Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1179 Ready to Challenge

The giant blue cave mansion on the second island!

Since Du Long moved in, he has changed the name of his home planet for this cave, and this giant blue cave has naturally become the place that attracts the most attention on the entire island!

There is no other reason for most people to pay attention to the Julan Cave Mansion, and that is to know when Du Long will participate in the infinite life-and-death challenge. This is a mysterious task that many god-level powerhouses have never seen before after living for hundreds of millions of years!

"Brother Du Long! You'd better accept Qiaoqiao and Ruoxue as your spiritual servants!" In Julan Cave Mansion, under the watchful eyes of many playful eyes, Yan Qiaoqiao tugged on Du Long's sleeve and shook it non-stop.

"Sister Qiaoqiao! I've said it countless times. The reason why you and Ruoxue won two places is because of Master Xuanyue of the Flower Fairy Spirit Clan. I will never change my mind! You can't do it freely, why do you always rush to become my spiritual servant?!" Du Long rolled his eyes fiercely and said, obviously he was a little bit annoyed by the difficult attitude of this little beauty.

Since the determination of the ten places, except for her and Zhang Ruoxue, the other eight people have long recognized Du Long as the master, which makes Yan Qiaoqiao feel very uncertain, so whenever she has the opportunity, she will pester Du Long I want to recognize him as the master!

"Hee hee! It's definitely not that Qiaoqiao doesn't believe in Brother Du Long's faith!" Yan Qiaoqiao smiled into a cute crescent and said, "I just don't know how to repay Brother Du Long's kindness, so I hope to be your Your spiritual servant is by your side to serve you!"

Du Long opened his mouth, and he said almost everything that should be said, but unfortunately it didn't have any effect at all. Before he could speak, Yan Qiaoqiao rolled her eyes and continued: "Why don't you do this! Since brother Du Long owes flowers The kindness of the fairy clan is not enough to accept sister Ruoxue as a spiritual servant, but it is absolutely possible to accept Qiaoqiao as your spiritual servant!"

As she said, it was impossible for Du Long to accept Zhang Ruoxue as a spiritual servant, but he was able to accept Yan Qiaoqiao. It was only because she was too weak that he didn't like her at all, so she tortured her for several days. No let up!

"That's all!" Du Long finally couldn't bear it anymore, he could only compromise: "In this case, I will accept you as a spiritual servant! But... After accepting you as a spiritual servant, there will be no more than 100,000 years It's an agreement! You have to be my spiritual servant for the rest of your life, and your duty is to be a servant girl! Are you willing?!"

At the end, he still didn't forget to find an excuse to threaten this difficult little girl, but unexpectedly, Yan Qiaoqiao nodded without hesitation and said: "No problem! As long as I can leave the Lost World, Qiaoqiao is willing." I will be Brother Du Long's servant for the rest of my life!"

"Uh..." Du Long was obviously choked up, and didn't know what to say for a moment. Fang Shen, Ao Lei and other spiritual servants beside him couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

As for Yan Qiaoqiao, a playful little beauty, she is secretly having fun there right now!

For her, if she could get this opportunity to leave the lost world, she would not be afraid of death, so why would she be afraid of becoming Du Long's spiritual servant? !

Judging by Du Long's appearance, he will definitely not be the master who can treat spiritual servants harshly!

"Brother Master! Hurry up, hurry up and accept him!" Seeing Du Long staring at her in a daze, Yan Qiaoqiao urged again impatiently. Speechless, and the words are full of ambiguity that makes people think wrong.

Inside the Julan Cave Mansion, a group of people smiled and looked at this cute and playful little beauty. The atmosphere in the cave seemed extremely harmonious. How could there be any nervousness in the face of the master? !

Du Long didn't seem to want to keep entangled with this little woman anymore, he quickly shot a soul imprint, went straight to her forehead and imprinted it, after seeing that girl's expectant eyes, the soul imprint shook for a while, and almost disappeared halfway .

Seeing this scene, Yan Qiaoqiaomei stared wide-eyed, wishing she could stretch her forehead over, and quickly get this Lord-recognizing soul seal into her soul space!

Puchi. . . Puchi. . .

Such a cute and funny picture made everyone on the scene couldn't help laughing. This is why the big guys know that the process of identifying the master is not dangerous, otherwise they will try to hold back no matter what!

Fortunately, Du Long finally controlled the distracting thoughts in his heart, and successfully implanted this somewhat erratic identification soul seal into Yan Qiaoqiao's primordial spirit, and the identification procedure was completed without any risk!


Yan Qiaoqiao let out a long breath of relief, as if she had accomplished such a difficult task!

That funny appearance once again made everyone laugh wildly, even Du Long was no exception, laughing loudly in front of a group of spirit servants without a master's demeanor!

Time passed slowly!

one year. . . two years. . . five years. . . ten years!

It stands to reason that Du Long should go all out to prepare for completing the infinite life and death challenge mission, but he didn't devote all his time to practice!

