Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1049 The Sun, Moon, and Stars Appear

In the pitch-black tunnel, Du Long was buried under a pile of rubble, and a sense of dizziness surged into the soul space of his mind. The huge impact made his head dizzy, and it took him a long time to recover.

Shaking his head, he didn't have time to think about what happened just now, he kicked the ground hard and rushed out of the pile of rubble, and he was already outside the cave in a blink of an eye!

His angry eyes swept towards the Shadow Killer who was being entangled by the fire unicorn, and the anger of being attacked by that old lady just now rushed straight to his forehead. Du Long was really irritated this time!

"Shadow Killer! You can go to die!" A sound transmission roar resounded in the mind of the Lord Shadow Killer, Du Long's figure disappeared in a flash, and he reappeared behind her, Fu Long Zhan in his hand It is mercilessly cutting out with all its strength!

The strange knife light suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it went straight to the slender waist of the Shadow Killer and slashed away. As if knowing the power of this knife, the Shadow Killer gritted his teeth and gave up the legal control over the huge bell. , then dodged to the right at a high speed, swiped out the odd-shaped scimitar in his hand with all his strength, and went straight to Du Long's Fulong Zhan to block it!


The two sabers collided fiercely, and there was a loud noise above the underground lava river. Du Long and the Shadow Killer flew back respectively. It can be seen that the distance between the two of them was equal. The total combat power output should be almost the same!

"No! This is impossible!!" Flying back, the Shadow Killer shouted in horror: "How can you have a total combat power output that is not weaker than this Spirit Lord?!"

The basic combat power has reached nine stars, the combat power bonus has reached sixteen stars, and the odd-shaped scimitar in his hand is a high-grade fairy weapon. The Shadow Killer is unwilling to believe that he will be equal to his opponent with a full blow!

In fact, although Du Long only reached the 15-star combat power bonus, he has four times the basic combat power output of ordinary nine-star perfect immortal cultivators!

However, the basic combat power output of the Shadow Killer Spirit Lord is only twice that of ordinary immortal cultivators. With each other changing, her total combat power output is comparable to that of Du Long!

The difference in total combat power between the two is probably only the difference brought about by the two weapons, and the difference in combat power bonus between a middle-grade fairy weapon and a high-grade fairy weapon is about a thousand times!

One thousand times, compared to the terrifying two to thirty thousand times the total combat power output of the two, the gap is really not too big!

The bonus of nine-star combat power is 256 times, the bonus of twelve-star combat power is 2048 times, the bonus of fifteen-star combat power is more than 16,000 times, and the bonus of sixteen-star combat power is more than 30,000 times!

The difference of a thousand times in mere weapons is already negligible for an existence of their level!

"Hmph!" Hearing Du Long's angry snort, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this cunning old woman, so he shouted at Huo Qilin: "Little Huo! Don't interfere, I'm going to kill this stinky woman with my own hands today!"

"Yes! Master, the fire sage will come to the side to sweep the formation for you!" After a respectful reply, the fire unicorn stepped back and blocked the direction of the entrance cave, apparently to give the way of the shadow killer to the spirit master. Sealed!

On the other side, the Lord Shadow Killer was obviously irritated by the conversation between the master and the servant. He let out a coquettish shout, but instead of retreating, he turned into phantoms and followed a strange trajectory toward Du Long. Take the initiative to kill the past!

In the eyes of the Shadow Killer, it is not a problem to deal with either Du Long or Huo Qilin with his own strength. Since they voluntarily gave up the chance to join forces, there is nothing to worry about!

"Huh?! This old woman's bodywork is still weird?!" Surprised, Du Long let out a light of interest, and with a flash of his figure, he also used Fengxing footwork to the extreme, thinking On the premise of not using teleportation, we must have a good battle with the Shadow Killer!

In the sky above the lava river, two figures, one gold and one black, were almost unreal. The speed of the fire unicorn who was watching the battle was also secretly amazed. This kind of terrifying speed that was close to teleportation, let alone the naked eye could not see their trajectory clearly. , Even with the immortal consciousness, it can't be scanned clearly, right? !

The shadow killer spirit master, among the eight spirit masters under the Black Killing Society, is best at speed. It can be said that, except for teleportation, she is really not afraid of anyone in the fairy world!

In mid-air, two figures moved and chased at high speed, and the sound of metal and iron clashing continuously resounded like a gust of wind and rain in the underground space!


Du Long, who has brought Fengxing's footwork to the extreme of teleportation, couldn't help but burst into laughter when he was on the rise. Since Fengxing's footwork broke through and reached the level of teleportation, it was the first time he used Fengxing's footwork to reach the level of teleportation. The footwork is close to the extreme level of teleportation, this feeling is really incomparable!

As his opponent, the expression of the Shadow Killer Spirit Master looked a bit dignified. As the fastest existence among the eight Great Spirit Masters of the Black Killing Society, her strengths, which had always been the most conceited, were completely suppressed by Du Long today. Deadly!

