Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 17 Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword


"You, you, you!!!"

Ji Yourong was almost crying at this moment.

This guy in front of me is too bullying!

There are so many enlightenment futons, it’s hard to choose which one, you have to choose the one you sit on!

Does it feel better to sit alone?

At this moment, Musen was looking at Zhang Yan and Ji Yourong with a look on his face, shaking his head as he looked.

His junior brother is still young after all!

Even if you like a girl and want to attract her attention, you can't be so brave!

When chasing girls, you still need to pay attention to strategy.

If this makes the other party unable to get off the stage, how could the other party pay attention to him in the future?

Zhang Yan naturally didn't know what Mu Sen and Ji Yourong thought. In fact, he was very impatient. He found that the girl opposite him was simply poisonous.

Every time you choose the Enlightenment Futon, it has special attributes.

And he couldn't live without this futon, so he had to do this.

"You're going too far!" There was a faint mist in Ji Yourong's clear eyes. You were really bullying! I have never seen such a bully!

As she spoke, she stood up aggrievedly, then lowered her head, walked to a corner and sat down, like a doormat.


Although he felt very sorry, in Zhang Yan's heart, only those entries were the most important!

The futon was taken away.

He turned and left without hesitation.

Musen and the disciples present were all stunned.

Where did this fierce man come from!

Are you so brave?

You made that little girl cry, why don't you take responsibility?

Could anyone really be here for that futon?

This is too outrageous!

Shouldn't the next step be to apologize and take the little girl out?

Why did you turn around and leave?

speculations about these people.

No matter what others guess.

At this time, Zhang Yan had already left Wu Dao Peak.

Go straight to your own spiritual field.

Returned to the place where I live.

Because there is a time limit for unloading equipment, when he first had an equipment slot, he could not unload equipment for twelve hours.

When there are two equipment slots, it becomes six hours.

But now the three equipment slots have become three hours.

So he didn't start practicing immediately.

Instead, after replenishing his mana, he continued to work.

Practice is very important.

But, again, farming is important.

Practice is for the future.

Farming is for now.

So you have to grab it with both hands, and you have to be hard with both hands!

After a day's work.

At night.

The time has come.

Zhang Yan disassembled all the equipment without hesitation.

Then put on three enlightenment futons.

Just the moment he put it on, he immediately felt a clarity in his mind.

All the questions that had been plaguing his mind before immediately had new answers.

He looked at the entries for the three Enlightenment Futons.

A complete achievement of Mu Yuan Shu.

Two small successes in Mu Yuan Shu.

In the state of superposition of the three.

Zhang Yan had a new understanding of Mu Yuan Shu.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, pure emerald green light immediately appeared on his fingertips, and the seeds of a semi-spiritual grass appeared on his other hand.

Emerald green light was like a firefly, flying out from Zhang Yan's fingertips and falling into the seeds of the semi-spiritual grass. The next moment, the seeds of the semi-spiritual grass immediately began to take root and sprout, and continued to grow.

In the blink of an eye, it has grown into a mature semi-spiritual grass. The semi-spiritual grass has a slender figure and tender green leaves. It is much more vigorous than the ordinary semi-spiritual grass.


See this scene.

Zhang Yan was overjoyed.

Two minor accomplishments in Mu Yuan Shu, plus the effect of one major accomplishment in Mu Yuan Shu, after superposition, the state of perfect Mu Yuan Shu can be vaguely achieved.

When using Mu Yuan Technique, all kinds of insights came directly to my heart. Every insight points directly to the core points of Mu Yuan Shu.

"Is this the core of Mu Yuan Shu?"

Zhang Yan was shocked in his heart, and he had a feeling that when he understood these insights, his Mu Yuan Technique would be perfected.

Perfect level spell.

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

"Of course the most important thing is to practice the skills!"

Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the ground and began to perform Changchun Gong.

Changchun Kung is a technique that does not have any special features. It focuses on being righteous and peaceful, and is suitable for all ages. Moreover, the wood-attribute magic power produced through the practice can help prolong life and help the growth of spiritual plants.

Originally, Zhang Yan had already practiced Changchun Gong to a small degree. Now with the help of Enlightenment Futon, he has a deeper understanding of Changchun Gong.

in this way.

After one night.

Zhang Yan opened his eyes, a hint of joy flashed in his bright eyes.

These three enlightenment futons are really outrageous.

In just one night, his understanding of Changchun Kung went to a higher level.

In the past, it would take at most half a year for his Changchun Gong to reach the state of great success.

When the Changchun Gong is completed, his cultivation speed will increase again.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan suddenly felt that he was in a beautiful mood.

"Start working, start working!"

After some emotion.

Zhang Yan immediately began to take good care of his spiritual field.

Practice every day, farm, understand the skills, and practice magic.

Zhang Yan's life was quite nourishing.

It wasn't long after this leisurely life that a message appeared on his jade talisman.


"Is it time to learn the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword?"

At that time, he entered the first level of Qi training.

The sect rewarded him with learning two kinds of magic.

One of them was the Wood Element Technique.

The other was the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword.

The reason for learning the Wood Element Technique was that the Wood Element Technique could accelerate the growth of spiritual plants.

The reason for learning the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword was that the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword was a dual-purpose magic. On the one hand, no matter what, it was an attacking magic, which could solve the problem that Zhang Yan himself did not have any attacking magic.

On the other hand, the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword had wood-attributed ingredients in it, which could be used to kill insects in spiritual plants.


It's not just mortals' crops that breed pests.

Spiritual plants also grow pests, and because they grow up eating spiritual plants, they are extremely difficult to kill, and the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword is a very suitable pest control magic.

"In that case, it's time to go to Wudao Peak again." Thinking of this, Zhang Yan immediately summoned the Golden Bamboo Sword, turned into a golden rainbow, and headed straight for Wudao Peak.

Went to Wudao Peak and entered the Wudao Hall.

Zhang Yan's first reaction was to look for the Wudao cushion on the ground.

But what made him feel a pity was that the entries of the Wudao cushion here were surprisingly poor. The best two were only the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword Minor Success. The rest either had only one entry to increase a little enlightenment, or the Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword Entry.

"Alas, it's so difficult to practice magic. It seems hopeless to achieve a great success directly. I can only start from the minor success!" Zhang Yan sighed and muttered to himself.

I dismantled my computer and sold it today. I feel a little uncomfortable typing on my phone, and I feel that there is also a problem with the input method. It's uncomfortable ing~

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