Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 89: Crush, No. 1 on the Gold List!

"Why, no one from your sect is on the list?" The old man with the sword behind his back suddenly beamed when he saw Lei Kunhai's ugly face.

"Maybe there was a little accident. When they come out, they will know the harvest." Lei Kunhai glanced at the old man, and he found that this guy didn't look like a respected leader in the world of immortality at all.

Instead, he looks like a scoundrel and a scoundrel.

"Then you'd better stop dreaming. Haven't you heard the secrets of Taiyi Sect?

Harvests are distributed based on the genius level of the trial disciples.

And this level of genius is the gold list ranking. The old man holding the sword said proudly: "Look, the fifth person on the gold list is a disciple of our sword sect."

Where are your disciples?

I remember that your Qingheng sect’s true disciple is called Wang Jinsong, right?

This is only the tenth place!

Moreover, I just heard you talking about Zhang Yan?

Why haven't I seen Zhang Yan on this gold list? "

The old man with negative sword became more and more excited as he talked, as if he had already won. He was bound to win the flying sword made by Lei Kunhai.

"This has just begun. This gold list may not be accurate." Lei Kunhai was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, there may be some gaps when the gold list is tested for the first time, but the gap will never be too big." The old man with negative sword sneered: "Don't worry, although I took your flying sword, I still have to pay I will still give you the forging fee."

Lei Kunhai: "..."

He looked at the old man speechlessly.

Is it the forging fee that he worries about?

What he feels sorry for is the top grade meteorite!

That was originally intended to be used on his grandson!

Lei Wanbao is also a weapon cultivator.

Use spiritual weapons to enter the Tao.

When he wants to advance in the future, he will definitely need precious raw materials.

This meteorite was prepared for his grandson.

He was originally full of confidence in Zhang Yan, but unexpectedly, Zhang Yan actually pulled it off at this time.

There is no information about the other party!

"No need, if Lei really loses, there is no need to pay the forging fee." Lei Kunhai said in a muffled voice.

He, Lei Kunhai, can't even afford to lose these things!

Although the best meteorite iron is precious, it is not a material that cannot be replaced.

And while they were talking.

The ranking on the gold list suddenly shook.

Some people's names started to move forward, while others' names went down.

Some people were even knocked off the gold list directly.

"But there is still no Zhang Yan's name!" Lei Kunhai's face looked a little unhappy, although Wang Jinsong's ranking had moved up two places.

But there is still some distance from the top five.

Moreover, these top five rankings are almost fixed.

It won't go up at all.

"Could it be... because of Zhang Yan's spiritual roots?" At this time, Granny Hua reminded Lei Kunhai.

"Zhang Yan's spiritual root!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Kunhai was speechless for a while.

This missionary tower looks at combat effectiveness, spiritual roots, spiritual body, bloodline, and understanding, and then evaluates potential.

Although Zhang Yan's understanding is incredible.

But his spiritual roots are really bad.

Only low-grade spiritual roots.

It's just that Zhang Yan behaves too much on weekdays, so everyone subconsciously ignores his spiritual root problem.

"It's bad, I forgot about it~"

Lei Kunhai was also helpless, Zhang Yan didn't act like a low-grade spiritual root at all!

You have a low-grade spiritual root, but in just a few years, you have reached the seventh level of Qi training.

Do you think it is reasonable?

This is totally unreasonable!

This cultivation speed is almost catching up with the cultivation speed of high-grade spiritual roots!

And just when Lei Kunhai secretly screamed that something was wrong.

But I saw two boys quietly getting on the gold list.

No. 100 on the gold list: Zhang Yan.

"On the list!~" A smile appeared on Lei Kunhai's face.

“So what if I’m on the list?

It’s just a hundred people.

You'd better wait until he reaches the top seventy before you talk! "The old man with the negative sword struck Lei Kunhai without hesitation.

But before he could finish speaking.

I saw Zhang Yan's name surging.

Really entered the top seventy!

"You let him enter the top sixty!"

"First fifty!"

"Top thirty!"

"Let's talk about the first twenty!" The old man with negative sword looked at the speed at which Zhang Yan's ranking rose, and he suddenly became a little angry!

And Zhang Yan's ranking continues to skyrocket just like his dialogues.

In just a few minutes, he had already jumped from the 100th place to the 23rd place.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that Zhang Yan's sprint speed has slowed down.

