On the Thousand Blades Gufeng, a black shadow flashed back and forth on the top of the mountain like a ghost. It was Du Long who was using his teleportation technique with all his strength!

Shua, Shua, Shua...

Teleporting at a high speed, leaving a black afterimage only during a brief stay, such a charming movement, if seen by outsiders, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

After a long time, the black shadow finally stayed in front of He Dian, and sighed softly: "Ah! If you can't master the mysteries of high-level space, this Fengxing footwork really can't break through to the seventh level!"

The fifth level of Fengxing footwork breaks through the air, allowing Du Long to have the ability to teleport, and the sixth level of the illusion of space allows the same teleportation ability to reduce the spatial fluctuations induced to the extreme!

As for the seventh layer of Void Realm, although it is still teleporting, it has been able to come and go without a trace in this fairy world in the true sense, and it will not cause the slightest space fluctuation when teleporting!

Don't underestimate this difference, the teleportation that reaches Fengxing Footwork Void Realm is definitely incomparable to the previous two teleportation, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a world of difference!

"Hee hee!" Jie Lingling'er interjected at the right time: "If you haven't reached the perfection of the Nine Heavens in the great soul realm, you will never be able to master the human-level soul refining technique, and you will never be able to fully master the mysteries of the high-level space!"

In mid-air, Dianhe Tiandi's voice also sounded, and the words contained obvious exclamation: "What Ling'er said is true! However, Du Long was able to reach the current level within hundreds of years of cultivation. Achievement, such a talent, even Dianhe back then couldn't do it!"

Nodding his head, Du Long didn't bother with this issue any longer, but turned his hand to take out the Ji Ling Zhan, and then faced the foggy and beautiful scenery of Dianhedongtian, and started a new practice!

Simply swinging the knife, and then retracting the knife, repeated this way, although he failed to fully understand the mysteries of the advanced space, he still has some insight into the bonus of star combat power!

When he successfully comprehended the mysteries of primary space, he reached a 12-star combat power bonus, and after he understood the mid-level space mysteries, he also broke through to reach a 15-star combat power bonus!

Nowadays, although he has not been able to fully integrate the mysteries of advanced space, Du Long still has a good understanding of the mysteries of advanced space, and naturally has a new understanding of the bonus of star combat power!


After an unknown amount of time, with a dab of sword light that was much more bewitching than before, Du Long quickly broke through and reached the 16-star battle power bonus!

I am not in a hurry to realize the breakthrough and reach the 17-star combat power bonus, but continue to consolidate the current gains until I can easily reach the 16-star bonus with every swing, and then I start to realize the breakthrough to a higher level star power!

This continued for another half a month, and Du Long finally broke through again, successfully performing a seventeen-star combat power bonus attack!

The next step is to consolidate the current achievements until the seventeen-star combat power bonus is mastered, and then continue to practice the eighteen-star combat power bonus until finally successfully mastering the eighteen-star combat power bonus!

In just two or three months, one after another broke through from 16-star combat power bonus all the way to 18-star. With such a terrifying speed of cultivation, it is probably unprecedented even in the God Realm, right? !

In short, as the first time to see Du Long's perverted performance, Dianhe Zhenling was directly defeated by his gorgeous performance!


As a strange and extreme blade light disappeared out of thin air, Du Long finally put away the Extreme Spirit Slash, and murmured thoughtfully: "Although I have broken through to reach the 18-star combat power bonus, I still feel that this way The attack has not been fully integrated! It seems that this bottleneck is the same as the previous two bottlenecks, and we will break through together at the end!"

"That... Du Long! Are you done with your work?! Do you have time to accept the inheritance of Emperor Dianhe's mantle?!" Maybe it was because Du Long's performance was too shocking. The speaking evidence is decidedly more polite.

"Well! Let's start!"

"Alright then! Since you already have the Xuantian Jue in terms of basic skills, the Nine Nether Immortals in terms of body training, the Heaven, Earth and Human Soul Refining Art in terms of soul training, and Fengxing footwork in terms of body skills, all of them are the best. The top-level skills, therefore, in terms of these four basic skills, the skills left by Emperor Dianhe will not be of much use to you!"

"From now on, I will directly teach you this set of Dianhe Tiandi's famous soul attack technique - the extreme spirit seizing soul cutting method!" Dianhe Zhenling analyzed in a deep voice.

"Okay! Then there will be Senior Laodianhe!" Du Long was not polite.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I'll hand over this set of saber techniques to Ling'er! With her here, you can learn this set of Extreme Soul Soul Slash more intuitively!" Amidst the chuckle, a golden light shot at Du Long disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Just when he felt a little baffled, he heard the Ring Spirit say: "Okay! I have already transmitted the Extreme Spirit Seizing Soul Slashing Technique into your mind, and now you can directly start practicing!"

