Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1160 Give it a good time

Jialong star field, Langteng planet, and thousands of god-level powerhouses gathered beside the lost wormhole. Just the aura leaked by this group of people inadvertently has plunged the entire Langteng planet into a terrifying situation!

The terrifying aura from the god-level powerhouse made countless lives on this planet tremble with fear. Many timid people seemed to feel that the end of the world was coming, and they chose to escape from this planet with a depressive and terrifying atmosphere!

Soon, a piece of news quickly spread to all parties in the fairy world. The chase between the God Killing Society and Du Long finally came to an end, and the final result was beyond everyone's expectations!

First of all, the most intuitive result is that Du Long was finally forced to break into the lost wormhole that no one has ever come out of alive, and his life and death are uncertain!

Secondly, according to the god-level powerhouse who followed him, the god team sent by the God Realm Alliance did not directly help him, but watched him being killed by hundreds of god-level powerhouses from the God Killing Society;

In the end, he miraculously relied on the third layer of the Xuantian Mirror's Xuantian Escape Technique to break through the space blockade, teleport away from the coverage of the large array of locked space set up by the God Killing Society, and escape all the way into the lost wormhole!

All of a sudden, many of the top forces in the fairy world were shocked by the four major alliances, the God Killing Society, the Dragon Clan, and even the Tanren Clan!

As the saying goes, outsiders look at appearances, and insiders look at doorsteps. Ordinary people only know that Du Long was able to successfully escape the black murder of hundreds of gods without the help of outsiders, and they are shocked by it!

Only those who really understand what the Xuantian Mirror is, and what it means to break through the third level of the Xuantian Mirror, can truly understand that another genius who is incomparably enchanting in hundreds of millions of different fairy worlds has appeared out of nowhere!

Regardless of the three worlds of immortals, gods and humans, space mysteries have always been recognized as one of the great mysteries of the world. There are many mysteries that can be extended from space mysteries, such as combat power bonuses, teleportation, space travel, etc.!

The third level of the Xuantian Mirror requires the caster to be able to successfully grasp the mysteries of space that are at least close to the perfect level of eighteen stars. Space mystery!

The two seem to be very close, but in fact they are far apart by hundreds of millions of miles, and the difficulty of comprehending cultivation is even more different!

But it is such a monstrous difficulty, but it is mastered by a little guy who has only grown up for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an extremely monstrous genius in hundreds of millions of different worlds!

"Lost wormhole?!" In the camp of the God Killing Society, the old man in black, Qu Snake, the old ghost, looked at the pitch-black space gap not far away with cold and resentful eyes, and muttered unwillingly.

"Hahaha, Qu Snake Old Ghost!" There was a hearty laugh from the God Realm Alliance camp, and it was Jiang Li from the God Realm Adventure Alliance who said: "Thousands of calculations, you never thought that Du Long would choose Flee into the lost wormhole without hesitation?!"

"Hmph!" Old Ghost Qu Snake snorted coldly and gloomyly: "Jiang Li! Don't be complacent, what the old man can't get, you don't have a share either!"

"Why is this scene today so similar to the one that happened in the God Realm back then?! Your God Killing Society secretly colluded with other great heavenly emperors and forced Ziyan to death, but unexpectedly, you didn't get any benefits at the end, but in the end it was cheap! Such an unknown Du Long?! A little guy who just grew up from the human world?!" Liu Feng joined in at the right time.

"That's right! I heard that this little guy is still a disciple of the Immortal Realm Artifact Alliance!" Qu Snake old ghost sneered disdainfully: "Hey, it turned out that this evil genius kid was counting on you to come to the rescue, but in the end he had to be disappointed Fleeing alone with your tail between your legs, trapped in a lost wormhole that you will never get out of alive!"

"What Qu Snake Patriarch said is true. The so-called Righteous Alliance is nothing more than mediocrity. For some treasures, he will not let go of his own juniors. It really makes us so-called evil people feel contemptuous!" A leader of God Killing He opened his mouth to help the old ghost Qu Snake.


Outside the Lost Wormhole, thousands of god-level powerhouses gathered here. They neither left in a hurry, nor did anyone dare to step into the Lost Wormhole. The strong ones dare not enter easily!

Everything that happened here naturally fell into the eyes of all parties in the fairy world. Those top forces are all trying to listen to the scolding battle between these god-level powerhouses, trying to hear some wrong words from a few words. A well-known secret!

In the end, it came to such a result, that is, no one knew whether Du Long could come out of the lost wormhole alive, but it was vaguely heard that he had a very high chance of coming out alive!

It seems that the powerhouses of the God Realm have heard about the origin of the Lost Wormhole. They heard that the god-level powerhouses will die if they enter it. Although the existence of the god-level and below enters it, it is dangerous, but at most they cannot come out alive!

In the lost world, after Du Long was forced into this desolate world by a large number of powerful gods, he immediately sensed Jin Jing's location, and also felt that he was in an extremely desperate situation from the connection between the master and servant souls between the two!

So he waved the Xuantian mirror in Jin Jing's direction without hesitation, and performed the Xuantian escape technique, and appeared in front of Jin Jing after only one teleportation, saving his good brother who was on the verge of death.

In the mid-stage of the gods, the power of the terrifying fairyland space of the perfect level was fully released, and the sun, moon, and stars appeared in different phases, and the terrifyingly powerful space binding force acted on the five immortal-level powerhouses. For them, they wanted to move Anything is a luxury!

"Dare to kill my brother?! You can go to hell!!" This is Du Long's domineering declaration after restraining the unicorn youth, and saw him swinging his hand, the blue sword turned around point, and then shot towards Xuangong at high speed.

