Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 108 Encounter Tracking

In the end, Du Long almost cleaned up the entire medicine garden before he was done. Riding on Liefeng, he looked at this big lion so pleasing to the eye. This guy handed over all his collections. Such an obedient and well-behaved spirit beast is really not good. see you!

"Du Long! There are at least sixty to seventy copies of the second-grade spiritual liquid medicinal materials harvested this time, which is enough for you to waste! Hehe, from now on, you can start preparing to refine the second-grade spiritual liquid!" On the way back, Jie Lingmei said excitedly.

Du Long hesitated and said, "Ling'er, didn't you say that before the fourth level of the cyclone, it's better not to refine the second-grade elixir? Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources!"

"Cut! In the past, you were so poor that you didn't have the capital to waste. With the help of Huoyunding and such a sufficient supply of elixir, it's okay to waste a little bit! Besides, it's just refining the second-grade elixir. Instead of asking you to refine a third-grade spiritual liquid right now, the flame in your body should be able to continue refining a second-grade spiritual liquid!"

"Oh! I think it's better to wait for me to take the second-grade spiritual liquid again, and then start refining the second-grade spiritual liquid after raising my strength to the third level of the cyclone! I won't be wasting the spiritual medicine when I get it!"

"You can do whatever you want!" The ring spirit beauty didn't particularly object to Du Long's proposal. Anyway, as long as he didn't take the spirit liquid more than three times in a year, he wouldn't be afraid that it would affect his foundation.

While chatting, I soon saw the blazing bonfires in the campsite from a distance. Du Long hurriedly asked the big lion to shrink in size to look like an ordinary big lion, and then swaggered towards the campsite .

Before arriving at the campsite, they heard a burst of noise coming from the other side. Several generals from the Du family saw Du Long riding on the big fiery red lion, and shouted in ecstasy, Excitedly greeted him.

"Young master, that is the young master's return!" Du's family generals like to call Du Long by that. When they shouted, many people ran towards this direction immediately, including that group of friends.

"Husband! Why haven't you come back for a long time? People thought you..." Princess Huofeng followed the crowd to meet Du Long. She was complaining, but her eyes were quickly attracted by the big fiery red lion sitting under him. In the past, he changed his words on the spot and exclaimed: "Wow! Why did you go out for a circle and lure back a big lion? It can't be a female, can it?"

Du Long, who was originally moved by so many people caring about him, almost fell off the big lion because of her words, and Lie Feng, who was sitting under him, staggered and almost fell to his knees!

In the end Du Long could only shake his head and smile wryly: "What! Xiaolie is the father, okay! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Hee hee, so it's the male's! That's good, that's good!" Princess Huofeng finally said something that made Du Long even more depressed.

"Brat! Be honest, you have been missing for several hours. We almost turned over the entire rest camp. Seeing that the sky is about to dawn, where did you go? Why did you go out for a while? Is there an extra big lion?" Du Cai asked viciously, if he wasn't afraid of the big lion under him, he would have come up to fix his ears long ago.

Glancing around, not to mention the hundreds of people under him, even the dozens of members of the ranger adventure team stretched their necks to look this way, Du Long could only smile wryly: "This is not a place to talk Right? Let’s go back to the tent and talk before it’s too late!”

Everyone returned to the camp, only Du Long and his friends were here, even the two captains, Sun Lin and Wang Shun, were sent to rest. As for the newly tamed lion, he squatted outside the tent and guarded the tent door.

After sitting down on the blankets in the tent, everyone turned their attention to Du Long, and it was Princess Huofeng who couldn't help but urge her first: "Husband! Tell me, where have you been these few hours? Then What's up with the big lion?"

"It's nothing! I just went out to relieve myself, and then I heard the sound of monsters fighting from the northwest. Out of curiosity, I ran to hide in the dark to watch the battle, and saw Xiaolie fighting a crocodile monster Together, seeing that it was about to fail and be eaten, out of kindness, I helped it and killed the crocodile monster! In order to repay the favor, it decided to come back with me!" Du Long Jiang had long thought Good excuses come out without hesitation.

"It's that simple? Nothing else?" Princess Huofeng said in a daze.

"That's right! It's that simple! Do you want to have a more complicated process?" Du Long answered while pretending to be puzzled.

"I'm going! Can you tell me about the strength level of the big lion, and the strength level of the crocodile monster, how did you help it defeat the crocodile monster? You should be more clear!" Du Caini flipped over A white-eyed protested.

"Strength level?" Du Long pretended to be stupid: "I really don't know, I only know that the two of them are exhausted after fighting for a long time. With the help of the big lion, they fought for 300 rounds before killing the crocodile with difficulty!"

"War for three hundred rounds? I see your clean and spotless appearance, how can it look like three hundred rounds of war? Your clothes are still the same as the day, right? You haven't changed at all!" Fire Phoenix Princess shot out her eyes. Dangerous light, it seems that as long as Du Long dares to continue lying, he will pounce on him and bite him.

Du Long's heart tightened, and he complained secretly. He slipped his mouth when he said this, and immediately showed his flaws. In the end, he could only laugh dryly: "Hey, Madam is amazing, nothing can escape your sharp eyes! That's right, I exaggerated the whole process a little bit! In fact, the two of them fought and lost, and I was just a straw that overwhelmed the balance. I didn't exert much effort at all, and it was all due to the big lion himself!"

"Small sample! But having said that, you are really lucky! Look at the recent period of time, not only have you embraced a beautiful woman, married Princess Huofeng, but also obtained a territory for nothing. You have gained a lot by just copying the house! As soon as you enter the Forest of Monster Beasts, you somehow go out to relieve yourself and pick up a lion monster by the way?" Du Caini muttered enviously and jealously.

"Hahaha..." A group of young people couldn't stop laughing when they heard this.

With such an episode, they were all sleepy, and a few people sat around and chatted together. Soon it was dawn, and by the time everyone had finished their breakfast and was ready to set off, the sun had already risen in the eastern sky.

With this flamboyant big lion mount, Princess Huofeng would not continue to ride her white war horse. She had already relied on Du Long, and the two rode the gale together. Nothing to ride.

On the subsequent marching road, although they occasionally encountered a few monsters, most of them were weak. After seeing the large group of human beings, they did not dare to approach them at all, and the road became much safer.

For this, other people didn't know the reason, but Du Long knew it well. The reason why the abnormal monster ran away yesterday should be caused by the battle between two terrifying monsters!

After advancing for a morning with almost no obstacles along the way, they finally arrived at the location of the first gold mine. When they arrived, it was already empty, and there was no one in the area where the gold mine was located.

I heard from those guides earlier that this gold mine is a poor mine, and it is estimated that those private miners all escaped after hearing the news early in the morning. Du Long didn't care about this, and while resting and preparing for lunch, Also leave a team of 30 to 50 people to guard the gold mine according to the original plan!

In the gold mine camp, there are all kinds of rest areas for human beings. The cave where the gold mine is located is surrounded by a temporary defensive fence, which saves the effort of Du Long's construction, just occupy the place directly, and then send a few people back to claim the area Some skilled miners come back to mine the gold mines.

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