Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1224 Join Forces

The giant blue star system, this place is not called the giant blue galaxy, but it got its name because Du Long, an invincible powerhouse, placed his hometown giant blue planet here!

At this moment, the dark tide of the giant blue galaxy is surging, and Fang Shen and Ao Lei, the two peak-level powerhouses in the late stage of the Celestial Rank, joined forces to fly out of the outer space from the two planets of Julan and Huaxianjie respectively, and went straight to greet the unexpected guest. past!

Regarding this, the so-called envoy sent by the God Killing Society seemed completely unmoved, but continued to fly at full speed towards the giant blue planet at double the speed of light!

Time passed slowly, and seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, the insiders who stayed on the two planets Julan and Huaxianjie were all nervously watching the development of the situation!

As the owner of this star system, he has a large monitoring array covering the entire galaxy, and can completely monitor all abnormal changes in the entire star system in real time!

Everyone, including the young and old of Du Long's family, gathered in the giant blue planet Du Wang's Mansion to watch the actual events monitored and sent back by Zhen Ling Xiaolan!

Under the eyes of everyone, in the pitch-black outer space, Fang Shen and Ao Lei finally encountered the illegal intruder!

In a vacuum environment, three figures stood in the void, facing each other in a triangle shape, and the distance between the two sides was only tens of miles away!

At this distance, once the battle starts, they can fight together in an instant!

"Who are you?! Why did you trespass on my giant blue star system territory?! Report your name quickly, otherwise we will treat you as an illegal intruder and kill you!" In the end, it was Fang Shen who took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Hahaha..." The uninvited guest laughed instead of answering, as if he had encountered a big joke, his laughter was full of disdain!

They looked at each other with Ao Lei, and there was seriousness in their eyes. They already felt an invisible pressure from this guy!

As the existence of the peak strength of the gods on the second island of the lost world, both of them are existences who are about to break through to reach a higher level, but they still feel the invisible pressure.


As the envoy's laughter stopped abruptly, an invisible spatial fluctuation appeared out of thin air. This was not an abnormal spatial fluctuation caused by teleportation or space travel. After all, this piece of space has been locked!

This is a kind of abnormal fluctuation that releases hidden personnel from the space formation stone. Just when Fang Shen and Ao Lei felt bad, they saw a large number of people appearing around out of thin air. !

"Thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety-eight people! All of them are at the level of perfection in the late stage of the gods, and the strength of some of them leading the team is not inferior to the two of us!" Fang Shen had already figured out the situation of the enemy with a sweep of his consciousness. .

In this situation, they have only two choices, one is to retreat, and the other is to release the thousands of god-level servants they carry, and fight to the death with their opponents!


In the end, the two reached a consensus, and at the same time released the hundreds of god-level powerhouses they carried!

About one or two hundred people have the strength of the perfect level in the late stage of Tianshen rank, the strength of the perfect level in the middle stage of three or four hundred, and the strength of the perfect level in the early stage of four or five hundred!

"Hahaha..." Surrounded by many subordinates, the envoy looked up to the sky and laughed again, obviously a little amused by Fang Shen and Ao Lei's overreaching: "A mere thousand people, although all of them are gods Level strength, among which the perfect strength reached the late stage of the gods is only less than 200, so how dare you show it to shame?!"


In the void, more than 10,000 masters of the late-stage consummation level of the gods all cooperated with each other and let out bursts of laughter!

'Everyone, don't panic! ’ Feeling the timid faces of many companions from the lost world beside him, Fang Shen immediately shouted through voice transmission: ‘Don’t forget where we came from! That's a place where you have to fight with the peak beasts to survive, so why be afraid that the group in front of you has a perfect basic combat power in the later stage, but they are completely a bunch of idiots? ! '

‘Brother Fang Shen is right! Ao Lei sent a timely voice transmission to encourage everyone: "I think back then, when Master Du Long was conducting infinite life-and-death challenges in the Lost World, all he faced alone were fierce beasts of the late stage perfection level of the gods, and the number was definitely not as large as the enemies in front of him." Even though it is rare, he was still able to fight his way out of it. Thousands of us are powerless in the face of this group of rubbish? ! '

Ao Lei's words greatly touched the companions around him, and he could see that their timid eyes gradually became hotter!

As the god-level powerhouses who survived the Lost World, all of them are gifted and powerful, and there is a bit of arrogance in their hearts, and this arrogance has obviously been successfully stimulated at this moment!

