
What Zhao Zhong didn't expect was that.

This terrifying force, after smashing his arm, suddenly condensed together, and rushed into his body like an arrow.

With a roar.

Zhao Zhong's body exploded on the spot.

Turned into a bloody fog!

【System Cultivation Base+100】

Hearing the system beep, Lu Huan spit out:

"System, you are starting to be lazy now! Don't even say congratulations to me!!"

【Avoid someone saying you are water】

Lu Huan: "..."


The fall of Zhao Zhong.

The group of True Fire Pavilion disciples present were scared to pee.

After looking at each other.

He didn't dare to stand up and avenge Zhao Zhong at all.

Immediately dispersed.

There are smart people who take the opportunity to pick and choose the goods around them that they are embarrassed to take away, and stuff them into the storage ring.

It may be that with the existence of Lu Huan as the scapegoat, no matter how much they take away now, they will be able to push it on Lu Huan at that time.

to this.

Even if Lu Huan saw it, he didn't bother to pay attention.

What these people took away was thousands of times different from what he took away.

Wait until Lu Huan leaves the True Fire Pavilion.

The loss of True Fire Pavilion +1 billion! !

"These big forces are not simple! Even a warehouse of a branch refinery shop has stored nearly one billion goods, one hundred Spirit Stones, in exchange for the ultimate harvest of more than one billion, it seems pretty good. what!!"

Lu Huan smiled and ignored it. The hundred Spirit Stones that rented the refining room had already been returned to him by Zhou Xiafeng a hundredfold and a thousandfold.

As a disciple of Qianshu, the number of Spirit Stones in his storage ring is also quite large!

After leaving Qingyang City.

Lu Huan hurried in the direction of the Ruins of Liuyan Mountain.

Calculate the time.

He rushed over all the way, and it almost happened to be the day when the ruins of Liuyan Mountain opened.

Time flickers.

More than ten days have passed.

Lu Huan came to the ruins of Liuyan Mountain in a hurry, like a son who went out for a spring outing.

The ruins of Liuyan Mountain were originally one of the most attractive ruins in Qingyan County.

Although it takes several decades to a hundred years for the ruins of Liuyan Mountain to open once.

But this place has long been the center of Qingyan County.

Countless Qingyan County forces have built branches here.

over time.

It has also become a city that does not feel like a city.

at this time.

A burst of discussion reached Lu Huan's ear.

He turned around curiously.

In a place like a notice board next to it, a bunch of young disciples from different forces gathered.

Vaguely, Lu Huan could still hear his own name.

"Is this a wanted order?"

Seeing the notice board, Lu Huan's mind instantly flashed this idea, and he squeezed over curiously.

as predicted.

On the notice board, there were actually two wanted notices with their own portraits posted.

One from True Fire Pavilion.

One from Tianjianzong!

"This painting is a bit abstract!"

Lu Huan was not afraid of the wanted order at all, but instead complained frantically.

"Who said it wasn't! I don't know what the True Fire Pavilion and the Heavenly Sword Sect are doing. A Qingyan County's No. 1 sect, a fifth-rank force, they can't even draw a portrait."

As soon as Lu Huan finished speaking, a little Fatty standing next to him couldn't help but complain.

while talking.

He also looked back at Lu Huan.

"Huh?" Little Fatty was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Huan's appearance, then looked back at the wanted notice on the notice board. After comparing, he couldn't help laughing:

"Fellow daoist, although this portrait is quite abstract, it's really similar to you if you compare it a little!!"

"Don't say it, it's true!!"

Lu Huan nodded solemnly.

Hearing the conversation between the two, others also looked over.

"Yo! It's really similar!!"

"What the hell are Zhenhuo Pavilion and Tianjianzong doing? The wanted orders issued by the two major forces are a bit similar!"

"A portrait like this is purely looking for a needle in a haystack. If it is scattered, people will definitely not be able to find it!"

Although most people subconsciously felt that Lu Huan should not be the person on the wanted list because of Lu Huan's calm reaction, some people couldn't help but ask with a smile:

"Haha, fellow daoist, this person can't be you!"

Lu Huan was about to nod his head to admit it, but little Fatty, who was standing beside him, said disdainfully:

"Fuck your motherfucker! This guy named Lu Huan is wanted by Tianjianzong and True Fire Pavilion. If I were him, I would have run away long ago. How could he appear so generously in Liuyan Mountain? , isn't this self-inflicted?"


Lu Huan looked at Little Fatty with a strange expression, and couldn't help but say:

"What if... it's really me?"

"Give me a break!"

Little Fatty laughed, waved his hand, and said indifferently:

"If you are the person on the wanted list, I will eat the notice board now!!"

Then you eat!

Lu Huan really wanted to say this.

But then I thought that Little Fatty was talking for himself, so he chose to remain silent.

And the person next to him, after little Fatty's gags.

Even more do not believe that Lu Huan is the person on the wanted list.


A group of people continued to talk about the content of the wanted order in front of Lu Huan, the master, with a hint of envy in their words.

after all.

This is the first time in Qingyan County.

A cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Realm was wanted by two major forces.

Those present were also practitioners of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The idea of ​​many people is not to offend the two big forces, how cute they are, but to think that Lu Huan is super-skinny and dares to offend the two big forces. Post a wanted notice! !

Lu Huan has a black question mark.

Are young people nowadays so amazing?

"Fellow daoist, are you here to participate in the ruins of Liuyan Mountain?"

Little Fatty asked suddenly.

"Now come to Liuyan Mountain, can there be other things?"

Lu Huan asked with a smile.

"one person?"

Little Fatty's eyes lit up.

"Alone for now!"


Little Fatty looked excited, laughed and said:

"Want to join our team? No money!"

Is this little Fatty big-hearted or has ulterior motives?

In the depths of Lu Huan's eyes, a trace of doubt flashed, and then he said with a smile:

"Yes! Anyway, to enter the ruins of Liuyan Mountain, you also need to form a team to enter. I'm worried that I can't find a team! How many people do you have now?"

"Three, plus you, it's four, as long as we find one more person, we can enter the ruins of Liuyan Mountain!"

Little Fatty was very excited, grabbed Lu Huan's arm, laughed and said:

"Walk around, I'll take you to meet the other two teammates."

Little Fatty is just too enthusiastic.

Lu Huan subconsciously felt that he recognized his own identity. In front of the group of people just now, he was just pretending to eat alone.

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