Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 106 Water Spirit Milk 2

"Yes!" Lie Feng didn't mind skinning the giant crocodile. It would be good if he didn't flog the body of this enemy who killed his wife and seized his treasure!

Soon, dozens of crocodile skins of about the same size were piled up on the side, and then they were taken to the pool by the strong wind to wash. Du Long also took the opportunity to wash the prismatic demon pill in his hand!

After washing, the demon pill is blue and transparent, exuding a charming blue halo in the dark night, and it is cold to touch. This is obviously a negative demon pill. Du Long knows how precious a demon pill whose strength reaches the spiritual level is so precious , the entire Haotian Empire may not have collections!

Carefully put this negative prismatic demon pill into a jade box, then put the jade box into the space ring, and then put all the bones and brains of the crocodile skin washed by Gale into the space ring, Du Long finally He jumped on the back of the big lion with joy.

"Xiao Lie!" Du Long imitated the name of ring spirit beauty and said loudly: "Let's go! It's time for us to go back!"

"Master!" The big lion hesitated for a moment before saying: "Can you come to my house first! I am in a hurry to get revenge, and Hokage's body is still at home! Liefeng also wants to give some treasures collected at home to you!"

"It's okay to go there, but I don't know how long it will take? If I can't make it back before dawn, my people will be very anxious!" Du Long hesitated.

"Don't worry! I've reached the spiritual level now. If I fly, it probably won't take me long to go back and forth!" The big lion promised quickly.

"Okay! Then let's go to your house first!" Du Long waved his eyes and said, since it won't waste much time, it's not bad to go and see the collection at Lie Feng's house!

The big lion dodged excitedly and flew in the direction of the monster swamp. As expected by the ring spirit beauty, the mess he saw along the way was probably caused by Gale and the giant crocodile coming all the way from the other side of the swamp!

The flaming unicorn lion is worthy of being a monster that is good at speed. After breaking through the spiritual rank, its flying speed is extremely fast. Fortunately, it can form an energy shield on its body surface to protect Du Long inside. In this way, the high-speed flying The airflow won't affect him too much!

"Xiao Lie! Can you tell me about you and that giant crocodile?" Du Long looked at the messy scene below and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hey! That giant crocodile is named Crocus, and it is the overlord of this swamp! The area on the other side of the swamp is my territory, so I can count it as a neighbor to it! Usually there is not much conflict between the two sides, After all, I don't have much interest in this swamp, nor does it have much interest in my territory!"

"However, since a psychic grass was discovered in my territory, the relationship between us has deteriorated! The psychic grass is the favorite of monsters! The monsters whose strength has reached the peak of the fourth level have taken psychic Grass, there is a great chance to advance to the fifth level of strength!"

"After hearing the news of the psychic grass appearing in my place, that guy wanted to snatch it. He fought several times in succession. At that time, it was only at the peak of the fourth order, and it was not our opponent!"

"However, it did not choose to give up because of this. In order to keep an eye on the immature psychic grass, Hokage and I had to take turns guarding the side. As a result, when I came back from hunting the day before yesterday, I found that the psychic grass was gone. Hokage's corpse!"

Speaking of this, the gale stopped, and Du Long could feel a trace of sadness in his heart, so he could only comfort him: "My condolences, by the way! After all, people cannot be resurrected after death!"

"It doesn't matter! In this forest of monsters, a large number of monsters die every day. Before Hokage, I had several friends, but none of them survived as lucky as me! I have long been interested in this forest. The forest is bored, so it's better to take this opportunity to leave here with the master!" Lie Feng's answer made Du Long feel a little surprised.

On the contrary, the ring spirit beauty said with emotion: "The world of monsters and beasts is a world of the weak and the strong! Life and death, if you want to live as long as possible, you rely on strength!"

"That's right! When I lived deeper in the Forest of Monster Beasts, the monsters there were very powerful. In the end, I had to retreat to this fringe area in order to survive, occupying a small territory so that I could face each other. I survived safely! If I were inside, I would have died hundreds of times earlier!" Lie Feng sighed.

"Oh?" Du Long asked with bright eyes, "Have you ever stayed in the deepest part of the forest of monsters? How powerful are the monsters there?"

"In the deepest part of the Forest of Monster Beasts, there are as many monsters with strength reaching the fifth level, and those of the sixth and seventh levels are nothing. It is said that there are super kings of monsters in it, and those kings of monsters are all above the ninth level. The terrifying existence of strength!" Gaefeng's answer frightened Du Long again.

"My God! This is impossible! If it is true, if these powerful monsters rush to the Star Continent, how can those countries on the mainland resist it?" Du Long whispered in disbelief.

"Du Long! Don't underestimate the strong human beings in this world! Don't use what you saw and heard in the Haotian Empire to look at this world. That's just the performance of a frog at the bottom of a well! According to my research on your world, your so-called The three great empires and the sixteen kingdoms of the Star Continent are just the sphere of influence of a certain corner of this world!" The ring spirit beauty said in a rare and serious manner.

"That's right! I've also heard that monsters whose strength exceeds the fifth level are absolutely not allowed to appear on the Star Continent mentioned by the master, otherwise, they will definitely attract the real strong human beings to hunt down and kill them, and there will only be a dead end! Gaefeng obviously agreed with the statement of the ring spirit beauty, and nodded in agreement.

Du Long was speechless on the spot, and began to re-examine the world. Some introductions in the classics began to appear in his mind. Indeed, some myths and legends were very real and did not seem to be fictional. They all told about another different world of practitioners!

After being silent for a long time, he didn't want to understand the hidden secrets of this world. In the end, he could only shake his head, put these things aside temporarily, and began to turn his attention back to reality.

"Look! That's the edge of the swamp, and the area with a radius of hundreds of miles is my territory!" The sound of the gale woke Du Long up.

Under the brilliance of the stars and the moon, a primeval forest appeared at the end of the horizon, like a continuous ancient monster entrenched there, which made Du Long's awe of this primeval dense forest even stronger in his heart!

Liefeng is indeed a monster known for its speed. It took less than two hours to fly across the entire monster swamp. When it returned to its territory, it roared up to the sky and flew towards a mountain peak.

Soon, it flew across the mountain like a flaming meteor, and came to the back of the mountain, where a huge lake appeared in front of Du Long. It was a huge lake with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

The strong wind flashed and rushed to the bottom of the mountain, and then came to the entrance of a cave with ease. This cave is located by the lake. There is a stream flowing out of the entrance of the cave at a height of 20 to 30 meters, which directly flows into the lake not far away.

"Master! This cave is where the psychic grass grows. Let's go in and clean up Hokage's body before going to the cave where I live?" Gale Feng politely explained.

"Well! You are the master of your territory!" Naturally, Du Long would not point fingers at this time.

Only then did Liefeng flash into this cave with a stream flowing out. Du Long could see the scenery in the cave clearly through the fiery red light on the big lion's body. After wandering around for a long time, he finally came to a cave, which should be The branch of the stream outside is where the water source is located. The cave is icy cold, and water droplets are constantly dripping from the upside-down stalactites, converging into a small pool of water!

In the middle of the small pool, a milky-white round stone platform stands in it. The stone platform has a radius of ten meters. On it lies a one-horned lion with a golden fur. Obviously, it is the lioness Hokage mentioned by Lie Fengkou!

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