Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1210 Qiongna from Tanren

"Tell me! Can that Du Long come out of the sixth floor of the Tanhuo Tower alive?!"

"I can see that the probability is extremely high. If someone can become an invincible existence in this fairy world, it will naturally not be the ordinary generation!"

"Hmm! I think so too..."

"Then if he can come out alive, how long will it take to succeed?!"

"It's been three years, and it's still very early! I guess it will take at least a thousand years before he can successfully walk out of the sixth floor of the Tanhuo Tower, right?!"


In the hall of the entrance and exit of the Tanhuo Pagoda, there will always be a group of Tanhuo people gathered at any time. They either have just come out of the Tanhuo Pagoda to rest, or are just about to enter the Tanhuo Pagoda to practice, and some of them are bored. Here to see the existence of Du Long's true face with friends!

Tanhuo Tower, in the sixth floor space!

It is not an exaggeration to describe Du Long as sweating profusely. He walked along the stone road step by step. As the gravitational force continued to increase, he was not given much time to adapt to the new gravitational environment!

Since he is in an unfamiliar environment, he has no idea how far he is from his final destination. This damn space actually has a strong interference effect on the detection of immortal consciousness. His detection distance of immortal consciousness is not as far as the range of vision. !

"Huh?! There seems to be someone in front of you?!" Just as he was burying his head in hard training, he suddenly found a figure walking slowly in front of him, his eyes lit up, and the soles of his feet subconsciously quickened his pace, chasing after that figure .

Boom, boom, boom. . .

Due to the increased speed, Du Long couldn't control the sound of his footsteps. The huge gravitational force caused his whole body to weigh more than ten million jun. Every step he took out was like a giant peak in the ordinary mortal world moving, causing the extremely hard ground to send out bursts of shock. A muffled noise!

As if startled by the loud noises behind him, the figure in front turned his head with difficulty, and Du Long finally saw that she was actually a big girl of the Tan clan!

It's just similar to most of the Tan people. Even Du Long felt a little ashamed when he saw the incomparably fit muscles. It's a bit like when people on earth watch bodybuilding performances. However, the bottom of my heart has never set off half a point of interest in the opposite sex!

In front of her, this decent-looking woman from the Tan people looked at the young man of the foreign race who suddenly appeared behind her in astonishment, seeing how he was walking like flying in the central area of ​​the sixth floor, she fell into a state of sluggishness on the spot!

She has a feeling of auditory hallucinations in her head due to long-term practice. Regardless of whether what she sees is true or not, just because the core of the Tan human race will never allow foreign races to enter, she cannot understand why there are foreign races. The children have entered here!

Because she stayed here for a long time to practice and never went out, she never knew the news that Du Long was invited by the Supreme Elder to come to Tanhuo Pagoda to practice, so misunderstandings were inevitable!

"Hi! Beauties of the Tanhuo Clan, I'm very glad to meet you on the sixth floor of the Tanhuo Pagoda. I never expected that the first Tanhuo Clan child I met here is actually a beauty of the opposite sex! Hehe!" Du Long imitated the tone of Lingling'er, and warmly greeted the beauties of the Tan tribe who were in a daze in front of him.

It's a pity that this beautiful woman from the Tan race didn't seem to have recovered from the shock at all, and still opened her mouth wide, staring fixedly at the young man of the foreign race who came to her!

The embarrassment of being ignored by others, Du Long couldn't help but scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Hey, that...my name is Du Long! I don't know this girl's name?!"

The dazed Tanren woman woke up suddenly, and pointed at him in panic, "You... who are you?! Why did you appear in the Tanhuo Pagoda, the core of our Tanren tribe?! Could it be that... .Is something wrong with our Tanhuo clan?!"

After going on for a long time, Du Long's self-introduction was actually ignored by others, and it seemed that he would end up being treated as a spy, which made him even more depressed!

"That... I'm Du Long! I was invited by the noble elder to enter the Tanhuo Pagoda to practice. Please don't misunderstand this girl!" Finally, Du Long could only explain patiently.

It's a pity that this woman from the Tanhuo tribe didn't seem to believe his explanation very much, and said suspiciously: "Invited by the Supreme Elder?! How could the Supreme Elder easily invite people from other races to the core tribe and let you Entering the Tanhuo Pagoda to practice?! Brat...don’t hurry to confess your true identity and origin, is something wrong with the Tanhuo clan outside?!”

Well. . .

Du Long obviously didn't expect that his appearance in Tanhuo Pagoda would cause such a huge misunderstanding. Looking at the other party's suspicious and vigilant expression, he felt a little speechless and a little depressed in his heart!

"Alas!" Finally, it could only be turned into a long sigh: "Girl! Everything Du Long said is true, and there is absolutely no deception!"

"No! I have to go out and find out the truth myself, boy! You'd better not have any tricks, or I will make you look good when I come back!" Tan Huo never told Du Long about her. Name, just like this, after a warning, he shouted into the air: "Master Tan Huo! Please send me out of the tower!"