It has even stabilized.

"Scared me to death!" The old man with the sword behind his back looked a little better.

He really thought Zhang Yan could break into the top twenty.

Now it seems that around twenty should be the limit!

"Let me tell you, this guy is not simple!" Although Zhang Yan only entered the top 20, Lei Kunhai still laughed.

The bet may be lost though.

But at least it proves that Zhang Yan is a genius!

Moreover, in his heart, Zhang Yan was his weapon-refining heir.


You mean Lei Wanbao?

Who is that?

Not familiar.

I'm not familiar with him at all, so stop talking. Lei Kunhai is afraid that Zhang Yan will misunderstand him if he talks too much.

Moreover, he felt that the reason why Zhang Yan was ranked in the 20s was purely because his spiritual roots were holding him back.

Otherwise, with Zhang Yan's strength, he would be in the top ten no matter what!

Even the top three!

"That's not right!" Just when Lei Kunhai was thinking about these things, he discovered that Zhang Yan's ranking had started to sprint again.

Rushed to the top ten in the blink of an eye.

"Old Lei, what's going on with this disciple of your sect!" The old man with a negative sword rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He already had a golden elixir, so how could he still be dazzled?

This is not normal!

"Our disciple just has a slightly better understanding!" Lei Kunhai looked at the expression of the old man with the negative sword and said calmly.

And besides them.

Everyone present noticed Zhang Yan.

After all, this guy came all the way up from the first place!

Many people's martial arts are full of chrysanthemums and bruises.

Now I see that the name Zhang Yan has shot directly into the top ten, and for a while it is more popular than the top three.

After all, the top three are fixed!

I haven't seen it since the beginning of the test, but the name Zhang Yan came from behind.

Belongs to a dark horse.

Even more interested people began to speculate whether Zhang Yan's name could break into the top three!

Even Lei Kunhai was looking forward to it.

Everyone didn't wait long for this.

I saw Zhang Yan rushing into the top three with an unstoppable attitude.

Then go straight to the top.

Got first place!

At this time, everyone was in an uproar.

"Who is Zhang Yan?

Why haven't you heard of it?

Which sect's Qilin'er is this? "Everyone present started talking about it.

The expressions of Lei Kunhai and Granny Hua also became a little nervous.

"Oh, my disciples are so outstanding, this is also a headache!

Unlike your disciples, the most powerful one is only ranked fifth, so there is no pressure at all.

Oh, no, it’s sixth place now. "

Lei Kunhai looked at the old man carrying the sword and said in amusement.

The old man with a negative sword glanced at Lei Kunhai, and then said nothing, but his expression was the same as that of his dead mother.

The flying sword I got is gone!

It feels so uncomfortable to have to do the hard work myself!

Moreover, the other party also wants to show off his face!

"After Zhang Yan comes out in a while, I will take him away directly. You stay here to take care of the aftermath." Lei Kunhai suddenly said to Granny Hua.

"Okay." Granny Hua nodded.

Know what Lei Kunhai means.

Zhang Yan's ranking is so high.

It is very possible to come up with some incredible skills or spells in the secret realm.

Although according to the regulations of each martial sect, you can keep the techniques provided by the sect.

The techniques developed by small sects and families need to be shared with other major sects.

But Wanhua Palace has now introduced the Hehuan Sect.

No one knows what the other party will do.

All I can say is, be careful and your boat will sail forever.

"Zhang Yan..."


At this moment, looking at the ranking on the gold list, the female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect suddenly said softly: "I don't know what such a genius feels like."

She said, licking her lips lightly.

"Zhang Yan...

That was a disciple of the Qingheng Sect. "

Jin Dan from Wanhua Palace had some impression on Zhang Yan.

Because Zhang Yan had been to their sect before and won first place in the spiritual planting competition.

"That's a disciple of the Qingheng Sect. It's best not to act rashly." The Jindan from Wanhua Palace said quickly for fear that the other party would be irrational.

In Zhao State, everyone knows it.

The people of the Qingheng faction are the most united.

This is caused by the environment in which the other party is located.

His disciples are all extremely strong-willed and would rather break than surrender.

If the disciples in the sect encounter any problems, the Qingheng Sect will help them immediately.

