Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1141 Nine Nether Tokens

On the surface of the nameless celestial body, the terrifying attraction seemed to have no effect on the gleaming golden figure, but under the influence of such a terrifying attraction, he was still able to hover in mid-air with ease!


An invisible wave of energy came out from the core area, and Du Long was ecstatically surprised to see the energy shield not far away gradually dissipate, and a magnificent palace appeared before his eyes!

The palace is not big, there is only one main hall and a small square outside the gate, and the rest of the place is full of green exotic flowers and plants, surrounding the palace layer by layer!

Just when Du Long seemed a little overwhelmed, golden light began to gather over the palace, and a somewhat familiar golden figure appeared, which was the same energy form as the Nine Nether Spirits, and it was probably this nameless figure. The spirit above the celestial body!

"Hahaha... After waiting for many years, I finally waited for a little kid who has reached the elementary level of perfection in the cultivation of Jiuyou Immortal. What surprised me is that you not only have Jiuyou Dongtian in your body, but you can also live in the world in about two thousand years. Within a few days, you will practice the Nine Nether Immortal Intermediate Kung Fu to reach perfection! This lucky young man... can you tell me your name?!"

Amid bursts of incomparably vicissitudes of laughter, the old man made of condensed energy looked at Du Long with scorching eyes, with a hint of joy and sadness on his face!

"The junior's name is Du Long! I don't know what is the relationship between senior and Jiuyou Dongtian?! Do you know the Jiuyou Dongtian formation spirit?!" Du Long was obviously very interested in this old man who looked very similar to the Jiuyou Dongtian formation spirit. Can't help asking.

"Jiuyou! We haven't seen each other for hundreds of millions of years, should we come out and say hello?!" The phantom of energy did not answer Du Long's question, but looked at him with deep eyes. It seems to be able to penetrate his body and see the world of Jiuyou Dongtian inside!

A streak of gray gas floated out of Du Long's body, and soon condensed into a gray old man, who was the energy phantom of the Nine Nether Cave Heavenly Formation Spirit!

"Number two!" In front of Du Long, the Nine Nether Formation's spiritual eyes looked at the golden phantom in midair with complex radiance, and said hoarsely: "I didn't expect it! We two brothers will meet again one day……"

"Hey...we will meet again if we are destined. Have you forgotten the words that the master told us back then?!" The golden phantom known as No. 2 laughed dryly and replied a little freely.

The Nine Nether Formation Spirit nodded and replied, "Master is pedantic about heaven and man, and knew that the catastrophe was inevitable, so he arranged for us to be placed in several fairy worlds with amazing luck. Now it seems that this arrangement is indeed the most sensible choice! "

"Haha, in this way, you are still satisfied with this kid named Du Long?!" The number two old man asked loudly.

Nine Nether Array Spirit glanced at Du Long with burning eyes, and then nodded approvingly at No. 2 and said, "That's natural! You can have the combat power of the God Rank in the Immortal Rank period, but you are not yet three years old." Chitose, such a monstrous genius, is definitely the best heir to the mantle of Jiuyou!"

"Hmm!" Elder No. 2 replied with a smile and nodded, "It really is a good seedling. No wonder you sent a letter asking me to wait here for his arrival! Hahaha..."

"What?!" Du Long, who was listening carefully to the conversation between the two elders, exclaimed in astonishment: "Could it be that I didn't come near this unknown celestial body by accident, but...you deliberately placed it halfway in the direction I was traveling?" On the road?!"

"Hahaha..." The two old men laughed in unison, and after a long time, old man No. 2 explained: "That's right! According to our former master's instructions, the Jiuyou Possession determines whether you are qualified to practice the intermediate Jiuyou. The power of Miexuan Kungfu, if he feels that your potential is not enough, even if you were able to successfully master the elementary Nine Nether Immortal Kungfu in a thousand years, he may not recognize you as the master, let alone let you practice the intermediate Nine Nether Immortal Kungfu. Extinguishing Mysterious Art!"

"Uh..." Du Long was a little flustered by the wind: "Could it be that this huge celestial body can still travel long distances in the fairyland space alone?!"

The two old men looked at each other amusedly, and finally the Nine Nether Array Spirit responded in a deep voice: "This so-called nameless celestial body is actually a large magic weapon refined by the former owner, under the control of No. 2 , it can travel freely around this fairy world, and its speed is no slower than your space travel with the help of the Xuantian Mirror, and it is many times faster!"

"This..." Du Long was obviously shocked by the answer. How could such a huge celestial body be a large magic weapon capable of autonomous long-distance space travel? !

"Okay!" Nine Nether Formation Spirit waved his hand, and changed the subject: "You have learned the intermediate Nine Nether Immortal Mysterious Art now, and you have stayed here for almost two thousand years, it's time to leave here and go out to continue your adventures La!"

"Before that!" Elder No. 2 continued with a smile, "I want to give you a treasure. This treasure is not very useful to you now, but... When you arrive in the God Realm in the future, Naturally, it has a great effect!"

Suddenly, a gloomy light shot out from the palace not far away, and it came to Du Long in a blink of an eye, floating there out of thin air!

