Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 118 Genius Lies 1

The emperor smiled and raised his head and replied, "Hehe, you child! You are already someone else's daughter-in-law-to-be, and you're still so frizzy!"

"Hee hee!" Huo Feng had already come to the imperial book seat, took the emperor's elbow and said coquettishly, "Whether she is married or not, she will always be the emperor's good daughter!"

"That's right! This sentence is what my father loves the most! No matter whether my precious daughter is married or not, she will always be my father's heart, hahaha!" I saw you, and as soon as I heard Zhang Quan said that you had returned to the palace, I immediately ordered him to go and call you here! How is it, is Fengli County going well? You can tell your father about this in detail. Everything that happened on the road!"

So, Princess Huofeng began to happily describe all the things that happened during her trip to Fengli County. The emperor seemed to be listening carefully and kept nodding. The various things that happened during the princess's trip are just not so detailed.

When Huofeng talked about Du Long angrily beheading dozens of corrupt officials, she couldn't help stealing a peek at the changes in the emperor's expression. Seeing that he still kept a smile on his face and didn't feel angry about it, she continued to tell the story with a smile. go down.

It wasn't until the whole story of the trip to Fengli County was finished that Princess Huofeng blinked her beautiful big eyes and said softly: "Father! What Du Long did in Fengli County this time is a bit too cruel. ! But it is also considered to be in accordance with the etiquette, after all, he dared to kill those corrupt officials in public because of your sacred decree to kill first and then play!"

"Hehe! A man who does great things must be brave and courageous! Father will not blame Concubine Du for what he did in Fengli County. On the contrary, if he dare not do anything when we provide such an advantage Then I have to doubt his ability!" The emperor said with emotion: "However, the performance of Prince Consort Du this time has really opened the eyes of my father!"

"Hee hee! Then, father won't blame Du Long for what he did in Fengli County?" Huo Feng cheered in surprise.

"Of course! When that brat beheaded those corrupt officials in public, he actually knew how to say, 'On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, let Fengli County have a bright blue sky!' Not only did he achieve his own reputation in Fengli County, but he also let his father follow him. He's got some light! He's really a child who can be taught!" The emperor replied in amazement.

"Okay! What Du Mama did in Fengli County this time has shocked the entire Haotian Empire, and it has also caused strong repercussions in the capital. In any case, he killed dozens of officials in the empire. This matter, the emperor must With a gesture, the emperor will summon him tomorrow morning!"

"Zhang Quan! Pass on my decree, announce that Prince Consort Du Long will go to the pilgrimage with his father, General Zhongwu, tomorrow morning!"

"Observe the decree!" Zhang Quan, who was waiting to stand aside, took the order, and immediately went out to arrange for the eunuchs to go out of the palace to announce the decree to Du Mansion.

After a night of silence, Du Long, led by his father, appeared in the main hall of the palace in full clothes in the early morning of the next day!

In this kind of hall where hundreds of civil and military officials meet, occasionally a non-civilian and military official like him will appear because of the emperor's summons. At other times, it is impossible for any non-official identity to set foot here!

His appearance naturally attracted the attention of civil and military officials, and many officials who were close friends with the Du family came forward to greet Du Zhentian one after another. Everyone did not forget to greet Du Long politely, after all, he is no longer the trash of the past The second generation ancestor, and also has the status of a quasi-consort!

Du Long could only respond humbly to these officials who had good relations with the Du family. To be the image that a prince-in-law should have!

As for those officials who had a bad relationship with the Du family, they didn't come to say hello, so he naturally didn't need to make fun of himself, he just needed to stay quietly and honestly behind his father. Du Zhentian saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart!

Soon, the emperor finally arrived late, and all the civil and military officials stood up and stood still after bowing down and bowing for a long time!

"Did Consort Du follow General Zhongwu to the palace today?" On the dragon seat, Emperor Longmu looked at Du Zhentian's second-rank military position in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

"Du Long has seen the emperor!" Du Long, who was standing next to Du Zhentian, could only bite the bullet and walk out of the queue, and then respectfully responded.

"Hehe!" The emperor smiled and nodded, "I think everyone knows that Prince Du's trip to Fengli County killed 20 or 30 corrupt officials, and finally returned the people of Fengli County to a bright and blue sky. ?”

"That's right! The reason why I granted Fengli County to Prince Du at the same time, and also secretly decreed that Prince Du is in charge of Fengli County, and has the power to kill first and then play in the county's jurisdiction, is to uncover the truth as soon as possible. The shady scene that has been formed in Fengli County for many years!"

"I'm very pleased! Concubine Du really lived up to my expectations. It only took a few days to turn things around. Not only did he uncover the shady scene in Fengli County, he beheaded dozens of corrupt officials, he also succeeded Nationalize the three gold mines that were seized by private individuals!"

The emperor paused for a moment when he said this, and glanced at the position where the left minister Fan De was standing intentionally or unintentionally. The man surnamed Fan really deserved to be an old fox who got into the position of the left minister in the officialdom, and he seemed to have nothing to do with it. Look, with a respectful smile on his face.

On the Dragon Seat, Emperor Qin Ying continued to speak with a faint smile on his face: "In just a dozen days, Fengli County, a county that has caused the empire to lose money year after year, has miraculously made a profit. Fengli County has invested a lot of money and energy, and can receive a large amount of taxes every year!"

"All of this! It's all thanks to Consort Du. Today, Consort Du is summoned to the palace, and I'm going to reward you for your merits!"

"In view of the great contributions made by the son-in-law Du Long in Fengli County, I have decided to make him the fifth-rank heroic cavalry governor in advance! Allow him to build a valiant cavalry army of ten thousand people in the fief!" The emperor shouted the last The reward was announced.

"Your Majesty! According to the ancestral system, only the son-in-law who is married to the princess is eligible to be granted an official rank. After all, Du's son-in-law is only engaged to the princess. Moreover, the highest rank can only be awarded from the fifth rank to the sky! You reward me like this! Concubine Du, I am worried that other consorts will think you are too partial!" Under the court, Zuo Que objected on the spot.

"What Prime Minister Zuo said is true! Not only is it inappropriate to confer an official rank before marriage, but it is also inappropriate to confer an official rank one level higher!"

As soon as Fan De, Prime Minister of the Left, objected to the emperor's reward for Du Long, all the officials attached to Fan's faction in the hall spoke up to support his point of view. This is also one of the main reasons why so many emperors hate officials forming factions!

On the Dragon Seat, Emperor Qin Ying kept a straight face and didn't speak, just watching the officials below performing there. Taking this opportunity, Du Long also began to turn his attention to those officials who spoke out to support Fan De.

What the outsiders didn't know was that images of officials appeared in his mind, and the ring spirit beauties began to introduce information such as the ranks and names of these officials to him one by one.

"Ling'er! Are you too good? When did you know these officials?" Du Long sighed secretly while writing down the information of these officials.

"Hee hee! This kind of trivial matter is a piece of cake for my aunt! Not to mention the hundreds of officials of various ranks in your Haotian Empire, even all the officials of the sixteen kingdoms of the three major empires of the Star Continent I've memorized all the information! Since you have to hang out in this circle for a while, I'll have no choice but to memorize these rubbish messages for you!" The ring spirit beauty chuckled triumphantly.

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