Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 42 Foundation Establishment 4 Stage

In fact.

Lu Huan's decision was undoubtedly the most correct.

Just after he left Tianjianzong.

Two experts from the Expanding Aperture realm from the Blood Devil Sect suddenly approached the Heavenly Sword Sect and asked for the inheritance of the Black Heaven Cave Lord.

As you can tell from the name, the Blood Devil Sect is definitely not a well-known sect.

In fact.

This Sect also has a great relationship with the Black Sky Cave Lord.

Not only that.

Just after the two Blood Devil Gate Elders of the Expanding Aperture realm appeared.

The ancestor of the martial arts sword that Lu Huan was worried about really came out.

as soon as it comes out.

He showed a rather domineering side.

Obviously, the Cultivation Base only has the Fourth Stage of the Nascent Soul realm. Compared with a few hundred years ago, the Cultivation Base of the First Stage has been improved.

But he actually realized the Sword intent.

Drive away the two Powers of the Expanding Aperture realm from the Blood Devil Gate! !

After driving away these two strong men.

The ancestor of Wujian also issued an order.

Lu Huan must be brought back.

Whether it is the Heavenly Sword Spirit Jue, the Forbidden Seal representing the Heavenly Sword Sect, or even the Huoyun Sword of the ancestor of the Spirit Sword, all must be returned to the original owner.

This is definitely not something that he, a Foundation Establishment Realm kid, can enjoy.


The ancestor of Wujian did not say anything to death.

He also told everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

If Lu Huan is willing to become the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect after his return, he can keep everything except the Fire Cloud Sword.

Naturally, Lu Huan, who had left the Heavenly Sword Sect, could not understand these things.

Even if he knew.

will also sneer.

It is absolutely impossible for these strong people to speak so well.

Want him back?

next life!


After leaving Tianjianzong.

Lu Huan found a relatively safe place to fully recover the exhausted stamina.

Then, without hesitation, I spent a hundred years of Cultivation Base and started to upgrade my own Cultivation Base.

They have all left the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Cultivation Base continues to maintain Foundation Establishment Realm First Stage days, and there is no need.


Under the infusion of the century-old system Cultivation Base, the Supreme Foundation Establishment tactic will fly, and Lu Huan's Cultivation Base will be lifted easily like drinking water.

Foundation Establishment Second Stage!

Foundation Establishment Third Stage!


Lu Huan suddenly felt that something in his body was bursting, causing a sharp pain.

But the pain came and went quickly.

When he reacts.

Cultivation Base has been elevated to Foundation Establishment Fourth Stage.

At the same time, Dantian actually doubled in size again! !

But the century-old system Cultivation Base was also consumed cleanly.

"This supreme Foundation Establishment trick is so powerful?"

Lu Huan was surprised and delighted.

Without using the Supreme Foundation Establishment formula, you can also use the system Cultivation Base to improve your own Cultivation Base.

The 100-year-old system Cultivation Base is estimated to allow Lu Huan's Cultivation Base to be directly upgraded to the Foundation Establishment Realm Sixth Stage, and even Seventh Stage.

But I used the Supreme Foundation Establishment trick.

But only to the Foundation Establishment Realm Fourth Stage.

The only good thing is that the size of the Dantian has doubled again.

Not only that.

Lu Huan also clearly felt that his internal organs had been tempered again, and his physical strength and strength had also been doubled.

other cultivators.

At the time of the Foundation Establishment Realm, in general, except for the addition of Spiritual Qi, and the expansion of Dantian.

Strength can only increase by a thousand cattle.

But Lu Huan is better.

Just raising the Cultivation Base to the Foundation Establishment Realm Fourth Stage has doubled the power.

From the original 32,000 cattle to 64,000 cattle!

This is the power of the body that ordinary Foundation Establishment Realm peak powerhouses cannot possess! !


If you use the Spiritual Qi move, Foundation Establishment Realm's peak powerhouse can still use such terrifying power.

The improvement in strength makes Lu Huan very happy.

But looking at the system interface, the remaining 12553 system Cultivation Base.

For a while, he became melancholy again.

"The 100-year-old system Cultivation Base can only raise Cultivation Base to Foundation Establishment Fourth Stage. If you want to raise it to the peak of Foundation Establishment Realm, is this 10,000-year-old system Cultivation Base enough!?"

Resisting the urge in his heart, Lu Huan did not immediately consume the remaining system Cultivation Base to improve the Cultivation Base.

Glancing at the direction, he flew towards a nearby city and flew away.

After half a day.

Lu Huan landed near the city called Qingyang City, and with the flow of people, entered the overcrowded urban area.

Qingyang City is the largest city near the Heavenly Sword Sect.

But it does not belong to the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The largest family in the city, the Zhao family, controls the lifeline of the entire city.

Lu Huan walked leisurely to the door of Zhao's house.

Without even looking at the two Zhao family guards from Foundation Establishment Realm at the door, they asked indifferently:

"Is Zhao Mingzhi back?"

"Presumptuous! Where did Xiao Maotou come from, dare to call Master Zhao's name directly!!"

The guard on the left was furious with shame, the spear in his hand, with a "sho", aimed at Lu Huan and stabbed him.


The long spear thrust on Lu Huan caused a heart-pounding symphony of jingoes.

Amid the flickering golden light, Lu Huan grinned and kicked him suddenly.


The guard didn't respond, so he screamed and flew out.

The body slammed into the thick red iron wood door, and with a "click", he died! !

"Cough cough~"

Lu Huan raised his eyebrows and looked apologetically at the other guard, "Sorry, I used too much power, I didn't expect your brother to be so rubbish!"

"You, who are you?"

The remaining guard was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, shivering in horror.

"Don't be afraid, just tell me if Zhao Mingzhi is back, I won't hurt you."

Lu Huan blinked, trying to make a harmless smile.

"Back, back!"

But such a smile made the guard even more terrified. After responding hastily, he glanced at it and passed out!

"Not really."

Lu Huan pouted and shook his head helplessly.

Ignoring the two guards, he stepped over the five-inch-high threshold and entered the Zhao family.

Lu Huan came to Qingyang City not on a whim.

He had heard in the door before that Zhao Mingzhi, the third elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect, was a disciple from the Zhao family in Qingyang City.

With the help of the Zhao family, he quickly gained a firm foothold in Tianjianzong and became the third elder of Tianjianzong.

What Zhao Mingzhi mentioned before, about the father.

Lu Huan is still very concerned.

Although he is a transmigrator.

But the problem is, when he crossed over, it was a newborn baby.

He should be wearing it directly, not the soul! !

He couldn't help but don't care.

"Who are you?"

Lu Huan entered the Zhao family mansion carelessly, attracting the attention of many people.

A young man dressed in gorgeous clothes, frowned, jumped out, and asked fiercely.

"Where is Zhao Mingzhi?"

Lu Huan glanced at the other party, his footsteps were frivolous, Cultivation Base was only at the peak of the body refinement realm, and he seemed to be a dude.

"The little beast is looking for death, but he dares to call the second uncle's name directly, come here, kill him for me!!"

Zhao Cheng waved his hand without hesitation and gave an order coldly.

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