Two days later.

Lu Huan came to Ghost Cloud Town.

As the border town of Qingyan County.

Although it is only a small town, it is very lively.

People come and go.

At a glance, there are a lot of powerhouses at the peak of the Golden Core realm.

"Is it so lively?"

Lu Huan was stunned for a moment, then entered the town to inquire for a while, and then he realized that there was a trade fair being held in Guiyun Town recently.

However, this trade meeting is a bit unorthodox.

The baby who can board the conference has an abnormal origin.

Kind of like a black market.


Lu Huan smiled slightly and walked towards an inconspicuous shop.

"Guest officer, do you want to buy something?"

Xiao Er greeted him with a smile.

Lu Huan took a closer look.

good guy.

As expected of the branch office of Blood Devil Sect, the juniors on the bright side are actually strong players in the early stage of the Golden Core realm.


This is not the entrance to the black market, but the branch station of the Blood Devil Gate.

"Elder Qiaoyou asked me to come here."

Lu Huan took out Qiaoyou's identity token.

"Elder Qiaoyou?"

Xiao Er was stunned, and looked suspiciously at the token in Lu Huan's hand. After confirmation, it was indeed Elder Qiaoyou's.

But he couldn't figure out how a big man like Elder Qiaoyou could know a Foundation Establishment Realm rookie like Lu Huan.

"come in!"

Xiao Er returned the token to Lu Huan and led him to the back door of the shop.

Pass through a closed corridor like a maze.

With Xiao Er's tie, Lu Huan finally came to a hall.

The environment of the hall is extremely depressing.

On the surrounding walls, there are reliefs of the hideous Demonic Beasts.

In the center, there is also a two-square-sized blood pool.

The liquid in the blood pool is boiling and surging.

Exudes a strong bloody smell.

Lu Huan's expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Wu, a little guy from the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm came and said that Elder Qiaoyou asked him to come here."

Xiao Er reports to Xue Chi Hui.

Lu Huan was stunned.


In the blood pool, a big bald head suddenly emerged.


A name suddenly appeared in Lu Huan's mind, causing him to blurt out.

"How do you know my name?"

The big bald head was covered with blood-red liquid, and he was stunned when he heard Lu Huan's words.

"I heard what Elder Qiaoyou said."

Lu Huan was a little embarrassed.

That's a bit of a coincidence! !

"Are you Lu Huan?"

Wu Ke nodded, not surprised, and slowly crawled out of the blood pool, a ferocious power of qi and blood came out.

Lu Huan suddenly felt his chest, as if he had been hit hard, and the blood in his body quickly surged up.

Lu Huan endured the uncomfortable feeling, directly squeezed his fist, and rushed towards Wu Ke when he disagreed.

Seeing this, Wu Ke's eyes flashed a ray of light, he opened his hand calmly, and said with a smile:

"Sure enough, it's your kid!!"


Wu Ke was stunned.

The moment he made contact with Lu Huan's fist, he immediately felt a terrifying force that did not belong to the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators.

His dignified strongman at the peak of the Golden Core realm couldn't resist! !


"You kid, how can you have such a strong power, don't hit... your own people!!"

Lu Huan didn't care.

Continuing to wave his fists, he smashed towards Wu Ke ruthlessly.

"Bang bang bang~"

A low and dull sound of fisting to the flesh resounded in this strange hall.

The two were dumbfounded.


The little one responded.

A bloody light suddenly flashed in his hand, and he rushed towards Lu Huan angrily:

"Kid, stop!!"

"Go away~"

Lu Huan didn't even look at Xiao Er, raising his leg was a kick back.


As fast as Xiao Er approached Lu Huan, he flew backwards at such a fast speed, and slammed into a relief sculpture, causing him to faint.

【System Cultivation Base+20 years】

"Kid, stop!! You're fighting, don't blame daddy for being rude!!"

Wu Ke was still holding his head and stalking, threatening to be aggrieved.

"You're welcome? You do it!!"

Lu Huan continued to wave his fists as he spoke.

The system beep did not appear, and he would never stop!

"Blood Sea Golem!!"

When Wu Ke heard this, he finally couldn't bear it any longer.

With two punches against Lu Huan, in the posture of a Horse Stance, he squatted up, his body glowing with blood.


These blood-colored radiance condensed into a phantom of a demon god, shrouded in Wu Ke's body.

"Boy, come here!!"

Wu Ke sneered and stretched out his hand to provoke.

"Magic Fist!!"


Lu Huan squeezed his fist, and the peak-level magic wind fist burst out instantly.

5 times the power of 250,000 cattle exploded! !

The power of 1.25 million cattle exploded in the hall!


In the black phantom, there seemed to be a ferocious black dragon roaring, making a thunderous dragon roar.

"The power of a dragon?"



The Blood Sea Golem instantly shattered with a crisp sound.

The black boxing shadow, like a flood that burst through the embankment, followed the crack and attacked Wu Ke's body.


Wu Ke directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew away.

It also hit the wall with embossed embossing.

The terrifying force wrapped around his body actually smashed the relief full of formations into pieces, stuck it on the wall, and became a part of the relief.

"No tips yet?"

Lu Huan frowned.

Again, he rushed towards Wu Ke with a violent face.

"Brother, I took it, I really took it, don't fight!!"

Wu Ke's complexion changed greatly, and while struggling, he pulled himself off the wall and shouted in horror.

Lu Huan still didn't hear the system's beep.

"Humph! Unconvinced!"

"Ghosts move!"

Lu Huan let out a low growl.

While waving his fists, he continued to charge towards Wu Ke while performing a mental attack.

This is an incidental mental attack in the Cultivation Technique that Qiaoyou gave him when he left.

Before he consumed the 100-year system Cultivation Base.

Just got started.

Haven't had a chance to use it.


There was a sharp sound that sounded like a fingernail scratching on the blackboard.

"don't want……"

Wu Ke's face instantly turned pale.

Looking at Lu Huan's eyes, he was really full of fear.

next second.

He spat out a mouthful of blood again, his face was sluggish, his eyes darkened, and his whole body drooped down.

【System Cultivation Base+100 years】

The system beep finally sounded.

Only then did Lu Huan stand beside Wu Ke contentedly, and said with a gratified smile:

"Yes, I'm finally convinced!!"

"Brother, you are really going too far. How can you even use the spiritual attack in the Shadow God Art? Daddy can't resist the attack of this thing!!"

Wu Ke cried out pitifully.


Lu Huan snorted and sneered:

"It was you who attacked me with the power of qi and blood, and blamed me for being too much? It seems that you think it's not enough, and you want to try it again?"

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