Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 111 Tit for Tat 2

Running quickly along the mountain path, tens of miles is not too far for the big lion, and it took Du Long to appear in front of the Shuangzigou in less than half an hour.

Shuangzigou, as the name suggests, is the collective name of two long and narrow valleys!

These two long and narrow ravines are intertwined like two long snakes. They have a common entrance and exit. Simply put, the two ravines seem to be separated, but in fact the front and back sides are connected!

Human teams usually choose to walk along the bottom of the valley on the right. The valley on the right is relatively flat and can be used by larger horse teams to pass quickly!

Since this ditch is more than ten miles long, if you want to detour, you have to go around at least a hundred miles to reach the other end of the ravine. Therefore, this place has become a must for Du Long and others!

At this moment, above the rugged hillside in the middle of Shuangzigou, there are more than 300 men in black hiding. These people gather together in twos and threes, chatting without saying a word.

On a higher hillside two miles away from Du Long, a middle-aged man was surrounded by a dozen men in black. Beside them lay two giant beasts with a height of seven or eight meters, a black panther with golden stripes and A green bull with purple pupils!

"Master Fan! Could it be that Luo Te's team was discovered by others? It's only a hundred miles away, and the group actually took two days to complete the journey?" A man in black asked suspiciously.

"Hmph! I believe that even if that kid Rot is found out, he won't dare to reveal our plan! Otherwise, his whole family in the capital will be ruined!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, he was none other than It was Fan Liang, a member of the Fan clan who was confessed by Luo Te!

"Regardless of whether the kid from the Du family has received the news or not, as long as their people are in this forest of monsters, it is impossible for them to escape from the palm of my Fan Liang! Get rid of the Du family boy, Princess Huofeng and others together!" Fan Liang added viciously.

"What your lord said is true! As long as they are still in this forest, they will never be able to escape the pursuit of the two fourth-order monsters! It's just that there will be more fish that slip through the net!" Another man in black said respectfully.

"That's right! If the original plan goes according to the original plan, as long as the Du family's gang enters the Shuangzigou, we'll let two fourth-order monsters surround them. At that time, none of their hundreds of people will be able to escape. It's just a matter of death , no one can find out what kind of monster is doing it!"

"Now we can only wait until tomorrow to see if they choose to continue entering Shuangzigou to die, or to retreat! No matter what the result is, we have to start!"

Outside Shuangzigou, the picture of this group of people and the location of the two fourth-order monsters clearly appeared in Du Long's mind, and he could hear what Fan Liang and others said clearly!

Only then did he understand that the reason why Fan Liang and the others set up an ambush in Shuangzigou was because they wanted to wipe out hundreds of people in his party!

"Hmph! Since you are so cruel and merciless, don't blame me for being cold-blooded and ruthless!" Du Long could no longer suppress the killing intent in his heart, and the last trace of pity for these Fan family members was replaced by killing intent!

"Xiao Lie! Let's do it! It's best to kill them all and leave no one behind!" Du Long issued a killing order to the big lion word by word.

"Okay! The two little guys in the early and middle stages of the fourth level are also delusional about killing us all? Hmph, let's see how I deal with them!" The big lion could clearly feel the hatred in Du Long's heart, so he dodged and robbed us all by himself. Into the dark jungle.

The ring spirit beauty guided it from a distance to avoid some light and dark checkpoints on the periphery, and Gale, which was shrunk down to the size of an ordinary lion, quietly came to where Fan Liang and others were.

Du Long was standing on a big tree, watching the big lion's actions the whole time, and the ring spirit beauty clearly projected its whereabouts into his mind!

Oh ho!

Quietly appearing beside Fan Liang and the others, the big lion roared abruptly, its body swelled instantly, and its terrifying aura was also released. A flaming unicorn lion about twenty meters high suddenly appeared behind him. The effect is absolutely shocking enough!

The two fourth-order monsters that were resting on the ground were stunned by the terrifying aura it suddenly released, and the aura released by the fifth-order monster made them both tremble with fright on the spot!

"Enemy attack!" Fan Liang, who was the first to wake up, immediately issued an enemy attack alarm, and then he immediately issued an attack command to the two monsters beside him: "Damn it, it is actually a fourth-order flaming unicorn? How could it run to here?"

If a fourth-tier monster suddenly invaded, the two monsters beside him would be able to resist it. Unfortunately, due to the sudden incident, he didn't even see his two monsters trembling aside!

How could the two monsters obey his orders at this time, instead of attacking Gale, they turned around and wanted to escape from this damned place. Unfortunately, due to excessive panic, their speed of escape was seriously affected.

Gaefeng would not let them go, and he dodged to the fastest golden-striped black panther, and then swept over with one paw. In order to complete the lore order issued by Du Long, it directly exerted all its strength and was able to see Fierce red flames flickered between the sharp claws.

Oh woo!

With just one paw, a gash several meters long was drawn on the right side of the golden-striped black panther whose strength had reached the early stage of the fourth level. The golden-striped black panther flew away with a whimper, and a string of flowers could be seen hanging from its belly The green intestines were obviously disemboweled.

Gaefeng would not let go of this wonderful opportunity, and once again dodged, he came to the side of the black panther, with both claws out, and tore it with all his strength along the scratched position just now. He was dismembered.

Knowing that this guy was bound to die, the big lion Gaefeng rushed towards another fourth-order beast, the purple-eyed blue bull. Up to now, it has not revealed its strength to reach the spiritual level, and has been running fast on the ground. Instead of flying in the air!

The ring spirit beauty has been guiding it to attack remotely, not allowing it to fly so as not to expose its strength!

After all, it is not realistic to kill hundreds of people. If someone finds out that it was done by a flaming unicorn lion of the fifth rank, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the Fan family. After all, the fifth rank monsters generally do not appear in the This area!

The purple-eyed blue bull saw that his companion was killed just by meeting him. He was frightened and ran away desperately. Knocked down and trampled to death!

It's a pity that no matter how frantically it ran away, its speed was still not as fast as Gale's. In just a few ups and downs, Gale came to it and swept away with all its paws.

This purple-eyed blue bull really deserves to be a monster with strong defensive power, and its strength has reached the middle stage of the fourth order. When it was caught by Gale with all its strength, it was only cut open with a two-meter-long and half-inch deep hole. Although the scratch was very long , but not a drop of blood flowed out.

Although the injury suffered was not fatal, the purple-eyed green bull was still rolled sideways by the huge force. With its terrifying size and the fact that it was running at full speed to escape, it rolled to the ground and hit the ground on the spot. A dozen or so big trees were knocked down, and a wide passage was forced out by it!

At this time, Fan Liang and the others finally knew what a terrifying monster they had encountered. They killed the golden-patterned black panther in just one encounter, and it seemed that the purple-eyed green bull would soon be finished.

"Damn it! How did I offend this damn guy?" Fan Liang secretly complained about what happened to him, but at the same time, he did not forget to shout loudly: "Retreat, retreat for me!"

With a shout, he led a dozen of his confidants and rushed towards the southwest without looking back. This Fan Liang could see clearly, and the fourth-order purple-eyed green bull demon probably did not belong to this big lion either. Opponent, if you don't run for your life now, you won't have a chance if it's too late.

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