Jiang Chen stood there and looked around. The surroundings were as quiet as silence, and Qian Gui and Bai Yi suddenly disappeared.

Unable to catch Bai Yi, Jiang Chen could only give up and thought of finding Bai Yi first before making any plans. But Bai Yi has the help of Qiangui, and it is not easy to find him.

Jiang Chen could only leave first. When passing by an inn, Bai Yi planned to take a rest first.

"Please come in. What do you need?"The waiter at the door led Jiang Chen into the inn.

Jiang Chen looked around, then sat on a stool,"Here comes a bowl of noodles! Another pot of wine"

"Okay, sir, wait a moment."

Jiang Chen sat on the stool, tapping one hand on the table, thinking about how to catch Bai Yi.

The waiter brought the noodles and wine, and Jiang Chen wolfed down a few big mouthfuls. In front of him, one after another incidents made him hungry.

Jiang Chen poured himself a glass of wine. As soon as he took a sip, he seemed to have thought of something and immediately put the glass down. The heavy sound of putting the wine glass down attracted the attention of the surrounding guests. Jiang Chen Chen didn't pay attention, thinking about what was going on in the sea.

He suddenly thought of something. If he wanted to catch Bai Yi, he could go to Daozong for help. Yes, it was Daozong.

Jiang Chen quickly took out the money from his pocket Put it on the table, take the things and leave the inn without saying a word.

The people of Dao Zong have always hated evil. If you ask them for help, your chances of winning will be greater, not to mention that what Bai Yi did harmed innocent people. As a Taoist Zong, they will definitely help.

Without further ado, Jiang Chen immediately set off for Daozong. Daozong is not too far from this place. Jiang Chen calculated the time and found that if nothing unexpected happens, he can arrive in two days. He thought to himself Then, Jiang Chen quickened his pace again.

In order to catch up with the progress, Jiang Chen chose to take a small road. There were fewer people and more trees on the small road, and it was not easy to expose himself.


Jiang Chen was concentrating on his way when he suddenly heard a cry for help not far away. He stopped and stood there.


The cry for help became louder and louder, and it seemed that Jiang Chen was coming head-on. Jiang Chen used his spiritual power to check the source of the sound. Jiang Chen immediately left and rushed towards the source of the sound, and found that two evil cultivators were trying to kill a woman.

"Young Master, help me!"

A young woman was being chased by two evil cultivators. As soon as she saw Jiang Chen, she shouted for help. While speaking, she accidentally slipped and fell to the ground. Her beautiful face was full of fear.

The two evil cultivators saw He quickened his pace and planned to catch the woman.

"What's the point of two grown men bullying a girl?"Jiang Chen flew up and directly protected the woman behind him, staring sharply at the two evil cultivators with a pair of deep eyes.

"Get out of the way, it's none of your business, don't meddle."The evil cultivator had a sword in his hand. When he saw a person suddenly appearing blocking their way, he immediately drew his sword and prepared to attack.

"When you see an injustice on the road, you draw your sword to help, not to mention that you are still bullying a weak woman. How can you be considered a hero? Oh, I forgot, you are not good people either."

Jiang Chen took out his weapon. These two evil cultivators were no match for him.

"Cut the crap."The other evil cultivator directly picked up the sword and stabbed Jiang Chen. The other evil cultivator saw this and joined the fight.

Jiang Chen protected the woman behind him and then started fighting with the evil cultivator.

Jiang Chen turned around neatly and The evil cultivator kicked the evil cultivator far away. When the other evil cultivator saw this, he immediately rushed over, but Jiang Chen grabbed his neck and was thrown to the ground.

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