Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1182 The Mysterious Old Man

Lost and dangerous, amidst the flying yellow sand all over the sky, a golden figure flashed almost without a trace, and it was impossible to detect his running track. Silk space fluctuations flow!

As we all know, teleportation is not invincible, it will form spatial fluctuations of different sizes, and this fluctuation will naturally be detected by the opponent, often failing to achieve results, but will suffer from it!

After successfully comprehending the mysteries of advanced space, Du Long's movements in the danger of being lost can truly come and go without a trace!

Come without a shadow, go without a trace, almost unpredictable, no trace at all!

What makes countless beasts tremble even more is that he successfully integrated the mysteries of space into the sword technique after mastering it. This special skill learned from Ying Snake, the power that erupts at this moment is extremely terrifying!

In the past, even if Du Long's full blow landed on the vital position of the target, he often couldn't instantly kill the peak-level beasts, but now it was different. Even if he missed the vital point, he could easily split the target in half!

The teleportation ability of coming and going without a trace, combined with the astonishingly lethal sword technique, turned him into a god of death in the underworld, constantly harvesting the lives of fierce beasts every minute and every second!

Puff puff. . .

A series of sword lights that are so strange that it makes people feel palpitations flashed one after another, and the knife did not fail, or directly killed the target with a single knife, even if it missed the vital part, it could still cause the target to be severely injured!

On the Gobi rapids filled with yellow sand, rain of blood splattered and splattered in all directions, and soon dyed a large area of ​​sand red. The entire Gobi rapids looked like Shura's hell, making the scalps of the audience outside the cage numb!

'fortunately. . . When Du Long came to the second island, he did not offend others. . . '

At this moment, similar thoughts popped up in many people's minds, and they secretly rejoiced that they had not offended this terrifying guy, otherwise the consequences would be extremely tragic!

Above the Gobi Desert, the golden figure continued to kill crazily. The speed had already prevented all the beasts from attacking the target. They all looked at their companions who were being beheaded one after another at a loss, but they had nowhere to go!

The ferocious beasts who had been moving forward courageously without fear of life and death at all finally showed a terrified expression at this moment, obviously terrified by the golden figure that could not be caught!

In the group of ferocious beasts, there gradually began to be a disturbing commotion, but for some reason, none of them showed signs of fleeing from the battle!

"Congratulations to Du Long! Successfully completed the infinite life and death challenge mission!"

At the same time, the sound of Lost Spirits sounded in the sky above the Land of Lost Danger and Cage, and golden lights flashed, enveloping the beasts that had not been killed by Du Long, and disappeared without a trace as the golden light faded away!

Until this moment, Du Long finally stopped from the frantic killing, glanced at the empty Gobi Desert with some doubts and said, "I guess you haven't killed a thousand peak beasts yet?! How did you succeed in the challenge so quickly?! "

"You little guy...are you really a red eye?!" There was a slightly dumbfounding voice in the air, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the voice of Lost Spirit, but it was absolutely different: "Set up this infinite life-and-death challenge mission, The purpose is not really to let you kill a thousand peak beasts, but to stimulate all the potential of the challenger, obviously you have successfully integrated the mysteries of the advanced space, which is enough!"

Du Long laughed dryly, scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Dare to ask senior, when I have successfully completed the mission now, when will I be able to leave this lost world?!"

Obviously, Du Long has heard that the person who spoke this time is not the lost spirit from before, and the name in his mouth has also changed accordingly.

"Don't leave in a hurry, don't worry! Since you can complete the infinite life and death challenge mission, you can naturally leave here. Before that, I will send you to the fourth island. It's not too late for us to meet and talk!"

Du Long was wrapped in golden light. Although he had successfully integrated the mysteries of the advanced space, he felt that the golden energy enveloping him was extremely mysterious, and he didn't allow himself the slightest chance to resist!

'The fourth island? ! ’ The moment these three words popped up in his heart, the space began to distort and change, and the scene in front of him instantly changed from the desolate Gobi Desert to a beautiful scene full of flowers!

There are no majestic buildings and pavilions here. In the beautiful scenery of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, an ordinary thatched cottage came into Du Long's eyes. Some cute and cute animals were jumping around among the flowers and plants. They are not afraid of strangers when they appear, and they all look up at him curiously.

Just when Du Long turned his head and looked around, he saw a light boat rippling leisurely on the surface of a lotus lake next to the thatched hut, and an old man in gray clothes was sitting on the light boat and fishing alone.

'Huh? ! ’ When he saw this old man, Du Long couldn’t help thinking to himself: ‘This old man is really weird, I can’t feel any breath of life from him? ! '

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart. This feeling is innate. Even though Du Long's strength has reached the perfection of the late stage of the gods, he still hasn't changed his fear of the ghosts.