Dashes of golden light flashed on this incomparably fit Tanren woman, and then, under Du Long's astonished gaze, she disappeared without a trace. She had obviously left the Tanhuo Pagoda and returned to the Tanren land!

With a face full of astonishment, Du Long could only helplessly shake his head and give a wry smile at the end, and then continued to embark on the journey that had ended, moving forward along the stone road!

While continuing to practice, the appearance of the woman from the Tan tribe flashed in my mind just now. That muscular and fit figure is really far different from the soft and beautiful figure pursued by women from all over the fairy world!

"What?! You mean...that Du Long is the invincible existence in the legend of the fairy world?! It is the leader of the Anti-Black Alliance, the Du Long who once fought against the entire Black Killing Society and the God Killing Society?!"

"That's right! Joanna, I'm really speechless about you! I used to tell me all day long how much I adore the legendary man Du Long in the fairy world, but he stood in front of you and greeted you, but you didn't. ..well!"

"Ah... this...how is this possible?! How could he come all the way from outside to the land of the Tan people... and why did he enter the Tanhuo Pagoda?!"

"Fool! Just as Du Long said, he was invited by the Supreme Elder to visit our Tan people's land. In the end, the Supreme Elder authorized him to enter the Tanhuo Pagoda to practice!"


After receiving her friend's reply, Joanna rushed into the sixth floor of the Tanhuo Tower without saying a word, ignoring countless pairs of fiery eyes around her on the spot!

From Du Long's point of view, this muscular girl can only be considered average, but compared to countless Tanren men, she is a well-deserved flower of the Tanren tribe, and the dream lover of countless Tanren men. !

"Joanna! Joanna!!"

On a certain planet of the Tan people, another muscular girl called her friend's name loudly to the messenger stone, but unfortunately found that she was no longer online.

"This silly woman...won't she run into the Tanhuo Pagoda again to meet her idol?! No way! I have to rush over there to see the legendary invincible powerhouse. Absolutely not. Let Jonah take the lead!"

After talking to herself, the muscular and beautiful girl of the Tan people couldn't hold back her inner thoughts anymore, hurriedly put away the message formation stone, and rushed towards the location of the planetary transmission formation in a flash!

On the sixth floor of the Tanhuo Tower, Du Long continued to walk along the stone road. In order to achieve the effect of cultivation, he had to speed up his pace a little to let his body adapt to the current gravity environment as soon as possible!

He never expected that behind him there would be a muscular beauty from the Tan people chasing his footsteps. Because of the gap in strength, the beauty from the Tan people would not be able to catch up to him for a while!

'Ling'er! Why, apart from the Tanren woman whom I met just now, have I never met any other Tanren disciples in this sixth-floor space? ! ’ Being extremely bored, Du Long couldn’t help but accosted Jie Linger.

'What's so strange about that? ! There are less than two palms in the entire Tan people clan who have the power to enter the sixth level. This group of people may not stay in the Tanhuo Pagoda every day to practice, and it is considered lucky to meet one! '

'I see! ’ Du Long suddenly nodded, then stopped talking nonsense and continued his extremely boring and boring practice.

"Hey!! That...Du Long...please stay still!!!"

Just as Du Long was buried in hard work, he was startled by shouts from behind him. He turned around and saw the woman who had left the Tanhuo Pagoda suddenly because he didn't believe him, chasing him again.

Seeing her panting appearance and her sweat-soaked tights, this woman obviously tried her best to catch up with Du Long!

"You... have something to do with me?! Are you still doubting my motive for entering the Tanhuo Pagoda?!" Du Long pointed at the tip of his nose and said helplessly.

His eyes fell on the other party, looking at the large area of ​​skin that was almost exposed because of the soaked tights, his old face couldn't help but blush!

Joanna didn't care about his slightly strange gaze!

Because living habits have become natural, it has become a custom for men and women of the Tan race to show their bodies and skin. Compared with the conservativeness of other female practitioners in the fairy world, they tend to be closer to the beauty of nature!

"No...no..." Joanna hurriedly waved her hands in response: "I didn't mean that, and you don't have to worry about the previous rudeness, Mr. Wanwang Du Long!"

"Hehe! Just explain the misunderstanding clearly! Nothing to worry about!" Du Long said with a smile.

"Thank you, Young Master Du Long, for your generosity!" Joanna thanked, then changed the subject: "That's right! My name is Joanna! I am the elder of the Qiong clan of the Tanren clan!"

"The elder of the Qiong clan?!" Du Long murmured in confusion.

Seemingly understanding why he was confused, Joanna immediately explained: "As long as you can enter the fifth floor of the Tanhuo Tower to practice, you can become an elder of a tribe!"

"So that's how it is!" Du Long then suddenly remembered what the ring spirits had said before, that the children of the Tan people who could enter the sixth floor only had two palms. The status is very unusual!

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