Above the astonishingly hot lava river, a figure flashed from time to time, like a fish in a space crack, swimming freely among the space cracks in the sky!

"Haha! It's fun, it's really fun!" Du Long couldn't help laughing with his body fixed.

'whee! congratulations! In less than 80 years, you have successfully comprehended the subtleties of intermediate space, which is really gratifying! ’ Linger Linger, who had been silent for many years, couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Nodding slightly, Du Long flipped his hands over and took out the mid-grade celestial weapon, Fulong Zhan, and stood in the air between the cracks in the space, and a strange light of the knife appeared out of thin air when he waved his hand!

one knife. . . two knives. . . Three swords. . .

The strange sword lights flashed in the air one after another. Du Long seemed not very satisfied with the combat power bonus contained in these sword lights, so he could only continue to use his swords to integrate his perception of the attack pattern into it!

As time passed, he, who was able to foresee the location of space rifts in advance, dodged some space rifts that were drawn towards him, and drew his knives one after another, trying his best to integrate his perception of space into the attack!

As time went by, Du Long's sword light became more and more strange. It had gradually increased from a maximum of 12-star combat power bonus to 13-star, 14-star, and even the final 15-star level!

Understanding the mysteries of basic primary space allowed Du Long to continuously break through to reach the highest 12-star combat power bonus, but understanding the intermediate space mysteries allowed him to continuously break through to reach the 15-star combat power bonus!

If all parties in the fairy world learn about such a rapid cultivation speed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

You know, in the fairy world, it is recognized that the most difficult thing to increase is the combat power bonus star. Although it is difficult to increase the soul level, it is not difficult to increase it as long as you spend more time!

However, the increase in the combat power bonus star does not mean that it can be improved as long as it takes more time, but that the immortal cultivators need to have extremely monstrous talents in the attack pattern!

There are only a handful of people in the entire fairy world who are as strong as the Black Killing Guard level, but there are countless immortal cultivators who want to cultivate their soul realm to the level of nine-star perfection, like the crucian carp crossing the river!


After successfully mastering the method of exerting the 15-star combat power bonus, Du Long let out a long breath of ecstasy, flipped his hands and put away Fulong Zhan, and muttered secretly: "It seems that it is just as I guessed at the beginning. The space mysteries contained in the elementary space rings are equivalent to the 12-star level attack pattern mystery, and the intermediate space mystery is equivalent to the 15-star level attack pattern! '

Seemingly understanding the doubts in Du Long's heart, Jie Linglinger followed the words: "Du Long, to be honest, your way of cultivating and improving your combat power star, not to mention unheard of in this fairy world, even in In the God Realm, I have never heard of such a way of cultivation! Therefore, to be honest, I don't know much about the connection here! '

Du Long didn't continue to talk nonsense after listening, but looked curiously at this underground world with endless space fissures, and finally murmured softly: "Linger! What do you think the end of this lava river will be like? Place?! Why do space cracks appear one after another in such a stable space, and the deeper they go, the more frequent they appear?!"

'I don't know where the end of this lava river is. I only know that there is an area at the end of the lava river that cannot be detected by energy. As for what dangers there are, I have no way of knowing! 'Jie Lingling'er murmured softly.

A look of curiosity flashed in Du Long's eyes, and his face was even more eager to try. After understanding the mystery of the intermediate space, these space rifts, which are extremely dangerous to others, have reduced their danger to the extreme for him!

Once the curiosity in the bottom of my heart rises, it will be difficult to suppress it. Without too much hesitation, Du Long flashed along the lava river and continued to flash inward!

Under normal circumstances, fly directly into the depths of the lava river, and use the teleportation ability to break in when encountering some areas where space cracks are too dense to fly through!

Stopping and stopping like this, after half a day, he finally came to an area where space fissures were so densely packed that it was frightening. As far as he could see, the space fissures were like a bird's nest, enveloping a lava island with a radius of several miles!

While carefully dodging the space rift towards him, Du Long stared at the isolated island surrounded by layers of space rifts in shock, and could see through the gap that there was no space rift on the island. trace!