Under normal circumstances, the ring spirit should be able to explain a few words at this moment, but at this moment she remained strangely silent, and Du Long could only lift his feet and walk towards the lake.

"Senior!" Standing by the lake, Du Long bowed his hands to the old man on the light boat and said respectfully: "Dare to ask, but you always called the juniors here?!"

On the light boat, the old man was not in a hurry to speak. He didn't see any movement from him, but he saw the light boat slowly rippling towards Du Long.

"Little guy!" When he came to the shore, the old man looked up at Du Long with interest and said, "The old man has been waiting here for three hundred and sixty epochs, and finally he has a decent rising star!"

"Three hundred and sixty epochs?!" Du Long frowned and said, "How long is this?!"

Obviously, he has never heard of the term Ji Yuan, so he asked this question!

"Hehe!" The old man responded with a light smile indifferently: "One era is equal to one trillion years. As for how long three hundred and sixty epochs are, you can calculate it yourself!"

Du Long's eyes widened in astonishment, obviously he couldn't imagine the concept of three hundred and sixty trillion years. He has lived only a few thousand years since he was born, which is already terrifying compared to the lifespan of an ordinary person of a mere hundred years exists.

However, compared to the old man in front of him, he is really a tiny guy!

"Little guy!" The old man looked at Du Long with a half-smile and said, "You are very good! It is not a big deal to be able to get a top-level kung fu in this Fangxian world. It really makes the old man feel admirable." The most amazing thing is that you are actually able to master the mysteries of high-level space with your strength at the immortal level!"

"Hey, Senior Miao praised you!" Du Long replied with a self-effacing smile.

The old man shook his head and said, "It's not Miao Zan at all! There are many people who can raise their soul state to the ninth heaven in a mere thousand years, but they can fully integrate the mysteries of high-level space within ten thousand years. This is definitely something to be proud of!"

"Hey..." Du Long was a little uncomfortable being praised, and while scratching his head and laughing dryly, he couldn't help showing a smug expression. He was quite confident in his own talent for understanding!

"But..." The old man suddenly changed the subject: "You are not the only one who can successfully integrate the mysteries of high-level space within ten thousand years! Little guy, don't be too proud and complacent! In the future Once you enter the God Realm, you will understand the truth that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

"The younger generation will follow the teachings of the older generation!" Facing this mysterious old man, Du Long had the idea of ​​treating him respectfully for no reason, and he didn't dare to show any disrespect at all. This feeling is very strange.

"Very good! For young people, self-confidence is indispensable, and excessive self-confidence will turn into arrogance, which is absolutely unacceptable!" The old man seemed to be in a very good mood and said stroking his white beard.

"Thank you, senior, for your teaching!" Du Long nodded modestly again, and then changed the topic: "But since senior said that there are many talented juniors in the God Realm, why have you been waiting for three hundred and sixty epochs in this immortal world? Do you have to meet the junior alone?!"

"Do you know how many small fairy worlds there are under our Xuantian big world?!" The old man asked without answering.

"Xuantian big world?! Immortal small world?!" Du Long was a little confused again, obviously he didn't even know the meaning of these two most basic terms.

The old man shook his head and smiled wryly: "I don't blame you either. The people in Fang's Immortal Realm probably don't know much about this Great Thousand World. Let me introduce it to you here!"

"The so-called God Realm is actually just a big Xuantian world, and there are hundreds of millions of small worlds under it, and this fairy world you are in is just one of the hundreds of millions of small worlds!"

Du Long suddenly nodded and said: "So that's it! The Xuantian Great World is the God Realm, and there are hundreds of millions of immortals and mortal worlds under it... Oh my God! When I was young, I felt that the mortal world was boundless and infinite. Who would have thought that it was just the sea One millet, has been sitting in a well and watching the sky all this time!"

"Hehe!" The old man stroked his beard and smiled: "Do you understand now how difficult it is to come up with an outstanding junior in the small world of hundreds of millions of immortals who lack resources?! What's more, even if you Fang Xianfan There have been a few outstanding geniuses in the world, and they wouldn't be foolish enough to enter this lost world that claims they can never get out?!"

Du Long blushed, why did it sound like he was saying he was stupid? !

. . . . . .

This volume of Xuan Tian Long Zun is almost the final chapter, everyone must have guessed the content of the next volume, right? ! That's right! It's time to start the chapter of God Realm, is Xuantian just a big world? ! What is the real secret of the Dragon Ring? ! Who is this mysterious old man? ! All the ideas in writing this novel are finally coming to fruition!

Due to work reasons, I am deeply sorry for the unstable update recently, but I am able to update a chapter even if I sleep four or five hours a day in the midst of my busy schedule, which shows that I am very interested in this novel. I will definitely not be a eunuch, and I will try to update more after the work here is on the right track. . .

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