However, the Qingheng Sect is a well-known and upright sect after all, and they are not tolerant of disciples who have committed crimes.

"Does a mere Qingheng sect dare to clamor against my Hehuan sect?" the female cultivator curled her lips in disdain and said.

"They may not dare to confront the Hehuan Sect directly, but I know that you will definitely die." The people from Wanhua Palace said very rudely: "And, according to the philosophy of your Hehuan Sect, if you die, As long as the Qingheng faction pays compensation, I'm afraid no one will stand up for you."

"You!" The female cultivator from Hehuan Sect wanted to say something after hearing this, but sadly found that she had no way to refute.

This is the atmosphere of their Hehuan Sect.

There is no unity at all.

The reason why the sect can develop so big is purely based on profit.

The people from Wanhua Palace did not pay any further attention to this female Jindan.

Although Wanhua Palace has cooperated with Hehuan Sect, it does not mean that everyone in Wanhua Palace likes Hehuan Sect.

"Okay, this is Zhao State, let's not cause trouble." At this time, another male Jin Dan from the Hehuan Sect spoke.

It's obvious.

This person thinks more.

Hehuan Sect is awesome.

Two Nascent Souls.

But, they are all in Shen State!

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. They have no problem showing off their power in Shen State, but if they go to Zhao State and continue to be domineering, they may not be able to leave Zhao State.


Suddenly, the people from Wanhua Palace spoke softly.

really. As her voice fell, a vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, people began to come out of the whirlpool.

The first person to come out was a male monk in his thirties.

He walked out with a frustrated look on his face.

Before he could react, several foundation-building monks from the major sects came to meet him.

"Sect, name, what skills did you get, record it."

The foundation-building monk took out a jade slip and asked the other party to record it on the spot.

Then a special person verified it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he was allowed to return to his sect.

The first monk who came out had a very ordinary spell.

But it was also a spell that no major sect had collected.

It also enriched the accumulation of the sect.

With the first one, soon, the second and third monks came out one by one.

Some of them were happy.

Or some were calm.

However, only those from small sects would be stopped to ask about the skills.

And those from the major sects, no one paid attention.

Instead, they all went back to their own sects.

As people continued to come out.


Lei Kunhai saw Zhang Yan.

The moment Zhang Yan just came out.

In the secret realm.

The second level of the spirit body test.

The first-ranked spirit body suddenly turned into: unknown spirit body.

Unknown spirit body: Function: Incomprehension is against the sky, combat power is unparalleled.

And Zhang Yan naturally didn't know about these things.

He was caught by Lei Kunhai at this moment.

"Let's go, let's go back to the sect first!"

Lei Kunhai said, taking Zhang Yan away quickly.


"Senior Lei, what's wrong?" Zhang Yan was placed on his natal magic weapon by the other party and rushed quickly.

He rushed all the way.

"It's okay now, but the night is long and dreams are many. Your performance in the secret realm is too outstanding.

I'm afraid something bad will happen."

Lei Kunhai briefly told Zhang Yan.

"So that's it." Hearing this, Zhang Yan also secretly said that he was careless.

The main reason is that he really didn't know that there was a golden list outside!

But fortunately, there was no danger along the way.

When he arrived at Qingheng Sect.

Lei Kunhai was relieved.

"How did you gain this time?" Lei Kunhai asked Zhang Yan with a smile.

"The harvest is very rich. The preaching tower of Taiyi Sect gave me the authority of the successor of Taiyi Sect, and even gave me Taiyi Sect's Taiyi Tian Yanlu, Liangyi Jue and other exercises.

There are also some materials for cultivation.

However, Taiyi Sect made a will and wanted me to help them find a successor, so Taiyi Yantianlu, I may have to find someone to pass it on.." Zhang Yan did not hide it and directly told what he got.

After all, the sect treated him well.

He was not an ungrateful person.


Taiyi Yantianlu, Liangyi Jue!

It turned out to be these two exercises!" Lei Kunhai was shocked when he saw these exercises.

They only saw two exercises in the records.

I didn't expect Zhang Yan to get two exercises.

This made him a little overjoyed.

"You said that the other party wanted to continue the inheritance, but I have an idea." Lei Kunhai thought about it and said to Zhang Yan: "What do you think about our Qingheng Sect having another mountain?

Let you be the mountain master.

The name is Taiyi Mountain."

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