Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1135 Nine Nether Textures

Hoo, hoo. . .

In the human-shaped pothole, Du Long was panting heavily, and was doing the exercise of standing on the spot and raising his legs!

In the blink of an eye, he has been in this damned pothole for half a month, and what he does every day is to move in place, so that his body can adapt to the terrifying gravity here as soon as possible!

An existence as strong as him, which possesses the full strength of the early stage of the gods, will be stumped by the attraction on the surface of a celestial body, and can't even climb out of a pothole that is only one person tall. This shows that the attraction on this celestial body How terrible!

If an ordinary immortal cultivator accidentally strays into this place, even a Da Luo True Immortal of the Nine-Star Consummation level will fall to pieces and die without a place to bury him, right? !

If Du Long hadn't cultivated the Nine Serenities Immortal Kung Fu to the primary perfection, and his body was not weaker than that of a high-grade immortal soldier, even if he had the strength of a god, he would have fallen to this strange celestial body inexplicably. up!

Sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, Du Long opened his eyes and slowly stood up after recovering the exhausted energy in his body through exercise. Said: "Another three days have passed, it's time to try again and see if we can climb out of this damn pothole!"

As the words fell, he didn't hesitate any longer, and directly put his hands on the fence, and then struggled to climb up to the pit mouth. After a while of hands and feet, he climbed out of this damn small pit in embarrassment!

But Du Long was lying on his back on the ground, panting heavily, his face was full of excitement, but also a little dumbfounded. Regarding the experience of falling here this time, he can only describe his mood in very speechless!

"Heck!" The ring spirit's sweet laughter sounded at the right time, and she joked full of jokes: "Wow! Du Long, congratulations! You have finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering created by yourself!"

Rolling his eyes suddenly, Du Long turned over and got up, he didn't bother to pay attention to Ling'er who was a little gleeful, but stood in place and looked at this extremely dark world!

This is a celestial body without any light from the stars and the moon. If it weren't for the ore bodies on the surface of the celestial body that seem to emit faint light, I am afraid that even with Du Long's current vision, he would be blind!

'There are no plants or animals, this is a dead celestial body, completely unable to sense the slightest breath of life. . . ’ Du Long muttered to himself.

After figuring out the surrounding environment, he retracted his gaze, then closed his eyes after a moment of pondering, raised his head slightly, and turned around a few times in place as if sensing something!

"It's in this direction... the feeling of calling me came from this direction..." After facing a certain direction and fixed his figure, Du Long murmured to himself: "In that case, then I Just go to that direction to find out what is calling me, the suffering here cannot be in vain, I must get some benefits to make this trip worthwhile?!"

"Hee hee, since you're here, let's be safe!" Jie Lingling said again: "You don't even have a way to leave this celestial body. Naturally, you can only find out what's weird about this place first, and look for it by the way. There is a way to get out of here!"

Du Long, who was raising his feet to move towards the target, stagnated slightly, but quickly stepped out, walking towards the chosen direction step by step!

As time passed slowly, Du Long felt that the attraction on his body seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, which also made him move slower and slower, from trotting at the beginning, to walking slowly, and finally What's more, you can only take one step at a time, and then take a short rest after panting heavily before you can take another step!

Hoo, hoo, hoo. . .

Finally, he had to stop his progress and stood there gasping for breath. Beads of sweat kept slipping from his face and dripping onto the hard and dark ground.

The huge gravitational force forced him to arch his body slightly, and the blue veins on the surface of the skin exposed outside the clothes swelled up. He could feel the unbearable stinging pain from the muscles, bones and internal organs of his body under the shackles of the terrifying gravitational force.

Obviously, coming to this position has already reached the limit that his current body can bear, and if he goes any further, he will probably be in danger!

"Ling'er! What's going on?! Why do I feel the gravitational force on my body become so terrifying?!" Puzzled, Du Long could only seek help from Linger Linger.

"It's normal!" Jie Linglinger said casually, "There is an area with particularly strong gravitational force on the surface of this celestial body, and it's not surprising that you feel the pressure on your body rising as you are heading towards it!"


Du Long froze there, his eyes widened in astonishment but he didn't know what to say, he shook his head and sighed after a long time: "Oh! You mean the more you walk in this direction, the more amazing the gravitational force inside will be? ! Then with my current strength, is there a way to get to the core of that area?!"

"Absolutely not!" Jie Lingling shook her head and denied without hesitation: "According to my calculations, with your current strength, you can't reach that core area at all. Terrible gravitational force crushed into meat paste!"

