Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 19 The Perfect Broken Mirror Pill

Lu Huan took out the Medicine Pill, and a systematic reminder appeared in his eyes:

[Perfect Body Refinement Broken Mirror Pill: It can instantly break the shackles of the Body Refinement Realm and upgrade the Cultivation Base to the Foundation Establishment Realm; at the same time double the Dantian; Ignore the level limit, you can use all the Refinement Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm to improve your own foundation A powerful spirit; at the same time, it can replace the Foundation Establishment Realm broken mirror pill, but the effect is reduced]


Lu Huan took a deep breath.

"I actually made a perfect quality broken mirror pill? And... the effect is so powerful?"

"Compared with ordinary Broken Mirror Dan, Dantian is twice as large! That's equivalent to having more than double the Spiritual Qi compared to other cultivators."

"Spiritual Qi is the foundation of the future strength of the cultivator. More Spiritual Qi means stronger strength!"

Dantian has doubled in size, which is really gratifying.

However, Lu Huan is more clear.

Regardless of the level restrictions, you can use all body refining realms and the spiritual objects that the Foundation Establishment Realm uses to improve your basic strength.

It is the greatest help for him!


Black Sky Spirit Crystal!

This thing can improve the basic strength of the body refining realm cultivator.

Which is not seen.

In order to obtain all the inheritance of Heitian Cave Lord, Yang Zhong willingly paid Cultivation Base at his own expense.

Then, the Cultivation Base was stuck at the peak of the Body Refinement Realm.

With the help of the power of the Black Sky Spirit Crystal, enhance the basic strength.

what does that mean?

Heitian Lingjing is a kind of spiritual item that can only be used in the body refining realm.

Lu Huan obtained the Heitian Spirit Crystal Condensation Method from the third time he signed in.

If he chooses to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm now.

According to the original situation.

It is equivalent to giving up this powerful ability in vain.

The basic strength cannot be improved with the help of the Black Sky Spirit Crystal.

Don't look at the important thing for a cultivator, it seems to be Spiritual Qi.

Available after Spiritual Qi is consumed clean.

Powerful strength, but also enough to deal with many crises.


in some special places.

There are forbidden areas.

Spiritual Qi cannot be used.

At this time, the strength of the power can play a key role.

"Good! Great!!"

Lu Huan was happy.

He put his eyes on the last line of the perfect quality Broken Mirror Pill.

Can it replace the Foundation Establishment Realm Broken Mirror Dan?

"This can be regarded as an early trump card! If you really can't find the material to refine the Foundation Establishment Realm Broken Mirror Pill, this thing can replace it. Let's look for it first, if you can't find it, let's talk!!"

Lu Huan is still very greedy, the perfect quality broken mirror Dan has more characteristics than the ordinary quality broken mirror Dan.

You can use the perfect mirror breaking pill, why use ordinary ones.

I am a systematic person.

How can it be the same as ordinary cultivators!

Lu Huan muttered to himself in his heart.

No worries.

Lu Huan put away two of the broken mirror pills, and directly stuffed the remaining one into his mouth.



The violent medicinal effect exploded in Lu Huan's body like a flood that burst a levee.

Wanton impact his internal organs, limbs and bones.

Especially the Dantian position is comparable to the pain of being torn apart.

Let Lu Huan not notice for a while and let out a scream.

But next second.

Lu Huan held back.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes widened, and a determined look burst out from his eyes.

How could I, Lu Huan, be unable to hold on to this pain! !

The pain lasted for an hour.

It finally receded like a tide.

The clothes on Lu Huan's body were soaked with sweat for a long time, like a chicken in soup.


Tired and collapsed to the ground, Lu Huan, who was gasping for breath, looked at the system interface, and the strength indicator that appeared, couldn't help laughing:

【Host: Lu Huan

Cultivation Base: Foundation Establishment First Stage days

Strength: 24,000 cattle]

Although only the simplest three lines of text.

But for Lu Huan, it was a huge breakthrough.

Foundation Establishment First Stage is enough for him to change his status as an Outer Sect disciple and become an inner discipline.

It can be regarded as a complete farewell to the self before owning the system.

With the system, of course, we have to change the way of living!

The increase in strength is quite satisfactory.

Just like a normal cultivator.

After breakthrough to Foundation Establishment Realm, it will generally double directly.

Lu Huan had never imagined that even with his strength of 12,000 cattle, he could double his strength directly.

It seems like a bit of a loss!

However, when he thought of using the Perfect Mirror Pill to break the mirror, he could also use the Black Sky Spirit Crystal to increase the upper limit of his basic strength.

This loss doesn't matter at all.

Look at Dantian again.

Really big.

But he didn't know how much Dantian the average peak body cultivator had after breaking through.

No way to compare.

After encountering an enemy, it is natural to be able to compare them.

It didn't matter too much.

He believed in the system and should not deceive himself on this kind of thing.

Organize your harvest.

Lu Huan happily left the pill refining room.

However, I found that a large number of disciples gathered outside, gathered around an Elder from the Golden Core realm, scrambling to report.

Lu Huan had met each other before, and it was Jian Tong, the Inner Sect Elders of Tianjian Sect who specialized in pill refining.

When I saw Lu Huan.

The scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Whether it was the Elder from the Golden Core realm or the disciples, they all looked at Lu Huan with horror on their faces.

Lu Huan could also clearly feel that the Elder of the Golden Core was staring at himself with inconceivable scrutiny.

In the crowd, a low voice suddenly sounded:

"Yes...is it him?"

"Shouldn't it be? How could he look like someone who could make a perfect quality Medicine Pill?"

"But apart from him, everyone else in the pill refining room has come out, and no one else has admitted it!"

"Would anyone want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

"What a god who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, who can refine Medicine Pill in this place, and the perfect quality Medicine Pill produced must be first-level. No matter how perfect the first-level Medicine Pill is, can it still be strong? "

Just when many disciples were talking about it.

The Elder in the Golden Core realm finally finished examining Lu Huan. He no longer wanted to believe that it was Lu Huan who refined the perfect quality Medicine Pill, but from the current situation, it could only be him.

"What's your name? Inner Disciple, or Outer Sect disciple? Did you make a Medicine Pill of perfect quality just now?"

If it was before.

Lu Huan may also keep a low profile.

But now, there is absolutely no need for that.

After breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Realm First Stage, Vajra is not bad and has improved his body, and can already defend against the attack of the ancestors of the Nascent Soul realm.

Moreover, those disciples also said it well.

But it's a first-level perfect quality Medicine Pill.

Relatively speaking, it is not so attractive.


So, Lu Huan nodded lightly, showing a confident smile:

"Reporting to Elder Jane, disciple Lu Huan, he has indeed made a perfect quality body-refining mirror-breaking pill just now. The disciple has also been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm with the help of Medicine Pill, and it should be regarded as an inner discipline now!!"


"Perfect quality broken mirror pill?"

However, Jane Elder's reaction completely exceeded Lu Huan's expectations.

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