"Don't senior know Junior?"

Lu Huan asked with a half-smile.

"You, a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Realm, were able to steal the Earth Spirit Flame from our True Fire Pavilion?"

Su Changhe didn't care about Lu Huan's smile and asked again.


Lu Huan nodded and did not deny it. There is really nothing to deny about this kind of thing.

"very good!"

Su Changhe's smile became more and more weird:

"You also stole our True Fire Pavilion, the goods worth more than one billion in Qingyang City?"

Lu Huan immediately shook his head and said solemnly:

"Senior, this is not right. I took the Earth Spirit Flames away, just because I didn't know about those things, they are unique to the noble faction, so I can take them away only after I recognize them as masters. But what did you say? Goods worth more than a billion?"

"Then I won't admit it!!"

Lu Huan said firmly.


Zheng Xuan was burning with anger, and scolded angrily:

"You made a lot of trouble in our Qingyang City branch, so many eyes saw that you took away the things in the warehouse, do you dare to do it?!!"

"So many eyes to see?"

Lu Huan laughed and said confidently:

"This senior, then why don't you ask or directly search the owners of those eyes to see if they took advantage of the chaos at the time to steal things from the warehouse and then blame me?"

"This is even more impossible! We, the disciples of the True Fire Pavilion, are absolutely impossible to do things that guard and steal."

Zheng Xuan directly shook his head in denial, and said boldly:

"Moreover, the people who saw you robbing things from the warehouse at that time were not only the practitioners in our True Fire Pavilion, but also other practitioners in Qingyang City!!"

"If you don't believe in our True Fire Pavilion practitioners, you should believe in the other practitioners in Qingyang City! It's impossible for them to lie on purpose to slander you?"


Lu Huan smiled lightly, spread his hands and said:

"Okay! Then let those people come over and let us confront each other. Especially those practitioners of your True Fire Pavilion. After all, isn't the thing that your True Fire Pavilion likes to do most to slander other people?"


Zheng Xuan clenched his fists in anger, and was about to launch an attack on Lu Huan. His violent eyes, scarlet, flashed with murderous intent!

However, Xiao Rongguang, who was also indifferent to Su Changhe, held down Zheng Xuan, who wanted to do something, and said with a smile:

"Little brother, confrontation or something, I don't think it is necessary. If you really feel that you are innocent, why don't you let me search for your soul!!"

"Soul search?"

Hearing this, Lu Huan laughed mockingly:

"Senior, don't you think of me as a fool!! There are so many secrets in my mind, you are searching for your soul, who knows if you want to see if I have robbed you of the warehouse of True Fire Pavilion, or if you want to explore me The secret!!"

In Su Changhe's eyes, a trace of disappointment clearly flashed.

He really regarded Lu Huan as the kind of hot-blooded young man whose brain is not easy to use, and once aroused, he will be impulsive.

"That's it! Let's not talk about the goods in the warehouse for the time being, but you stole the Earth Spirit Flame from our True Fire Pavilion. You admitted that, now... can you give it back to us!!"

Su Changhe asked again.

"I rely on my ability to contract the spirit fire, why should I return it to you? There is no sign printed on this thing to prove that it belongs to your True Fire Pavilion."

Lu Huan rolled his eyes and pouted in disdain.

"Boy, don't be arrogant. Everyone understands that the Earth Spirit Flame is a special spiritual fire cultivated by our True Fire Pavilion. Besides our True Fire Pavilion, there is no other place in this world to have it!!" Zheng Xuan angrily scolded. .

"Who knows then?"

Lu Huan still smiled faintly, and his reaction was quite calm, which was in sharp contrast to Zheng Xuan's anger.

This made the practitioners who didn't know the situation around them felt that Lu Huan was wronged when they saw the scene in front of them.

Especially the soul search that Su Changhe just mentioned.

He was hated and hated by countless people.

Just like what Lu Huan said.

Once searched for souls.

It is equivalent to all the secrets of own, which are exposed to outsiders.

Why! !

A group of cultivators began to discuss in a low voice again.

"This group of people in the True Fire Pavilion is a bit too much!!"

"Who said it wasn't! Look at our Lord Lu, so indifferent, obviously slandered by the True Fire Pavilion!!"

"Damn it, the practitioners of the True Fire Pavilion are all so arrogant now? How dare you slander the practitioners of our Blood Devil Sect?"

"Perhaps, they are impatient and want to be suppressed by the experts from our Blood Devil Sect!!"


at this time.

A furious roar suddenly came from a distance.

"Which beast did this!!"

Lu Huan looked at the place where the sound came from.

The owner of the voice is none other than Wu Ke, who left Guiyun Town to find the materials for cultivation that Lu Huan needed.

The huge juncture, under the sunlight, shines brightly, especially dazzling.

Wu Kefei came to Lu Huan's side and was about to ask, when he suddenly saw Zheng Xuan and Su Changhe on the opposite side.

He frowned hesitantly and asked coldly:

"Zheng Xuan of True Fire Pavilion?"

"Steward Wu!"

Zheng Xuan's face was also unusually ugly, gritted his teeth, and said viciously:

"Today we came here for no other reason than to want you to hand over Lu Huan. As long as you hand over Lu Huan, we will now..."


Wu Ke didn't wait for Zheng Xuan to finish his words, but he yelled angrily and interrupted Zheng Xuan's words.

"Zheng, if you really want to die, just say it, daddy will do it for you now!!"

Wu Keming knew his own strength and was not Zheng Xuan's opponent at all, but he didn't mean to retreat at all. He waved the long knife in his hand with a grim face, and wanted to attack Zheng Xuan.

"Steward Wu, I advise you to calm down. This is Su retired elder from our Blood Devil Sect, a powerhouse in the Expanding Aperture realm!!"

Zheng Xuan's eyes turned cold, and he pointed at Su Changhe and threatened.

"Expanding Aperture?"

Wu Ke narrowed his eyes and his expression became more and more angry.

There was still no intention of retreating, and he roared:

"Expanding Aperture realm powerhouse can make you a rubbish and threaten our Blood Devil Sect? Zheng, you have the courage to go to our Blood Devil Sect headquarters to be arrogant!!"

Zheng Xuan was speechless when he heard this.

How stupid he is!

In the headquarters of the Blood Devil Gate, there is a Fractionated Divinity realm stronger than the Expanding Aperture realm powerhouse.

Even if he took all the retired elders of their True Fire Pavilion with him, he would not dare to go to the Blood Devil Sect headquarters to be arrogant.

Otherwise, it is really the word "death", and I don't know how to write it.


Seeing Zheng Xuan's expression, Wu Ke smiled coldly and scolded again:

"The surname is Zheng, I don't care what you are doing here today! I advise you to get out of the way, or let the daddy call for help. You and you retired elder, don't even think about leaving Ghost Cloud Town today!! This place can become Our branch of Blood Devil Sect naturally has a teleportation array sent directly over!!”

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