As her words fell, Du Long felt a lot of information pouring into his mind, and soon, a set of extreme spirit seizing soul cutting method appeared in his mind!

There are only simple three-style sword techniques, and Du Long feels that he may only be able to learn the first style. It is somewhat similar to how he killed the members of the Black Assassin Society and devoured their soul power before!

However, although the previous attack could devour spirits, it was based on the premise that the target was killed and the soul lost its owner!

The current first form of Soul Seizing Soul still has the effect of devouring spirits, but when the target is not killed, it can suffer the double impact of Du Long's physics and soul!

At the top of the Thousand Blades Peak, Du Long continued to practice with the sword, trying to follow the requirements of the Jiling Soul Slashing method, attaching his soul power to the Jiling Zhan in some mysterious way, and launched a double blow to the enemy!

In this style, there is not much requirement for the subtlety of the sword technique. The most difficult thing is probably the use of one's own soul power. To attach the soul power to the sword in a special way, this difficulty is not ordinary!

In the blink of an eye, Du Long practiced on the Qianren Gufeng for another three years. As time went by, he finally managed to master the first form of the extreme spirit seizing soul slashing method. He can swing the knife every time, from any angle Even knives can exert the power of this style!

Withdrawing the knife, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly entered the Xuanling Xiaodongtian world. This time, he stayed in the Dianhe Dongtian world for nearly two hundred years, and really left his wives and daughters in the cold!

In the world of Xuanling Xiaodongtian, after the family had been busy for a month, he returned to the world of Dianhedongtian again!

"Senior Dianhe! But is there any exercise that needs to be taught to me?! If not, I should leave this world of Fangdongtian!"

"It's nothing! Although there are still some exercises related to the soul to be taught to you, you are not in a hurry. In the past two hundred years in the world of Dianhe Dongtian, your achievements are extremely amazing. You need to go out and practice hard! "Dianhe Zhenling replied directly.

"In this case, then I..." Du Long was about to leave the world of Dianhe Cave, but was interrupted by the spirit of Dianhe: "Wait! Remember to put away the stones of Dianhe Cave when you go out. Also, there are a few guys outside who are still waiting for you to go out! Remember to be careful, don't ruin your great future!"

"En! I see!" After another reply, Du Long finally stepped away and left the world of Dianhedongtian. As the new owner of this world, it was easy for him to get in and out.

On Dianhe Planet, Dianhe Peak of the Glorious Continent, a huge space gate stands on a gleaming golden mountain!

Around Dianhe Peak, a large number of people are still gathered. Except for some of the passers-by who were automatically teleported out before, there are still quite a few people gathered here!

Most of these people gathered here were waiting for Du Long to appear!

There are those who hope to return to the Tianque Starfield together, such as Huo Hong, the leader of the alliance, and those who want to invite him to the Dragon Clan, like the Dragon Emperor Aojiao, and those who stay from various forces to investigate the news. foot!

There wasn't a single person with a strong expression on the scene, or in other words, there wasn't a single god-level powerhouse on the entire Dianhe planet!

However, none of the twelve god-level powerhouses who entered the world of Dianhe Cave had left the Jialong Starfield. on the stars!

It is exactly what the sentence said - Sima Zhao's heart is known to all passers-by!


At the entrance of the huge space formation, a black shadow appeared out of thin air. It was Du Long who had stayed in the world of Dianhe Cave for a few more years. After he appeared, with a wave of his hand, the huge Dianhe Cave formation The door disappeared without a trace!


After a brief silence, there was an uproar. Everyone who saw this scene knew that from now on, there would be no Dianhe Dongtian world in this fairy world, or in other words, Dianhe Dongtian world had become Du Long's personal property!

"Haha! Good boy! You've finally come out! Luckily, you didn't make me wait too long!" Huo Hong, the leader of Qi League, greeted Du Long first, with an excited smile on his face.

After saluting respectfully to his master, Du Long naturally did not forget that the Dragon Emperor and others who followed him came over to salute politely one by one, and of course there were also younger friends who followed behind these elders!

While being courteous to everyone, Du Long secretly confessed to Jie Linglinger: 'Linger! Have you detected the whereabouts of those god-level powerhouses? ! '

'No! There is no trace of them on the entire planet, but I was able to detect the consciousness of a full twelve god-level powerhouses, and there is not a single one of these old foxes missing! They are all hiding far away on a certain planet, secretly observing your every move! ’Jie Linglinger's answer reminded Du Long of the terrifying detection range of a god-level powerhouse, and he fell speechless.

'Depend on! Not even a single person was left behind, so I don't know how many of these people want to trouble us, and how many of them want to help or watch a good show and wait for the opportunity to make money? ! '

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