In the past ten years, he only spent a small amount of time on cultivation every day, and most of the other time was idle!

He can refine weapons or alchemy whenever he is happy, but usually gossips with spiritual servants like Fang Shen, and discusses some basic knowledge of cultivation in the meantime!

After growing up along the way, Du Long's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, but he hasn't really calmed down to discuss and study cultivation issues with others!

That is to say, although his basic combat power is equivalent to the perfection level of the late gods, he knows very little about many basic aspects of cultivation!

In the rare days when he has some free time, he is not in a hurry to do the infinite life-and-death challenge mission. Instead, he humbly asks the real strong people around him for advice, and carefully understands their experience and insights, so as to slowly consolidate his current strength. strength!

On this day, Du Long suddenly summoned all his subordinates, even Zhou Ting, who had been punished to guard the gate of the cave for many years, was no exception!

In the cave hall, the casual atmosphere of the past disappeared. Everyone had vaguely guessed the reason why Du Long summoned everyone, and their expressions became extremely dignified!

On the main seat, Du Long glanced around indifferently, and then he shook his head with a slightly curved smile and said with a wry smile: "You all must have guessed why I called everyone here?! That's right! I'm going to Go challenge the infinite life and death mission!"

"Before that, I will give you some time to think about it. Do you decide to continue to bind me to face life and death together? Or choose to quit? If you choose the latter, I will unconditionally release this person's soul seal bondage!"


As Du Long's voice fell, the entire cave hall became extremely quiet, almost audible to the point of falling needles, only the abnormal heartbeat and heavy breathing of everyone could be heard at the scene!

"That..." In the end, Zhou Ting unexpectedly said: "Master! The number of your subordinates is full, how are you going to arrange your subordinates?!"

Du Long turned his head to look at him and said, "As long as no one chooses to quit, I will immediately terminate the relationship with you as master and servant, and give you back your freedom!"

Zhou Teng raised his brows slightly, and looked at Du Long with a slightly complicated expression. He didn't express his gratitude. Seeing his hesitant appearance, it was obvious that he didn't want to dissolve the master-servant relationship!

Just imagine, almost half of the top ten people on the entire island are willing to become Du Long's spiritual servant. He has long been not dissatisfied with his status as a spiritual servant, on the contrary, he is proud of it!

"Hehe! Zhou Ting, I'm really sorry! When I was choosing ten places, I accidentally left you behind..." Du Long explained apologetically.

As a master, he treats his servants so politely. It would be understandable if Fang Shen and others were like that, but Zhou Teng took the initiative to come to the door to provoke and was captured, so there is no comparison at all!

Not only did Zhou Teng's hatred for Du Long disappear from the bottom of his heart, but even Fang Shen and others were deeply moved by it, and felt very lucky that they could become the spiritual servant of Du Long, the master!

"Master!" Before Du Long could finish speaking, Zhou Ting knelt on one knee and said, "Zhou Ting is unwilling to explain his relationship with your master and servant, even if he is left in the Lost World, he will have no regrets!"

Du Long stared at the man in front of him with burning eyes, as if he was reacquainted with this guy who had a bad impression before. After a long time, he sighed softly: "Why are you so sad?! That's all! Before the challenge starts, I will I will ask the Lost Array Spirit for a favor, and if I get permission, I will count you as a quota, otherwise no matter what you think, I will terminate the master-servant relationship!"

"Master..." Zhou Teng was about to say something more, but after seeing Du Long's unquestionable eyes, he couldn't help but change his words: "Thank you, Master, for your fulfillment!"

"Okay! Have you all thought it through?! Did you choose to quit?!" Du Long once again turned his attention to the other people present.

The result is not unexpected, no one will choose to quit at this critical moment, and all of them choose to stay firmly!

The strength can be cultivated to the consummation of the late stage of the gods, all of which are the existence of a strong heart, and how can it be like a grass on the wall, which will be shaken if it cannot withstand the slightest wind? !

"Very good! Since you are so determined to stay, let's start now!" Du Long was obviously satisfied with the result, and he left the cave first with a wave of his hand, striding towards the direction of the cage.

"Brother Master! Guess what the infinite life-and-death challenge mission means?! Could it be possible to send several peak gods to besiege you?!" Halfway through the journey, Yan Qiaoqiao, who couldn't stay idle, said softly.

"I don't know! Don't think about it too much!" Du Long shook his head directly and replied: "I only know that failure is not allowed no matter what, and the innocent must not be hurt!"


Along the way, while Yan Qiaoqiao was making jokes, when a group of people came to the location of the trapped cage, they realized that the scene was already full of people!

I dare say that as long as Du Long and his group rush to the direction of the cage together, someone will immediately spread the news, and all the people who received the news will fly to the scene without hesitation!

Although there are many people around the trapped cage at this moment, the scene is very quiet, not to mention how weird the scene is!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Du Long asked the people around him to wait in place, and then strode towards the trapped cage alone!

. . . . . .

Finished typing around five o'clock for three consecutive days. . .

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