Since the beginning of the battle, she has been guarding against Du Long's teleportation attack on herself. For this reason, she has been paying attention to the spatial fluctuations around her all the time. If there is any abnormality, she will launch a powerful attack to block the spatial fluctuations!

The so-called blocking of spatial fluctuations is actually using some powerful external force to confine the traceable spatial fluctuations, and then achieve an effect similar to locking the space and prohibiting teleportation!

When Du Long encountered a surprise attack just now, it was precisely because the Lord Shadow Killer launched a space fluctuation blocking attack that he was unable to teleport to dodge the deadly attack. Can withstand that fatal attack!

‘Split Shadow—Kill! ' Just when the Shadow Killer seemed to be struggling to support herself, she saw her eyes flashing, her whole aura changed instantly, and with a growl in her heart, she saw her figure transform into eight figures in an instant Fan shaped towards Du Long!

'Depend on! There is still a backhand! ’ Du Long was taken aback by the sudden appearance of eight figures, cursed in his heart, and prepared to dodge with the help of teleportation.

As a result, a depressing situation happened again, and the teleportation ability was once again restricted. Then he remembered the same situation that had happened before, and secretly scolded himself. Show the reality of the eight figures.

I don’t know if I don’t read it, I was shocked when I saw it!

‘All eight are real bodies? ! ’ After the results of the Immortal Consciousness scan came out, Du Long’s heart sank on the spot. He originally wanted to find out the real backside of the opponent and deal with it, but now it seems that it is delusional!

Teleportation failed, unable to find out the phantom and real body of the opponent, Du Long couldn't think of how to deal with the current situation for a while, just as he was about to find a random target to rush over, he heard the voice of Jie Lingling'er in his mind :'Fool! The opponent's real body is the second on your right! '

Without any hesitation, he swung his knife and slashed at the second figure on the right with all his strength. There is no doubt about Du Long's trust in Jie Lingling'er!


During the clash of two knives, the eight phantoms disappeared without a trace, and the real body of the Shadow Killer was revealed in due course, and it was the second figure on the right hand appointed by Jie Lingling'er!

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to see my real body clearly. It seems that your soul strength is not weak!" Hearing a giggle, a delicate laugh sounded in Du Long's mind. That dignified look, it seems that everything before was just a faux pas!

Du Long flew back with a livid face, and secretly asked in his heart: 'Ling'er! What the hell is going on here? ! Why is my teleport ability suddenly disabled? ! Also, how did this Shadow Killer transform into so many figures? ! Why can't I discern where she really is? ! '

'It's very simple! The strength has reached the level of the Shadow Killing Spirit Lord. Since she knows that you have the ability to teleport, she will naturally not allow you to use the teleport ability as you wish. She can use some kind of attack to block the spatial fluctuations within a certain range, and then let your teleport Ability to fail! '

"As for her ability to transform into several figures, you need a strong soul force to scan and find out where her real body is. Unfortunately, you who have only reached the soul realm of the sixth heaven, the soul realm is not even an ordinary nine-star perfect level immortal cultivator. It is not as good as the others, so naturally it is impossible to scan and detect her real body! ’ Jie Linglinger explained truthfully.

'I see! ’ Du Long suddenly understood.

It seems that any special ability can pose a fatal threat to the enemy only if the outside world does not know it. Once this ability is leaked, the opponent has many ways to deal with it!

"Heck, little brother Du Long, I don't know if you can tell where my real body is this time?!" Before Du Long could continue chatting with Jie Linglinger, he listened to the Lord of Shadow Killing with a coquettish smile. , then rushed towards Du Long again.

During the change of body shape, there were still eight figures strangling Du Long in a fan shape. On the surface, it looked exactly the same as the previous attack, but in fact, Du Long felt a little uneasy, and a dangerous feeling came to his heart.

'not good! This cunning woman can change positions between different phantoms, that is to say, these eight figures may be phantoms or real bodies! ’Jie Linglinger’s voice made Du Long’s heart tremble, and he was a little out of control for a while!

Seeing the eight phantoms flashing towards him, Du Long had no choice but to back away, but this method was obviously not something he was willing to use lightly!

In desperation, he subconsciously released the power of the fairyland space with all his strength. In an instant, a strange phenomenon appeared, and he saw the phantoms of the sun, moon and stars suddenly appear above the underground lava river!

The sun, the moon, and the stars flashed in the sky, and a powerful restraining force appeared out of thin air. Only a horrified scream sounded, and the eight figures that were flying towards Du Long lightning with murderous aura suddenly disappeared and seven of them appeared. The only real body of the Shadow Killer Spirit Lord!

"This... Could this be the power of the legendary fairyland space?! The sun, the moon, and the stars appeared in the sky... No... This is impossible!!" Feeling the terrifying restraint on his body, the Shadow Killer was almost hysterical He mumbled and lost his voice.

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