'From this point of view, the source of all spatial rifts is here! ’ Du Long thought to himself: ‘It seems that this place should be a large formation set up by Emperor Dianhe himself. As for those space cracks, if you guess correctly, they should be used to prevent outsiders from breaking in, right? ! '

In the blink of an eye, Du Long didn't hesitate any longer, and disappeared in place in a flash of his figure. When he reappeared, he had already arrived on the isolated island. Finally, he no longer had to guard against the dense space cracks. Standing on the safe ground, he Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and began to look at the isolated island in front of him curiously.

"Dianlu!" Looking at a thatched cottage not far away, Du Long couldn't help muttering softly when he saw the two simple characters engraved on a huge stone at the door.

With a flash of lightning, he had already arrived outside the thatched hut. A lush medicine garden was full of various immortal medicines and spiritual materials. After entering the isolated island, the high temperature outside could not invade the slightest bit, and did not cause any damage to these immortal medicines and spiritual materials. !

Looking at the medicine garden, although it has been left unattended for a long time, it can still be seen that the medicine garden was well-maintained in the past, with ravines criss-crossing, and various fairy medicinal materials were classified and planted in small medicine fields.

His eyes scanned all kinds of top-quality immortal medicines and spiritual materials in the medicine garden, and Du Long took his greedy eyes back with great difficulty. He was not in a hurry to collect these fairy medicines, but raised his feet and continued towards the gate of the thatched cottage go.

Stepping into the thatched hut, as far as the eye can see, the furnishings in the house are extremely simple. The bookshelves, tables and chairs are all made of an unknown black hardwood, and there is a stone platform for meditation and practice. Other than that, it is just a shelf. books!

After taking a panoramic view of everything in the house, Du Long raised his foot and walked towards the bookshelf. It is estimated that only those books are useful in the whole room!

His eyes swept over the thick books, there are probably hundreds of volumes in total, there are miscellaneous secrets, and martial arts cheats, and so on!

Du Long didn't pay much attention to those books on basic exercises. For him, Xuantian Jue was enough for basic exercises, so there was no need to be distracted!

Soon, his eyes fell on a book called Dian He Hun Ji, he reached out and pulled it out, stood directly in front of the bookshelf and began to read it.

This is a handwritten book written by Dian He. In the form of a diary, he clearly writes his own experience of soul cultivation into strategies. It also mentions how he researched that unique soul refining technique.

Looking at Tiandi Dianhe's experience in cultivating the soul together, Du Long felt like he could see the moon through the clouds!

As we all know, the soul is illusory, even countless powerful people in the fairy world know what the soul is, but they don't know why!

Even many immortal cultivators who have successfully broken through to reach the perfect soul realm of the Nine Heavens are still practicing according to the scriptures. At a certain moment, they suddenly realized and broke through naturally.

However, although these people have reached the perfect soul realm of Jiuchongtian, they don't know the deep-seated reasons for the breakthrough of the soul realm. They only know what they have realized, and then they broke through!

In Dianhe Soul Ji, there is a lot of space expounding this information, which is actually a guess from the personal point of view of Emperor Dianhe on the improvement and growth of the soul realm!

According to Dianhe's conjecture, no matter whether it is a human race or a monster race with wisdom, its soul is extremely mysterious and unfathomable!

An existence as strong as Dianhe Tiandi has reached an extremely deep level of cultivation in the soul, but he still humbly pointed out that his understanding of the soul is actually very superficial!

Or to put it another way, the mystery of the soul is just like the boundless ocean, and his level of understanding of the soul is at best a drop in the ocean!

Dian He even put forward such a conjecture, that is, if an immortal cultivator can achieve true consummation together with the soul, in that case, even if he is just an ordinary person in the mortal world, he can still move mountains and seas, and even For a powerful Heavenly Emperor-level expert, he is nothing more than a mere ant!

Standing in front of the bookshelf, Du Long didn't seem to feel the passage of time, and looked at the Dianhe Soul Ji in his hand with relish, just like a sponge, eagerly absorbing a lot of knowledge in the book!

A sound like cracking glass sounded in his mind. Du Long, who was reading a book, seemed to realize something. He closed the book lightly, and stepped out to the square stone platform. After sitting cross-legged, Then start practicing again!

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