Du Long was not in a hurry to reach out to take the object, but curiously looked at the token with the faint blue light flashing, and saw that its material was neither gold, jade, nor stone, and it was really hard to tell from the surface. What material is this thing made of!

The front of the token is engraved with the word Jiuyou, and the back is engraved with a strangely shaped beast. With Du Long's current knowledge, he has never seen such a beast in the world!

Before he could ask the doubts in his heart, he heard the Nine Nether Formation Spirit say leisurely: "This is the Nine Nether Order, even in the God Realm, it is a treasure that all parties are fighting for. You must put it away. Please don’t leak out the fact that you have the Nine Serenities Token, otherwise... it will definitely lead to death!”

Du Long rolled his eyes fiercely, he has acquired quite a few treasures over the years, but none of them can be taken out and used casually, it seems that as long as it is exposed in front of people, it will cause great disaster!

"Jiuyou is right! It is because the Jiuyou Token is too important that the master will give it to me for safekeeping!" The second old man interjected with a rare serious expression: "One is that you must completely To master the intermediate Jiuyou Immortal Mysterious Art, the second is to prevent you from becoming the new master of Jiuyou, using the master-servant relationship to force him to hand over the Jiuyou Token!"

"So that's how it is!" Du Long finally realized that Ganqing No. 2 old man was in charge of supervision, and their former master really thought very carefully!

"Okay! You have completely mastered the exercises you should practice, and you have obtained the benefits you should take! It's time for you to leave!" Elder No. 2 looked at Du Long and Jiuyou Formation with a complicated expression, and began to give orders Evict order!

"That... Senior No. 2! Do you dare to ask if we will meet again in the future?!" Du Long hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

The two elders looked at each other, and saw the second old man with a smile on his face again: "Haha! It's the same sentence just now, we will meet again if we are destined!"

Du Long nodded, and then looked at the land that had trapped him for two thousand years with some nostalgia, his eyes rolled, and then he dodged and shot towards the way he came from, leaving only the bewildered number two Old man, I don't know what unfinished business he has on this barren celestial body!

Not long after, the doubt on his face dissipated, and was replaced by a look of dumbfounding. Finally, he watched the golden figure fly up into the sky with a faint gaze, and went straight to the outside of the celestial body to shoot away!

"Senior No. 2! Farewell now, we will meet again in the future!" A familiar voice sounded in his ear, and it was Du Long who sent him a farewell farewell.

After leaving the space-locked area, Du Long suddenly turned his head and glanced at the huge celestial body in front of him, then turned around and tore open a space rift, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

On the unnamed celestial body, old man No. 2 watched his figure disappear at the other end of the space rift, and then sighed leisurely, and the golden light condensed figure disappeared without a trace!

On the surface of the huge elliptical celestial body that was originally dim, streaks of golden light began to flash, and then, like a huge golden egg in space, it suddenly accelerated and drilled into a huge black hole. Disappeared, it also disappeared without a trace!

The location of the unnamed celestial body once again returned to the boundless darkness and silence, as if there had never been a huge celestial body here!

In the Immortal World, among the dozens of star fields adjacent to the Green Sea Star Field, it looks like a peaceful scene on the surface, but in fact it is a dark tide!

Two thousand years have passed, and the Anti-Black Alliance has been missing for about two thousand years, but the starry sky where they have disappeared is still the focus of attention of all major forces!

Of course, at this moment, there are not many forces that are still paying attention to the whereabouts of the Anti-Black Alliance, but all of them are extremely powerful, and they are more or less coveting the treasures that Du Long may possess!

At this moment, under the Black Ice Lake Castle in the extreme north of Tianxuan Star, the old man surnamed Xie is using an ancient magic circle to communicate respectfully with a certain high-level person in the God Realm!

"Old thank you! What's going on here?! More than two thousand years have passed. In vain, I sent 20 god-killing teams from the God Realm, but I couldn't even detect the trace of the target with mere immortal strength. ?!" On the screen, an astonishing middle-aged man yelled angrily.

"Hey, Mr. Tang, don't be angry! As far as I know, the alliance that has an extremely large monitoring network in this fairy world has not been able to find any clues about that kid. It's no wonder we!" Old man Xie could only accompany Laughing and defending, although his tone was a bit respectful, it was neither humble nor overbearing!

"Then what effective measures have you taken to deal with this matter?!" The middle-aged man's tone was a little slow, and then he added in an obviously threatening tone: "You know, what do those things mean to the leader?! Don't let others get ahead of you, you must know what that means, right?!"

"Subordinates understand!" Old man Xie froze, he was obviously extremely afraid of the leader that the middle-aged man said, and his tone became a bit respectful: "We are already near the star field where the kid disappeared. Lay down a net, unless he doesn't appear in that area again, otherwise, we will be able to find his trace!"

"Hmm!" The middle-aged man nodded and added: "Besides sitting on the sidelines in that star field, have you ever found out the origin of that kid?! Have you arrested his relatives as bargaining chips?!"

"We have already found out which mortal world he came from, and we have also sent a large number of people to the mortal world. Good news should come soon!" Old man Xie replied with a smile on his face.

"Very good! As soon as you have any news, report it to me immediately!"

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