Without any resistance at all, Xuan Gong stood there steadfastly, watching helplessly as the immortal sword that had been with him for many years came out of his abdomen, piercing through the space of his dantian in an instant, destroying his whole body in one go!

"No! My lord, please spare my life... I don't know that this couple is my lord's relatives... My lord, please forgive my life!!" His cultivation base was completely destroyed, but Xuan Gong still didn't want to die just like that, so he wailed loudly and begged for mercy.

Seeing his appearance without any strength of character, Du Long immediately lost the interest in killing him himself, but turned his head and looked at Jin Jing with a smile and said, "Jin Jing! What's going on?! Are you trapped in a lost world? Two or three thousand years?! Why did you live a good life before, and happened to be in fatal danger when I came in to save you?!"

"Brother Du Long!" Jin Jing flew into Du Long's arms with a cry. After wandering in the Lost World for many years, he, who had always been extremely indifferent to his enemies, finally showed his childish side.

No matter how powerful he is outside, as long as he stands in front of Du Long, he will always be that little golden crystal holy dragon who never grows up!

"Husband!" Before Du Long could open his mouth to appease his good brother, a delicate voice caught his attention, and he saw Ao Xin, who was not restrained by the power of the fairyland space, came to him in a lively manner. The eyes looking at Jin Jing are full of infinite tenderness.

"Haha! Jin Jing, how old are you?! You are still like a child who will never grow up. Hurry up and introduce to your elder brother who is this beautiful girl from the dragon tribe?!" Du Long jokingly pushed Jin Jing away from his arms laughed.

Although his face was covered by scales, Jin Jing still blushed, and pulled Ao Xin awkwardly to introduce the two sides. Only then did Du Long know that after his brother entered the Lost World by mistake, he still had good luck and got a The real little princess of the Dragon Clan is his wife!

"Ao Xin has met Brother Du Long! Over the years, you are the most mentioned name by my husband, which shows how much my husband respects Brother Du Long!" Ao Xin saluted Du Long sincerely.

From the five completely immobile guys around her, she can fully imagine how terrifying Du Long's strength is. You must know that even if her father personally launched a horse, although she could easily defeat these five people, it would not be so easy It must be as simple as crushing a few ants to death!

"Haha, when I returned to the mortal world and found that Jin Jing had ascended to the fairy world for decades, I still felt that the world was tricking people, and I was afraid that he would suffer a big loss in the fairy world, especially when I heard that there was a relationship between the holy dragon clan and the five-clawed golden dragon clan. After the grievances, I was even more worried, and now it seems that all worries are superfluous, and all the hardships are caused by the beautiful marriage of younger siblings!" Du Longlang replied with a smile.

"Hehe! Brother Du Long is so correct. If I met him early in the morning, I'm afraid Xin'er and I would lose that fate. That would be a lifelong regret!" Jin Jing showed a mischievous smile for the first time.

After entering the Lost World for many years, it was the first time that he showed such a smile from the bottom of his heart. Although staying with Ao Xin on weekdays, although there is no shortage of smiles, there are some hidden worries!

It's different now, as if Du Long's appearance has supported the world for him, any storm is nothing to fear, and even if the sky falls, his elder brother Du Long will stand firm!

"Jin Jing! I found that in the lost world, I can't contact my several cave worlds. Except for the space ring, I can't even sense the inside of the space cave?!" Du Long, who had just entered the lost world, couldn't help The doubts in my heart were expressed.

Just now he wanted his relatives and friends in the cave world to come out to meet Jin Jing, but he was depressed to find that he could not contact the cave world. This feeling made him a little at a loss, so he immediately asked.

After Jin Jing and Ao Xin looked at each other, they shook their heads helplessly and smiled bitterly: "Who says it's not... In this strange lost world, there is no way to sense the existence of other world spaces, let alone leave this ghost place easily!"

Seeing that the atmosphere became a bit dignified, Du Long immediately changed the subject and said, "Leave this matter aside for the time being, these five guys dare to trouble you, let you two solve it yourself!"

"Forgive me! The three adults of the Dragon Clan and the young ones also obeyed Xuan Gong's orders and came to help him. From the beginning to the end, none of the four of us made a move. Please forgive me, three adults!"

"That's right! We couldn't help ourselves, and we haven't done anything against you, please spare your life..."


Seeing that Du Long and the others finally turned their attention to themselves, the four accomplices hurriedly begged for mercy for themselves, as if they had completely given up the profound art of becoming a cripple!

In this lost world, there is not much difference between becoming a cripple and being sentenced to death, and there is a possibility that the death will be even more tragic!

Just imagine, what would happen to a completely derelict guy walking in the Seven Star War Zone? !

Becoming the dish of those ferocious beasts, this is definitely the end!

"Alas!" The one-horned young man who was begging for mercy for himself before, now seemed to have figured out his destined ending, and sighed, "That's all! Please give me a good time and let the four of them go! "

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. This one-horned young man Xuan Gong obviously does not want to be a meal for many ferocious beasts. While seeking happiness for himself, he has not forgotten to intercede for his four companions!

"Boss!" A rough man shouted to him with a little emotion: "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xuan Gong: "Stop talking, in this damned lost world, I am already doomed, you all still have a chance, don't be discouraged! Let me live well! "

"Brother?!" Jin Jing, who is not easy to be soft on weekdays, is looking at Du Long at this moment, as if she has become very dependent after meeting him.

"Just give this guy a good time! As for the other four guys... just give him a way to survive!" Du Long said decisively for him.

"Understood!" Jin Jing nodded heavily, and a golden beam of light shot out, instantly detonating Xuan Gong's head with one horn, which really gave him such a pleasure that he didn't even have time to react.

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