'Fang Shen and Ao Lei are right! I don't believe it anymore. With thousands of us, isn't it better than Brother Du Long alone? ! Fight with these bastards! '

'If you fight with them, just treat this group of people as beasts of the lost world, and you must not be soft-hearted! '

'. . . . . '

In the crowd, voice-transmission roars sounded one after another. All this is a long story, but it actually happened in an instant. After all, the speed of soul-transmission communication is extremely fast!

"Hmph!" Although the envoy from the God Killing Society couldn't hear what the opponent was saying through sound transmission, he could already see some clues from the changes in the eyes of the opponent's personnel.

After snorting coldly, he immediately raised his arm and swung it down heavily: "Kill me without leaving a piece of armor, I don't want to see any opponent escape from this place!"

Following his order, more than 10,000 late-stage consummation masters of the gods mobilized one after another, and they waved the magic weapons in their hands directly towards the opposite side, and they could see all kinds of attacks like rainstorm, towards the giant blue star. The Fang camp is shooting!

Seeing that Fang Shen and Ao Lei didn't hesitate too much, they made an instant decision to deal with them, and put away all their companions with a wave of their hands, and then the two of them dodged at full speed to avoid those who were obviously dangerous before the enemy's attack arrived. Threat of attack!

Two figures, one green and one red, turned into two erratic streamers of light, wandering among many attacking energy blades, but they managed to dodge most of the attacking energy blades!

Not only did they avoid most of the attacking energy blades, but the two figures even advanced instead of retreating, rushing straight into the enemy's camp!

For the two of them, protecting Julan and the planets of Huaxianjie is a task that they must complete, and they must never leave these two planets and escape alone!

That being the case, in the face of tens of thousands of enemies, they can't retreat, they can only do everything possible to meet the enemy!

In the enemy's camp, five or six figures left their own camp and went straight to meet these two figures. It seemed that they were going to intercept their opponents and prevent them from rushing into their own camp and killing wantonly!

As a group of elites from the God Killing Association of the God Realm, they are very aware of the strength of Fang Shen and Ao Lei, and they also know that they must not be allowed to enter their own camp, otherwise they will definitely teach their side a terrible lesson!

Swish, wow!

The two green and red figures waved their magic weapons almost at the same time, and the two energy blades, one blue and one red, showed a cross direction to meet the six figures of themselves and beheaded them!

Facing the teaming up of the six of them, Fang Shen and Ao Lei didn't have the arrogance they had back then on the Lost Island. They teamed up and launched a full blow without even thinking about it. They didn't want to be able to kill the enemy with one blow, but just wanted to be able to push them back. Give the two of you a chance to rush into the enemy camp!

The six radiances flashed one after another, and it was the figure that greeted the six to launch a counterattack. They obviously knew that on this kind of battlefield, there was no bravery of a man, and victory or defeat depended on mutual cooperation!

Rumble. . .

In the void, eight energies collided fiercely together. Even in the vacuum environment of outer space, the powerful impact force still shattered and cracked the void, opening up black space fissures!

The god-level powerhouses, moreover beings of peak strength, join forces for a duel, and the result is a large-scale rupture in this fairyland space!

This is just the battle between the strongest of the peak strength in the late stage of the gods in the fairy world. If the existence of the emperor level can enter the mortal world to fight, then this fairy world will be destroyed!

The terrifying impact force, the terrifying space rift radiated in all directions, and some god-killers who couldn't dodge immediately were unlucky enough to be affected, or were involved in the turbulent flow of the space rift and disappeared without a trace, or were swept away by the space rift. It was split into countless pieces in an instant, and even the baby god had no time to escape, so it fell on the spot!

In such a terrifying eruption, the two figures, one green and one red, were like two-leafed boats in a space storm. Enter the enemy camp!

"Oh no!!"



From within the camp of the God Killing Society, people were flying around for a while, people were strangled to death by the two figures of green and red, and bursts of horrified and angry curses kept coming and going. How could this group of elite teachers care about the formation for a while? !

"Hmph!" Not far away, the envoy from the God Killing Society snorted angrily, and he, who was originally holding a posture of watching a play, finally couldn't help moving.

Seeing his figure flickering, he rushed towards the two figures of Qinghong at full speed. While the speed was so fast that he almost teleported, his trajectory was still unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, he was not far from Fang Shen and Ao Lei. place!

Immediately afterwards, he waved a scimitar with a round moon blade in his hand without hesitation, and wiped it directly at Ao Lei's chest!

It seems that this envoy has already seen that among the two targets, Ao Lei should be slightly weaker, and this is the rhythm of preparing to kill him first!

Feeling the terrifying aura coming from behind him, Ao Lei couldn't help but feel stunned. Although he felt that the envoy's strength should not be weak, he never expected that the opponent's speed would be so fast and his strength would be so strong!

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