countless eyes, no one could detect Du Long's figure, let alone feel the breath of life on the isolated island. Many people subconsciously looked up at the sky, but they saw that the tribulation thunder cloud in the sky had not dissipated. signs!

'Depend on! This guy is really Xiaoqiang who can't even be struck by lightning! ! Under the condition of serious injury, how could he still survive such a fatal blow? ! '

'Who says no? ! This alien's life is really tough! '

'. . . . . . '

After confirming that Du Long, the respondent, was still alive, the audience members of the Tan race secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and began chatting secretly through sound transmission.

'Little rain! What can I do? ! Just now Du Long was clearly at the end of his life, and his life and death were uncertain, so how could he resist the last two divine thunders? ! ’ Qiongna’s tone was obviously crying, obviously she was panicked by Du Long’s extremely bad experience.

'this. . . ’ Jiang Yu hesitated and said, ‘It seems a little strange! If this guy successfully broke through the ninth floor of the Tanhuo Pagoda and successfully cultivated the body training method to a perfect state, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be so embarrassed! '

'Could it be that. . . Mr. Du Long, he has never practiced the body training method to a perfect state, but he came out to meet the heavenly thunder? ! ’ Joanna said in astonishment.

'Um! This should be the case! ’ Jiang Yu nodded in affirmative answer.

'he. . . How could he be so stupid? ! Don't you know how terrifying the Divine Thunder Ascension Tribulation is? ! ’ Joanna said eagerly.

'this. . . I'm afraid you will have to wait for him to successfully cross the tribulation before you ask him in person! '

In the big pit on the isolated island, almost all the scales on Du Long's body were shattered, his whole body was scorched black, and the bright red blood left reddish-brown streams on his body!

Lying on the ground facing the sky, he uncharacteristically did not try to repair his damaged body, because he was very aware of his condition, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as almost exhausted!

At this moment, his eyes looking up at the sky seemed a bit empty. On the surface, he seemed to have lost confidence in crossing the remaining two tribulation thunders, and he was already in despair!

In fact, at this moment, the shadow of the ball of lightning and light just now kept appearing in his mind, especially the incomparably mysterious patterns on the surface of the light and lightning ball!

These mysterious tattoos gave him an extremely familiar feeling, and seemed too mysterious, as if it had nothing to do with what he had learned for many years. This kind of erratic feeling that he couldn't grasp the key point made him want to go crazy Feel!

'Duron! No matter what unfortunate things are about to happen, don't worry too much! First of all, take care of your own life and let go of all irrelevant thoughts! ! ’ Rarely, the ring spirit interrupted at the moment when Du Long was comprehending some kind of mystery.

The feeling of uneasiness that has been bothering him for so many years is still emerging in his heart at this moment, and he can't get rid of it!

It was precisely because of this interference of distracting thoughts that Du Long had not been able to master the exercises of body training before, so he came out to meet the catastrophe. At the time of this meeting, he still couldn't calm down to comprehend the mysteries of heaven!

As his ring spirit, Ling'er was like a roundworm in his stomach, naturally saw the distracting thoughts hidden deep in his heart, and finally couldn't help but yell at him!

The scolding sounded like enlightenment, and Du Long's whole body was shocked. He finally understood the reason why he couldn't catch the light flashing in his mind.

He didn't talk to the ring spirits either, but put away all the distracting thoughts in his heart instantly, and fully integrated his mind into the changes in the patterns on the surface of the thunder and light ball, hoping to find the mysterious changes in the world suitable for his current cultivation level. !

Just like that, he was lying on his back at the bottom of the big pit, staring blankly at the dark clouds in the sky, but he was actually contemplating and cultivating carefully!


The dark cloud layer cracked a circular gap again, and another lightning ball that was bigger than before slipped down from the gap, erratically falling towards the big pit where Du Long was!

The originally empty eyes became extremely bright the moment they saw this ball of lightning light descending. On the surface, the effect produced by the light of the ball of lightning that appeared to be on the surface was actually not the case!

Under normal circumstances, Du Long should go all out to fight against the Divine Thunder Tribulation, but under the amazed gaze of countless eyes, he is still lying on the bottom of the resistance, motionless!

It was as if he had given up resisting, or as if he was seriously injured and unable to resist any more!

"No!!!" Witnessing that he didn't take any measures to deal with the lightning ball falling in midair, Qiongna exclaimed coquettishly in public: "Mr. Du Long, be careful!!"

Unfortunately, before her voice reached Du Long's ears, the ball of lightning and light exuding destructive power had already smashed into the big pit, and Du Long hadn't moved at all from the beginning to the end. !

boom. . .

The ground trembled violently again, and a cloud of mushrooms rose from the island. What made people feel extremely surprised was that the isolated island was still as stable as Mount Tai under such a heavy blow. Although it was a little damaged, it did not damage the foundation !

It can be seen from this that the small island that the elder of the Tan people tribe pointed out to Du Long for his ascension is really not simple. If it was an ordinary island, it would have been torn apart by such a heavy blow, or even wiped out in ashes!

Gradually, with the strong wind blowing, the dust in the sky quickly dissipated, and everyone couldn't wait to see if the victim was alive or dead!

It's a pity that the isolated island of Yingjie is in a mess, with piles of rubble everywhere, where can Du Long be seen? !

"Could it be that Du Long was turned into ashes under such a terrifying divine thunder calamity?!" Finally, a child of the Tanren tribe broke the silence.

You can hear the gloating in his tone, as a child of the Tan people, he never disdains to associate with the immortal cultivators outside!

What's more, Du Long stole the heart of Qiongna, the great beauty of the Tan people, and became the love rival in the hearts of many Tan people's children!

Because of Du Long's strength, these people don't dare to fight against others openly. They will finally find an opportunity to make trouble, how can they let it go? !

After the first person opened his mouth, other children of the Tan clan followed suit. Most of the people who spoke were young men. Obviously, many of these people had a crush on Qiongna!

"Don't talk nonsense! If Mr. Du Long had fallen, the tribulation thunderclouds in the sky should have dissipated long ago. Why is the power of thunder and lightning still condensing?!" Qiongna naturally heard a lot of it because of her powerful cultivation. Immediately, he couldn't help but shout coquettishly at the words of the tribe's gleeful words.

Just like what she said, although Du Long didn't make a move to fight against the divine thunder, at least he should be alive now!

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