Well. . .

Du Long's eyes widened in depression and said: "Ling'er! Since you know that I will only die if I go like this, why don't you stop me?!"

"Heck... with your current strength, you will definitely die if you enter the core area in an instant, but it doesn't mean that you can't enter it step by step!" Ringling said coquettishly.

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up and said, "Is there a way for Linger to allow me to enter it safely?!"

"Hee hee! There is a solution! In fact, this solution is right under your feet, but you haven't paid attention to it!" Jie Linglinger reminded with a smile.

"Under the feet?!" Du Long looked down at the dark ground under his feet in doubt.

The ground on this celestial body does not seem to be muddy ground, but a hard ground similar to black iron blocks, with faint ripples condensed on it, just like the natural texture formed after the lava paddle flows and squeezes!

Looking at these seemingly naturally formed lines, Du Long faintly felt a very familiar feeling. After thinking for a while, he felt a light flash in his mind. He finally remembered why these lines looked so familiar!

‘Nine Nether Immortal Body Refining Method! ’ This familiar term popped up in his mind, and it was the Nine Nether Immortal Technique he practiced in the Nine Nether Cave Heaven World.

In the world of Jiuyoudongtian, when he entered the Jiuyou Tower, mysterious patterns similar to these patterns were engraved on the stairs. At this moment, if the ring spirits hadn't reminded him, he would really have ignored these familiar patterns. up!

"This... How can there be a practice method similar to the Nine Nether Immortals here?! Doesn't it mean that the higher level of the Nine Nether Immortals can only be practiced in the God Realm?!" After confirming the texture on the ground Du Long couldn't help exclaiming after connecting with the Jiuyou Immortal Technique.

"There are many unknown secrets hidden behind the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique. There will be such a celestial body inscribed on the surface of the Nine Nether Immortal Cultivation Technique. I guess no one knows the reason behind it?!" Ring Spirit Ling'er couldn't give a reasonable explanation, so she could only answer vaguely.

Nodding his head, Du Long stopped talking nonsense, but began to carefully observe these lines on the ground. He did not look at them with his eyes, but scanned and probed the ground covering thousands of miles with his powerful immortal consciousness.

Soon, he found the part of the texture change that was related to the elementary technique of Jiuyou Immortal that he had practiced, and then he suddenly discovered that this texture was actually located hundreds of miles away behind him!

That is to say, far away from the direction of the core area that summons oneself, the location of that texture is the real starting point, while the location where Du Long is standing is close to the midpoint!

He also wanted to scan and explore the mysterious core area with the help of immortal consciousness, but it turned out that the immortal consciousness could not penetrate into it at all, as if there was an invisible energy to isolate all explorations!

Nodding his head, Du Long didn't think about it any more. He sat cross-legged on the ground and performed the Xuantian Kung Fu to restore his exhausted physical strength. After his physical strength returned to the peak state, he then used the Immortal Consciousness to scan and observe the relationship with the primary Nine Nether Immortals. Kung fu has the associated changes in the surface texture, and began to seriously study the mysteries of the world contained in this texture change!

As time passed slowly, Du Long was pleasantly surprised to find that the principle of this pattern was not complicated, and he could master it in just three or two days, and understand the mystery of it!

Ever since, he began to practice according to the principles he had comprehended, allowing the energy in his body to travel through the eight extraordinary meridians according to the changes in the lines, constantly improving the strength of his body!

This process went very smoothly. Having cultivated the Nine Nether Immortal Kung Fu to achieve initial perfection, he smoothly raised his body strength to the limit that can be achieved in the first stage of grain comprehension training!

Without too much hesitation, he directly began to scan and detect the changes in the second paragraph of lines, and then comprehend it, and use this mysterious method to continue to improve the physical strength that had already reached the limit!

Repeatedly, until the fourth stage was fully mastered, Du Long felt that his body had reached an unprecedented strength, and finally stopped practicing and stood up.

"The fourth section of the Nine Nether Immortal Profound Truth is just under my feet, and I have fully mastered it now. It's time to seriously feel the strength of my body!" After muttering to himself, Du Long began to lift his feet and start exercising.

Soon, he was ecstatically surprised to find that although his movements were still a little clumsy, he was able to adapt to the terrifying attraction of this area better than before!

Originally, when I lifted my foot and took a step, my muscles, bones, and internal organs felt unbearable pain. Now that I’m healed, I don’t feel any discomfort in my body. It’s just that I can’t adapt to the terrifying gravity. It's just hard work!

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